26 research outputs found

    Functioning of linear induction accelerator of electrons LIA-30 in the mode of simultaneous forming and acceleration of 2 - 3 high-current relativistic electron beams

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    The carried out experimental investigations of LIA-30 accelerator injection system as well as the new data on standard operation modes testing in bremsstrahlung pulse generation made it possible to take a new view of electrophysical processes taking place in the accelerating track. In spite of success achieved in searching for optimal acceleration conditions – namely, limitation of edge steepness and amplitude of injection current pulses, definition of the program of forming voltage pulses that accelerate electrons etc. – there still remains to acute the task of decreasing lateral oscillations of high-current relativistic electron beam along the track as a whole and especially in cathode-anode gap where the influence of longitudinal magnetic field irregularities is most evident. When the magnetic field is limited in the track what is related to technical potentialities, the oscillations decrease in the injection system equipped with a two-beam cathode. Moreover, this process of electron beam acceleration becomes more stable even under conditions of parameter changes in the accelerator subsystem operation

    Functioning of LIA-30 accelerator in the mode of generating bremsstrahlung pulses shortened to several nanoseconds

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    Deceleration of electrons and further transformation of the beam current lead to the ~2-times increase of the pulse amplitude, self-excited acceleration ofelectrons at the cutoffand shortening of15…20 Gy bremsstrahlung pulse.Гальмування електронів на фронті і наступна трансформація струму пучка приводять до збільшення амплітуди імпульсу у ~ 2 рази, до автоприскорення електронів на зрізі й укороченню імпульсу гальмового випромінювання з дозою 15…20 Гр.Торможение электронов на фронте и последующая трансформация тока пучка приводят к увеличению амплитуды импульса в ~ 2 раза, к автоускорению электронов на срезе и укорочению импульса тормозного излучения с дозой 15…20 Гр

    Marx generator GIN-1000 with 1 MV output voltage and 80 kJ stored energy

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    The results of development and study of Marx generator with output voltage of 1 MV and stored energy of 80 kJ are reported. The measured value of generator inductance is ~1.3 µH, the measured effective ohmic resistance ~ 1 Ohm.Приведены результаты разработки и исследования генератора Маркса с выходным напряжением 1 МВ, запасаемой энергией 80 кДж. Измеренное значение индуктивности генератора составляет ~1,3 мкГн, измеренное эффективное омическое сопротивление ~1 Ом.Наведено результати розробки і дослідження генератора Маркса з вихідною напругою 1 МВ, що запасає енергією 80 кДж. Виміряне значення індуктивності генератора становить ~1,3 мкГн, виміряний ефективний омічний опір ~1 Ом

    Bose-Einstein Correlations of Neutral and Charged Pions in Hadronic Z Decays

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    Bose-Einstein correlations of both neutral and like-sign charged pion pairs are measured in a sample of 2 million hadronic Z decays collected with the L3 detector at LEP. The analysis is performed in the four-momentum difference range 300 MeV < Q < 2 GeV. The radius of the neutral pion source is found to be smaller than that of charged pions. This result is in qualitative agreement with the string fragmentation model


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    The article analyzes the causes, problems and consequences of the project of withdrawal of the Baltic countries from the BRELL (Belarus, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) energy system. The authors consider the directions of the energy strategy of the Baltic states, including elimination of the "Baltic island" in the energy system of the European Union. It is shown that the energy infrastructure is the last area that prevents their full integration with the European Union and a break of their connections with Russia. The article reveals that the concept of energy independence of the Baltic States from Russia is openly political and contradicts the socio-economic interests. Energy independence of the Baltic States is a geopolitical project of the West with no considerations for the budgetary money or expenses of the taxpayers. As a result of the analysis of the causes and consequences of the Baltic countries' withdrawal from BRELL, the authors come to the conclusion about the political nature of the project and demonstrate problems and negative consequences of its implementation

    О нарастающих рисках катастроф при межсистемных взаимодействиях критических инфраструктур и способах их контроля и снижения

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    The threat of cascading failures of critical infrastructure is now a key problem for many governments around the world. Cascading failures are seen as potentially catastrophic, extremely difficult to predict, and increasingly likely. Many infrastructures are often privately owned and, as practice shows, private owners do not always invest sufficient funds in the prevention of cascade accidents. Experts are demanding that governments become more involved in regulation in this area. To date, empirical data on cascade accidents are extremely small. At the same time, it can be concluded from news reports about incidents that cascade accidents are not uncommon, although the entire wide range of not always obvious dependencies between infrastructures is not always considered. The most frequent participants in cascade and intersystem accidents are two infrastructures: energy and telecommunications. A method and an expert system of criteria modeling for monitoring and reducing the risks of intersystem interactions of critical infrastructures are proposed.Угроза каскадных отказов критических инфраструктур сегодня является ключевой проблемой для правительств многих стран мира. Каскадные сбои рассматриваются как потенциально катастрофические, чрезвычайно трудно прогнозируемые и все более вероятные. Многие инфраструктуры нередко находятся в частной собственности и, как показывает практика, частные владельцы далеко не всегда инвестируют достаточные средства в предупреждение каскадных аварий. На сегодняшний день эмпирические данные о каскадных авариях крайне малы. В то же время из новостных сообщений об инцидентах можно сделать вывод, что каскадные аварии не редкость, хотя далеко не всегда рассматривается весь широкий спектр не всегда очевидных зависимостей между инфраструктурами. Наиболее частыми участниками каскадных и межсистемных аварий являются две инфраструктуры: энергетики и телекоммуникаций. Предложен метод и экспертная система критериального моделирования для контроля и снижения рисков межсистемных взаимодействий критических инфраструктур

    Efficiency of antihelmitic drugs in the treatment of canine intestinal nematodes

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    The work presents the effectiveness of anthelmintic drugs in the treatment of canine intestinal nematodoses, since gastrointestinal parasites are the most common canine infectious agents and cause developmental delay, anorexia, anemia, diarrhea, which leads to significant damage to the dog's body and even death. In this regard, the analysis of the comparative efficacy of anthelmintic drugs for nematodoses in naturally invasive dogs was the aim of the present studies. As a result, it was found that using the combined therapeutic scheme of anthelmintic and probiotic, the complete disappearance of canine helminthiasis clinical signs was noted by the 10th day of treatment. This indicates a positive effect of symptomatic therapy for helminthiases. © 2018, Pharmainfo Publications. All rights reserved

    Influence of hepatic neoplasia on life expectancy in dogs

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    Background and Aim: The present study investigated the influence of liver tumor structure on life expectancy in dogs. Diseases of the liver comprise 5-25% of all non-communicable diseases in dogs, and primary hepatic tumors account for 0.6-1.3% of tumors. This research aimed to study the post-operative life span of animals with primary or metastatic tumors of the liver. Materials and Methods: During the study period, 7124 oncological operations were performed in our clinic. In total, 128 liver tumors were detected in live animals, while 323 were detected posthumously. Forty animals underwent surgery for various liver tumors. In dogs with primary liver tumors, the average age was 11.9 years and the average body weight was 15.5 kg, while in dogs with liver metastases, the mean age was 11.4 years and the average body weight was 24 kg. Results: The ratio of males to females among dogs with primary liver tumors was about 1:1 (ten females and nine males), while that among dogs with metastatic liver damage was clearly predominantly female (14 females and two males) because females often undergo surgery for cancerous mammary glands or ovaries. Conclusion: The size of tumors and the number of affected lobes had a significant effect on the post-operative life span. With a tumor size of <5 cm and a lesion covering less than two lobes of the liver, life expectancy was significantly longer and the prognosis was more favorable. In cases of large tumors or those affecting more than two lobes, life expectancy was significantly reduced and the prognosis was cautious to unfavorable. Copyright: Vilkovyskiy, et al. © 2020 Veterinary World. All rights reserved