20 research outputs found

    The family rules. The influence of parenting styles on adolescents' media literacy

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    Der Aufsatz untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der elterlichen Medienerziehung und der Medienkritikfähigkeit Jugendlicher. Basis sind je 28 qualitative Interviews mit einem Elternteil und ihren Kindern. Jugendliche nutzen soziale Netzwerke wie Instagram extensiv, ihre Eltern hingegen deutlich seltener. Dennoch sind sie erste Instanz der Mediensozialisation. Sie sollen Normen für die Mediennutzung vermitteln und über Chancen und Risiken aufklären. Instagram erfüllt den Wunsch Jugendlicher nach der sozialen Interaktion mit anderen bzw. die Teilhabe am Leben anderer, die Dokumentation des alltäglichen Lebens sowie die Möglichkeit zum Selbstausdruck durch seine visuelle Charakteristik. Der Aufsatz erarbeitet eine Typologie der Jugendlichen in Abhängigkeit der Medienerziehung und verdeutlicht deren Relevanz für die Medienkritikfähigkeit. Die Dimensionen elterlicher (Medien)erziehung Wärme und Kontrolle prägen diese Fähigkeit. Je höher die Wärme der Erziehung, desto höher ist die Medienkritikfähigkeit der Kinder. Der Einfluss der Kontrolle ist weniger deutlich. Sie ist bis zu einem gewissen Grad vorteilhaft und hilft den Kindern. Wird sie zu stark, entfaltet die Kontrolle ein eher negatives Potenzial, das die Medienkompetenz Jugendlicher hemmt.The paper examines the relationship between parenting styles concerning media and the ability of young people to criticize media. It is based on 28 qualitative interviews with each parent and their children. Young people use social networks such as Instagram extensively, while their parents use them much less often. Nevertheless, they are the first instance of media socialization. They should communicate norms for media use and inform about opportunities and risks. Instagram fulfils adolescents' desire for social interaction with others or participation in the life of others, documentation of everyday life and the possibility of self-expression through its visual characteristics. The paper develops a typology of young people depending on parenting styles and illustrates their relevance for media criticism. The dimensions of parenting styles heat and control characterize this ability. The higher the warmth of parenting, the higher the children's ability to criticize the media. The influence of control is less clear. It is advantageous to a certain degree and helps the children. If it becomes too strong, control unfolds a rather negative potential that inhibits young people's media literacy

    Development of a biodegradable microstent for minimally invasive treatment of Fallopian tube occlusions

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    Obstructions of the Fallopian tube represent one of the most common reasons for an unfulfilled desire to have children. Microstent technology opens up new therapeutic possibilities to restore the natural lumen of the Fallopian tube within a single treatment. Within the current work we developed a self-expandable biodegradable microstent for gynecological applications. Based on a novel microstent design, prototypes were manufactured from poly-L-lactide tubing by means of fs-laser cutting. Microstent prototypes were characterized morphologically by means of scanning electron microscopy and biaxial laser scanning. As manufactured, a microstents outside diameter of about 2.3 mm and a strut thickness/width of about 114 µm/103 µm was measured. Mechanical characterization of microstents included bending as well as crimping and release behavior. After crimping to a minimum diameter of 0.8 mm and consecutive release, a microstent recovery to a diameter of 1.8 mm was found. Therefore, proof-of-concept for the self-expandable microstent could be successfully provided. © 2020 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston 2020

    Cross-talk between Aldosterone / Mineralocorticoid Receptor and EGFR Signaling

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    Klassischerweise ist der Aldosteron-gebundene MR an der Regulation des Blutdruckes und des Wasser-Elektrolyt-Haushaltes beteiligt. Neuere klinische Studien zeigen allerdings, dass Aldosteron auch an pathophysiologischen Remodelingprozessen im kardiovaskulären und renalen System mitwirkt. Die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen sind noch weitgehend unbekannt. Der EGFR ist ein Wachstumsfaktor und heterologer Signaltransduktor für G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren von beispielsweise Angiotensin II, Phenylephrin und Endothelin-1. In der Literatur gibt es Hinweise für eine Interaktion zwischen den Signaltransduktionswegen von Aldosteron/MR und EGFR. So können Mineralocorticoide nach zerebraler Ischämie zu einem vermehrten vaskulären Remodeling und einem Anstieg der EGFR-mRNA-Konzentration führen und außerdem eine EGF-induzierte Vasokonstriktion verstärken. Daher wäre eine mögliche Erklärung für die pathophysiologische Wirkung von Aldosteron eine Induktion der EGFR-Expression mit vermehrter Wirksamkeit von vasoaktiven Peptiden. Um diese Hypothese zu überprüfen untersuchten wir in verschiedenen Modellsystemen, ob Aldosteron die EGFR-Proteinexpression erhöht. Dies war sowohl im heterologen CHO-Expressionsystem also auch in MR-exprimierenden Zelllinien und Primärkulturen der Fall. Auch in adrenalektomierten Ratten mit osmotischen Minipumpen bestätigte sich die Aldosteron-induzierte EGFR-Expression in der Aorta, im linken Herzen und der Niere. Über den eng verwandten Glucocorticoidrezeptor ließ sich keine EGFR-Expressionssteigerung auslösen, so dass es sich um einen MR-spezifischen Effekt handelt. Zur Charakterisierung des zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismus, der besonders für therapeutische Interventionen von Interesse ist, wurde die Promotoraktivität des EGFR untersucht. Es zeigte sich bei Aldosteroninkubation eine gesteigerte EGFR-Promotoraktivität im Reporter-Gen-Assay. Die beteiligten Promotoranteile konnten mit Deletionskonstrukten auf zwei DNA-Fragmente eingegrenzt werden. Von Seiten des MR ist die A/B-Domäne für die Interaktion bedeutend, denn ein trunkierter MR mit den Domänen C, D, E und F genügt nicht, um den EGFR-Promoter vollständig zu aktivieren. Um Hinweise für die physiologische und pathophysiologische Bedeutung der Interaktion zwischen MR und EGFR zu erhalten, untersuchten wir sowohl den Einfluß auf die Bildung von Extrazellulärmatrix in glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen als auch auf die Natriumresorption im Sammelrohr der Niere. Als Anhaltspunkt für die vermehrte Bildung von extrazellulärer Matrix wie sie bei Remodelingprozessen vorkommt, quantifizierten wir die Fibronektinsekretion in glatten Muskelzellen der humanen Aorta (HAoSMC). Nach Aldosteroninkubation und besonders bei Koinkubation mit EGF zeigte sich eine vermehrte Fibronektinsekretion ins Medium, die sich durch Hemmer der EGFR-Kaskade normalisieren ließ. Dies unterstützt die Hypothese, dass die Aldosteron-EGFR-Interaktion an der Entstehung von Remodelingprozessen im kardiovaskulären und renalen System beteiligt ist. Neben einem Einfluss auf die Entstehung pathophysiologischer Prozesse im kardiovaskulären und renalen System kommt es über eine Aldosteron-induzierte EGFR-Expression im Sammelrohr der Niere auch zu physiologischen Effekten, nämlich einer Hemmung der Natriumresorption. Diese wirkt der klassischerweise durch Aldosteron vermittelten vermehrten Natriumresoprtion über den epithelialen Natriumkanal (ENaC) entgegen und könnte daher als negative Feedbackschleife Dauer und Ausmaß der Aldosteron-induzierten Natriumresorption limitieren. Zusätzlich zu den klassischen genomischen Wirkungen zeigen Steroide nicht-genotrope Effekte. Beim Aldosteron führen diese MR- und EGFR-vermittelt zu einer Aktivierung der ERK1/2- und JNK-1/2-Kinasen. Die nicht-genotrope Aldosteron-induzierte ERK-Aktivierung ist ferner durch c-Src-Inhibitoren hemmbar und führt zu einer Stimulation der Kerntranslokation des MR. Nicht-genotrope Effekte können folglich unter Beteiligung der EGFR-Signalkaskade die genomischen modulieren. Aldosteron führt ebenfalls zu