328 research outputs found

    The thermodynamic dual structure of linear-dissipative driven systems

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    The spontaneous emergence of dynamical order, such as persistent currents, is sometimes argued to require principles beyond the entropy maximization of the second law of thermodynamics. I show that, for linear dissipation in the Onsager regime, current formation can be driven by exactly the Jaynesian principle of entropy maximization, suitably formulated for extended systems and nonequilibrium boundary conditions. The Legendre dual structure of equilibrium thermodynamics is also preserved, though it requires the admission of current-valued state variables, and their correct incorporation in the entropy

    Variability and reproducibility of flow-mediated dilatation in a multicentre clinical trial

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    Aims The aim of this study was to assess the reproducibility of flow-mediated dilatation (FMD) in a multicentre setting. Methods and results This study was performed as part of the dal-VESSEL trial in which FMD was measured in 19 vascular imaging centres in six European countries. A subgroup of patients who were allocated in the placebo group and scanned twice at each trial time point (substudy) was analysed. Intra-sonographer variability was calculated from FMD measurements 48 h apart. Centre variability and short-, medium-, and long-term reproducibility of FMD were calculated at 48 h and at 3 and 9 months intervals, respectively. Intra- and inter-reader variability was assessed by re-analysing the FMD images by three certified readers at two time intervals, 7 days apart. Sixty-seven patients were included. Variability between centres was comparable at 48 h and 3 months interval but almost doubled at 9 months. The mean absolute difference in %FMD was 1.04, 0.99, and 1.45% at the three time intervals, respectively. Curves were generated to indicate the number of patients required for adequate power in crossover and parallel study designs. Conclusion This study demonstrates for the first time that in a multicentre setting reproducible FMD measurements can be achieved for short- and medium-term evaluation, which are comparable with those reported from specialized laboratories. These findings justify the use of FMD as an outcome measure for short- and medium-term assessment of pharmacological intervention

    Теоретичні та практичні аспекти приватизації в Україні

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    Цели статьи заключаются в изучении спроса покупателей на объекты приватизации и анализе финансового состояния предприятий к принятию решения об их приватизации (на основе данных за I квартал 2006 года), раскрытии основных критериев целесообразности принятия решения о приватизации объектов ведения хозяйства.Цілі статті полягають у вивченні попиту покупців на об'єкти приватизації та аналізі фінансового стану підприємств до прийняття рішення про їх приватизацію (на основі даних за I квартал 2006 року), розкритті основних критеріїв доцільності прийняття рішення про приватизацію об'єктів господарювання

    Particulate matter and subclinical atherosclerosis : associations between different particle sizes and sources with carotid intima-media thickness in the SAPALDIA study

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    Subclinical atherosclerosis has been associated with long-term exposure to particulate matter (PM), but the relevance of particle size and sources of exposure remains unclear.; We investigated the association of long-term exposure to PM10 (≤ 10 μm), PM2.5 (≤ 2.5 μm: total mass, vehicular, and crustal sources), and ultrafine particles [UFP < 0.1 μm: particle number concentration (PNC) and lung-deposited surface area (LDSA)] with carotid intima-media thickness (CIMT).; We used data from 1,503 participants ≥ 50 years old who participated in the third examination of the Swiss SAPALDIA cohort. Exposures were obtained from dispersion models and land-use regression models. Covariate information, including previous cardiovascular risk factors, was obtained from the second and third SAPALDIA examinations.; The adjusted percent difference in CIMT associated with an exposure contrast between the 10th and 90th percentile was 1.58% (95% CI: -0.30, 3.47%) for PM10, 2.10% (95% CI: 0.04, 4.16%) for PM2.5, 1.67% (95% CI: -0.13, 3.48%) for the vehicular source of PM2.5, -0.58% (95% CI: -3.95, 2.79%) for the crustal source of PM2.5, 2.06% (95% CI: 0.03, 4.10%) for PNC, and 2.32% (95% CI: 0.23, 4.40%) for LDSA. Stronger associations were observed among diabetics, subjects with low-educational level, and those at higher cardiovascular risk.; CIMT was associated with exposure to PM10, PM2.5, and UFP. The PM2.5 source-specific analysis showed a positive association for the vehicular source but not for the crustal source. Although the effects of PNC and LDSA were similar in magnitude, two-pollutant and residual-based models suggested that LDSA may be a better marker for the health relevance of UFP. Citation: Aguilera I, Dratva J, Caviezel S, Burdet L, de Groot E, Ducret-Stich RE, Eeftens M, Keidel D, Meier R, Perez L, Rothe T, Schaffner E, Schmit-Trucksäss A, Tsai MY, Schindler C, Künzli N, Probst-Hensch N. 2016. Particulate matter and subclinical atherosclerosis: associations between different particle sizes and sources with carotid intima-media thickness in the SAPALDIA study. Environ Health Perspect 124:1700-1706; http://dx.doi.org/10.1289/EHP161

    Association of polymorphisms in the beta-2 adrenergic receptor gene with fracture risk and bone mineral density

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    Summary: Signaling through the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) on the osteoblast influences bone remodeling in rodents. In the B2AR gene, three polymorphisms influence receptor function. We show that these polymorphisms are not associated with fracture risk or bone mineral density in the UCP, Rotterdam Study, and GEFOS cohorts. Introduction: Signaling through the beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2AR) on the osteoblast influences bone remodeling in rodents. In the B2AR gene, three polymorphisms are known to influence receptor function in vitro and in vivo (rs1042713, rs1042714, and rs1800888). We examined the role of these polymorphisms in the B2AR gene on human bone metabolism. Methods: We performed nested case–control studies to determine the association of these polymorphisms with fracture risk in the Utrecht Cardiovascular Pharmacogenetics (UCP) cohort and in three cohorts of the Rotterdam Study. We also determined the association of these polymorphisms with bone mineral density (BMD) in the GEFOS Consortium. UCP contains drug-dispensing histories from community pharmacies linked to national registrations of hospital discharges in the Netherlands. The Rotterdam Study is a prospective cohort study investigating demographics and risk factors of chronic diseases. GEFOS is a large international collaboration studying the genetics of osteoporosis. Fractures were defined by ICD-9 codes 800–829 in the UCP cohort (158 cases and 2617 unmatched controls) and by regular X-ray examinations, general practitioner, and hospital records in the Rotterdam Study (2209 cases and 8559 unmatched controls). BMD was measured at the femoral neck and lumbar spine using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry in GEFOS (N = 32,961). Results: Meta-analysis of the two nested case–control studies showed pooled odds ratios of 0.98 (0.91–1.05, p = 0.52), 1.04 (0.97–1.12, p = 0.28), and 1.16 (0.83–1.62, p = 0.38) for the associations betwee

    VaxCelerate II: Rapid development of a self-assembling vaccine for Lassa fever

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    Development of effective vaccines against emerging infectious diseases (EID) can take as much or more than a decade to progress from pathogen isolation/identification to clinical approval. As a result, conventional approaches fail to produce field-ready vaccines before the EID has spread extensively. Lassa is a prototypical emerging infectious disease endemic to West Africa for which no successful vaccine is available. We established the VaxCelerate Consortium to address the need for more rapid vaccine development by creating a platform capable of generating and pre-clinically testing a new vaccine against specific pathogen targets in less than 120 d. A self-assembling vaccine is at the core of the approach. It consists of a fusion protein composed of the immunostimulatory Mycobacterium tuberculosis heat shock protein 70 (MtbHSP70) and the biotin binding protein, avidin. Mixing the resulting protein (MAV) with biotinylated pathogen-specific immunogenic peptides yields a self-assembled vaccine (SAV). To meet the time constraint imposed on this project, we used a distributed R&D model involving experts in the fields of protein engineering and production, bioinformatics, peptide synthesis/design and GMP/GLP manufacturing and testing standards. SAV immunogenicity was first tested using H1N1 influenza specific peptides and the entire VaxCelerate process was then tested in a mock live-fire exercise targeting Lassa fever virus. We demonstrated that the Lassa fever vaccine induced significantly increased class II peptide specific interferon-γ CD4+ T cell responses in HLA-DR3 transgenic mice compared to peptide or MAV alone controls. We thereby demonstrated that our SAV in combination with a distributed development model may facilitate accelerated regulatory review by using an identical design for each vaccine and by applying safety and efficacy assessment tools that are more relevant to human vaccine responses than current animal models

    Large-deviation principles, stochastic effective actions, path entropies, and the structure and meaning of thermodynamic descriptions

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    The meaning of thermodynamic descriptions is found in large-deviations scaling of the fluctuations probabilities. The primary large-deviations rate function is the entropy, which is the basis for both fluctuation theorems and for characterizing the thermodynamic interactions of systems. Freidlin-Wentzell theory provides a general formulation of large-deviations scaling for non-equilibrium stochastic processes, through a representation in terms of a Hamiltonian dynamical system. A number of related methods now exist to construct the Freidlin-Wentzell Hamiltonian for many kinds of stochastic processes; one method due to Doi and Peliti, appropriate to integer counting statistics, is widely used in reaction-diffusion theory. Using these tools together with a path-entropy method due to Jaynes, we show how to construct entropy functions that both express large-deviations scaling of fluctuations, and describe system-environment interactions, for discrete stochastic processes either at or away from equilibrium. A collection of variational methods familiar within quantum field theory, but less commonly applied to the Doi-Peliti construction, is used to define a "stochastic effective action", which is the large-deviations rate function for arbitrary non-equilibrium paths. We show how common principles of entropy maximization, applied to different ensembles of states or of histories, lead to different entropy functions and different sets of thermodynamic state variables. Yet the relations of among all these levels of description may be constructed explicitly and understood in terms of information conditions. The example systems considered introduce methods that may be used to systematically construct descriptions with all the features familiar from equilibrium thermodynamics, for a much wider range of systems describable by stochastic processes

