19 research outputs found

    Improving the Vehicular Engine Pre-Start and After-Start Heating by Using the Combined Heating System

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    The chapter focuses on the use of the combined thermal development system with phase-transitional thermal accumulators. The peculiarity of the combined system is that it uses thermal energy of exhaust gas, coolant and motor oil for rapid pre-start and after-start heating of the vehicular engine. The structure of the combined thermal development system and a mathematical model have been developed to study the impact of the system parameters on the heating processes of the engine. The results of experimental and estimation studies of thermal accumulator materials and the combined heating system of the vehicular engine are shown. For a truck engine 8FS 9.2/8, it is shown that the use of the combined system reduces the time of coolant and motor oil thermal development by 22.9–57.5% and 25–57% accordingly compared with the use of a standard system. The peculiarities of forming and using the system depend on operational and climatic conditions and the category of the vehicle

    Stokes-correlometry analysis of biological tissues with polycrystalline structure

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    Utilizing Stokes-correlometry analysis a new diagnostic approach has been introduced for quantitative assessment of polarization images of histological sections of optically anisotropic biological tissues with different morphological structures and physiological conditions. The developed approach is based on the quantitative assessment of coordinate and phase distributions of the Stokes vector of scattered light. A combined use of statistic, correlation, and fractal analysis is used for resolving variations in optical anisotropy of biological samples. The proposed combined application of the statistical, correlation, and fractal-based evaluates of spatial distributions of `single-point' polarization azimuth, ellipticity, and `two-point' Stokes vector parameters of polarization images of biological tissues histological sections demonstrates a high accuracy (Ac ≥ 90%) in monitoring of optical anisotropy variations within biological tissues

    Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability

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    The article deals with measurement of pose repeatability of industrial robot Fanuc LR Mate 200iC. Laser interferometer Renishaw XL-80 and digital indicator Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic ID-F are used for the measurement. The measurement methodology is based on so-called ISO cube placed in the most used part of robot workspace. Individual steps of the solution, the analysis of measurement data and results are presented in the article

    Measurement of industrial robot pose repeatability

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    The article deals with measurement of pose repeatability of industrial robot Fanuc LR Mate 200iC. Laser interferometer Renishaw XL-80 and digital indicator Mitutoyo Absolute Digimatic ID-F are used for the measurement. The measurement methodology is based on so-called ISO cube placed in the most used part of robot workspace. Individual steps of the solution, the analysis of measurement data and results are presented in the article

    Features of the formation of approaches to ensuring remote intelligent control of the state of freight vehicles and the modes of work and rest of drivers in operating conditions

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    Процеси експлуатації автотранспортних засобів (АТЗ) супроводжуються присутністю ряду негативних наслідків, серед яких є витрата значної кількості палива, забруднення навколишнього середовища тощо. Враховуючи вплив цих процесів на зовнішнє середовище і, як результат, необхідність прийняття рішень щодо розробки протидії цьому явищу, адекватних результатам, що досягаються, треба мати необхідний обсяг достовірної інформації про параметри експлуатації АТЗ.The processes of operation of motor vehicles are accompanied by the presence of a number of negative consequences, among which there is a significant amount of fuel consumption, environmental pollution, etc. Taking into account the impact of these processes on the external environment and, as a result, the need to make decisions on the development of counteraction to this phenomenon, adequate to the achieved results, it is necessary to have the necessary amount of reliable information about the operating parameters of the vehicles

    Особливості предметної області інформаційної моделі системи дистанційного контролю технічного стану та режимів роботи вантажівки

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    An integral element of the processes of management and communication support of modern transport and logistics systems is the use of remote information monitoring of the parameters of the technical condition in the operation of vehicles. The task is to increase the efficiency of technical operation of trucks by improving the methods of operational control of the technical condition of the vehicle when changing modes of operation and rest and physical condition of drivers in operation by developing and applying information and analytical system of remote monitoring. The purpose of the study is to form a systematic interaction of monitoring tools to remotely ensure compliance with the modes of operation and rest of the driver, taking into account the technical condition of the vehicle in operating conditions, taking into account road, transport, climatic conditions, etc.Невід’ємним елементом процесів управління та комунікаційного забезпечення сучасних транспортно-логістичних систем є використання дистанційного інформаційного моніторингу параметрів технічного стану в процесі експлуатації транспортних засобів. Ставиться завдання підвищення ефективності технічної експлуатації вантажних автомобілів шляхом удосконалення методів оперативного контролю технічного стану автомобіля при зміні режимів роботи та відпочинку та фізичного стану водіїв під час експлуатації шляхом розробки та застосування інформаційно-аналітичної системи дистанційного керування. моніторинг. Метою дослідження є формування системної взаємодії засобів моніторингу для дистанційного забезпечення дотримання режимів роботи та відпочинку водія з урахуванням технічного стану транспортного засобу в умовах експлуатації з урахуванням дорожніх, транспортних, кліматичних умови та ін

    Computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions

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    The article is devoted to the organization of modern learning process, namely the use of innovative technologies – computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment of maritime higher education institutions. The example of educational electronic environment is presented in the article on LMS Moodle. The provided new technological and methodological opportunities are a priority in the developed methods of control and testing of knowledge, skills and abilities of students. Comparative characteristic of using computerized adaptive testing in educational electronic environment is given in the article according to different criteria: the role of tests in the learning process; methods of training; equipment; presence of the problems in educational process; level of its control and learning outcomes. The paper also presents examples of activities to form communicative competency of future maritime professionals. Types of adaptive tests are listed in the paper. The research activities were done by second year cadets of ship engineering department of Maritime College of Kherson State Maritime Academy. The experiment was devoted to the formation of communicative competence with the help of electronic environment of maritime higher education institution. The results of experiment proved positive impact of computerized adaptive testing on communicative competence of future ship engineers. Further investigation of adaptive testing can also be done for learning system of maritime education establishments using simulation technologies of virtual, augmented and mixed realities

    Automatic Vessel Steering in a Storm

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    The issues of automatic vessel control in a storm are considered in the paper. Vessel control in a storm is the most difficult stage in the vessel’s wiring, as it requires quick decisions to be made in difficult conditions. Practical experience shows that the deterioration of the working conditions of the crew is usually associated with an increase in the number of control errors, which is completely unacceptable in stormy conditions. To assess the safe speed and course in a storm, Yu. V. Remez has proposed a universal storm diagram, which allows identifying unfavourable combinations of vessel speed and course angles of the waves – the resonant zones, and avoid them. The universal Remez diagram provides for graphical calculations, which, in combination with the visual determination of the wave parameters, gives a very low accuracy. The article examines the possibility of automatic control of a vessel in a storm by automatic measurement of motion parameters and wave parameters, automatic calculation in the onboard controller of the vessel optimal safe speed and course during a storm, automatic maintenance of the optimal safe speed and course of the vessel. The automatic control significantly increases the accuracy of calculations, excludes the human factor, reduces the depletion of the crew, and increases the reliability of the vessel control in a storm. The efficiency and effectiveness of the method, algorithmic and software were tested on Imitation Modelling Stand in a closed loop with mathematical vessel models of the navigation simulator Navi Trainer 5000

    The peculiarities of monitoring road vehicle performance and environmental impact

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    The article describes the peculiarities of mathematical models for determining the performance indicators of operation and environmental impact of road vehicles. The models are the basis of intelligent monitoring systems for separate road transport objects: vehicle propulsion systems, separate vehicles in motion on the real route and traffic flows. The structures of these monitoring systems with the characteristics of input data, the features of simulating the main processes and output results of monitoring the performance indicators of operation and environmental impact of road vehicles are presented. The examples of current parameters monitoring of the car with a gasoline engine in three typical motion phases in the traffic flow are given

    Features of the use of simulation modeling in the analytical component of the information and analytical system for monitoring vehicles

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    Ефективним інструментом управління класифікацією умов експлуатації транспортних засобів в інформаційних умовах ITS є імітаційне моделювання, головною перевагою якого є те, що на відміну від аналітичного моделювання імітаційне дозволяє багаторазово відтворювати досліджувану складну систему і визначати її оптимальний стан. Запропоновано алгоритм розробки і верифікації імітаційної моделі оптимізації дорожнього руху та розроблено діаграма процесу імітаційної моделі руху транспортних засобів громадського транспорту в досліджуваному транспортному вузлі.Simulation modeling is an effective tool for managing the classification of vehicle operating conditions in the ITS information environment. Its main advantage is that, unlike analytical modeling, simulation allows you to repeatedly reproduce the complex system under study and determine its optimal state. An algorithm for the development and verification of a simulation model for traffic optimization is proposed, and a process diagram for a simulation model for the movement of public transport vehicles in the transport hub under study is developed