6,649 research outputs found

    Gluon Scattering Amplitudes in Finite Temperature Gauge/Gravity Dualities

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    We examine the gluon scattering amplitude in N=4 super Yang-Mills at finite temperature with nonzero R-charge densities, and in Non-Commutative gauge theory at finite temperature. The gluon scattering amplitude is defined as a light-like Wilson loop which lives at the horizon of the T-dual black holes of the backgrounds we consider. We study in detail a special amplitude, which corresponds to forward scattering of a low energy gluon off a high energy one. For this kinematic configuration in the considered backgrounds, we find the corresponding minimal surface which is directly related to the gluon scattering amplitude. We find that for increasing the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter, the on-shell action corresponding to our Wilson loop in the T-dual space decreases. For all of our solutions the length of the short side of the Wilson loop is constrained by an upper bound which depends on the temperature, the R-charge density and the non-commutative parameter. Due to this constraint, in the limit of zeroth temperature our approach breaks down since the upper bound goes to zero, while by keeping the temperature finite and letting the chemical potential or the non-commutative parameter to approach to zero the limit is smooth.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, minor corrections (plus improved numerical computation for the non-commutative case

    Wilson Loops in N=2 Super-Yang-Mills from Matrix Model

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    We compute the expectation value of the circular Wilson loop in N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with N_f=2N hypermultiplets. Our results indicate that the string tension in the dual string theory scales as the logarithm of the 't Hooft coupling.Comment: 37 pages, 9 figures; v2: Numerical factors corrected, simple derivation of Wilson loop and discussion of continuation to complex lambda added; v3: instanton partition function re-analyzed in order to take into account a contribution of the hypermultiplet

    Glycated hemoglobin and incident type 2 diabetes in singaporean Chinese adults: The Singapore Chinese Health Study

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    Background: The American Diabetes Association recently included glycated hemoglobin in the diagnostic criteria for diabetes, but research on the utility of this biomarker in Southeast Asians is scant. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between percent HbA1c and incident diabetes in an Asian population of adult men and women without reported diabetes. Methods: Data analysis of 5,770 men and women enrolled in the Singapore Chinese Health Study who provided a blood sample at the follow-up I visit (1999-2004) and had no cancer and no reported history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease events. Diabetes was defined as self-report of physician diagnosis, identified at the follow-up II visit (2006-2010). Results: Hazard ratios (and 95%confidence intervals) for incident diabetes by 5 categories of HbA1c were estimated with Cox regression models and continuous HbA1c with cubic spline analysis. Compared to individuals with an HbA1c ≤ 5.7% (≤39 mmol/mol), individuals with HbA1c 5.8-5.9% (40-41 mmol/mol), 6.0-6.1% (42-43 mmol/mol), 6.2-6.4% (44-47 mmol/mol), and ≥ 6.5% (≥48 mmol/mol) had significantly increased risk for incident diabetes during followup. In cubic spline analysis, levels below 5.7% HbA1c were not significantly associated with incident diabetes. Conclusions: Our study found a strong and graded association with HbA1c 5.8% and above with incident diabetes in Chinese men and women

    Global AdS Picture of 1/2 BPS Wilson Loops

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    We study the holographic dual string configuration of 1/2 BPS circular Wilson loops in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory by using the global coordinate of AdS. The dual string worldsheet is given by the Poincare disk AdS_2 sitting at a constant global time slice of AdS_5. We also analyze the correlator of two concentric circular Wilson loops from the global AdS perspective and study the phase transition associated with the instability of annulus worldsheet connecting the two Wilson loops.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, v2: discussion on two branches corrected, v3: reference adde

    On semiclassical approximation for correlators of closed string vertex operators in AdS/CFT

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    We consider the 2-point function of string vertex operators representing string state with large spin in AdS_5. We compute this correlator in the semiclassical approximation and show that it has the expected (on the basis of state-operator correspondence) form of the strong-coupling limit of the 2-point function of single trace minimal twist operators in gauge theory. The semiclassical solution representing the stationary point of the path integral with two vertex operator insertions is found to be related to the large spin limit of the folded spinning string solution by a euclidean continuation, transformation to Poincare coordinates and conformal map from cylinder to complex plane. The role of the source terms coming from the vertex operator insertions is to specify the parameters of the solution in terms of quantum numbers (dimension and spin) of the corresponding string state. Understanding further how similar semiclassical methods may work for 3-point functions may shed light on strong-coupling limit of the corresponding correlators in gauge theory as was recently suggested by Janik et al in arXiv:1002.4613.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure; minor corrections, references added, footnote below eq. (4.5) adde

