15,733 research outputs found

    Vehicle and crew scheduling: solving large real-world instances with an integrated approach

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    In this paper we discuss several methods to solve large real-worldinstances of the vehicle and crew scheduling problem. Although,there has been an increased attention to integrated approaches forsolving such problems in the literature, currently only small ormedium-sized instances can be solved by such approaches.Therefore, large instances should be split into several smallerones, which can be solved by an integrated approach, or thesequential approach, i.e. first vehicle scheduling and afterwardscrew scheduling, is applied.In this paper we compare both approaches, where we considerdifferent ways of splitting an instance varying from very simplerules to more sophisticated ones. Those ways are extensivelytested by computational experiments on real-world data provided bythe largest Dutch bus company.

    Mapping of sensitivity to oil spills in the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast.

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    This research develops an integrated environmental assessment tool for Lithuanian coastal area that takes due account of the major oil spill risks posed by the D-6 oil drilling platform, vessel traffic in the south-eastern Baltic Sea, and operation of the Butinge oil terminal. The goal of this paper is to present an environmental sensitivity index (ESI) mapping approach based on four specific indexes: coastal features (ESIC), socio-economic aspects (ESISE), biological (ESIB) and fishery resources (ESIF). The relevant methodology approach was selected. The core dataset is provided by GIS-based environmental atlas updated with other relevant GIS data of Lithuanian coastal resources. Four ESI maps were developed and an overall environmental sensitivity index (OESI) map produced. Results indicate that in the case of an oil spill, two areas need to be prioritized due to their biologic and socio-economic resources: the 25 km long shoreline between the settlements of Nida-Juodkrante on the Curonian Spit (CS) and the mainland coast (MC) between the settlements Palanga and Sventoji

    Preparation of a Resorbable Osteoinductive Tricalcium Phosphate Ceramic

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    Over the past decade we have demonstrated numerous times that calcium phosphates can be rendered with osteoinductive properties by introducing specific surface microstructures1. Since most of these calcium phosphates contained hydroxyapatite, they are either slowly or not resorbable2. Resorbability is an often sought after characteristic of calcium phosphates so that they can be gradually replaced by newly formed bone. The objective of this study was to prepare a resorbable surface microstructured tricalcium phosphate (TCP) ceramic and evaluate its osteoinductive property and resorption rate after intramuscular implantation in dogs. This material was then compared to the established and slowly resorbable osteoinductive biphasic calcium phosphate ceramic (BCP)

    Anisotropic Flow and Viscous Hydrodynamics

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    We report part of our recent work on viscous hydrodynamics with consistent phase space distribution f(x,\p) for freeze out. We develop the gradient expansion formalism based on kinetic theory, and with the constraints from the comparison between hydrodynamics and kinetic theory, viscous corrections to f(x,\p) can be consistently determined order by order. Then with the obtained f(x,\p), second order viscous hydrodynamical calculations are carried out for elliptic flow v2v_2.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings for the 28th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Dorado Del Mar, Puerto Rico, United States Of America, 7 - 14 Apr 201


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    We present a theoretical model postulating that the relationship between crime and governance is “hump-shaped”, rather than linearly decreasing, when criminals need access to markets. State collapse, violent conflict and a lack of infrastructure are not conducive for the establishment of any business, legal or illegal. At the bottom end of the spectrum, therefore, criminal gangs benefit from improved governance, especially when this is delivered informally. With significant improvements in formal governance criminal activities decline. We use data from the International Maritime Bureau to create a new dataset on piracy and find strong and consistent support for this non-linear relationship.Governance; Crime; Piracy; Informal governance; Law enforcement

    A pattern-recognition theory of search in expert problem solving

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    Understanding how look-ahead search and pattern recognition interact is one of the important research questions in the study of expert problem-solving. This paper examines the implications of the template theory (Gobet & Simon, 1996a), a recent theory of expert memory, on the theory of problem solving in chess. Templates are "chunks" (Chase & Simon, 1973) that have evolved into more complex data structures and that possess slots allowing values to be encoded rapidly. Templates may facilitate search in three ways: (a) by allowing information to be stored into LTM rapidly; (b) by allowing a search in the template space in addition to a search in the move space; and (c) by compensating loss in the "mind's eye" due to interference and decay. A computer model implementing the main ideas of the theory is presented, and simulations of its search behaviour are discussed. The template theory accounts for the slight skill difference in average depth of search found in chess players, as well as for other empirical data

    Gov-aargh-nance: "Even Criminals Need Law and Order"

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    We present a theoretical model postulating that the relationship between crime and governance is "hump-shaped" rather than linearly decreasing. State failure, anarchy and a lack of infrastructure are not conducive for the establishment of any business. This includes illegal businesses, as criminals need protection and markets to convert loot into consumables. At the bottom end of the spectrum, therefore, both legal business and criminal gangs benefit from improved governance, especially when this is delivered informally. With significant improvements in formal governance criminal activities decline. We use data from the International Maritime Bureau to create a new dataset on piracy and find strong and consistent support for this non-linear relationship. The occurrence, persistence and intensity of small-scale maritime crime are well approximated by a quadratic relationship with governance quality. Organised crime benefits from corrupt yet effective bureaucrats, and informally governed areas within countries.Governance, Crime, Piracy, Informal Institutions, Law enforcement

    Gov-aargh-nance - "even criminals need law and order"

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    We present a theoretical model postulating that the relationship between crime and governance is "hump-shaped" rather than linearly decreasing. State failure, anarchy and a lack of infrastructure are not conducive for the establishment of any business. This includes illegal businesses, as criminals need protection and markets to convert loot into consumables. At the bottom end of the spectrum, therefore, both legal business and criminal gangs benefit from improved governance, especially when this is delivered informally. With significant improvements in formal governance criminal activities decline. We use data from the International Maritime Bureau to create a new dataset on piracy and find strong and consistent support for this non-linear relationship. The occurrence, persistence and intensity of small-scale maritime crime are well approximated by a quadratic relationship with governance quality. Organised crime benefits from corrupt yet effective bureaucrats, and informally governed areas within countries.

    Power law tails of time correlations in a mesoscopic fluid model

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    In a quenched mesoscopic fluid, modelling transport processes at high densities, we perform computer simulations of the single particle energy autocorrelation function C_e(t), which is essentially a return probability. This is done to test the predictions for power law tails, obtained from mode coupling theory. We study both off and on-lattice systems in one- and two-dimensions. The predicted long time tail ~ t^{-d/2} is in excellent agreement with the results of computer simulations. We also account for finite size effects, such that smaller systems are fully covered by the present theory as well.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: Zone of Reactions and Space-Time Structure of a Fireball

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    A zone of reactions is determined and then exploited as a tool in studying the space-time structure of an interacting system formed in a collision of relativistic nuclei. The time dependence of the reaction rates integrated over spatial coordinates is also considered. Evaluations are made with the help of the microscopic transport model UrQMD. The relation of the boundaries of different zones of reactions and the hypersurfaces of sharp chemical and kinetic freeze-outs is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure