63 research outputs found

    Distribution of the Water Scorpion \u3ci\u3eNepa Apiculata\u3c/i\u3e (Hemiptera: Nepidae) in Wisconsin

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    The water scorpion Nepa apiculata Uhler was considered rare in Wiscon- sin by Hilsenhoff (1984), who collected only 11 individuals during a 25-year period. All of his collections were from overwintering sites, especially debris in streams, during early spring or autumn (Hilsenhoff, pers. comm.). He concluded that the species was restricted to southern Wisconsin. Recent collections indicate that N. apiculata is more widely distributed. These records, summarized below, are documented with specimens in the University of Wisconsin-Madison insect collection

    Strengthened Knights: Masculinity In Sir Isumbras And El Libro Del Caballero Zifar

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    In this thesis, I examine the masculinities of the titular characters in Sir Isumbras and El Libro del Caballero Zifar [The Book of the Knight Zifar] through a lens of power in which masculinity is proven through the dominance over other men. Zifar and Isumbras must construct and prove their masculinities in a variety of circumstances; however, they differ significantly in their treatment of masculinity: Sir Isumbras extolls a compound masculinity, which the Zifar aims for one of consistency. I have chosen to focus on two of medieval Europe’s main Christian powers, and through a comparative analysis, their distinct masculinities become apparent. While many scholars have focused on aspects of lordship and identity construction, very few examine the core feature of those aspects: masculinity

    The Warrior Mindset Attributes

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    Law enforcement officers are being confronted with a serious dilemma. There is a division between the police and our communities when it comes to public trust. Some of this distrust comes from the belief that law enforcement has moved away from the traditional roles of Sir Robert Peel and the community policing model to a much more different role. The traditionalist role was referred to as the guardian mindset. This has been replaced with the warrior mindset. Some believe that the warrior mindset is causing a more scared and aggressive officer, which has led to police shootings that are unreasonable. There are others who feel that the warrior mindset is essential in the everyday survival of the law enforcement officer. It can also be argued that the elimination of the warrior mindset will and has put officers at serious risk of injury or death. The people of the community must be treated with dignity, respect, and equality. There is no greater honor and responsibility than service. However, law enforcement officers should be trained to call on the attributes of the warrior mindset. These attributes are the best ways to help them survive a fatal encounter. Law enforcement officers must be trained for high stress situations using force on force. It is important to learn to understand stress, fear, hypervigilance, and how to control them while operating under them. Law enforcement officers should receive regular “shoot/don’t shoot” trai

    Zur Psychologie von Nahtoderfahrungen in religionswissenschaftlicher Perspektive

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    In zeitgenössischen religiösen Landschaften sind die VerschrĂ€nkungen zwischen dem Bereich der Religion und dem Bereich der Psychologie und Psychiatrie vielfĂ€ltig. In diesem Beitrag wird die psychologische Schule der Transpersonalen Psychologie (TP) und speziell die Arbeit des Psychiaters und LSD-Forschers Stanislav Grof vorgestellt, um die Interferenzen zwischen psychologischen oder therapeutischen Diskursen und religiösen Diskursen zu beleuchten. Von besonderem Interesse sind psychologische AnsĂ€tze zu Nahtoderfahrungen (NTE) und deren Produktion religiöser Imaginationen. Auf diese Weise skizziert dieser Beitrag die Grenzen zwischen Wissenschaft und Religion bzw. deren FließfĂ€higkeit am Beispiel eines spezifischen Diskurses, wie er sich in wissenschaftlichen AnsĂ€tzen zu NTE in der TP manifestiert.In contemporary religious landscapes, entanglements between the field of religion and the field of psychology and psychiatry are manifold. The psychological school of Transpersonal Psychology (TP) and specifically the work of the psychiatrist and LSD researcher Stanislav Grof is introduced in this chapter to illuminate the interferences between psychological or therapeutic discourses and religious discourses. Of particular interest are psychological approaches to â€șNear-Death Experiencesâ€č (NDE) and the way in which they produce religious imaginary. This chapter will outline the boundaries between science and religion, or rather the fluidity of such boundaries, using the example of a specific discourse as manifested in scholarly approaches to NDE in TP

    Role of the carboxyl terminal di-leucine in phosphorylation and internalization of C5a receptor

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    AbstractThe carboxyl tail of G protein-coupled receptors contains motifs that regulate receptor interactions with intracellular partners. Activation of the human neutrophil complement fragment C5a receptor (C5aR) is terminated by phosphorylation of the carboxyl tail followed by receptor internalization. In this study, we demonstrated that bulky hydrophobic residues in the membrane-proximal region of the C5aR carboxyl tail play an important role in proper structure and function of the receptor: Substitution of leucine 319 with alanine (L319A) resulted in receptor retention in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas a L318A substitution allowed receptor transport to the cell surface, but showed slow internalization upon activation, presumably due to a defect in phosphorylation by both PKC and GRK. Normal agonist-induced activation of ERK1/2 and intracellular calcium release suggested that the L318A mutation did not affect receptor signaling. Binding of GRK2 and PKCÎČII to intracellular loop 3 of C5aR in vitro indicated that mutagenesis of L318 did not affect kinase binding. Limited proteolysis with trypsin revealed a conformational difference between wild type and mutant receptor. Our studies support a model in which the L318/L319 stabilizes an amphipathic helix (Q305–R320) in the membrane-proximal region of C5aR

    Grenzarbeiten auf der Nulllinie: Nahtoderfahrung als Gegenstand, Begriff, Konzept

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    Nachdem Nahtoderfahrungen (NTE) im Diskurs westlicher Gesellschaften inzwischen kein Nischenthema mehr sind, sondern bereits vielfach medial rezipiert und verbreitet wurden und werden, sind die Potentiale der wissenschaftlichen Erforschung des Themas noch bei Weitem nicht ausgeschöpft. Dies mag nicht zuletzt etwas damit zu tun haben, dass die Auseinandersetzung mit NTE vielleicht mehr als andere Themen etablierte WissenschaftsverstĂ€ndnisse herausfordert. Der vorliegende Band macht daher drei VorschlĂ€ge zur Neuperspektivierung des Themas und zur Fortsetzung der begonnenen Diskussion: Gefragt werden soll nach der Aushandlung von Grenzen, nach â€șNahtoderfahrungenâ€č als einem wissenschaftlichen Konzept und nach den Potentialen interdisziplinĂ€rer Arbeit. Hierzu werden BeitrĂ€ge aus unterschiedlichen wissenschaftlichen Disziplinen wie etwa der Religionswissenschaft, der Theologie, der Soziologie und der Medizin versammelt, die sich aus ihrer je fachspezifischen Sicht mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen.Since near-death experiences (NDEs) are no longer a niche topic in the discourse of Western societies, but have already been and are being widely received and disseminated in the media, the potentials of scientific research on the topic are far from being exhausted. This may have something to do, not least, with the fact that dealing with NDEs challenges established understandings of science perhaps more than other topics. The present anthology therefore makes three proposals for a new perspective on the topic and for continuing the discussion that has already begun: It will ask about the negotiation of boundaries, about â€șnear-death experiencesâ€č as a scientific concept, and about the potentials of interdisciplinary work. For this purpose, contributions from different scientific disciplines such as religious studies, theology, sociology, and medicine will be gathered, each of them dealing with the topic from their own specific view

    Medizinische Forschung zu Tod und Bewusstsein: Interview mit Pim van Lommel vom 2. August 2017

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    Das Herz steht still, die Atmung ist ausgefallen. Die Diagnose lautet: klinisch tot. Kann man in einem solchen Zustand noch etwas wahrnehmen? Ja, sagt der Kardiologe Pim van Lommel. Denn sehr viele Menschen, die aufgrund einer ernsten Erkrankung, eines Herzstillstands oder eines Unfalls an der Schwelle zum Tod standen, berichten nach ihrer Genesung von außergewöhnlichen Bewusstseinserfahrungen: Sie nahmen eine wunderschöne Landschaft und ein heilsames Licht wahr und empfanden unbeschreibbare GlĂŒcksgefĂŒhle. Sie sahen sich selbst von oben und konnten nachher ĂŒber Details der Umgebung Auskunft geben – und dass trotz ihrer Bewusstlosigkeit. Das paradoxe Ereignis von erhöhtem Bewusstsein wird heute â€șNahtoderfahrungâ€č (NTE) genannt. Aber auf der Basis unserer aktuellen medizinischen Konzepte ist es nicht möglich, Bewusstsein bei Herzstillstand nach Beendigung von Blutkreiskauf und Atmung zu erfahren. Wie ist das trotzdem möglich? Pim van Lommel fand heraus, dass das Bewusstsein nicht an einen funktionierenden Körper gebunden sein muss. Es gibt gute GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr anzunehmen, dass unser Bewusstsein nicht immer mit dem Funktionieren unseres Gehirns ĂŒbereinstimmt. Van Lommels These lautet: Das Gehirn fungiert nur als EmpfĂ€nger eines endlosen Bewusstseins, das nach dem Tod nicht aufhört zu existieren. Denn selbst wenn das Gehirn nachweislich nicht mehr funktioniert, können Menschen ĂŒber ein klares Bewusstsein verfĂŒgen. Seine Erkenntnisse sind spektakulĂ€r und zwingen uns, ĂŒber Leben und Tod und ĂŒber die bisher ĂŒblichen ErklĂ€rungsmodelle der Beziehung zwischen Gehirn und Bewusstsein neu nachzudenken.In this interview, Pim van Lommel argues that according to our current medical concepts it is not possible to experience consciousness during a cardiac arrest when circulation and breathing have ceased. But during the period of unconsciousness due to a cardiac arrest or coma, patients may report the paradoxical occurrence of enhanced consciousness, with cognitive functions, with emotions, with self-identity, with memories from early childhood and sometimes with perception out and above their lifeless body. This is called a â€șNear-Death Experienceâ€č (NDE). In a prospective study on NDE by Pim van Lommel, as published in The Lancet, it could not be shown that physiological (anoxia), psychological, pharmacological or demographic factors could explain the cause and content of these experiences. According to this study, the current materialistic view of the relationship between the brain and consciousness held by most physicians, philosophers, and psychologists is too restricted for a proper understanding of this phenomenon. Pim van Lommel argues that there are now good reasons to assume that our consciousness does not always coincide with the functioning of our brain. As he elaborates in this interview, van Lommel has come to the inevitable conclusion that most likely the brain must have a facilitating and not a producing function to experience consciousness. By making a scientific case for consciousness as a nonlocal and thus ubiquitous phenomenon we must question a purely materialist paradigm in science. Moreover, recent research on NDE seems to be a source of new insights into the possibility of a continuity of our consciousness after physical death

    â€șNahtoderfahrungenâ€č. Ein wissenschaftliches Mysterienspiel heute: Interview mit Dieter Vaitl vom 11. November 2017

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    Dieter Vaitl geht davon aus, dass es sich bei â€șNahtoderfahrungenâ€č (NTE) um eine sehr heterogene, begrifflich schwer zu fassende Ansammlung von PhĂ€nomenen handelt, die keinesfalls nur in TodesnĂ€he auftreten. Sie sollten deswegen besser innerhalb des wesentlich breiteren Spektrums verĂ€nderter BewusstseinszustĂ€nde denn als isoliertes PhĂ€nomen beschrieben werden. Ihre KomplexitĂ€t ist vor allem methodologisch eine Herausforderung fĂŒr die Forschung, die sich dem Thema daher am besten ĂŒber mehrdimensional angelegte AnsĂ€tze widmen sollte. Dieses Potential wurde bislang jedoch noch gar nicht ausgeschöpft. Vaitl sieht daher keinen Grund, aus den bestehenden ErklĂ€rungsschwierigkeiten â€șBeweisspektakelâ€č zugunsten eines Glaubens an jenseitige Wirklichkeiten abzuleiten.In this interview, Dieter Vaitl assumes that â€șNear-Death Experienceâ€č (NDE) is a very heterogeneous collection of phenomena that are difficult to conceptualize and that by no means only occur near death. NDE are therefore better described within the much broader spectrum of altered states of consciousness, rather than as an isolated phenomenon. Their complexity is above all a methodological challenge for research, which should therefore best address the topic using multidimensional approaches. However, this potential has not yet been fully exploited. Vaitl therefore sees no reason to derive from the existing difficulties in explanation an â€șevidence spectacleâ€č in favor of a belief in otherworldly realities

    Regulation of Human Formyl Peptide Receptor 1 Synthesis: Role of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Transcription Factors, and Inflammatory Mediators

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    The gene encoding the human formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1) is heterogeneous, containing numerous single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Here, we examine the effect of these SNPs on gene transcription and protein translation. We also identify gene promoter sequences and putative FPR1 transcription factors. To test the effect of codon bias and codon pair bias on FPR1 expression, four FPR1 genetic variants were expressed in human myeloid U937 cells fused to a reporter gene encoding firefly luciferase. No significant differences in luciferase activity were detected, suggesting that the translational regulation and protein stability of FPR1 are modulated by factors other than the SNP codon bias and the variant amino acid properties. Deletion and mutagenesis analysis of the FPR1 promoter showed that a CCAAT box is not required for gene transcription. A −88/41 promoter construct resulted in the strongest transcriptional activity, whereas a −72/41 construct showed large reduction in activity. The region between −88 and −72 contains a consensus binding site for the transcription factor PU.1. Mutagenesis of this site caused significant reduction in reporter gene expression. The PU.1 binding was confirmed in vivo by chromatin immunoprecipitation, and the binding to nucleotides −84 to −76 (TTCCTATTT) was confirmed in vitro by an electrophoretic mobility shift assay. Thus, similar to many other myeloid genes, FPR1 promoter activity requires PU.1. Two single nucleotide polymorphisms at −56 and −54 did not significantly affect FPR1 gene expression, despite differences in binding of transcription factor IRF1 in vitro. Inflammatory mediators such as interferon-Îł, tumor necrosis factor-α, and lipopolysaccharide did not increase FPR1 promoter activity in myeloid cells, whereas differentiation induced by DMSO and retinoic acid enhanced the activity. This implies that the expression of FPR1 in myeloid cells is developmentally regulated, and that the differentiated cells are equipped for immediate response to microbial infections
