318 research outputs found

    Sinteza i karakterizacija kompleksa cink(II), kadmijum(II), platina(II),i paladijum(II) sa kalijum-3-ditiokarboksi-3-aza-5-aminopentanoatom

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    Complexes of zinc(lI), cadmium(II). platinum(lI) and palladium(II) with a new poly-dentate dithiocarbamate ligand, 3-dithiocarboxy-3-aza-5-aminopentanoate (daap(-)), of the type M(daap)(2).nH(2)O (M = Zn(II), Cd(II), n = 2, or M = Pt(II) Pd(II) n = 0). have been prepared and characterized by elemental analysis. IR and UV/VIS spectroscopy, as well as magnetic measurements. The spectra of the complexes suggest a bidentate coordination of the daap- ligand to the metal ions via the sulfur atoms of the deprotonated dithiocarbamato group. The fact that under the same experimental conditions its S-methyl ester does not form complexes could be taken as proof of the suggested coordination mode.Reakcijom između cink(II), kadmijum(II), platina(II) i paladijum(II)-soli i kalijum- 3-ditiokarboksi-3-aza-5-aminopentanoata dobijeni su dogovarajući kompleksi tipa M(daap)2.nH2O. Izolovani kompleksi su okarakterisani elementarnom analizom, IR i UV/VIS spektroskopijom kao i merenjem magnetnih susceptibiliteta. Spektri kompleksa sugerišu bidentatnu koordinaciju daap liganda sa navedenim metalnim jonima preko atoma sumpora deprotonovane ditiokarbamato grupe. Kao dokaz navedenog načina koordinacije može poslužiti činjenica da pri istim eksperimentalnim uslovima S-metil estar liganda ne daje komplekse

    Frozen photons in Jaynes Cummings arrays

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    We study the origin of "frozen" states in coupled Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard arrays in the presence of losses. For the case of half the array initially populated with photons while the other half is left empty we show the emergence of self-localized photon or "frozen" states for specific values of the local atom-photon coupling. We analyze the dynamics in the quantum regime and discover important additional features appear not captured by a semiclassical treatment, which we analyze for different array sizes and filling fractions. We trace the origin of this interaction-induced photon "freezing" to the suppression of excitation of propagating modes in the system at large interaction strengths. We discuss in detail the possibility to experimentally probe the relevant transition by analyzing the emitted photon correlations. We find a strong signature of the effect in the emitted photons statistics

    Non-equilibrium supercurrent through mesoscopic ferromagnetic weak links

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    We consider a mesoscopic normal metal, where the spin degeneracy is lifted by a ferromagnetic exchange field or Zeeman splitting, coupled to two superconducting reservoirs. As a function of the exchange field or the distance between the reservoirs, the supercurrent through this device oscillates with an exponentially decreasing envelope. This phenomenon is similar to the tuning of a supercurrent by a non-equilibrium quasiparticle distribution between two voltage-biased reservoirs. We propose a device combining the exchange field and non-equilibrium effects, which allows us to observe a range of novel phenomena. For instance, part of the field-suppressed supercurrent can be recovered by a voltage between the additional probes.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Europhys. Lett., to be published, corrected two reference

    Human alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor gene expressed in transgenic mouse adipose tissue under the control of its regulatory elements.

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    Catecholamines regulate white adipose tissue function and development by acting through beta- and alpha2-adrenergic receptors (ARs). Human adipocytes express mainly alpha 2A- but few or no beta 3-ARs while the reverse is true for rodent adipocytes. Our aim was to generate a mouse model with a human-like alpha2/beta-adrenergic balance in adipose tissue by creating transgenic mice harbouring the human alpha 2A-AR gene under the control of its own regulatory elements in a combined mouse beta 3-AR-/- and human beta 3-AR+/+ background. Transgenic mice exhibit functional human alpha 2A-ARs only in white fat cells. Interestingly, as in humans, subcutaneous adipocytes expressed higher levels of alpha2-AR than perigonadal fat cells, which are associated with a better antilipolytic response to epinephrine. High-fat-diet-induced obesity was observed in transgenic mice in the absence of fat cell size modifications. In addition, analysis of gene expression related to lipid metabolism in isolated adipocytes suggested reduced lipid mobilization and no changes in lipid storage capacity of transgenic mice fed a high-fat diet. Finally, the development of adipose tissue in these mice was not associated with significant modifications of glucose and insulin blood levels. Thus, these transgenic mice constitute an original model of diet-induced obesity for in vivo physiological and pharmacological studies with respect to the alpha2/beta-AR balance in adipose tissue

    Non-equilibrium many-body effects in driven nonlinear resonator arrays

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    We study the non-equilibrium behavior of optically driven dissipative coupled resonator arrays. Assuming each resonator is coupled with a two-level system via a Jaynes-Cummings interaction, we calculate the many-body steady state behavior of the system under coherent pumping and dissipation. We propose and analyze the many-body phases using experimentally accessible quantities such as the total excitation number, the emitted photon spectra and photon coherence functions for different parameter regimes. In parallel, we also compare and contrast the expected behavior of this system assuming the local nonlinearity in the cavities is generated by a generic Kerr effect rather than a Jaynes-Cummings interaction. We find that the behavior of the experimentally accessible observables produced by the two models differs for realistic regimes of interactions even when the corresponding nonlinearities are of similar strength. We analyze in detail the extra features available in the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH) model originating from the mixed nature of the excitations and investigate the regimes where the Kerr approximation would faithfully match the JCH physics. We find that the latter is true for values of the light-matter coupling and losses beyond the reach of current technology. Throughout the study we operate in the weak pumping, fully quantum mechanical regime where approaches such as mean field theory fail, and instead use a combination of quantum trajectories and the time evolving block decimation algorithm to compute the relevant steady state observables. In our study we have assumed small to medium size arrays (from 3 up to 16 sites) and values of the ratio of coupling to dissipation rate g/γ20g/\gamma \sim 20 which makes our results implementable with current designs in Circuit QED and with near future photonic crystal set ups.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figure

    Expression of Human α2-Adrenergic Receptors in Adipose Tissue of β3-Adrenergic Receptor-deficient Mice Promotes Diet-induced Obesity

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    Catecholamines play an important role in controlling white adipose tissue function and development. β- and α2-adrenergic receptors (ARs) couple positively and negatively, respectively, to adenylyl cyclase and are co-expressed in human adipocytes. Previous studies have demonstrated increased adipocyte α2/β-AR balance in obesity, and it has been proposed that increased α2-ARs in adipose tissue with or without decreased β-ARs may contribute mechanistically to the development of increased fat mass. To critically test this hypothesis, adipocyte α2/β-AR balance was genetically manipulated in mice. Human α2A-ARs were transgenically expressed in the adipose tissue of mice that were either homozygous (−/−) or heterozygous (+/−) for a disrupted β3-AR allele. Mice expressing α2-ARs in fat, in the absence of β3-ARs (β3-AR −/− background), developed high fat diet-induced obesity. Strikingly, this effect was due entirely to adipocyte hyperplasia and required the presence of α2-ARs, the absence of β3-ARs, and a high fat diet. Of note, obese α2-transgenic, β3 −/− mice failed to develop insulin resistance, which may reflect the fact that expanded fat mass was due to adipocyte hyperplasia and not adipocyte hypertrophy. In summary, we have demonstrated that increased α2/β-AR balance in adipocytes promotes obesity by stimulating adipocyte hyperplasia. This study also demonstrates one way in which two genes (α2 and β3-AR) and diet interact to influence fat mass