682 research outputs found

    Analysis of the SFR - M* plane at z<3: single fitting versus multi-Gaussian decomposition

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    The analysis of galaxies on the star formation rate - stellar mass (SFR-M*) plane is a powerful diagnostic for galaxy evolution at different cosmic times. We consider a sample of 24463 galaxies from the CANDELS/GOODS-S survey to conduct a detailed analysis of the SFR-M* relation at redshifts 0.5â©œz<\leqslant z<3 over more than three dex in stellar mass. To obtain SFR estimates, we utilise mid- and far-IR photometry when available, and rest-UV fluxes for all the other galaxies. We perform our analysis in different redshift bins, with two different methods: 1) a linear regression fitting of all star-forming galaxies, defined as those with specific star formation rates log10(sSFR/yr−1)>−9.8\rm log_{10}(sSFR/yr^{-1}) > -9.8, similarly to what is typically done in the literature; 2) a multi-Gaussian decomposition to identify the galaxy main sequence (MS), the starburst sequence and the quenched galaxy cloud. We find that the MS slope becomes flatter when higher stellar mass cuts are adopted, and that the apparent slope change observed at high masses depends on the SFR estimation method. In addition, the multi-Gaussian decomposition reveals the presence of a starburst population which increases towards low stellar masses and high redshifts. We find that starbursts make up ~5% of all galaxies at z=0.5-1.0, while they account for ~16% of galaxies at 2<z<<z<3 with log10(M∗)=_{10}(M^{*})=8.25-11.25. We conclude that the dissection of the SFR-M* in multiple components over a wide range of stellar masses is necessary to understand the importance of the different modes of star formation through cosmic time.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&A, after addressing referee report. Main changes with respect to v1: two new appendixes to investigate the impact of redshift outliers and to test a two-Gaussian component fit to the sSFR distribution. No conclusion change

    Prevalence of X-ray variability in the Chandra Deep Field South

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    We studied the X-ray variability of sources detected in the Chandra Deep Field South (Giacconi et al. 2002), nearly all of which are low to moderate z AGN (Tozzi et al. 2001). We find that 45% of the sources with >100 counts exhibit significant variability on timescales ranging from a day up to a year. The fraction of sources found to be variable increases with observed flux, suggesting that >90% of all AGNs possess intrinsic variability. We also find that the fraction of variable sources appears to decrease with increasing intrinsic absorption; a lack of variability in hard, absorbed AGNs could be due to an increased contribution of reflected X-rays to the total flux. We do not detect significant spectral variability in the majority (~70%) of our sources. In half of the remaining 30%, the hardness ratio is anti-correlated with flux, mimicking the high/soft-low/hard states of galactic sources. The X-ray variability appears anti-correlated with the luminosity of the sources, in agreement with previous studies. High redshift sources, however, have larger variability amplitudes than expected from extrapolations of their low-z counterparts, suggesting a possible evolution in the accretion rate and/or size of the X-ray emitting region. Finally, we discuss some effects that may produce the observed decrease in the fraction of variable sources from z=0.5 out to z=2.Comment: 24 pages, including 15 figures and 1 table. In press on Ap

    Emission-Line Galaxies from the HST PEARS Grism Survey I: The South Fields

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    We present results of a search for emission-line galaxies in the Southern Fields of the Hubble Space Telescope PEARS (Probing Evolution And Reionization Spectroscopically) grism survey. The PEARS South Fields consist of five ACS pointings (including the Hubble Ultra Deep Field) with the G800L grism for a total of 120 orbits, revealing thousands of faint object spectra in the GOODS-South region of the sky. Emission-line galaxies (ELGs) are one subset of objects that are prevalent among the grism spectra. Using a 2-dimensional detection and extraction procedure, we find 320 emission lines orginating from 226 galaxy "knots'' within 192 individual galaxies. Line identification results in 118 new grism-spectroscopic redshifts for galaxies in the GOODS-South Field. We measure emission line fluxes using standard Gaussian fitting techniques. At the resolution of the grism data, the H-beta and [OIII] doublet are blended. However, by fitting two Gaussian components to the H-beta and [OIII] features, we find that many of the PEARS ELGs have high [OIII]/H-beta ratios compared to other galaxy samples of comparable luminosities. The star-formation rates (SFRs) of the ELGs are presented, as well as a sample of distinct giant star-forming regions at z~0.1-0.5 across individual galaxies. We find that the radial distances of these HII regions in general reside near the galaxies' optical continuum half-light radii, similar to those of giant HII regions in local galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures; Accepted for publication in A

    Hubble Space Telescope Imaging in the Chandra Deep Field South: III. Quantitative Morphology of the 1Ms Chandra Counterparts and Comparison with the Field Population

