223 research outputs found

    RSRM-11 (36OW011) ballistics mass properties (STS-35)

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    The propulsion performance and reconstructed mass properties data from Thiolol's RSRM-11 motors which were assigned to the STS-35 launch are contained. The Thiokol manufacturing designations for the motors were 360W011A/360W011B, which are referred to as RSRM-11A and RSRM-B, respectively. The launch of STS-35 occurred on 2 December 1990 at the Eastern Test Range (ETR). The data contained herein was input to the STS-35 Flight Evaluation Report. The SRM propellant, TP-H1148, is a composite type solid propellants, formulated of polybutediene acrylic acid, acryonitrile terpolymer binder, epoxy curing agent, ammonium perchlorate oxidizer, and aluminum powder fuel. A small amount of burning rate catalyst (iron oxide) was added to achieve the desired propellant burn rate. The propellant evaluation and raw material information for the RSRM-11 are included. The ballistic performance presented was based on the Operational Flight Instrumentation (OFI) 12.5 sample per second pressure data for the steady state and tail off portion of the pressure trace. Recent studies have shown that the transducers are affected by the measuring system at KSC and temperature gradients created by the igniter heaters. Therefore, an adjustment to the data from each transducer is made to make the initial reading match the atmospheric pressure at the time of launch

    208 Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in cystic fibrosis

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    Methodology and reliability of respiratory muscle assessment

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    The optimal method for respiratory muscle endurance (RME) assessment remains unclear. This study assessed the test-retest reliability of two RME-test methodologies. Fifteen healthy adults attended the laboratory on four occasions, separated by 5 ± 2 days, and completed each test in a random, “one on two” order. They performed spirometry testing, maximal respiratory pressure assessment and two different RME tests: an inspiratory resistive breathing (IRB) and an isocapnic hyperpnea endurance (IHE) test. Typical error, expressed as coefficient of variation, for IRB maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) and IHE maximal ventilation were 12.21 (8.85–19.67) % and 10.73 (7.78–17.29) %, respectively. Intraclass correlation coefficients for the same parameters were 0.83 (0.46-0.94) and 0.80 (0.41-0.93), respectively. No correlations were found between RME parameters derived from the IHE and IRB tests (all p > 0.05). Significant positive correlations were found between both IRB and IHE outcomes and spirometry parameters, MIP and maximal expiratory pressure (p < 0.05).Given these results, IRB and IHE appear to be suitable for RME testing in healthy people, although they may reflect different physiological mechanisms (respiratory mechanics and respiratory muscle capacity for IHE test vs. inspiratory muscle capacity for IRB test). Future studies are therefore warranted that compare IRB and IHE tests in clinical settings

    Cascades of Particles Moving at Finite Velocity in Hyperbolic Spaces

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    A branching process of particles moving at finite velocity over the geodesic lines of the hyperbolic space (Poincar\'e half-plane and Poincar\'e disk) is examined. Each particle can split into two particles only once at Poisson paced times and deviates orthogonally when splitted. At time tt, after N(t)N(t) Poisson events, there are N(t)+1N(t)+1 particles moving along different geodesic lines. We are able to obtain the exact expression of the mean hyperbolic distance of the center of mass of the cloud of particles. We derive such mean hyperbolic distance from two different and independent ways and we study the behavior of the relevant expression as tt increases and for different values of the parameters cc (hyperbolic velocity of motion) and λ\lambda (rate of reproduction). The mean hyperbolic distance of each moving particle is also examined and a useful representation, as the distance of a randomly stopped particle moving over the main geodesic line, is presented

    Utilisation of far infrared-emitting garments for optimising performance and recovery in sport: Real potential or new fad? A systematic review

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    Background Thanks to the specific materials they embed, far infrared (FIR)-emitting garments can interact with the body’s physiological functions. Such effects have been sought in medicine and physiotherapy for a long time for the treatment/relief of a variety of pathologies and disabling conditions. Recently, FIR-emitting garments have been introduced in the sporting domain under the influence of manufacturers seeing here a new opportunity to support physical performance in athletes, though this is not clearly established. To fill this gap, in this systematic review, we summarize the scientific evidence on the use of FIR-emitting garments in sport and provide directions for future research by shedding light on current scientific limitations. Method Five scientific databases (PubMed, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, Scopus and SPORTDiscus) were searched by two independent reviewers. Studies investigating the effects of FIR-emitting garments on at least one physiological outcome related to exercise performance and/or recovery in humans were selected. The methodological quality of retained studies was assessed using the Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro) scale. Results and discussion Eleven studies met the inclusion criteria and were included in the systematic review. Studies investigating similar outcomes related to exercise performance or recovery were scarce and results inconclusive, which prevents from drawing firm conclusion about the utilisation of FIR-emitting garments in athletes. However, these early results show that FIR-emitting garments may be of interest for exercise performance and recovery, mainly through their effects on the body’s thermoregulation and haemodynamic function. The summary provided in this review can be used to inform the design of future studies. (PROSPERO registration number: CRD42021238029)

