305 research outputs found

    New Palearctic bee species of Protosmia subgenus Nanosmia (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

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    Bees of the genus Protosmia subgenus Nanosmia are not well known.  Three new species are described and figured for both sexes: Protosmia (Nanosmia) hamulifera Griswold, new species, from the Arabian Peninsula, P. (N.) schwarzi Griswold, new species, from Morocco and Tunisia, and P. (N.) trifida Griswold, new species, from Turkey.  An updated diagnosis and new distributional records are provided for the recently described P. (N.) montana Müller.  The species is recorded for the first time from Turkey and Tadjikistan

    First records, phenology, habitat, and host-plant associations of Macrotera opuntiae (Cockerell) (Hymenoptera: Andrenidae) in Montana

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    Abstract.  Macrotera (Cockerellula) opuntiae (Cockerell) is a minute bee oligolectic on cacti and one of the few stone-nesting bee species. We document the first records of M. opuntiae in Montana, USA, a considerable range expansion from where this species was previously known in Colorado. We briefly describe the habitat and host-plant (cacti) associations, and the activity period of M. opuntiae adults in Montana. A new state record for Nebraska and new records for western Colorado are also reported

    The floral hosts and distribution of a supposed creosote bush specialist, Colletes stehpeni Timberlake (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)

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    Colletes stehpani Timberlake is thought to be a narrow oligolege of creosote bush, Larrea tridentata (DC.) Coville (Zygophyllaceae) with limited distribution in the Sonoran desert of the Western United States. Based on appraisal of a museum specimens and fieldsurveys from 1999 to 2001 on 21 sand dunes, we foundd C. stephani to be a much more widely distributed psammophile of theSonoran, Mojave, and Great Basin Deserts that utilizes two unrelated plant pollen scources,Larrea Cav. and Psorothamnus Rydb. (Fabaceae). The geologic history of the region suggests a potential host shift from the more ancient occupant, Psorothamnus, to the Neogene colonizer, Larrea

    On the classification of North American Chelostoma (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae)

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    A new subgenus of Chelostoma Latreille is established for the New World group historically placed in Foveosmia Warncke.  These species, placed herein in Neochelostoma Engel & Griswold, new subgenus, are differentiated from the Palearctic Foveosmia and a modified key is provided to the subgenera of Chelostoma

    The floral hosts and distribution of a supposed creosote bush specialist, Colletes stepheni Timberlake (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)

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    Colletes stepheni Timberlake, previously thought to be a narrow oligolege of Larrea (creosote bush) of limited distribution in the Sonoran Desert, is found to be a much more widely distributed psammophile of the Sonoran, Mojave and Great Basin Deserts that utilizes two unrelated plant pollen sources, Larrea (Zygophyllaceae) and Psorothamnus (Fabaceae). The geologic history of the region suggests a potential host shift from the more ancient occupant, Psorothamnus, to the Neogene colonizer, Larrea

    The native bee fauna of the Palouse Prairie (Hymenoptera: Apoidea)

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    While synoptic collections provide data on the range and general composition of the North American bee fauna, bee communities associated with specific habitats are largely uncharacterized.  This report describes the community of native bees currently found in remnant fragments of the Palouse Prairie of northern Idaho and southeastern Washington State.  Native bees were collected using standardized collection techniques including blue vane traps, colored pan traps and aerial netting.  More than 13,000 individuals were collected, representing at least 174 species and 36 morphospecies in 29 genera.  These data provide the most thorough characterization of the bee fauna of this vulnerable ecosystem, as well as community level information on bee species of unknown conservation status.  These results are relevant to regional conservation efforts and, more broadly, are representative of conditions in fragmented grasslands surrounded by intense agriculture, a common global land use pattern of conservation concern

    On the Identity of the Adventive Species of Eufriesea Cockerell in the USA: Systematics and Potential Distribution of the Coerulescens Species Group (Hymenoptera, Apidae)

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    In the summer of 2010, two male specimens of the neotropical orchid bee genus Eufriesea Cockerell were collected in the Guadalupe Mountains of western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, USA. We tentatively identified them as E. coerulescens (Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau) because of the uncertainty surrounding the limits of this taxon and hypothesized that they were members of a persistent bee population, rather than long-distance transient vagrants. The goals of this paper are to clarify the identity of these specimens, assess the species limits of E. coerulescens, and to evaluate suitability of habitats in the USA for this adventive species. Herein, we revise the species in the coerulescens group using morphological features of both sexes and confirm that the specimens of Eufriesea from the USA are E. coerulescens. We recognize the following six species in the coerulescens group: E. coerulescens, E. micheneri Ayala & Engel, E. simillima (Moure & Michener), which is reinstated from synonym with E. coerulescens, and three new species from Mexico (E.barthelli Gonzalez & Griswold, sp. n., E. engeli Gonzalez & Griswold, sp. n., and E. oliveri Gonzalez & Griswold, sp. n.). To facilitate the identification of these taxa, we present a fully illustrated account of the species, comparative diagnoses, descriptions, and an updated key to all Mexican species of Eufriesea. Our analyses using species distribution modelling show an absence of suitable habitat for E. coerulescens in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico, thus favoring the long-distance dispersal hypothesis. The analyses also suggest high suitability of habitats across the Caribbean and some areas in Florida, as well as in other regions in Mexico and Central America. We discuss the implications of these results and compare them with the predicted distribution available for the other two known adventive orchid bee species in the USA

    Megachile (Megachile) montivaga (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) nesting in live thistle (Asteraceae: Cirsium)

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    Although Megachile Latreille (leafcutter bees) are well known for their diverse nesting habits, records of the genus nesting in live plants are rare.  Here, we report the widespread Megachile (Megachile) montivaga Cresson nesting in live thistle (Cirsium neomexicanum Gray), the first explicit record of this behavior in the Nearctic

    The lithurgine bees of Australia (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae), with a note on Megachile rotundipennis

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    Austrothurgus Gonzalez & Engel, new genus, is described and figured for three species of lithurgine bees (Megachilidae: Lithurginae: Lithurgini) from Australia. Austrothurgus is distinguished from other Lithurginae by the presence of arolia in males (absent in females), first flagellomere long in both sexes, female facial prominence mostly involving the base of clypeus, and male metabasitarsus with distinct, elevated carina on its inner surface. Austrothurgus malgaru Gonzalez, Engel, & Griswold, new species, from Western Australia is also described and figured. A neotype is designated for Lithurgus dentipes Smith and lectotypes for L. atratus Smith, L. cognatus Smith, and L. rubricatus Smith. The following two new combinations are established: A. cognatus (Smith) and A. rubricatus (Smith). An updated key to the genera of Lithurgini as well as diagnoses, illustrations, and a key to the species occurring in Australia are provided. Taxonomic notes and a new lectotype designation for the Indo-Pacific species Megachile (Eutricharaea) rotundipennis Kirby are also appended

    First Records of the Adventive Pseudoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry) (Hymenoptera: Megachilidae) in Illinois and Minnesota, with Notes on its Identification and Taxonomy

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    We report the first records of Pseudoanthidium nanum (Mocsáry) in Illinois and Minnesota in 2016 and 2018, respectively. This represents a relatively rapid expansion since P. nanum was first detected in New Jersey in 2008. In order to help monitor the spread of this bee, we provide information on how to identify P. nanum and provide images of the general habitus, diagnostic features, and male genitalia. Finally, we confirm the taxonomic identity of P. nanum in the United States and highlight potential impacts on native anthidiines