1,741 research outputs found

    Fundamental optical and magneto-optical constants of Co/Pt and CoNi/Pt multilayered films

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    A study has been made of the optical and magneto-optical properties of several Co/Pt and CoNi/Pt multilayered films that were fabricated by magnetron sputter deposition. Spectroscopic rotating analyzer ellipsometry and Kerr polarimetry were carried out to determine the fundamental optical and magneto-optical constants over the spectral range 320¿860 nm. The constants determined were the complex refractive index and the first-order magneto-optic Voigt parameter. A total of seven films were examined and excellent reproducibility was observed in the measured material constants. These have been used to discuss the spectral dependence of the figure-of-merit, for each material, associated with the detection of the polar Kerr effect

    Real-time analysis of gene regulation by glucocorticoid hormones

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    There is increasing evidence that temporal factors are important in allowing cells to gain additional information from external factors, such as hormones and cytokines. We sought to discover how cell responses to glucocorticoids develop over time, and how the response kinetics vary according to ligand structure and concentration, and hence have developed a continuous gene transcription measurement system, based on an interleukin-6 (IL-6) luciferase reporter gene. We measured the time to maximal response, maximal response and integrated response, and have compared these results with a conventional, end point glucocorticoid bioassay. We studied natural glucocorticoids (corticosterone and cortisol), synthetic glucocorticoids (dexamethasone) and glucocorticoid precursors with weak, or absent bioactivity. We found a close correlation between half maximal effective concentration (EC50) for maximal response, and for integrated response, but with consistently higher EC50 for the latter. There was no relation between the concentration of ligand and the time to maximal response. A comparison between conventional end point assays and real-time measurement showed similar effects for dexamethasone and hydrocortisone, with a less effective inhibition of IL-6 seen with corticosterone. We profiled the activity of precursor steroids, and found pregnenolone, progesterone, 21-hydroxyprogesterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone all to be ineffective in the real-time assay, but in contrast, progesterone and 21-hydroxyprogesterone showed an IL-6 inhibitory activity in the end point assay. Taken together, our data show how ligand concentration can alter the amplitude of glucocorticoid response, and also that a comparison between real-time and end point assays reveals an unexpected diversity of the function of glucocorticoid precursor steroids, with implications for human disorders associated with their overproduction

    WALLABY Pre-Pilot Survey: Radio Continuum Properties of the Eridanus Supergroup

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    We present the highest resolution and sensitivity 1.4\sim1.4\,GHz continuum observations of the Eridanus supergroup obtained as a part of the Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (WALLABY) pre-pilot observations using the Australian Square Kilometer Array Pathfinder (ASKAP). We detect 9461 sources at 1.37 GHz down to a flux density limit of 0.1\sim0.1 mJy at 6.1×7.96.1''\times 7.9'' resolution with a mean root-mean-square (RMS) of 0.05 mJy/beam. We find that the flux scale is accurate to within 5% (compared to NVSS at 1.4 GHz). We then determine the global properties of eight Eridanus supergroup members, which are detected in both radio continuum and neutral hydrogen (HI) emission, and find that the radio-derived star formation rates (SFRs) agree well with previous literature. Using our global and resolved radio continuum properties of the nearby Eridanus galaxies, we measure and extend the infrared-radio correlation (IRRC) to lower stellar masses and inferred star formation rates than before. We find the resolved IRRC to be useful for: 1) discriminating between AGN and star-forming galaxies (SFGs); 2) identifying background radio sources; and 3) tracing the effects of group environment pre-processing in NGC 1385. We find evidence for tidal interactions and ram-pressure stripping in the HI, resolved spectral index and IRRC morphologies of NGC 1385. There appears to be a spatial coincidence (in projection) of double-lobed radio jets with the central HI hole of NGC 1367. The destruction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by merger-induced shocks may be driving the observed WISE W3 deficit observed in NGC 1359. Our results suggest that resolved radio continuum and IRRC studies are excellent tracers of the physical processes that drive galaxy evolution and will be possible on larger sample of sources with upcoming ASKAP radio continuum surveys.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, Accepted for publication at PASA 23/2/2023, Full catalogues and underlying data available at: https://doi.org/10.25919/8ga8-0n0

