20 research outputs found

    Automated Transition Coverage in Behavioural Conformance Testing

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    International audienceIn the setting of ioco-based conformance testing with test purposes, we propose an automatic approach to generate a test plan (set of test purposes) with its associated test suite (set of test cases) covering all transitions of the IOLTS model of the system. The approach can also be applied to improve an existing test plan, by both, completing the coverage and eliminating redundancies. Implementing our approach on top of the CADP toolbox, we report on experiments with several examples of concurrent systems and discuss possible variants and heuristics to fine-tune the overall performance of the approach, as well as the quality of the computed test plan

    Protocol-Inspired Hardware Testing

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    The relevance of protocol conformance testing techniques to hardware testing is discussed. It is shown that the ioconf (input-output conformance) approach used in protocol testing can be applied to generate tests for a synchronous hardware design using its formal specification. The generated tests are automatically applied to a circuit by a VHDL testbench, thus giving confidence that the hardware design meets its high-level formal specification. Case studies illustrate how the ideas can be applied to standard hardware verification benchmarks such as the Single Pulser and Black-Jack Dealer

    Requalificação da área piscatória do Barreiro e projeto de um equipamento náutico

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    Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.As cidades dos dias de hoje são constituídas por lugares cujas características refletem dinâmicas, formas de habitar e apropriações de espaço distintas. A paisagem da cidade contemporânea é desta forma um espelho do passado e das memórias de uma comunidade e é alterada consoante as alterações sociais, culturais e económicas que vão ocorrendo, criando diferentes relações e dinâmicas visuais entre a imagem da cidade e o seu observador. O tema “Memória Ribeirinha” resulta de uma investigação teórica e reflexiva acerca da cidade do Barreiro, cujas características se enquadram no anteriormente descrito. O passado industrial deixou na cidade inúmeros espaços vacantes que ao longo do tempo foram vistos como expectantes e que desconectaram a frente ribeirinha e as dinâmicas de aproximação entre a cidade e o rio. Estes espaços são vistos no presente como espaços de oportunidade e de possibilidade para a criação de novos fluxos e ligações. As premissas para a intervenção baseiam-se numa requalificação assente nos conceitos de memória e comunidade que revitalize o espaço e toda a cidade em seu torno, alterando o paradigma da cidade industrial, e possibilitando a utilização de uma frente ribeirinha contínua que relacione os habitantes do Barreiro e o rio. O projeto de um centro náutico aliado à requalificação da zona piscatória da cidade pretendem transformar a área de estudo, investigando de que forma o desporto e o lazer podem propor novas dinâmicas e revitalizar inúmeras atividades importantes para o desenvolvimento do ser humano, enquanto ser individual e inter-relacional, utilizando a água como elemento conector entre várias vivências. Pretende-se então, através da proposta arquitetónica, a valorização do território existente e das suas memórias, tentando através destas contribuir para o desenho da cidade contemporânea promovendo o diálogo entre o passado vivenciado e o presente desenhado.ABSTRACT: The cities of today are formed by places whose characteristics reflect dynamics, ways of inhabiting and different appropriations of space. The landscape of the contemporary city is a mirror of the past and the memories of a community and is altered according to the social, cultural and economic changes that are taking place, creating different relations and visual dynamics between the image of the city and its observer. The theme "Riverfront Memory" is the result of a theoretical and reflexive investigation about the city of Barreiro, whose characteristics fit the previously described. The industrial past left in the city innumerable vacant spaces that over time were seen as expectant and that disconnected the riverside front and the dynamics of approaching between the city and the river. These spaces are seen in the present as spaces of opportunity and possibility for the creation of new flows and connections. The premises for the intervention are based on a requalification centered on the concepts of memory and community that revitalize the space and the whole city around it, changing the paradigm of the industrial city, and allowing the use of a continuous riverfront that relates the inhabitants of the city and the river. The project of a nautical center together with the requalification of the fishing zone of the city intends to transform the area of study, investigating how sport and leisure can propose new dynamics and revitalize innumerable activities important for the development of the human being as individual and interrelationship, using water as a connecting element between various experiences. By means of the architectural proposal, the aim is to appreciate the existing territory and its memories, trying to contribute to the design of the contemporary city by promoting the dialogue between the experienced past and the present designed.N/

