4 research outputs found

    System architecture of a European platform for health policy decision making::MIDAS

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    Abstract Background: Healthcare data is a rich yet underutilized resource due to its disconnected, heterogeneous nature. A means of connecting healthcare data and integrating it with additional open and social data in a secure way can support the monumental challenge policy-makers face in safely accessing all relevant data to assist in managing the health and wellbeing of all. The goal of this study was to develop a novel health data platform within the MIDAS (Meaningful Integration of Data Analytics and Services) project, that harnesses the potential of latent healthcare data in combination with open and social data to support evidence-based health policy decision-making in a privacy-preserving manner. Methods: The MIDAS platform was developed in an iterative and collaborative way with close involvement of academia, industry, healthcare staff and policy-makers, to solve tasks including data storage, data harmonization, data analytics and visualizations, and open and social data analytics. The platform has been piloted and tested by health departments in four European countries, each focusing on different region-specific health challenges and related data sources. Results: A novel health data platform solving the needs of Public Health decision-makers was successfully implemented within the four pilot regions connecting heterogeneous healthcare datasets and open datasets and turning large amounts of previously isolated data into actionable information allowing for evidence-based health policy-making and risk stratification through the application and visualization of advanced analytics. Conclusions: The MIDAS platform delivers a secure, effective and integrated solution to deal with health data, providing support for health policy decision-making, planning of public health activities and the implementation of the Health in All Policies approach. The platform has proven transferable, sustainable and scalable across policies, data and regions

    Reports of the 2016 AAAI workshop program

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    The Workshop Program of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16) was held at the beginning of the conference, February 12-13, 2016. Workshop participants met and discussed issues with a selected focus — providing an informal setting for active exchange among researchers, developers and users on topics of current interest. To foster interaction and exchange of ideas, the workshops were kept small, with 25-65 participants. Attendance was sometimes limited to active participants only, but most workshops also allowed general registration by other interested individuals. The AAAI-16 Workshops were an excellent forum for exploring emerging approaches and task areas, for bridging the gaps between AI and other fields or between subfields of AI, for elucidating the results of exploratory research, or for critiquing existing approaches. The fifteen workshops held at AAAI-16 were Artificial Intelligence Applied to Assistive Technologies and Smart Environments (WS-16-01), AI, Ethics, and Society (WS-16-02), Artificial Intelligence for Cyber Security (WS-16-03), Artificial Intelligence for Smart Grids and Smart Buildings (WS-16-04), Beyond NP (WS-16-05), Computer Poker and Imperfect Information Games (WS-16-06), Declarative Learning Based Programming (WS-16-07), Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics Using AI (WS-16-08), Incentives and Trust in Electronic Communities (WS-16-09), Knowledge Extraction from Text (WS-16-10), Multiagent Interaction without Prior Coordination (WS-16-11), Planning for Hybrid Systems (WS-16-12), Scholarly Big Data: AI Perspectives, Challenges, and Ideas (WS-16-13), Symbiotic Cognitive Systems (WS-16-14), and World Wide Web and Population Health Intelligence (WS-16-15)