5,356 research outputs found

    Counting statistics of coherent population trapping in quantum dots

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    Destructive interference of single-electron tunneling between three quantum dots can trap an electron in a coherent superposition of charge on two of the dots. Coupling to external charges causes decoherence of this superposition, and in the presence of a large bias voltage each decoherence event transfers a certain number of electrons through the device. We calculate the counting statistics of the transferred charges, finding a crossover from sub-Poissonian to super-Poissonian statistics with increasing ratio of tunnel and decoherence rates.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Forensic analysis of cigarette ash : brand determination through trace-metal analysis.

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    Although cigarette ash is frequently encountered at crime scenes, it has largely been ignored in a forensic context (Fisher, 2004). Few efforts have been made to utilize the information present in the form of trace-metal concentrations even though these could indicate the brand the ash originated from which could potentially help place suspects at crime scenes or assess how many people may have been present at a scene (Pere?üz-Bernal et al., 2011). The focus of this study is to distinguish cigarette brands based on the trace-metal concentrations in their ash in a forensic context. The study included commercial cigarettes procured in America, as well as American and foreign brands purchased in different countries. Cigarettes were ashed, or "smoked", using a variable-pressure peristaltic pump, mimicking various smoking parameters reflecting the range of human smoking habits

    The self-consistent quantum-electrostatic problem in strongly non-linear regime

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    The self-consistent quantum-electrostatic (also known as Poisson-Schr\"odinger) problem is notoriously difficult in situations where the density of states varies rapidly with energy. At low temperatures, these fluctuations make the problem highly non-linear which renders iterative schemes deeply unstable. We present a stable algorithm that provides a solution to this problem with controlled accuracy. The technique is intrinsically convergent including in highly non-linear regimes. We illustrate our approach with (i) a calculation of the compressible and incompressible stripes in the integer quantum Hall regime and (ii) a calculation of the differential conductance of a quantum point contact geometry. Our technique provides a viable route for the predictive modeling of the transport properties of quantum nanoelectronics devices.Comment: 28 pages. 14 figures. Added solution to a potential failure mode of the algorith

    Theory of the topological Anderson insulator

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    We present an effective medium theory that explains the disorder-induced transition into a phase of quantized conductance, discovered in computer simulations of HgTe quantum wells. It is the combination of a random potential and quadratic corrections proportional to p^2 sigma_z to the Dirac Hamiltonian that can drive an ordinary band insulator into a topological insulator (having an inverted band gap). We calculate the location of the phase boundary at weak disorder and show that it corresponds to the crossing of a band edge rather than a mobility edge. Our mechanism for the formation of a topological Anderson insulator is generic, and would apply as well to three-dimensional semiconductors with strong spin-orbit coupling.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (updated figures, calculated DOS

    Switching of electrical current by spin precession in the first Landau level of an inverted-gap semiconductor

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    We show how the quantum Hall effect in an inverted-gap semiconductor (with electron- and hole-like states at the conduction- and valence-band edges interchanged) can be used to inject, precess, and detect the electron spin along a one-dimensional pathway. The restriction of the electron motion to a single spatial dimension ensures that all electrons experience the same amount of precession in a parallel magnetic field, so that the full electrical current can be switched on and off. As an example, we calculate the magnetoconductance of a p-n interface in a HgTe quantum well and show how it can be used to measure the spin precession due to bulk inversion asymmetry.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, extended versio

    The structure and function of vertebrate fibroblast growth factor receptor 1

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    The vertebrate fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) is alternatively spliced generating multiple splice variants that are differentially expressed during embryo development and in the adult body. The restricted expression patterns of FGFR1 isoforms, together with differential expression and binding of specific ligands, leads to activation of common FGFR1 signal transduction pathways, but may result in distinctively different biological responses as a result of differences in cellular context. FGFR1 isoforms are also present in the nucleus in complex with various fibroblast growth factors where they function to regulate transcription of target genes.Casper Groth and Michael Lardell

    The systematic position of Plagiochila moritziana, P. trichostoma and P. deflexa based on ITS sequence variation of nuclear ribosomal DNA, morphology, and lipophilic secondary metabolites

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    According to phylogenetic analyses of nrDNA ITS1 and ITS2 sequences (including the 5.8S unit) the Neotropical Plagiochila moritziana, P. rutilans var. rutilans, P. rutilans var. standleyi, P. trichostoma (= P. permista, syn. nov.), and P. subtrinitensis form a monophyletic lineage and are placed in P. sect. Rutilantes; all five taxa lack a ca 20 base pair sequence that is present in all the taxa of the other Plagiochila sections investigated. The Central American P. subtrinitensis is treated as a synonym of the Hawaiian endemic P. deflexa. Plagiochila moritziana is excluded from sect. Fuscoluteae and reduced to a variety of P. rutilans; P. sect. Permistae is treated as a synonym of P. sect. Rutilantes. The sporophytes of P. trichostoma and P. deflexa are described for the first time. Fresh material of P. rutilans var. moritziana exhibits a distinct odor of peppermint caused by the presence of several menthane monoterpenoids, principally pulegone. The Central American P. rutilans var. standleyi is reported from Ecuador, new to South America. Lectotypes are designated for P. rutilans var. moritziana, P. subtrinitensis, and P. trichostoma

    Provenance-based validation of E-science experiments

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    E-Science experiments typically involve many distributed services maintained by different organisations. After an experiment has been executed, it is useful for a scientist to verify that the execution was performed correctly or is compatible with some existing experimental criteria or standards. Scientists may also want to review and verify experiments performed by their colleagues. There are no existing frameworks for validating such experiments in today's e-Science systems. Users therefore have to rely on error checking performed by the services, or adopt other ad hoc methods. This paper introduces a platform-independent framework for validating workflow executions. The validation relies on reasoning over the documented provenance of experiment results and semantic descriptions of services advertised in a registry. This validation process ensures experiments are performed correctly, and thus results generated are meaningful. The framework is tested in a bioinformatics application that performs protein compressibility analysis