1,789 research outputs found

    Il paesaggio: dalla tutela alla pianificazione.

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    L'elaborato tratta della nozione del paesaggio. Attraverso l'excursus storico della nozione, si passa ad analizzare i sistemi di tutela , ovvero il passaggio dai vincoli al piano, per concludere con l'analisi della pianificazione paesaggistica odierna, riportando il caso della Regione Toscana

    Configuration challenges for the “Made in Italy” Agri-food Industry

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    The paper presents the results of an exploratory investigation on the approaches to e-commerce strategies by firms in the agrifood sector, with a focus on Italian small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs). The article tries to assess the fit between online sales configurators (OSCs) that enable product customization and the habits of Italian online buyers. The study elaborates the empirical results of two data collection efforts: (i) the first effort is to collect data on the food configurators’ capabilities deployed by a sample of 105 active OSCs and (ii) the second effort is to collect data on the characteristics of the e-commerce websites from a sample of 522 Italian SMEs. Matching the results of the two analyses with existing literature on Italian customers' requirements while shopping for food online, the study provides insights on the opportunities offered by mass-customization delivered via OSCs to food SMEs, especially in terms of customer experience (CE) innovation

    Analisi multidimensionale della conversazione di marca nei Social Network

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    Obiettivi= Il paper è finalizzato ad individuare i fattori dominanti delle tattiche comunicative e conversazionali dei brand che scelgono di promuoversi attraverso un profilo Facebook (Fb). L’analisi è volta a fornire alle imprese un quadro sinottico d’indicazioni per migliorare la relazione e l’interazione “brand-followers” nelle piattaforme social media. Metodologia=Grazie all’applicazione di un approccio multidimensionale tipico della ricerca sociologica, è stata svolta un’osservazione sistematica dei contenuti pubblicati su profili Fb di un panel di marche selezionate. I dati raccolti sono stati interpretati attraverso lo schema quadri-funzionale AGIL di Parson. Una dimensione in particolare permette di comprendere l'abilità conversativa dei brand. Risultati=Dallo studio emerge che la conversazione sui social network, realizzata dai brand, è carente di alcuni fattori di adattamento alle dinamiche d’interazione proprie dell’e-media scelto. Si sono riscontrate, invece, caratteristiche tipiche di tecniche di comunicazione e promozione di marketing di tipo tradizionale offline. Limiti della ricerca=Sebbene la letteratura di riferimento presenti alcune ricerche in ambito sociologico che si avvalgono dello schema quadri-funzionale AGIL, a tutt’oggi la sua applicazione all’analisi della conversazione della marca online ha un carattere ancora sperimentale. Implicazioni pratiche=Dalla ricerca emerge con chiarezza la necessità, per i brand, di un orientamento relazionale più efficace e coerente con il nuovo contesto “social” online. Originalità del lavoro=Lo studio si avvale di una metodologia multidisciplinare, adottando tecniche di analisi proprie della sociologia relazionale e del marketing relazionale, offrendo un’integrazione metodologica volta a colmare la mancanza di un paradigma univoco e una letteratura a tutt’oggi non integrata sull’argomento

    The energy efficiency management at urban scale by means of integrated modelling

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    Innovative technologies such as ICTs are recognized as being a key player against climate change and the use of sensors and actuators can efficiently control the whole energy chain in the Smart Thermal Grids at district level. On the other side, advances on 3D modelling, visualization and interaction technologies enable user profiling and represent part of the holistic approach which aims at integrating renewable energy solutions in the existing building stock. To unlock the potentiality of these technologies, the case study selected for this research focuses on interoperability between Building Information Models (BIM), GIS (Geographic Information System) models and Energy Analysis Models (EAM) for designing Renewable Energy Strategies (RES) among the demonstrator. The objectives aims at making a whole series of data concerning the energy efficiency and reduction at district level usable for various stakeholders, by creating a District Information Model (DIM). The described system also integrates BIM and district level 3D models with real-time data from sensors to analyse and correlate buildings utilization and provide real-time energy-related behaviours. An important role is played by the energy simulation through the EAM for matching measured and simulated data and to assess the energy performance of buildings starting from a BIM model or shared data. With this purpose interoperability tests are carried out between the BIM models and quasi-steady energy analysis tools in order to optimize the calculation of the energy demand according to the Italian technical specification UNI TS 11300. Information about the roofs slope and their orientation from the GIS model are used to predict the use of renewable energy – solar thermal and PV – within the selected buildings (both public and private) of the demonstrator in Turin, Italy. The expected results are a consistent reduction in both energy consume and CO2 emissions by enabling a more efficient energy distribution policies, according to the real characteristics of district buildings as well as a more efficient utilization and maintenance of the energy distribution network, based on social behaviour and users attitudes and demand. In the future the project will allow open access with personal devices and A/R visualization of energy-related information to client applications for energy and cost-analysis, tariff planning and evaluation, failure identification and maintenance, energy information sharing in order to increase the user’s awareness in the field of energy consumption

    In-hospital and web-based intervention to counteract vaccine hesitancy in very preterm infants’ families: a NICU experience

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    Background Vaccine hesitancy is a global problem, carrying significant health risks for extremely vulnerable population as that of preterm infants. Social media are emerging as significant tools for public health promotion. Our aim was to evaluate both the coverage and the timeliness of routine immunizations in a cohort of preterm infants (< 33 weeks of gestational age) at 24 months of age whose families have been subjected to in-hospital and web-based interventions to counteract vaccine hesitancy. Methods For a period of 2 years parents of preterm infants were instructed during their follow up visits by a member of the NICU team to get correct informations about vaccines from a social network page. Vaccination rates of preterm infants were assessed at 24 months of chronological age with an electronic database and compared to both general population and historical cohort. Results Coverage and timeliness of vaccinations at 24 months of age of 170 preterm infants were analyzed in December 2019. Gestational age and birth weight median (IQR) were, respectively, 31.0 (5.0) weeks and 1475.0 (843.8) g. Coverage rates were similar to those of the regional population (p > 0.05), while timeliness of administration was significantly delayed compared to the recommended schedule (p < 0.001). Age of administration was not correlated with either body weight and gestational age at birth (Spearman rank, p > 0.05). DTaP-IPV-HBV-Hib 2nd and 3rd doses, MMR and Varicella vaccines coverage data were higher compared to historical cohort (p < 0.05). Conclusion Increasing vaccine confidence through web-based interventions could have a positive impact on vaccination acceptance of parents of preterm infants, although timeliness results still delayed. There is a strong need to develop different and effective vaccination strategies to protect this very vulnerable population


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    ChronoMoMoWo is a timeline conceived for the International Travelling Exhibition of the European project "MoMoWo – Women’s creativity since the Modern Movement". This timeline has been devised as a framework that helps to understand the activity carried out between 1918 and 2018 by European female architects, designers and civil engineers. ChronoMoMoWo mirrors the growing of visibility of women's professional creativity and provides a continuum of personal achievements that have contributed to breaking the glass ceiling that is often found in architecture and design. ChronoMoMoWo traces two lines that are related from a historical point of view. The lower area shows a summary of the main achievements of European women in the fields of politics, society, culture, science, education and sports. The upper area presents the most relevant milestones by female architects and designers, including the access of women to higher education, the awards received, and the creation of female professional associations or the most important works by several cohorts of female designers. This timeline represents a historical context that evolves from black and white pictures to colour photographs, portraying a group of capable and talented women that have been –and still are– able to compete with their male counterparts in their professional careers
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