einem Anstieg der zytosolischen Calciumkonzentration, allerdings ist dieser Effekt unabhängig vom MR. Hieraus folgt, dass die nicht-genotropen Effekte teilweise MR-vermittelt und teilweise MR-unabhängig sind. Insgesamt konnte also auf verschiedenen Ebenen eine Interaktion zwischen Aldosteron/MR und der EGFR-Signalkaskade gezeigt werden, mit Hinweisen für eine Bedeutung bei sowohl physiologischen als auch pathophysiologische Vorgängen.Classically, aldosterone-bound MR regulates blood pressure as well as salt and water homeostasis. Recent clinical studies have shown that aldosterone can additionally lead to cardiovascular and renal remodeling; however, the underlying mechanisms are still unclear. The EGFR is a growth factor and heterologous signal transducer for G-protein-coupled receptors of for example angiotensin II, phenylephrine and endothelin-1. There are indications in literature that there is cross-talk between aldosterone/MR and EGFR signaling. For example, mineralocorticoids can lead to both enhanced vascular remodeling and an increase in EGFR-mRNA after cerebral injury and they can also augment EGF-induced vasoconstriction. Therefore, one attractive hypothesis to explain the pathophysiological effects of aldosterone is an aldosterone-induced EGFR expression with consequently increased signaling of vasoactive and profibrotic peptides. To evaluate this hypothesis, we tested EGFR expression after aldosterone incubation in different model systems. We found an aldosterone-induced EGFR expression in a heterologous expression system of CHO cells, in endogenously MR-expression cell lines as well as in primary culture. This was also true in the kidney, aorta and the heart of adrenalectomized rats equipped with osmotic minipumps. The closely related glucocorticoid receptor did not lead to enhanced EGFR expression, making this phenomenon MR specific. Because of its possible therapeutical relevance for remodeling processes, the underlying molecular mechanism of the MR/EGFR cross-talk is of special interest. To characterize it we looked at the promoter activity of the EGFR which was enhanced after incubation with aldosterone. Furthermore, we could narrow down the EGFR promoter regions involved in this interaction down to two DNA fragments. Concerning the MR, the n-terminal A/B-domain is necessary to elicit full activation of the promoter while the domains C, D, E and F by themselves are not enough. To gain evidence for the physiological and pathophysiological relevance of the interaction between the MR and the EGFR, we looked at formation of extracellular matrix and sodium reabsorption in the renal collecting duct. As an indicator for enhanced formation of extracellular matrix and remodeling, we measured fibronectin secretion of human aortal smooth muscle cells. After incubation with aldosterone and especially in the presence of EGF, an increase in fibronectin secretion could be measured that was antagonized by inhibitors of the EGFR cascade. This supports the hypothesis that the aldosterone-EGFR cross-talk is involved in cardiovascular and renal remodeling processes. Besides this pathophysiological effect, aldosterone-induced EGFR expression in the renal collecting duct can also lead to a reduction in sodium reabsoption. This counteracts the increase in sodium reabsorption classically induced by aldosterone and can therefore function as a negative feedback loop limiting long-term aldosterone-induced sodium reabsorption. In addition to traditional genomic effects, steroids can also elicit non-genotropic actions. Aldosterone, for example, can lead to MR- and EGFR-mediated activation of ERK1/2 and JNK1/2. The non-genotropic aldosterone-induced ERK activation is also reduced by c-Src-inhibitors and leads to an increase in the cytosolic-nuclear shuttling of the MR. Therefore, the non-genotropic effects can modulate genomic effects via the EGFR pathway. Furthermore, aldosterone can induce a rise in the concentration of cytosolic calcium which is independent on the MR. Consequently, non-genotropic actions are partially mediated by the MR and partially MR-independent. Overall, there is a cross-talk between aldosterone/MR and EGFR signaling on different levels with evidence for relevance for physiological and pathophysiological processes

    IBS/BW: Integriertes Bibliothekssystem in Baden-Württemberg. Vortragsfolien vom 14. BSZ-Kolloquium am 19.09.2013 an der Universität Konstanz

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    Inhalt: - Das Projekt IBS|BW - Zentrales Betriebsmodell: Organisation, Rolle des ZDV, Rolle des BSZ - Organisationsstruktur des IBS-Projekts - Produktivbetrieb nach Projektende: Supportstrukturen, Kommunikationsstruktur, Umlagemodell für laufende Koste

    Overexpression of protein phosphatase 5 in the mouse heart: Reduced contractility but increased stress tolerance - Two sides of the same coin?

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    The pathophysiological mechanisms of sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction are largely unknown. The Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is expressed in cardiac myocytes and is involved in bacterial endotoxin-mediated inflammatory disorders. TLR4 signaling leads to activation of the nuclear factor kappa B followed by increased expression of cytokines. Several protein phosphatases including PP2Cβ, PP2A or PP1 are known to act as regulators of this signaling pathway. Here, we examined the role of PP5 for the inflammatory response to the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide in the heart using a transgenic mouse model with cardiac myocyte directed overexpression of PP5. In these transgenic mice, basal cardiac contractility was reduced, in vivo as well as in vitro, but LPS-induced cardiac dysfunction was less pronounced compared to wild type mice. Quantitative RT-PCR suggested an attenuated NF-κB signaling in the heart and cardiac expression of heat shock protein 25 (HSP25) was increased in PP5 transgenic mice. From our data we assume that PP5 increases stress tolerance of cardiac myocytes by downregulation of NF-κB signaling and upregulation of HSP25 expression

    Biocompatibility of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles for biomedical applications

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    Magnetic nanoparticles are highly promising for the usage in various biomedical applications including magnetic particle imaging (MPI), cancer hyperthermia treatment or as drug carriers. The present study aims at assessing in vitro biocompatibility of two commercially available magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle formulations: dextran-based magnetic nanoparticle synomag-D and bionized nanoferrite BNF-starch. Biological performance of both nanoparticle formulations were studied in human endothelial cells by analyzing cell viability and nanoparticle internalization in order to judge their suitability as theranostics

    Protein phosphatase 2A improves cardiac functional response to ischemia and sepsis

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    Reversible protein phosphorylation is a posttranslational modification of regulatory proteins involved in cardiac signaling pathways. Here, we focus on the role of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) for cardiac gene expression and stress response using a transgenic mouse model with cardiac myocyte-specific overexpression of the catalytic subunit of PP2A (PP2A-TG). Gene and protein expression were assessed under basal conditions by gene chip analysis and Western blotting. Some cardiac genes related to the cell metabolism and to protein phosphorylation such as kinases and phosphatases were altered in PP2A-TG compared to wild type mice (WT). As cardiac stressors, a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced sepsis in vivo and a global cardiac ischemia in vitro (stop-flow isolated perfused heart model) were examined. Whereas the basal cardiac function was reduced in PP2A-TG as studied by echocardiography or as studied in the isolated work-performing heart, the acute LPS- or ischemia-induced cardiac dysfunction deteriorated less in PP2A-TG compared to WT. From the data, we conclude that increased PP2A activity may influence the acute stress tolerance of cardiac myocytes

    Innovatives SARS-CoV-2-Krisenmanagement im öffentlichen Gesundheitswesen: Corona-Dashboard und Abwasserfrühwarnsystem am Beispiel Berchtesgadener Land

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    Background!#!The rise of an infectious disease crisis such as the SARS-CoV‑2 pandemic posed significant challenges for the administrative structures of the public health service, which resulted in varying levels of efficiency in outbreak management as a function of staffing and digital resources. This substantially impeded the integration of innovative pandemic outbreak management tools. Innovative crisis management, such as cluster tracking, risk group testing, georeferencing, or the integration of wastewater surveillance recommended by the EU Commission, was made significantly more difficult.!##!Aim!#!In this case study in Berchtesgadener Land, we present the integration of an area-wide georeferenced wastewater surveillance system that captured 95% of the entire population since November 2020.!##!Methodology!#!Sampling occurred twice a week at nine municipal wastewater treatment plants and directly from the main sewer at three locations. Samples were pre-treated by centrifugation and subsequently analyzed by digital droplet polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targeting four specific genes of SARS-CoV‑2.!##!Results!#!The integration of an area-wide georeferenced wastewater surveillance system was successful. Wastewater occurrences are plotted for each municipality against cumulative infections over seven days per 100,000 inhabitants. Changes in the infection pattern in individual communities are noticeable ten days ahead of the official case numbers with a sensitivity of approximately 20 in 100,000 inhabitants.!##!Discussion!#!The integration of this innovative approach to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation by employing a digital dashboard and the use of an early warning system via quantitative wastewater surveillance resulted in very efficient, proactive management, which might serve as a blueprint for other municipalities in Germany