41 research outputs found

    Brexit and its impact on the UK Higher Education sector and the rights of scholars and students

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    This article reflects upon Brexit and its implications for Higher Education in the UK. First, it discusses how the EU Membership has influenced and shaped the development of the UK Academia, impacting on the content of academic curricula, research opportunities and staff and students mobility. The EU Membership has contributed to its internationalisation that might also suffer in the post Brexit scenario. Secondly, some economic aspects of Brexit in Higher Education are also examined, looking at corollary of research achievements and funding of the UK Universities, or its impact on financial planning heavily relying on the number of students’ intake. More importantly, this paper argues that the biggest loss for the UK Higher Education Sector would definitively be Research, Academic Collaboration and EU Funding but also staff recruitment and students mobility. In particular that the future of Research and Mobility Programmes such as Horizon Europe and Erasmus + is very uncertain. This article also looks at the post referendum hostile environment for the EU academics and students that has affected negatively the numbers of students, EU staff and academic collaboration. Finally, it also discusses some limited gains that the UK Universities could draw from Brexit. Lastly, it concludes with some optimistic notes, that the UK Universities seized perfectly the opportunities arising for the EU Membership and will use this experience to continue to grow in a more global context

    Gluten - a nutritional enemy or indispensable diet ingredient?

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    Introduction: Gluten is a mixture of wheat, rye and barley storage proteins. These corps have provided human beings worldwide with energy and nutrients for centuries. However, an increase in the occurrence of symptoms after the consumption of gluten has been observed recently. Although celiac disease is an indication of strict adherence to the gluten-free diet (GFD), the popularity of GFD is growing among healthy people. The risks of unsupported gluten elimination should be assessed before the introduction of GFD.    Purpose: The study aims to define GFD and indicate who should follow the diet, as well as present difficulties concerning strict adherence to GFD and possible consequences of eliminating gluten on one’s own.  Description of the state of knowledge: Regarding the mechanism, in which the symptoms after gluten consumption develop, the following diseases have been distinguished: celiac disease (CD), wheat allergy and non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Currently, the only indication of strict long-life adherence to GFD is CD. Such a restrictive approach may cause financial and social problems. Although the introduction of GFD improves the quality of life in CD patients, it does not lead to the immediate disappearance of the symptoms. Healthy people, who decide to eliminate gluten, should balance their diet carefully, as GFD might cause nutritional deficiencies and metabolic diseases.  Summary: Strict long-life adherence to GFD is indicated in CD. This treatment may be problematic, which often is not evident to people who eliminate gluten on their own. Unbalanced GFD can lead to nutritional deficiencies as well as metabolic diseases.&nbsp

    Effective treatment of a patient with critical lower limb ischemia using plasmid encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (pVEGF) - case report

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    W artykule przedstawiono skuteczne leczenie pacjenta z krytycznym niedokrwieniem kończyny dolnej drogą stymulacji angiogenezy. Pacjentowi podano plazmid kodujący naczyniowo-śródbłonkowy czynnik wzrostu (VEGF). Przed zabiegiem występował ból w nocy, ból spoczynkowy i martwica palucha. W wyniku zastosowanego leczenia obserwowano stopniową poprawę stanu pacjenta. Kilka miesięcy po wszczepieniu plazmidu rana po amputacji palucha zagoiła się, a dystans chromania zwiększył się do około 1000 m. Jedynymi działaniami niepożądanymi były wystąpienie pajączków naczyniowych i obrzęku kończyny, który ustąpił samoistnie.This study describes a really successful trial of angiogenic gene therapy in human beings. We treated a patient with critical limb ischemia using plasmid encoding vascular-endothelial growth factor. The patient before the procedure had rest-pain, nocturnal-pain and necrosis of the left toe. After our therapy the state of the patient systematically got better. A few months post gene transfer, the wound after amputation was healthy, the distance of claudication intermittent elongated and after treatment is about one thousand meters. The only adverse events were spider angiomas and mild edema

    JAK2 mutation status, hemostatic risk factors and thrombophilic factors in essential thrombocythemia (ET) patients