    Spectrally stable nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond formed by carbon implantation into thin microstructures

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    The nitrogen-vacancy center (NV) in diamond, with its exceptional spin coherence and convenience in optical spin initialization and readout, is increasingly used both as a quantum sensor and as a building block for quantum networks. Employing photonic structures for maximizing the photon collection efficiency in these applications typically leads to broadened optical linewidths for the emitters, which are commonly created via nitrogen ion implantation. With studies showing that only native nitrogen atoms contribute to optically coherent NVs, a natural conclusion is to either avoid implantation completely, or substitute nitrogen implantation by an alternative approach to vacancy creation. Here, we demonstrate that implantation of carbon ions yields a similar yield of NVs as implantation of nitrogen ions, and that it results in NV populations with narrow optical linewidths and low charge-noise levels even in thin diamond microstructures. We measure a median NV linewidth of 150 MHz for structures thinner than 5 μ\mum, with no trend of increasing linewidths down to the thinnest measured structure of 1.9 μ\mum. We propose a modified NV creation procedure in which the implantation is carried out after instead of before the diamond fabrication processes, and confirm our results in multiple samples implanted with different ion energies and fluences

    Downhill Running: What Are The Effects and How Can We Adapt? A Narrative Review

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    Downhill running (DR) is a whole-body exercise model that is used to investigate the physiological consequences of eccentric muscle actions and/or exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). In a sporting context, DR sections can be part of running disciplines (off-road and road running) and can accentuate EIMD, leading to a reduction in performance. The purpose of this narrative review is to: (1) better inform on the acute and delayed physiological effects of DR; (2) identify and discuss, using a comprehensive approach, the DR characteristics that affect the physiological responses to DR and their potential interactions; (3) provide the current state of evidence on preventive and in-situ strategies to better adapt to DR. Key findings of this review show that DR may have an impact on exercise performance by altering muscle structure and function due to EIMD. In the majority of studies, EIMD are assessed through isometric maximal voluntary contraction, blood creatine kinase and delayed onset muscle soreness, with DR characteristics (slope, exercise duration, and running speed) acting as the main influencing factors. In previous studies, the median (25th percentile, Q1; 75th percentile, Q3) slope, exercise duration, and running speed were − 12% (− 15%; − 10%), 40 min (30 min; 45 min) and 11.3 km h−1 (9.8 km h−1; 12.9 km h−1), respectively. Regardless of DR characteristics, people the least accustomed to DR generally experienced the most EIMD. There is growing evidence to suggest that preventive strategies that consist of prior exposure to DR are the most effective to better tolerate DR. The effectiveness of in-situ strategies such as lower limb compression garments and specific footwear remains to be confirmed. Our review finally highlights important discrepancies between studies in the assessment of EIMD, DR protocols and populations, which prevent drawing firm conclusions on factors that most influence the response to DR, and adaptive strategies to DR

    Pharmacological depletion of RNA splicing factor RBM39 by indisulam synergizes with PARP inhibitors in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma

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    Ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma (HGSC) is the most common subtype of ovarian cancer with limited therapeutic options and a poor prognosis. In recent years, poly-ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors have demonstrated significant clinical benefits, especially in patients with BRCA1/2 mutations. However, acquired drug resistance and relapse is a major challenge. Indisulam (E7070) has been identified as a molecular glue that brings together splicing factor RBM39 and DCAF15 E3 ubiquitin ligase resulting in polyubiquitination, degradation, and subsequent RNA splicing defects. In this work, we demonstrate that the loss of RBM39 induces splicing defects in key DNA damage repair genes in ovarian cancer, leading to increased sensitivity to cisplatin and various PARP inhibitors. The addition of indisulam also improved olaparib response in mice bearing PARP inhibitor-resistant tumors. These findings demonstrate that combining RBM39 degraders and PARP inhibitors is a promising therapeutic approach to improve PARP inhibitor response in ovarian HGSC