Development of a biodegradable microstent for minimally invasive treatment of Fallopian tube occlusions


Obstructions of the Fallopian tube represent one of the most common reasons for an unfulfilled desire to have children. Microstent technology opens up new therapeutic possibilities to restore the natural lumen of the Fallopian tube within a single treatment. Within the current work we developed a self-expandable biodegradable microstent for gynecological applications. Based on a novel microstent design, prototypes were manufactured from poly-L-lactide tubing by means of fs-laser cutting. Microstent prototypes were characterized morphologically by means of scanning electron microscopy and biaxial laser scanning. As manufactured, a microstents outside diameter of about 2.3 mm and a strut thickness/width of about 114 µm/103 µm was measured. Mechanical characterization of microstents included bending as well as crimping and release behavior. After crimping to a minimum diameter of 0.8 mm and consecutive release, a microstent recovery to a diameter of 1.8 mm was found. Therefore, proof-of-concept for the self-expandable microstent could be successfully provided. © 2020 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston 2020

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