39 research outputs found

    Instrumental methods of layout grid restoration on the construction site

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    During the preparatory period of construction a geodetic layout grid is created on a building site in the form of a construction grid, principal and main axes of buildings and constructions

    Instrumental methods of layout grid restoration on the construction site

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    During the preparatory period of construction a geodetic layout grid is created on a building site in the form of a construction grid, principal and main axes of buildings and constructions

    Plasmids specifying ε{lunate}-caprolactam degradation in Pseudomonas strains

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    The large plasmid DNAs were found in several strains of Pseudomonas sp. capable of growing on ε{lunate}-caprolactam as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The ability to grow on ε{lunate}-caprolactam and ε{lunate}-aminocaproic acid as sole sources of carbon or nitrogen and adipic acid as a sole source of carbon could be transferred in interspecies crosses. All transconjugants harboured corresponding large plasmid DNAs. It was suggested that the discovered plasmids possessed the genetic material controlling several consecutive reactions of ε{lunate}-caprolactam catabolism yielding acetate and succinate. © 1984

    Surfactant degradative plasmids

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    It has been shown that the degradation of anionlc, cationic and ampholytic surfactants by pseudomonads can be controlled by the plasmids with size of 60–130 kb. Most plasmid strains that degrade surfactants are capable of conjugative transfer and elimination from bacteria cells. Restriction patterns of plasmids do not reveal significant homology between plasmids.Показано, что деградация многих анионных, катионных и амфолитных поверхностно-активных веществ у псевдомонад контролируется плазмидами размером 60–130 тыс. п. н. Большинство плазм ид способны к конъюгативному переносу и элиминации из бактериальных клеток. Полученные первичные рестрикционные карты данных плазм ид имеют значительные различия.Показано, що деградація багатьох аніонних, катіонних та амфолітних поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) у псевдомонад контролюються плазмідами розміром 60–130 тис. п. н. Більшість плазмід здатні до кон'югативного переносу та елімінації з бактеріальних клітин. Створені первинні рестрикційні карти плазмід біодеградації ПАР мають значну різницю

    Plasmids specifying ε{lunate}-caprolactam degradation in Pseudomonas strains

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    The large plasmid DNAs were found in several strains of Pseudomonas sp. capable of growing on ε{lunate}-caprolactam as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The ability to grow on ε{lunate}-caprolactam and ε{lunate}-aminocaproic acid as sole sources of carbon or nitrogen and adipic acid as a sole source of carbon could be transferred in interspecies crosses. All transconjugants harboured corresponding large plasmid DNAs. It was suggested that the discovered plasmids possessed the genetic material controlling several consecutive reactions of ε{lunate}-caprolactam catabolism yielding acetate and succinate. © 1984

    Plasmids specifying ε{lunate}-caprolactam degradation in Pseudomonas strains

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    The large plasmid DNAs were found in several strains of Pseudomonas sp. capable of growing on ε{lunate}-caprolactam as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The ability to grow on ε{lunate}-caprolactam and ε{lunate}-aminocaproic acid as sole sources of carbon or nitrogen and adipic acid as a sole source of carbon could be transferred in interspecies crosses. All transconjugants harboured corresponding large plasmid DNAs. It was suggested that the discovered plasmids possessed the genetic material controlling several consecutive reactions of ε{lunate}-caprolactam catabolism yielding acetate and succinate. © 1984

    Plasmids specifying ε{lunate}-caprolactam degradation in Pseudomonas strains

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    The large plasmid DNAs were found in several strains of Pseudomonas sp. capable of growing on ε{lunate}-caprolactam as a sole source of carbon and nitrogen. The ability to grow on ε{lunate}-caprolactam and ε{lunate}-aminocaproic acid as sole sources of carbon or nitrogen and adipic acid as a sole source of carbon could be transferred in interspecies crosses. All transconjugants harboured corresponding large plasmid DNAs. It was suggested that the discovered plasmids possessed the genetic material controlling several consecutive reactions of ε{lunate}-caprolactam catabolism yielding acetate and succinate. © 1984

    Surfactant degradative plasmids

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    It has been shown that the degradation of anionlc, cationic and ampholytic surfactants by pseudomonads can be controlled by the plasmids with size of 60–130 kb. Most plasmid strains that degrade surfactants are capable of conjugative transfer and elimination from bacteria cells. Restriction patterns of plasmids do not reveal significant homology between plasmids.Показано, что деградация многих анионных, катионных и амфолитных поверхностно-активных веществ у псевдомонад контролируется плазмидами размером 60–130 тыс. п. н. Большинство плазм ид способны к конъюгативному переносу и элиминации из бактериальных клеток. Полученные первичные рестрикционные карты данных плазм ид имеют значительные различия.Показано, що деградація багатьох аніонних, катіонних та амфолітних поверхнево-активних речовин (ПАР) у псевдомонад контролюються плазмідами розміром 60–130 тис. п. н. Більшість плазмід здатні до кон'югативного переносу та елімінації з бактеріальних клітин. Створені первинні рестрикційні карти плазмід біодеградації ПАР мають значну різницю