2,394 research outputs found
Ein technologisches Konzept zur Erzeugung adaptiver hierarchischer Netze für FEM-Schemata
Adaptive finite element methods for the solution of partial differential equations require effective methods of mesh refinement and coarsening, fast multilevel solvers for the systems of FE equations need a hierarchical structure of the grid. In the paper a technology is presented for the application of irregular hierarchical triangular meshes arising from refinement by only dividing elements into four congruent triangles. The paper describes the necessary data structures and data structure management, the principles and algorithms of refining and coarsening the mesh, and also a specific assembly technique for the FE equations system. Aspects of the parallel implementation on MIMD computers with a message passing communication are included
Lokale Realisierung von Vektoroperationen auf Parallelrechnern
For the basic algebraic vector operations several variants of a local
implementation on distributed memory parallel computers are presented and discussed
systematically. In particular necessary and sufficient conditions are shown for the local realizability
of the multiplication matrix by vector
Crystal structures and freezing of dipolar fluids
We investigate the crystal structure of classical systems of spherical
particles with an embedded point dipole at T=0. The ferroelectric ground state
energy is calculated using generalizations of the Ewald summation technique.
Due to the reduced symmetry compared to the nonpolar case the crystals are
never strictly cubic. For the Stockmayer (i.e., Lennard-Jones plus dipolar)
interaction three phases are found upon increasing the dipole moment:
hexagonal, body-centered orthorhombic, and body-centered tetragonal. An even
richer phase diagram arises for dipolar soft spheres with a purely repulsive
inverse power law potential . A crossover between qualitatively
different sequences of phases occurs near the exponent . The results are
applicable to electro- and magnetorheological fluids. In addition to the exact
ground state analysis we study freezing of the Stockmayer fluid by
density-functional theory.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.
Vesicles in solutions of hard rods
The surface free energy of ideal hard rods near curved hard surfaces is
determined to second order in curvature for surfaces of general shape. In
accordance with previous results for spherical and cylindrical surfaces it is
found that this quantity is non-analytical when one of the principal curvatures
changes signs. This prohibits writing it in the common Helfrich form. It is
shown that the non-analytical terms are the same for any aspect ratio of the
rods. These results are used to find the equilibrium shape of vesicles immersed
in solutions of rod-like (colloidal) particles. The presence of the particles
induces a change in the equilibrium shape and to a shift of the prolate-oblate
transition in the vesicle phase diagram, which are calculated within the
framework of the spontaneous curvature model. As a consequence of the special
form of the energy contribution due to the rods these changes cannot be
accounted for by a simple rescaling of the elastic constants of the vesicle as
for solutions of spherical colloids or polymers.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.
Decomposition of operator semigroups on W*-algebras
We consider semigroups of operators on a W-algebra and prove, under
appropriate assumptions, the existence of a Jacobs-DeLeeuw-Glicksberg type
decomposition. This decomposition splits the algebra into a "stable" and
"reversible" part with respect to the semigroup and yields, among others, a
structural approach to the Perron-Frobenius spectral theory for completely
positive operators on W-algebras.Comment: referee's comments incorporated. To appear in Semigroup Foru
Homogeneous Open Quantum Random Walks on a lattice
We study Open Quantum Random Walks for which the underlying graph is a
lattice, and the generators of the walk are translation-invariant. We consider
the quantum trajectory associated with the OQRW, which is described by a
position process and a state process. We obtain a central limit theorem and a
large deviation principle for the position process, and an ergodic result for
the state process. We study in detail the case of homogeneous OQRWs on a
lattice, with internal space
The instability of Alexander-McTague crystals and its implication for nucleation
We show that the argument of Alexander and McTague, that the bcc crystalline
structure is favored in those crystallization processes where the first order
character is not too pronounced, is not correct. We find that any solution that
satisfies the Alexander-McTague condition is not stable. We investigate the
implication of this result for nucleation near the pseudo- spinodal in
near-meanfield systems.Comment: 20 pages, 0 figures, submitted to Physical Review
Orientational Ordering in Spatially Disordered Dipolar Systems
This letter addresses basic questions concerning ferroelectric order in
positionally disordered dipolar materials. Three models distinguished by dipole
vectors which have one, two or three components are studied by computer
simulation. Randomly frozen and dynamically disordered media are considered. It
is shown that ferroelectric order is possible in spatially random systems, but
that its existence is very sensitive to the dipole vector dimensionality and
the motion of the medium. A physical analysis of our results provides
significant insight into the nature of ferroelectric transitions.Comment: 4 pages twocolumn LATEX style. 4 POSTSCRIPT figures available from
[email protected]
Two New LBV Candidates in the M33 Galaxy
We present two new luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate stars discovered in
the M33 galaxy. We identified these stars (Valeev et al. 2010) as massive star
candidates at the final stages of evolution, presumably with a notable
interstellar extinction. The candidates were selected from the Massey et al.
(2006) catalog based on the following criteria: emission in Halpha, V<18.5 and
0.35<(B-V)<1.2. The spectra of both stars reveal a broad and strong Halpha
emission with extended wings (770 and 1000 km/s). Based on the spectra we
estimated the main parameters of the stars. Object N45901 has a bolometric
luminosity log(L/Lsun)=6.0-6.2 with the value of interstellar extinction
Av=2.3+-0.1. The temperature of the star's photosphere is estimated as
Tstar~13000-15000K its probable mass on the Zero Age Main Sequence is
M~60-80Msun. The infrared excess in N45901 corresponds to the emission of warm
dust with the temperature Twarm~1000K, and amounts to 0.1% of the bolometric
luminosity. A comparison of stellar magnitude estimates from different catalogs
points to the probable variability of the object N45901. Bolometric luminosity
of the second object, N125093, is log(L/Lsun)=6.3-6.6, the value of
interstellar extinction is Av=2.75+-0.15. We estimate its photosphere's
temperature as Tstar~13000-16000K, the initial mass as M~90-120Msun. The
infrared excess in N125093 amounts to 5-6% of the bolometric luminosity. Its
spectral energy distribution reveals two thermal components with the
temperatures Twarm~1000K and Tcold~480K. The [CaII] lines (7291A and 7323A),
observed in LBV-like stars VarA and N93351 in M33, are also present in the
spectrum of N125093. These lines indicate relatively recent gas eruptions and
dust activity linked with them. High bolometric luminosity of these stars and
broad Halpha emissions allow classifying the studied objects as LBV candidates.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure
Quantum Einstein Gravity
We give a pedagogical introduction to the basic ideas and concepts of the
Asymptotic Safety program in Quantum Einstein Gravity. Using the continuum
approach based upon the effective average action, we summarize the state of the
art of the field with a particular focus on the evidence supporting the
existence of the non-trivial renormalization group fixed point at the heart of
the construction. As an application, the multifractal structure of the emerging
space-times is discussed in detail. In particular, we compare the continuum
prediction for their spectral dimension with Monte Carlo data from the Causal
Dynamical Triangulation approach.Comment: 87 pages, 13 figures, review article prepared for the New Journal of
Physics focus issue on Quantum Einstein Gravit
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