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac disturbs the prostaglandin system in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis

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    International audienceHuman pharmaceuticals, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),are an emerging environmental threat to marine organisms. Bioaccumulation inaquatic organisms along with possible ecotoxicological effects may then be ofconcern, as shown by the inclusion of diclofenac (DCF) in the first watch list bythe EU Water Framework Directive. It is possible to hypothesize that thesecompounds will be pharmacologically active in organisms in which the drugtargets are expressed and functional. In humans, NSAIDs act through inhibition ofcyclooxygenase (COX) conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins. PGsare conserved lipid signaling molecules that mediate a wide array of biologicalfunctions [1]. There have been many reports of PG biosynthesis in a broad rangeof invertebrates, including bivalves [2]. Therefore, modulation of PG productionin marine bivalves following exposure to DCF is worth questioning. The objectiveof this study was thus to investigate whether diclofenac (DCF) affects PG levels inmarine mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis. An experiment was carried out wherebymarine mussels were exposed to DCF for 48 h to 1 and 100 µg/L DCF. A specificand sensitive analytical method using liquid chromatography tandem massspectrometry was developed to quantify DCF accumulation in marine musseltissues. The developed method could also clearly identify and quantifyprostaglandins PGE2, PGD2 and PGF2α levels in mussel tissue and be used toassess their modulation following DCF exposure. Measured concentrations ofDCF in water were relatively close to the nominal concentrations for all exposedaquaria. A low bioconcentration was calculated at 26.4 L/kg. The weakbioaccumulation of DCF observed is consistent with its possiblebiotransformation in the organisms, supported by the detection ofhydroxy-diclofenac metabolites in exposed organisms and water. Basal PGE2concentrations ranged from under the limit of detection (LoD) to 202 µg/kg dw.PGD2 was always found below the LoD. A downward trend in the PGE2concentration was observed between non-exposed mussels and those exposed to1 µg/L DCF, whereas this decrease was confirmed and statistically significant forexposure to 100 µg/L. PGF2a globally ranged from 90 to 518 µg/kg dw. Nodifference was observed for PGF2α levels between controls and exposedorganisms

    Model Based Testing with Labelled Transition Systems

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    Model based testing is one of the promising technologies to meet the challenges imposed on software testing. In model based testing an implementation under test is tested for compliance with a model that describes the required behaviour of the implementation. This tutorial chapter describes a model based testing theory where models are expressed as labelled transition systems, and compliance is defined with the ‘ioco’ implementation relation. The ioco-testing theory, on the one hand, provides a sound and well-defined foundation for labelled transition system testing, having its roots in the theoretical area of testing equivalences and refusal testing. On the other hand, it has proved to be a practical basis for several model based test generation tools and applications. Definitions, underlying assumptions, an algorithm, properties, and several examples of the ioco-testing theory are discussed, involving specifications, implementations, tests, the ioco implementation relation and some of its variants, a test generation algorithm, and the soundness and exhaustiveness of this algorithm

    Extending automata learning to extended finite state machines

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    Automata learning is an established class of techniques for inferring automata models by observing how they respond to a sample of input words. Recently, approaches have been presented that extend these techniques to infer extended finite state machines (EFSMs) by dynamic black-box analysis. EFSMs model both data flow and control behavior, and their mutual interaction. Different dialects of EFSMs are widely used in tools for model-based software development, verification, and testing. This survey paper presents general principles behind some of these recent extensions. The goal is to elucidate how the principles behind classic automata learning can be maintained and guide extensions to more general automata models, and to situate some extensions with respect to these principles