    Metabolic and Behavioral Compensations in Response to Caloric Restriction: Implications for the Maintenance of Weight Loss

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    BackgroundMetabolic and behavioral adaptations to caloric restriction (CR) in free-living conditions have not yet been objectively measured.Methodology and principal findingsForty-eight (36.8+/-1.0 y), overweight (BMI 27.8+/-0.7 kg/m(2)) participants were randomized to four groups for 6-months;Controlenergy intake at 100% of energy requirements; CR: 25% calorie restriction; CR+EX: 12.5% CR plus 12.5% increase in energy expenditure by structured exercise; LCD: low calorie diet (890 kcal/d) until 15% weight reduction followed by weight maintenance. Body composition (DXA) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) over 14-days by doubly labeled water (DLW) and activity related energy activity (AREE) were measured after 3 (M3) and 6 (M6) months of intervention. Weight changes at M6 were -1.0+/-1.1% (CONTROL), -10.4+/-0.9% (CR), -10.0+/-0.8% (CR+EX) and -13.9+/-0.8% (LCD). At M3, absolute TDEE was significantly reduced in CR (-454+/-76 kcal/d) and LCD (-633+/-66 kcal/d) but not in CR+EX or controls. At M6 the reduction in TDEE remained lower than baseline in CR (-316+/-118 kcal/d) and LCD (-389+/-124 kcal/d) but reached significance only when CR and LCD were combined (-351+/-83 kcal/d). In response to caloric restriction (CR/LCD combined), TDEE adjusted for body composition, was significantly lower by -431+/-51 and -240+/-83 kcal/d at M3 and M6, respectively, indicating a metabolic adaptation. Likewise, physical activity (TDEE adjusted for sleeping metabolic rate) was significantly reduced from baseline at both time points. For control and CR+EX, adjusted TDEE (body composition or sleeping metabolic rate) was not changed at either M3 or M6.ConclusionsFor the first time we show that in free-living conditions, CR results in a metabolic adaptation and a behavioral adaptation with decreased physical activity levels. These data also suggest potential mechanisms by which CR causes large inter-individual variability in the rates of weight loss and how exercise may influence weight loss and weight loss maintenance.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT00099151.Leanne M. Redman, Leonie K. Heilbronn, Corby K. Martin, Lilian de Jonge, Donald A. Williamson, James P. Delany, Eric Ravussin, for the Pennington CALERIE tea

    Nationwide Outcome after Pancreatoduodenectomy in Patients at very High Risk (ISGPS-D) for Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess nationwide surgical outcome after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) in patients at very high risk for postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF), categorized as ISGPS-D.SUMMARY BACKGROUND DATA: Morbidity and mortality after ISGPS-D PD is perceived so high that a recent randomized trial advocated prophylactic total pancreatectomy (TP) as alternative aiming to lower this risk. However, current outcomes of ISGPS-D PD remain unknown as large nationwide series are lacking.METHODS: Nationwide retrospective analysis including consecutive patients undergoing ISGPS-D PD (i.e., soft texture and pancreatic duct ≤3 mm), using the mandatory Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Audit (2014-2021). Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality and secondary outcomes included major morbidity (i.e., Clavien-Dindo grade ≥IIIa) and POPF (ISGPS grade B/C). The use of prophylactic TP to avoid POPF during the study period was assessed.RESULTS: Overall, 1402 patients were included. In-hospital mortality was 4.1% (n=57), which decreased to 3.7% (n=20/536) in the last 2 years. Major morbidity occurred in 642 patients (45.9%) and POPF in 410 (30.0%), which corresponded with failure to rescue in 8.9% (n=57/642). Patients with POPF had increased rates of major morbidity (88.0% vs. 28.3%; P&lt;0.001) and mortality (6.3% vs. 3.5%; P=0.016), compared to patients without POPF. Among 190 patients undergoing TP, prophylactic TP to prevent POPF was performed in 4 (2.1%).CONCLUSION: This nationwide series found a 4.1% in-hospital mortality after ISGPS-D PD with 45.9% major morbidity, leaving little room for improvement through prophylactic TP. Nevertheless, given the outcomes in 30% of patients who develop POPF, future randomized trials should aim to prevent and mitigate POPF in this high-risk category.</p