4 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Logic Energy Management for a Residential Power System Using Renewable Energy Sources

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    A fuzzy logic energy management algorithm is proposed for a hybrid wind/photovoltaic (PV) power generation unit, an electric vehicle battery, and a heat pump for household applications. The proposed concept refers to two independent power systems—a light electric vehicle and a household that interact through light, interchangeable batteries; moreover, they are powered from a renewable energy system comprising PV panels, wind generator, and appropriate MPPT-based converters. The main features of the concept are the heat pump load that produces thermal energy, as the main electric load of the system, and the storage element that is alternately used by the vehicle, which can be recharged from renewable sources. The presented algorithm allows the implementation, by means of fuzzy tools, of an appropriate energy management control system in order to obtain maximum utilization of the renewable energy. The results show that most of the energy required to charge the battery and to feed the heat pump can be covered from renewable sources

    A nonlinear optimal control approach for PM Linear Synchronous Motors

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    Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors are of wide use in industry in applications where actuation through rotational motors and a gears-based transmission system can be costly and prone to failures. In this article, a nonlinear optimal (H-infinity) control method is proposed for Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motors (PMLSM). The dynamic model of the Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor undergoes approximate linearization around a temporary operating point (equilibrium) which is recomputed at each iteration of the control method. The linearization procedure is based on first-order Taylor-series expansion and on the computation of the Jacobian matrices of the motor's model. For the approximately linearized model of the motor an H-infinity feedback controller is designed. This controller stands for the solution of the motor's optimal control problem under model uncertainty and external disturbances. The computation of the controller's feedback gain requires the solution of an algebraic Riccati equation, which is performed again at each time-step of the control algorithm. The stability properties of the control scheme are proven trough Lyapunov analysis. First, it is confirmed that the controller satisfies the H-infinity tracking performance criterion which ascertains its robustness. Moreover, it is proven that the control loop is globally asymptotically stable. Finally, to implement sensorless control of the motor the H-infinity Kalman Filter is used as a robust state estimator

    L’opposition fortis / lenis des occlusives en fin de mot en anglais : liste de mots isolée lue par les apprenants francophones

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    International audienceWord-final fortis / lenis contrast in English plosives: lists of words in isolation read aloud by French-speaking learners The acquisition of the word-initial fortis / lenis contrast in English by speakers of other languages has been investigated by many researchers, but empirical studies on this contrast in word-final position seems to have been conducted less extensively, and especially on speakers of languages in which word-final voicing distinction is known to be absent or neutralized (Smith et al., 2009 ; Skarnitzl & Šturm, 2016). In this study, 6 French-speaking learners of English, who have voicing contrast word-finally in their first language, pronounced 30 words each in isolation. It was observed that the previous vowel, which is described as a primary cue in native speakers' speech, was significantly shorter before fortis than lenis (Wilcoxon rank sum test) in 5 learners out of 6, but some learners also showed cases of different voicing patterns for lenis than native speakers (voiced release for lenis; end of voicing earlier than natives).L'opposition fortis / lenis en début de mot en anglais acquise par des locuteurs d'autres langues a été étudiée par de nombreux chercheurs, mais la position finale de mot semble avoir été moins abordée dans des études empiriques et ceux qui existent portent surtout sur les locuteurs de langues caractérisées par une absence ou neutralisation de cette opposition en fin de mot (Smith et al., 2009 ; Skarnitzl & Šturm, 2016). Dans cette étude, 6 apprenantes francophones de l'anglais, qui connaissent une opposition de voisement en fin de mot dans leur première langue, ont prononcé 30 mots isolés. Il a été observé que la voyelle précédente, considérée comme indice primaire chez les anglophones natifs, était significativement plus courte devant les fortis que lenis (test de la somme des rangs de Wilcoxon) par 5 apprenantes sur 6, mais certaines d'entre elles ont montré des réalisations phonétiques de voisement différentes des natifs (relâchement voisé pour lenis; fin de voisement plus tôt que les natifs)

    Artificial intelligence (AI)-based optimization of power electronic converters for improved power system stability and performance

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    The present review paper provides an overview of the recent advances in AI-based techniques for the design and optimization of power electronic converters. There is an increased demand on power converters in applications like renewable energy generation, microgrids, electric and hybrid vehicles, high-voltage DC power transmission etc. with focus on their design and optimization. In this context, various AI techniques are discussed, such as: machine learning, deep learning, reinforcement learning, and evolutionary algorithms, artificial neural networks, fuzzy logic control, expert systems and their applications in power electronics and electric drives. Some case studies from the literature are referred and potential benefits of AI-assisted design and optimization of power electronic converters with aspects of enhanced power system stability and performance are highlighted.©2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed