41 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo de los nuevos anticoagulantes orales

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    El tratamiento anticoagulante con Antagonistas de la Vitamina K (AVK) es muy complejo. Los nuevos anticoagulantes orales han supuesto una alternativa a los fármacos inhibidores de la vitamina K, presentando un mayor margen terapéutico así como una menor variabilidad intrae interindividual. Por otra parte, pueden administrarse a dosis fijas sin necesidad de una monitorización tan estrecha como requieren los AVK. Los nuevos anticoagulantes orales se clasifican en dos grupos atendiendo a su mecanismo de acción: inhibidores directos del factor X activado (FXa) (rivaroxabán, apixabán y edoxabán) y un inhibidor directo de la trombina (dabigatrán). Se han finalizado con resultados positivos diversos ensayos de fase III en profilaxis del tromboembolismo venoso en cirugía ortopédica, tratamiento del tromboembolismo venoso, o prevención del ictus en pacientes con fibrilación auricular. Para establecer una dosificación adecuada de estos fármacos, dado que las pruebas de laboratorio disponibles no son precisas ni permiten conocer el grado de anticoagulación, es necesario considerar otros factores como las interacciones farmacológicas y el estado de la función renal de cada paciente. En el futuro, las preferencias del paciente y las características farmacológicas serán relevantes para optimizar el tratamiento. Por todo ello, estos nuevos fármacos representan un nuevo paradigma en el tratamiento anticoagulante, aportando grandes ventajas, pero no exentos de inconvenientes

    Measuring our universe from galaxy redshift surveys

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    Galaxy redshift surveys have achieved significant progress over the last couple of decades. Those surveys tell us in the most straightforward way what our local universe looks like. While the galaxy distribution traces the bright side of the universe, detailed quantitative analyses of the data have even revealed the dark side of the universe dominated by non-baryonic dark matter as well as more mysterious dark energy (or Einstein's cosmological constant). We describe several methodologies of using galaxy redshift surveys as cosmological probes, and then summarize the recent results from the existing surveys. Finally we present our views on the future of redshift surveys in the era of Precision Cosmology.Comment: 82 pages, 31 figures, invited review article published in Living Reviews in Relativity, http://www.livingreviews.org/lrr-2004-

    Pesticide residues in conventional, IPM-grown and organic foods: Insights from three U.S. data sets.

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    Reducing dietary exposure to pesticide residues is an important goal of public health and environmental officials, farmers and other segments of the food industry, and consumers. Organic agriculture, with its strictures against the use of synthetic chemical inputs, seems to offer a low-residue alternative to conventionally-grown produce; avoiding exposure to pesticides is one major reason consumers buy organic foods. Foods sold with claims of reduced pesticide use or use of integrated pest management (IPM), sometimes certified as containing no detectable residues (NDR), are now on the market as well. In general, the effects of different agricultural production systems on dietary exposure to pesticides is a question of considerable interest to scientists, regulators and the public. Surprisingly, few empirical analyses of residue data have addressed this question, mostly because of a dearth of data on residues in organic produce. In the absence of better data, public controversy has swirled about this issue, with conservative media commentators and critics of organic agriculture going so far as to suggest that foods grown organically have just as many pesticide residues as conventionally grown foods. Sufficient good data now exist to resolve the issue empirically. The authors obtained data on pesticide residues in organically grown foods, foods produced with IPM/NDR systems, and foods with no market claim (assumed to be conventionally grown) from three independent sources representing tests of over 94,000 food samples, and carried out statistical analyses of residue patterns


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    Buteo lineatus TGFB2 DNA sequences and script for Arlequi