491 research outputs found

    A systematic experimental neuropsychological investigation of the functional integrity of working memory circuits in major depression

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    Verbal and visuospatial working memory (WM) impairment is a well-documented finding in psychiatric patients suffering from major psychoses such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder. However, in major depression (MDD) the literature on the presence and the extent of WM deficits is inconsistent. The use of a multitude of different WM tasks most of which lack process-specificity may have contributed to these inconsistencies. Eighteen MDD patients and 18 healthy controls matched with regard to age, gender and education were tested using process- and circuit-specific WM tasks for which clear brain-behaviour relationships had been established in prior functional neuroimaging studies. Patients suffering from acute MDD showed a selective impairment in articulatory rehearsal of verbal information in working memory. By contrast, visuospatial WM was unimpaired in this sample. There were no significant correlations between symptom severity and WM performance. These data indicate a dysfunction of a specific verbal WM system in acutely ill patients with MDD. As the observed functional deficit did not correlate with different symptom scores, further, longitudinal studies are required to clarify whether and how this deficit is related to illness acuity and clinical state of MDD patients

    Adult granulosa cell tumor associated with endometrial carcinoma: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>If strict criteria for the diagnosis of carcinoma are used and all patients with granulosa cell tumors are considered, the best estimate of the incidence of associated endometrial carcinomas is under 5%. In patients with granulosa cell tumors, estrogen-dependent endometrial cancers are rarely found, and most of these endometrial cancers are well-differentiated endometrioid adenocarcinomas that carry a good prognosis when detected early.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We report the case of a 65-year-old post-menopausal Nigerian woman of the Igbo tribe with an adult granulosa cell tumor that was initially treated as endometrial carcinoma. She underwent a total abdominal hysterectomy and a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy after histopathologic confirmation of a well-differentiated granulosa cell tumor of the ovary and a nuclear grade 1 adenocarcinoma of the endometrium (International Federation of Obstetricians and Gynecologists stage 1B). She had a good post-operative recovery and was discharged 10 days after treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The association between adult granulosa cell tumors of the ovary and endometrial carcinomas is rare. A high index of suspicion as well as good imaging and histopathologic analyses are important in making this diagnosis.</p

    The Nucleus Accumbens: A Switchboard for Goal-Directed Behaviors

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    Reward intake optimization requires a balance between exploiting known sources of rewards and exploring for new sources. The prefrontal cortex (PFC) and associated basal ganglia circuits are likely candidates as neural structures responsible for such balance, while the hippocampus may be responsible for spatial/contextual information. Although studies have assessed interactions between hippocampus and PFC, and between hippocampus and the nucleus accumbens (NA), it is not known whether 3-way interactions among these structures vary under different behavioral conditions. Here, we investigated these interactions with multichannel recordings while rats explored an operant chamber and while they performed a learned lever-pressing task for reward in the same chamber shortly afterward. Neural firing and local field potentials in the NA core synchronized with hippocampal activity during spatial exploration, but during lever pressing they instead synchronized more strongly with the PFC. The latter is likely due to transient drive of NA neurons by bursting prefrontal activation, as in vivo intracellular recordings in anesthetized rats revealed that NA up states can transiently synchronize with spontaneous PFC activity and PFC stimulation with a bursting pattern reliably evoked up states in NA neurons. Thus, the ability to switch synchronization in a task-dependent manner indicates that the NA core can dynamically select its inputs to suit environmental demands, thereby contributing to decision-making, a function that was thought to primarily depend on the PFC

    War of Ontology Worlds: Mathematics, Computer Code, or Esperanto?

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    The use of structured knowledge representations—ontologies and terminologies—has become standard in biomedicine. Definitions of ontologies vary widely, as do the values and philosophies that underlie them. In seeking to make these views explicit, we conducted and summarized interviews with a dozen leading ontologists. Their views clustered into three broad perspectives that we summarize as mathematics, computer code, and Esperanto. Ontology as mathematics puts the ultimate premium on rigor and logic, symmetry and consistency of representation across scientific subfields, and the inclusion of only established, non-contradictory knowledge. Ontology as computer code focuses on utility and cultivates diversity, fitting ontologies to their purpose. Like computer languages C++, Prolog, and HTML, the code perspective holds that diverse applications warrant custom designed ontologies. Ontology as Esperanto focuses on facilitating cross-disciplinary communication, knowledge cross-referencing, and computation across datasets from diverse communities. We show how these views align with classical divides in science and suggest how a synthesis of their concerns could strengthen the next generation of biomedical ontologies

    Deep Learning for the detection of microsatellite instability from histology images in colorectal cancer: a systematic literature review

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    Microsatellite instability (MSI) or deficient mismatch repair (dMMR) is a clinically important genetic feature affecting 10-15% of colorectal cancer (CRC) patients. Patients with metastatic MSI/dMMR CRC are eligible for therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors, making MSI/dMMR the most important immuno-oncological biomarker in CRC. Gold standard tests for detection of MSI/dMMR in CRC are based on wet laboratory tests such as immunohistochemistry (IHC) or DNA extraction with subsequent polymerase chain reaction (PCR). However, since 2019, advances in Deep Learning (DL), an Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology, have enabled the prediction of MSI/dMMR directly from digitized routine haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) histopathology slides with high accuracy. In addition to the initial proof-of-concept publication in 2019, twelve subsequent studies have refined, improved, and further validated this approach. At this moment, MSI/dMMR prediction using Deep Learning has become a widely used benchmark task for academic studies in the field of computational pathology. Beyond academic use, this assay has attracted commercial interest from companies with the possibility of approval as a diagnostic device in the near future. In this review, we summarize and quantitatively compare the existing evidence on Deep-Learning-based detection of MSI/dMMR in CRC and discuss the need for further improvement and potential for integration into routine pathological workflows. Ultimately, this DL-based method could facilitate the identification of patients eligible for treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors by pre-screening or replacement of current methods