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    The recently discovered JAK2 V617F point mutation, found in 50–60% of ET patients, has been reported to be associated with a higher risk of thrombotic events. In this study, we explored if JAK2 V617F mutation, or coexisting thrombophilic and hemostatic risk factors, contributed to these complications. We examined 32 patients with ET, and looked for pathogenetic JAK2 V617F mutation and prothrombotic genes mutations: factor V Leiden, prothrombin and MTHFR. We also evaluated plasma levels of fibrinogen, factors VIII and XII, AT, protein C, protein S and serum level of homocysteine. Urokinase concentration was assessed in patients’ plasma as well as platelet lysates. There was no difference in the number of thrombotic complications between ET patients with and without JAK2 mutation. However, we found a number of thrombophilic and hemostatic risk factors that could contribute to thrombotic complications in ET patients. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2011; Vol. 49, No. 2, pp. 267–271

    Secondary malignancy in patients with essential thrombocythemia – case reports

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    Nadpłytkowość samoistna (ET; essential thrombocythemia) należy do przewlekłych chorób mieloproliferacyjnych i ma na ogół mało agresywny przebieg, jednak czas przeżycia chorych jest krótszy w porównaniu z ogólną populacją. Do niedawna za główne przyczyny skrócenia czasu życia chorych uznawano zaawansowany wiek i przebyte epizody zakrzepowe. Obecnie coraz więcej uwagi zwraca się na inny powód, jakim jest rozwój u tych chorych wtórnych nowotworów niehematologicznych.ET is a relatively indolent disease, but a shorter survival of patients has been observed. Previously the main risk factors for reduced survival time were advanced age and the history of thrombotic complications. Recently the other cause of reduced survival is put on – secondary nonhematological neoplasms

    Mild hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) and its relation with MTHFR gene mutation and folic acid concentration

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    In this study we assessed homocysteine level in 106 patients with ET – 80 females and 26 males, mean age 54 (23–82) and in 20 healthy persons – 6 males and 14 females, mean age 41 (31–54). We also searched for a relation between homocysteine level and MTHFR gene mutation as well as vitamin B12 and folic acid concentration. Median homocysteine serum level was higher in ET patients than in control group. Elevated homocysteine level primarily stems from folic acid deficiency rather than from the presence of MTHFR gene mutation. Median folic acid level was lower in ET patients presenting thrombotic and bleeding complications than in ET patient without vascular episodes. We concluded that folic acid substitution may not only prevent hyperhomocysteinemia but also the development of vascular complications in ET patients

    Equality Issues in the CEE Countries: Women and Decision Making in the Labor Market

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    This article examines the situation of working women and their career development in Central and Eastern Europe. It lookes at the difficulties and obstacles preventing them from competing effectively in the Labour Market. It considers the principle of equal treatment depeloped by the EC and its application in the countries that just joined the EC

    L'établissement des avocats dans l'Union Européenne

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    Defence date: 29 September 1998Examining borad: Prof. Francis Snyder, EUI (supervisor) ; Prof. Renaud Dehousse, EUI ; Prof. Jacques Foyer, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II ; Dr. Julian Lonbay, Birmingham UniversityPDF of thesis uploaded from the Library digitised archive of EUI PhD theses completed between 2013 and 201

    The Ukrainian spells containing names of animals

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    Work "The Ukrainian spells containing names of animals " is research. Divided into three chapters. The first concerns the issue of rituals. It was based largely on the work of Anna Engelking Rytuały słowne w kulturze ludowej. Próba klasyfikacji. In the second chapter is presented the researched material. It was developed for the symbolism of animals in the Ukrainian spells. The animal has been divided into four groups: reptiles and fish, mammals, birds and insects. The third chapter presents the classification of spells according to the scheme developed by A. Engelking.Praca na temat „Analiza zaklęć ukraińskich zawierających komponenty zwierzęce” jest pracą badawczą. Podzielona została na trzy rozdziały. Pierwszy z nich dotyczy zagadnienia rytuałów. Został on oparty w głównej mierze na pracy Anny Engelking Rytuały słowne w kulturze ludowej. Próba klasyfikacji. W rozdziale drugim przedstawiony jest badany materiał. Został on opracowany pod kątem symboliki zwierząt występujących w ukraińskich zaklęciach. Zwierzęta zostały podzielone na cztery grupy: gady i ryby, ssaki, ptaki oraz owady. Rozdział trzeci przedstawia klasyfikację zaklęć według schematu opracowanego przez A. Engelking