46 research outputs found


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    У статті досліджено теоретичні питання формування механізму реалізації підприємницької діяльності та його складових – економічної, організаційної, соціальної, зазначено особливості їх спільної реалізації. Подано класифікацію форм, функцій, основних принципів, умов розвитку та методів регулювання підприємництва. Подано схему механізму реалізації підприємницької діяльності. Визначено об’єднуючий чинник підприємництва незалежно від форми, спеціалізації, напряму та способу ведення бізнесу. (The theoretical problems of forming of the mechanism of entrepreneurial activity realization are investigated in the article, as well, as its main constituents – economic, organizational, and social, the features of their joint realization are indicated. Classification of forms, functions, basic principles, terms of development and methods of adjusting of enterprise is presented. The scheme of the mechanism of realization of entrepreneurial activity is brought. The uniting factor of entrepreneurial activity is certain regardless of form, specialization, direction and method of doing business.

    Gamma-ray strength function and pygmy resonance in rare earth nuclei

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    The gamma-ray strength function for gamma energies in the 1-7 MeV region has been measured for 161,162-Dy and 171,172-Yb using the (3-He,alpha gamma) reaction. Various models are tested against the observed gamma-ray strength functions. The best description is based on the Kadmenskii, Markushev and Furman E1 model with constant temperature and the Lorentzian M1 model. A gamma-ray bump observed at E_gamma=3 MeV is interpreted as the so-called pygmy resonance, which has also been observed previously in (n,gamma) experiments. The parameters for this resonance have been determined and compared to the available systematics.Comment: 11 pages, including 4 figures and 2 table

    Establishment of M1 multipolarity of a 6.5 mu_N^2 resonance in 172-Yb at E_gamma=3.3 MeV

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    Two-step-cascade spectra in 172-Yb have been measured after thermal neutron capture. They are compared to calculations based on experimental values of the level density and radiative strength function (RSF) obtained from the 173-Yb(3-He,alpha gamma)172-Yb reaction. The multipolarity of a 6.5(15) mu_N^2 resonance at E_gamma=3.3(1) MeV in the RSF is determined to be M1 by this comparison.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figure

    Partial level density of the n-quasiparticle excitations in the nuclei of the 39< A <201 region

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    Level density and radiative strength functions are obtained from the analysis of two-step cascades intensities following the thermal neutrons capture. The data on level density are approximated by the sum of the partial level densities corresponding to n quasiparticles excitation. The most probable values of the collective enhancement factor of the level density are found together with the thresholds of the next Cooper nucleons pair breaking. These data allow one to calculate the level density of practically any nucleus in given spin window in the framework of model concepts, taking into account all known nuclear excitation types. The presence of an approximation results discrepancy with theoretical statements specifies the necessity of rather essentially developing the level density models. It also indicates the possibilities to obtain the essentially new information on nucleon correlation functions of the excited nucleus from the experiment.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Extended Hauser-Feshbach Method for Statistical Binary-Decay of Light-Mass Systems

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    An Extended Hauser-Feshbach Method (EHFM) is developed for light heavy-ion fusion reactions in order to provide a detailed analysis of all the possible decay channels by including explicitly the fusion-fission phase-space in the description of the cascade chain. The mass-asymmetric fission component is considered as a complex-fragment binary-decay which can be treated in the same way as the light-particle evaporation from the compound nucleus in statistical-model calculations. The method of the phase-space integrations for the binary-decay is an extension of the usual Hauser-Feshbach formalism to be applied to the mass-symmetric fission part. The EHFM calculations include ground-state binding energies and discrete levels in the low excitation-energy regions which are essential for an accurate evaluation of the phase-space integrations of the complex-fragment emission (fission). In the present calculations, EHFM is applied to the first-chance binary-decay by assuming that the second-chance fission decay is negligible. In a similar manner to the description of the fusion-evaporation process, the usual cascade calculation of light-particle emission from the highly excited complex fragments is applied. This complete calculation is then defined as EHFM+CASCADE. Calculated quantities such as charge-, mass- and kinetic-energy distributions are compared with inclusive and/or exclusive data for the 32^{32}S+24^{24}Mg and 35^{35}Cl+12^{12}C reactions which have been selected as typical examples. Finally, the missing charge distributions extracted from exclusive measurements are also successfully compared with the EHFM+CASCADE predictions.Comment: 34 pages, 6 Figures available upon request, Phys. Rev. C (to be published

    Compilation of Giant Electric Dipole Resonances Built on Excited States

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    Giant Electric Dipole Resonance (GDR) parameters for gamma decay to excited states with finite spin and temperature are compiled. Over 100 original works have been reviewed and from some 70 of which more than 300 parameter sets of hot GDR parameters for different isotopes, excitation energies, and spin regions have been extracted. All parameter sets have been brought onto a common footing by calculating the equivalent Lorentzian parameters. The current compilation is complementary to an earlier compilation by Samuel S. Dietrich and Barry L. Berman (At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 38(1988)199-338) on ground-state photo-neutron and photo-absorption cross sections and their Lorentzian parameters. A comparison of the two may help shed light on the evolution of GDR parameters with temperature and spin. The present compilation is current as of January 2006.Comment: 31 pages including 1 tabl

    Determination of the neutron fluence, the beam characteristics and the backgrounds at the CERN-PS TOF facility

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    Fragment Deexcitation of Fission Induced by High Energy Nucleons

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    The KRIF library of the neutron-, proton- and gamma-spectra emitted by the nuclei excited up to 500 MeV is presented. The KRIF contains information for about 2000 emitters which are the fragments of the ten targets fission induced by the nucleons with the energies up to 3 GeV


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    The methods of evaluating sections of the reactions caused by the neutrons based on using theoretical models of the nuclear reactions and models of the excitated nucleus have been developed. The method for coordinated description of the contributions of the direct, precompound-nucleus and equilibrium mechanisms into the sections of the nuclear reactions and method for calculation of the excitation sections of the isomeric levels have been developed; the parameters of the theoretical models have been selected and certified according to the integrity of the large quantity of the experimental sections. The systematics of the density in levels of the excitated nuclei according to the generalized superfluid nucleus model has been created; the testing method for models of the level density according to the sections and emission spectra of the particles in the threshold has been developed. The developed complex of the evaluation methods permitted to create the library of the activated sections containing more than 30 thous. functions of excitating the reactions caused by neutrons with power up to 20 MeV on the nucleus-targets with Z&lt;84.Available from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio

    Description of fission yields in the nucleon-induced fission reactions

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    The potential model for the fission fragment mass distributions and simplified approach for the isobaric charge distribution are proposed for the description of fission yields (FY). The intermediate energy reaction code MCFx was used for the calculation of the fissionning nuclei distribution after fast (cascade), preequilibrium and statistical reaction stages. Formation of the mass distributions is considered as a result of oscillations on mass asymmetry degree of freedom in the potential well calculated with the temperature dependent shell correction method. The comparison of calculation results with the experimental data on FY for both low and intermediate energy fission show a good agreement of the data and let us conclude that the approach proposed may be useful for FY evaluations for experimentally unknown fission yields data in the case of the intermediate energy nucleon-induced fission