    Identifying related cancer types based on their incidence among people with multiple cancers

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    BACKGROUND: There are several reasons that someone might be diagnosed with more than one primary cancer. The aim of this analysis was to determine combinations of cancer types that occur more often than expected. The expected values in previous analyses are based on age-and-gender-adjusted risks in the population. However, if cancer in people with multiple primaries is somehow different than cancer in people with a single primary, then the expected numbers should not be based on all diagnoses in the population. METHODS: In people with two or more cancer types, the probability that a specific type is diagnosed was determined as the number of diagnoses for that cancer type divided by the total number of cancer diagnoses. If two types of cancer occur independently of one another, then the probability that someone will develop both cancers by chance is the product of the individual probabilities for each type. The expected number of people with both cancers is the number of people at risk multiplied by the separate probabilities for each cancer. We performed the analysis on records of cancer diagnoses in British Columbia, Canada between 1970 and 2004. RESULTS: There were 28,159 people with records of multiple primary cancers between 1970 and 2004, including 1,492 people with between three and seven diagnoses. Among both men and women, the combinations of esophageal cancer with melanoma, and kidney cancer with oral cancer, are observed more than twice as often as expected. CONCLUSION: Our analysis suggests there are several pairs of primary cancers that might be related by a shared etiological factor. We think that our method is more appropriate than others when multiple diagnoses of primary cancer are unlikely to be the result of therapeutic or diagnostic procedures

    Investigation of a monoclonal antibody against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, expressed as secretory IgA1 and IgA2 in plants.

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    Passive immunization with antibodies is a promising approach against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli diarrhea, a prevalent disease in LMICs. The objective of this study was to investigate expression of a monoclonal anti-ETEC CfaE secretory IgA antibody in N. benthamiana plants, with a view to facilitating access to ETEC passive immunotherapy. SIgA1 and SIgA2 forms of mAb 68-81 were produced by co-expressing the light and engineered heavy chains with J chain and secretory component in N. benthamiana. Antibody expression and assembly were compared with CHO-derived antibodies by SDS-PAGE, western blotting, size-exclusion chromatography and LC-MS peptide mapping. N-linked glycosylation was assessed by rapid fluorescence/mass spectrometry and LC-ESI-MS. Susceptibility to gastric digestion was assessed in an in vitro model. Antibody function was compared for antigen binding, a Caco-2 cell-based ETEC adhesion assay, an ETEC hemagglutination inhibition assay and a murine in vivo challenge study. SIgA1 assembly appeared superior to SIgA2 in plants. Both sub-classes exhibited resistance to degradation by simulated gastric fluid, comparable to CHO-produced 68-61 SIgA1. The plant expressed SIgAs had more homogeneous N-glycosylation than CHO-derived SIgAs, but no alteration of in vitro functional activity was observed, including antibodies expressed in a plant line engineered for mammalian-like N glycosylation. The plant-derived SIgA2 mAb demonstrated protection against diarrhea in a murine infection model. Although antibody yield and purification need to be optimized, anti-ETEC SIgA antibodies produced in a low-cost plant platform are functionally equivalent to CHO antibodies, and provide promise for passive immunotherapy in LMICs

    Pre-Diagnostic Circulating Vitamin D and Risk of Melanoma in Men

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    PURPOSE: Various studies have examined the association between serum vitamin D levels and different cancers; however, this is the first prospective study of this association with melanoma risk. The aim of this study is to investigate the association between serum vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels and melanoma in a cohort of older, middle-aged Finnish male smokers. METHODS: We conducted a nested case-control study within the Alpha-Tocopherol Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study. From the ATBC cohort, 368 subjects were chosen for our study; 92 participants that developed melanoma and 276 matched control subjects. At study baseline, lifestyle questionnaires and blood samples were collected. Serum 25(OH)D was modeled as three sets of categorical variables: clinically-defined categories, season-specific quartiles and season-adjusted residual quartiles. Conditional logistic regression was used to obtain odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) to estimate the association between circulating vitamin D and melanoma risk. RESULTS: Overall no association of serum 25(OH)D and melanoma risk was observed. A decreased risk of developing melanoma was observed in the middle categories compared to the lowest category, albeit not significant. CONCLUSION: Results indicate no association between serum 25(OH)D levels and melanoma. Additional studies, including possibly consortium efforts, are needed to investigate the association between serum 25(OH)D levels and risk of melanoma in larger, more diverse study populations

    Cancer risks among BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation carriers

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    BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations increase breast and ovarian cancer risks substantially enough to warrant risk reduction surgery, despite variable risk estimates. Underlying this variability are methodological issues, and also complex genetic and nongenetic effects. Although many modifying factors are unidentified, known factors can already be incorporated in individualised risk prediction