21 research outputs found

    Social well-being as a criterion of fiscal policy efficiency

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    The article considers the relationship between the objectives of fiscal policy and well-being of the citizens. The state's budget policy has many public goals and allocated funds: military, national economy, national defense and security of the country, culture and sport, public debt service, the Federal target program, the creation of reserves, intergovernmental transfers, administrative expenses and wellbeing. Promoting the wellbeing of nation is fundamental to the work of government and essential for current issues and research. Budget resources should be directed and allocated in order to meet social objectives that are set out by the government. These documents are as follows: the President's annual speech, the main directions of monetary state's policy, the main budget regulations and federal law about its current budget. Efficiency of fiscal policy and, as a result, improvement of the quality of life of citizens and welfare of the nation can depend on fulfillment of commitments and obligations

    The Journalism Education Model in Modern Context: Transformation of Competences and Technologies

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    In the last decade the Russian education system has undergone significant changes: conceptual, structural and technological nature. Russia's accession to the Bologna Process (2003) resulted in a shift in the university education to two-level training, associated with the possibility of learning throughout life. The following differentiation of Russian universities into three groups (leading, federal, research) defined more clearly the status, profiling and development strategies of universities in the context of the Russian labor market’s demands and global competition. The search for the optimal model of journalism education that began as early as the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries resulted both the global and Russian practice in creation of a diverse and multi-level structure of vocational training, which present in modern Russia a multifarious spectrum of ceaseless journalism education: school (pre-university - special classes, clubs, workshops, schools); corporate (courses, workshops at the Union of Journalists, at the editorial offices, news agencies or other media institutes); higher (universities, academies, institutes); postgraduate (second degree; retraining and refresher courses, additional training), etc. This system has developed in the ХХ century, is transformed over time due to the changes in priorities and continues to develop nowadays according to the modern concepts of mass media and to the market demands

    The problem of professional burnout in stress management

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    The problem of professional burnout is extremely relevant in current stress management. By its nature, professional burnout is a unique type of stress syndrome that is characterized by emotional exhaustion. It leads to loss of energy and interest in one’s job. A burnout could be the result of such syndromes as – burnout and boreout. It could emerge as the reaction of the organism to the high working intensity and stress working conditions or due to the boredom and absence of the sphere for professional realization. Both syndromes negatively influence the professional activity and require serious research and an adequate approach to the study. Studies have been conducted in the higher educational environment and among production employees. The studies were conducted with the application of the existing tests for revealing the “boreout” and “burnout” syndromes. Studies have shown that the syndrome “burnout” is common among workers with free working regulations, whose work requires greater independence, initiative and responsibility. According to the results of the study, the employees who are more free in the performance of their professional duties (teachers, managers) are less subjected to the boreout syndrome. For the prevention and control of professional burnout company management needs to apply the achievements of stress management

    The policy of import substitution as the basis for economic security and well-being of society

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    The study presents the analysis of import substitution opportunities on separate branches of economic activity, preceding the realization of import substitution policy with the aim to support national economic security, which is essential for the contemporary society welfare insurance. Currently, social well-being is considered to be the reflection of economic activity, the instrument of state influence on the society, as well as an indicator of the social security system. Due to the fact that Russia is integrated into the world economy, the foreign-economic policy currently is playing an important role in the development of national security and the state's interest to the spheres of economy considering external and internal threats. Decline in external economic conditions may result in serious consequences for the functioning and development of the country as well as for the trade and investment activities, which will further lead to the decline in export, withdrawal of capital, recession of industrial production, trade and investment sphere, fall of GDP and living standards. Thus, considering the current state of instability in the world economy and the growing political tension in relation to Russian Federation, the measures to increase economic security in the country should be taken. The policy of import substitution is considered to be one of the major solutions nowadays

    Physical and chemical processes and the morphofunctional characteristics of human erythrocytes in hyperglycaemia

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    Background: This study examines the effect of graduated hyperglycaemia on the state and oxygen-binding ability of hemoglobin, the correlation of phospholipid fractions and their metabolites in the membrane, the activity of proteolytic enzymes and the morphofunctional state of erythrocytes. Methods: Conformational changes in the molecule of hemoglobin were determined by Raman spectroscopy. The structure of the erythrocytes was analyzed using laser interference microscopy (LIM). To determine the activity of NADN-methemoglobinreductase, we used the P.G. Board method. The degree of glycosylation of the erythrocyte membranes was determined using a method previously described by Felkoren et al. Lipid extraction was performed using the Bligh and Dyer method. Detection of the phospholipids was performed using V. E. Vaskovsky method. Results: Conditions of hyperglycaemia are characterized by a low affinity of hemoglobin to oxygen, which is manifested as a parallel decrease in the content of hemoglobin oxyform and the growth of deoxyform, methemoglobin and membrane-bound hemoglobin. The degree of glycosylation of membrane proteins and hemoglobin is high. For example, in the case of hyperglycaemia, erythrocytic membranes reduce the content of all phospholipid fractions with a simultaneous increase in lysoforms, free fatty acids and the diacylglycerol (DAG). Step wise hyperglycaemia in incubation medium and human erythrocytes results in an increased content of peptide components and general trypsin-like activity in the cytosol, with a simultaneous decreased activity of µ-calpain and caspase 3. Conclusions: Metabolic disorders and damage of cell membranes during hyperglycaemia cause an increase in the population of echinocytes and spherocytes. The resulting disorders are accompanied with a high probability of intravascular haemolysis.</p

    Increasing the performance of a Mobile Ad-hoc Network using a game-theoretic approach to drone positioning

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    We describe a novel game-theoretic formulation of the optimal mobile agents’ placement problem which arises in the context of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs). This problem is modelled as a sequential multistage game. The definitions of both the Nash equilibrium and cooperative solution are given. A modification was proposed to ensure the existence of a Nash equilibrium. A modelling environment for the analysis of different strategies of the players was developed in MATLAB. The programme generates various game situations and determines each player move by solving respective optimisation problems. Using the developed environment, two specific game scenarios were considered in detail. The proposed novel algorithm was implemented and tested using Network Simulator 3 (NS-3). The results show that the proposed novel algorithm increases network performance by using game theory principles and techniques.The investigations of S. Blakeway and A. S. Kirpichnikova have been partially supported by LMS (grant N SC7-1415-12). The work of E. V. Gromova on the construction of optimal strategies in the framework of MANET has been supported by Russian Scientific Foundation (grant N 17-11-01079)

    Dental implant issues: Forms and methods of education for international students

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    The article analyzes the experience of teaching the discipline "Dental implantation" to foreign students in Dentistry studying at the Chuvash State University in Cheboksary in the context of internationalization and digitalization of higher education. Forms and methods of teaching Dental implantation and international academic mobility of faculty members are proposed. Foreign students are active participants in the student scientific circle of the department "Dentist of the Future"; they take part in the annual International Student Conferences, tooth drawing competitions "Da Vinci's Tooth", All-Russian festivals of students and youth "Man. Citizen. Scientist". The authors emphasize the significance of professional and communicative competencies denistry teachers. The teachers of the department are members of the International Club of Implantologists - International team for Implantology. In 2019 in Valletta on Malta the first summit “World Women's Implantology Communities WIN EMEA” took place, and in May the University of Bern in Switzerland hosted a symposium in honor of Professor Daniel Buser “20 Years of Progress in Implant Dentistry”. The teachers of the department took part in these events. The main emphasis in the programs was placed on the active use of digital technologies in dental implantation, teaching discipline at the university using international standards. Internet resources allow you to check tasks for the teacher. For more than ten years, online testing has been carried out to monitor and assess the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students in this discipline. The department tests students in Online Test Pad. Computer tools and technologies are used to help educate dentistry students. To improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment, digital technologies for virtual examination and treatment are used: computed tomography, intraoral scanning, data collection and planning methods, CAD / CAM technology, tools and materials for 3D production. The department is aware that foreign graduates will represent Russian education in their country, and seeks to transfer knowledge using digital technologies, international standards and experience. Uniting efforts with foreign colleagues improves the quality of work with foreign students and develops competitiveness of university alumni

    The problem of professional burnout in stress management

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    The problem of professional burnout is extremely relevant in current stress management. By its nature, professional burnout is a unique type of stress syndrome that is characterized by emotional exhaustion. It leads to loss of energy and interest in one’s job. A burnout could be the result of such syndromes as – burnout and boreout. It could emerge as the reaction of the organism to the high working intensity and stress working conditions or due to the boredom and absence of the sphere for professional realization. Both syndromes negatively influence the professional activity and require serious research and an adequate approach to the study. Studies have been conducted in the higher educational environment and among production employees. The studies were conducted with the application of the existing tests for revealing the “boreout” and “burnout” syndromes. Studies have shown that the syndrome “burnout” is common among workers with free working regulations, whose work requires greater independence, initiative and responsibility. According to the results of the study, the employees who are more free in the performance of their professional duties (teachers, managers) are less subjected to the boreout syndrome. For the prevention and control of professional burnout company management needs to apply the achievements of stress management

    The policy of import substitution as the basis for economic security and well-being of society

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    The study presents the analysis of import substitution opportunities on separate branches of economic activity, preceding the realization of import substitution policy with the aim to support national economic security, which is essential for the contemporary society welfare insurance. Currently, social well-being is considered to be the reflection of economic activity, the instrument of state influence on the society, as well as an indicator of the social security system. Due to the fact that Russia is integrated into the world economy, the foreign-economic policy currently is playing an important role in the development of national security and the state's interest to the spheres of economy considering external and internal threats. Decline in external economic conditions may result in serious consequences for the functioning and development of the country as well as for the trade and investment activities, which will further lead to the decline in export, withdrawal of capital, recession of industrial production, trade and investment sphere, fall of GDP and living standards. Thus, considering the current state of instability in the world economy and the growing political tension in relation to Russian Federation, the measures to increase economic security in the country should be taken. The policy of import substitution is considered to be one of the major solutions nowadays