    Gauge invariant perturbation theory and non-critical string models of Yang-Mills theories

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    We carry out a gauge invariant analysis of certain perturbations of D2D-2-branes solutions of low energy string theories. We get generically a system of second order coupled differential equations, and show that only in very particular cases it is possible to reduce it to just one differential equation. Later, we apply it to a multi-parameter, generically singular family of constant dilaton solutions of non-critical string theories in DD dimensions, a generalization of that recently found in arXiv:0709.0471[hep-th]. According to arguments coming from the holographic gauge theory-gravity correspondence, and at least in some region of the parameters space, we obtain glue-ball spectra of Yang-Mills theories in diverse dimensions, putting special emphasis in the scalar metric perturbations not considered previously in the literature in the non critical setup. We compare our numerical results to those studied previously and to lattice results, finding qualitative and in some cases, tuning properly the parameters, quantitative agreement. These results seem to show some kind of universality of the models, as well as an irrelevance of the singular character of the solutions. We also develop the analysis for the T-dual, non trivial dilaton family of solutions, showing perfect agreement between them.Comment: A new reference added

    Efficacy of an ankle orthosis with a subtalar locking system in restricting ankle kinetics and kinematics in lateral cutting

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    Introduction The ankle joint is the most injured joint during sports participation [1]. Ankle orthoses have been shown to be effective in reducing ankle inversion injuries and are often prescribed for rehabilitation and prevention of lateral ankle sprains. Efficacy of ankle orthoses is often assessed by comparing reduction of passive inversion ROM as well as ankle kinematics between braced and unbraced movements [2,3]. However, joint kinetic responses in lateral cutting were rarely examined. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the effectiveness of a new semi-rigid ankle orthosis with a subtalar joint locking mechanism in restricting ankle kinetics and kinematics during a lateral cutting movement

    From correlation functions to Wilson loops

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    We start with an n-point correlation function in a conformal gauge theory. We show that a special limit produces a polygonal Wilson loop with nn sides. The limit takes the nn points towards the vertices of a null polygonal Wilson loop such that successive distances xi,i+120x^2_{i,i+1} \to 0. This produces a fast moving particle that generates a "frame" for the Wilson loop. We explain in detail how the limit is approached, including some subtle effects from the propagation of a fast moving particle in the full interacting theory. We perform perturbative checks by doing explicit computations in N=4 super-Yang-Mills.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures; typos corrected, references adde

    Thermodynamic Properties of Holographic Multiquark and the Multiquark Star

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    We study thermodynamic properties of the multiquark nuclear matter. The dependence of the equation of state on the colour charges is explored both analytically and numerically in the limits where the baryon density is small and large at fixed temperature between the gluon deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. The gravitational stability of the hypothetical multiquark stars are discussed using the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Since the equations of state of the multiquarks can be well approximated by different power laws for small and large density, the content of the multiquark stars has the core and crust structure. We found that most of the mass of the star comes from the crust region where the density is relatively small. The mass limit of the multiquark star is determined as well as its relation to the star radius. For typical energy density scale of 10GeV/fm310\text{GeV}/\text{fm}^{3}, the converging mass and radius of the hypothetical multiquark star in the limit of large central density are approximately solar mass and 15-27 km. The adiabatic index and sound speed distributions of the multiquark matter in the star are also calculated and discussed. The sound speed never exceeds the speed of light and the multiquark matters are thus compressible even at high density and pressure.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, JHEP versio

    Bounds for State Degeneracies in 2D Conformal Field Theory

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    In this note we explore the application of modular invariance in 2-dimensional CFT to derive universal bounds for quantities describing certain state degeneracies, such as the thermodynamic entropy, or the number of marginal operators. We show that the entropy at inverse temperature 2 pi satisfies a universal lower bound, and we enumerate the principal obstacles to deriving upper bounds on entropies or quantum mechanical degeneracies for fully general CFTs. We then restrict our attention to infrared stable CFT with moderately low central charge, in addition to the usual assumptions of modular invariance, unitarity and discrete operator spectrum. For CFT in the range c_left + c_right < 48 with no relevant operators, we are able to prove an upper bound on the thermodynamic entropy at inverse temperature 2 pi. Under the same conditions we also prove that a CFT can have a number of marginal deformations no greater than ((c_left + c_right) / (48 - c_left - c_right)) e^(4 Pi) - 2.Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, minor change