    PARP-1 dependent recruitment of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis-associated protein FUS/TLS to sites of oxidative DNA damage

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is associated with progressive degeneration of motor neurons. Several of the genes associated with this disease encode proteins involved in RNA processing, including fused-in-sarcoma/translocated-in-sarcoma (FUS/TLS). FUS is a member of the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) family of proteins that bind thousands of pre-mRNAs and can regulate their splicing. Here, we have examined the possibility that FUS is also a component of the cellular response to DNA damage. We show that both GFP-tagged and endogenous FUS re-localize to sites of oxidative DNA damage induced by UVA laser, and that FUS recruitment is greatly reduced or ablated by an inhibitor of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase activity. Consistent with this, we show that recombinant FUS binds directly to poly (ADP-ribose) in vitro, and that both GFP-tagged and endogenous FUS fail to accumulate at sites of UVA laser induced damage in cells lacking poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1. Finally, we show that GFP-FUS(R521G), harbouring a mutation that is associated with ALS, exhibits reduced ability to accumulate at sites of UVA laser-induced DNA damage. Together, these data suggest that FUS is a component of the cellular response to DNA damage, and that defects in this response may contribute to ALS

    Self-rated health in middle-aged and elderly Chinese : distribution, determinants and associations with cardio-metabolic risk factors

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    Background: Self-rated health (SRH) has been demonstrated to be an accurate reflection of a person's health and a valid predictor of incident mortality and chronic morbidity. We aimed to evaluate the distribution and factors associated with SRH and its association with biomarkers of cardio-metabolic diseases among middle-aged and elderly Chinese. Methods: Survey of 1,458 men and 1,831 women aged 50 to 70 years, conducted in one urban and two rural areas of Beijing and Shanghai in 2005. SRH status was measured and categorized as good (very good and good) vs. not good (fair, poor and very poor). Determinants of SRH and associations with biomarkers of cardio-metabolic diseases were evaluated using logistic regression. Results: Thirty two percent of participants reported good SRH. Males and rural residents tended to report good SRH. After adjusting for potential confounders, residence, physical activity, employment status, sleep quality and presence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and depression were the main determinants of SRH. Those free from cardiovascular disease (OR 3.68; 95%CI 2.39; 5.66), rural residents (OR 1.89; 95% CI 1.47; 2.43), non-depressed participants (OR 2.50; 95% CI 1.67; 3.73) and those with good sleep quality (OR 2.95; 95% CI 2.22; 3.91) had almost twice or over the chance of reporting good SRH compared to their counterparts. There were significant associations -and trend- between SRH and levels of inflammatory markers, insulin levels and insulin resistance. Conclusion: Only one third of middle-aged and elderly Chinese assessed their health status as good or very good. Although further longitudinal studies are required to confirm our findings, interventions targeting social inequalities, lifestyle patterns might not only contribute to prevent chronic morbidity but as well to improve populations' perceived health

    Ethical and regulatory implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the medical devices industry and its representatives

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    The development and deployment of medical devices, along with most areas of healthcare, has been signifcantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This has had variable ethical implications, two of which we will focus on here. First, medical device regulations have been rapidly amended to expedite approvals of devices ranging from face masks to ventilators. Although some regulators have issued cessation dates, there is inadequate discussion of trig‑ gers for exiting these crisis standards, and evidence that this may not be feasible. Given the relatively low evidence standards currently required for regulatory approval of devices, this further indefnite reduction in standards raises serious ethical issues. Second, the pandemic has disrupted the usual operations of device representatives in hospi‑ tals, providing an opportunity to examine and refne this potentially ethically problematic practice. In this paper we explain and critically analyse the ethical implications of these two pandemic-related impacts on medical devices and propose suggestions for their management. These include an endpoint for pandemic-related adjustments to device regulation or a mechanism for continued refnement over time, together with a review of device research conducted under crisis conditions, support for the removal and replacement of emergency approved devices, and a review of device representative credentialling.Brette Blakely, Wendy Rogers, Jane Johnson, Quinn Grundy, Katrina Hutchison, Robyn Clay, Williams, Bernadette Richards, and Guy Madder

    In vitro selection of RNA aptamers against a conserved region of the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1

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    The var-gene encoding Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) is known to play a major role in the pathogenicity of the P. falciparum parasite. The protein enables the parasite to adhere to the endothelial linings of small blood vessels (cytoadherence) as well as to non-infected erythrocytes (rosetting), thus preventing clearance from the bloodstream. The development and spread of resistance towards most anti-malarial drugs used for treatment and prevention of the most severe form of malaria truly emphasise the importance of a continuous research and development of new drugs. In this study we use Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX) methodology to isolate high-affinity ligands (aptamers). To validate the results from the SELEX in vitro selection, different aptamers have been selected against PfEMP1 in a live cell assay of P. falciparum strain FCR3S1.2, a highly rosetting strain. We have been able to show the rosette disrupting capacity of these SELEX-aptamers at concentrations of 33 nM and with 100% disruption at 387 nM. The described results show that RNA aptamers are promising candidates for adjunct therapy in severe malaria

    Koliko su studenti više medicinske škole u Bitoli upoznati s problemom infekcije HCV-om

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    Healthcare workers are at risk of occupationally-acquired viral infections such as human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV), hepatitis B (HBV), and hepatitis C (HCV). HCV is parenterally transmitted and has been found in every part of the world. This cross-sectional study was conducted to establish the awareness and attitude about HCV infections among 210 full-time and part-time nursing students of the Medical College in Bitola, Macedonia ‘from May to June 2009. For this purpose we used a self-administered questionnaire which consisted of three parts. The fi rst included demographic data, the second included questions about causes of infection, mode of transmission, symptoms, acute and chronic hepatitis, and prevention, and the third questions about students’ attitude toward patients with suspect or confi rmed HCV infection. Full-time students showed higher HCV awareness (84 %) than part-time students (69 %). 58 % of the full-time and 79 % of the part-time students said they would not avoid professional contact with suspect or HCV infected patients. Our study has shown that even though both groups of students have a suffi cient knowledge about HCV to face future challenges, they need further education on the subject. Practical recommendations would help to reduce stigmatising behaviour still further.Zdravstveni su radnici izloženi profesionalnomu riziku od infekcije virusom humane imunodefi cijencije (HIV-om), hepatitis B virusom (HBV-om) te hepatitis C virusom (HCV-om). HCV se prenosi parenteralno i ima ga posvuda u svijetu. Ovo smo presječno ispitivanje proveli da utvrdimo koliko su studenti za medicinske tehničare i sestre upoznati s infekcijom HCV-om i saznamo njihove stavove o tome. Ispitivanje je obuhvatilo 210 redovitih i izvanrednih studenata Visoke medicinske škole u Bitoli i trajalo je od svibnja do lipnja 2009. Za ispitivanje je rabljen opširan upitnik. Odgovori su pokazali da redoviti studenti imaju bolji uvid u predmet (s 84 % točnih odgovora) od izvanrednih studenata (69 %). U pogledu stava prema pacijentima 58 % redovitih i 79 % izvanrednih studenata ne izbjegava dodir s pacijentima koji su infi cirani HCV-om. Ispitivanje je pokazalo da su studenti iz obje skupine dovoljno upoznati s infekcijom HCV-om, rizičnim čimbenicima i načinom prijenosa, ali je potrebno to znanje nadograditi

    Effect of MWCNTs on Gastric Emptying in Mice

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    After making model of gastric functional disorder (FD), part of model mice were injected intravenously (i.v.) with oxide multi-walled carbon nanotubes (oMWCNTs) to investigate effect of carbon nanotubes on gastric emptying. The results showed that NO content in stomach, compared with model group, was decreased significantly and close to normal level post-injection with oMWCNTs (500 and 800 μg/mouse). In contrast to FD or normal groups, the content of acetylcholine (Ach) in stomach was increased obviously in injection group with 500 or 800 μg/mouse of oMWCNTs. The kinetic curve of emptying was fitted to calculate gastric motility factor k; the results showed that the k of injection group was much higher than FD and normal. In other words, the gastric motility of FD mice was enhanced via injection with oMWCNTs. In certain dosage, oMWCNTs could improve gastric emptying and motility