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    We present quantitative morphological analyses of 37 HST/WFPC2 counterparts of X-ray sources in the 1 Ms Chandra Deep Field-South (CDFS). We investigate: 1) 1-D surface brightness profiles via isophotal ellipse fitting; 2) 2-D, PSF- convolved, bulge+disk+nucleus profile-fitting; 3) asymmetry and concentration indices compared with all ~3000 sources in our three WFPC2 fields; and 4) near- neighbor analyses comparing local environments of X-ray sources versus the field control sample. Significant nuclear point-source optical components appear in roughly half of the resolved HST/WFPC2 counterparts, showing a narrow range of F_X/F_{opt,nuc} consistent with the several HST-unresolved X-ray sources (putative type-1 AGN) in our fields. We infer roughly half of the HST/WFPC2 counterparts host unobscured AGN, which suggests no steep decline in the type-1/type-2 ratio out to the redshifts z~0.5-1 typical of our sources. The concentration indices of the CDFS counterparts are clearly larger on average than those of the field distribution, at 5-sigma, suggesting that the strong correlation between central black hole mass and host galaxy properties (including concentration index) observed in nearby galaxies is already evident by z~0.5-1. By contrast, the asymmetry index distribution of the 21 resolved CDFS sources at I<23 is indistinguishable from the I<23 field. Moreover, the frequency of I<23 near neighbors around the CDFS counterparts is not significantly different from the field sample. These results, combined with previous similar findings for local samples, suggest that recent merger/ interaction history is not a good indicator of AGN activity over a substantial range of look-back time.Comment: 30 pages, incl. 8 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Near Ultraviolet sources in the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey Fields

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    We present an Ultraviolet (UV) selected sample of 268 objects in the two fields of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS). We used the parallel observations taken with WFPC2 in the U--band (F300W) which covered 88% of the GOODS fields to identify sources and selected only objects with GOODS/ACS counterparts. Spectroscopic redshifts for 95 of these sources are available and we have used the multiwavelength GOODS data to estimate photometric redshifts for the others. Most of the objects are between 0.2<z<0.8. We used the spectral types obtained by the photometric redshift fitting to identify the starburst galaxies. We have also visually checked all objects and looked for tidal effects and nearby companions. We find that (i) 45% of the UV-selected galaxies are starbursts, (ii) nearly 75% of the starbursts have tidal tails or show some peculiarity typical of interactions or mergers, (iii) ~50% have companions within an area of 5x5 arcsec. The UV-selected sample has an average rest-frame M_B=--19.9 +- 0.1. The bluest objects in the sample (U-B < 0.2 and B-V < 0.1) are at 1.1<z<1.9 and have peculiar morphologies that resembles either tadpoles, chains, or double-clump galaxies. Starbursts with tadpole or clump morphology at z=0.8-1.3 have sizes comparable to LBGs and compact Ultraviolet-luminous galaxies (UVLGs).Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    Analytic Time Delays and H_0 Estimates for Gravitational Lenses

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    We study gravitational lens time delays for a general family of lensing potentials, which includes the popular singular isothermal elliptical potential and singular isothermal elliptical density distribution but allows general angular structure. Using a novel approach, we show that the time delay can be cast in a very simple form, depending only on the observed image positions. Including an external shear changes the time delay proportional to the shear strength, and varying the radial profile of the potential changes the time delay approximately linearly. These analytic results can be used to obtain simple estimates of the time delay and the Hubble constant in observed gravitational lenses. The naive estimates for four of five time delay lenses show surprising agreement with each other and with local measurements of H_0; the complicated Q 0957+561 system is the only outlier. The agreement suggests that it is reasonable to use simple isothermal lens models to infer H_0, although it is still important to check this conclusion by examining detailed models and by measuring more lensing time delays.Comment: 16 pages with 2 embedded figures; submitted to Ap

    Recovering the properties of high redshift galaxies with different JWST broad-band filters

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    Imaging with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow for observing the bulk of distant galaxies at the epoch of reionisation. The recovery of their properties, such as age, color excess E(B-V), specific star formation rate (sSFR) and stellar mass, will mostly rely on spectral energy distribution fitting, based on the data provided by JWST's two imager cameras, namely the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Mid Infrared Imager (MIRI). In this work we analyze the effect of choosing different combinations of NIRCam and MIRI broad-band filters, from 0.6 {\mu}m to 7.7 {\mu}m, on the recovery of these galaxy properties. We performed our tests on a sample of 1542 simulated galaxies, with known input properties, at z=7-10. We found that, with only 8 NIRCam broad-bands, we can recover the galaxy age within 0.1 Gyr and the color excess within 0.06 mag for 70% of the galaxies. Besides, the stellar masses and sSFR are recovered within 0.2 and 0.3 dex, respectively, at z=7-9. Instead, at z=10, no NIRCam band traces purely the {\lambda}> 4000 {\AA} regime and the percentage of outliers in stellar mass (sSFR) increases by > 20% (> 90%), in comparison to z=9. The MIRI F560W and F770W bands are crucial to improve the stellar mass and the sSFR estimation at z=10. When nebular emission lines are present, deriving correct galaxy properties is challenging, at any redshift and with any band combination. In particular, the stellar mass is systematically overestimated in up to 0.3 dex on average with NIRCam data alone and including MIRI observations improves only marginally the estimation.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication at the ApJ
