471 research outputs found

    The effective action of warped M-theory reductions with higher-derivative terms - Part II

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    We study the three-dimensional effective action obtained by reducing eleven-dimensional supergravity with higher-derivative terms on a background solution including a warp-factor, an eight-dimensional compact manifold, and fluxes. The dynamical fields are K\"ahler deformations and vectors from the M-theory three-form. We show that the potential is only induced by fluxes and the naive contributions obtained from higher-curvature terms on a Calabi-Yau background vanish once the back-reaction to the full solution is taken into account. For the resulting three-dimensional action we analyse the K\"ahler potential and complex coordinates and show compatibility with N=2 supersymmetry. We argue that the higher-order result is also compatible with a no-scale condition. We find that the complex coordinates should be formulated as divisor integrals for which a non-trivial interplay between the warp-factor terms and the higher-curvature terms allow a derivation of the moduli space metric. This leads us to discuss higher-derivative corrections to the M5-brane action.Comment: 26 page

    On M-theory fourfold vacua with higher curvature terms

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    We study solutions to the eleven-dimensional supergravity action, including terms quartic and cubic in the Riemann curvature, that admit an eight-dimensional compact space. The internal background is found to be a conformally Kahler manifold with vanishing first Chern class. The metric solution, however, is non-Ricci-flat even when allowing for a conformal rescaling including the warp factor. This deviation is due to the possible non-harmonicity of the third Chern-form in the leading order Ricci-flat metric. We present a systematic derivation of the background solution by solving the Killing spinor conditions including higher curvature terms. These are translated into first-order differential equations for a globally defined real two-form and complex four-form on the fourfold. We comment on the supersymmetry properties of the described solutions.Comment: 14 page

    Safety Relevant Positioning Applications in Rail Traffic using the European Satellite System "Galileo"

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    Die Ortung im Eisenbahnverkehr hat eine hohe sicherheitstechnische Relevanz. Eine falsch detektierte Position eines Fahrzeugs kann zu einer erheblichen Gefährdung führen, da die ermittelte Ortsinformation für die Freigabe und das Wiederbesetzen von Gleisabschnitten genutzt wird. Daraus abgeleitet, müssen Ortungssysteme bei der Zulassung unter anderem die folgenden sicherheitskritischen Anforderungen erfüllen Genauigkeit, Zuverlässigkeit, Integrität und Verfügbarkeit der Ortungsinformation, die gemäß SIL 4 nachzuweisen sind

    Inducing an optical Feshbach resonance via stimulated Raman coupling

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    We demonstrate a novel method of inducing an optical Feshbach resonance based on a coherent free-bound stimulated Raman transition. In our experiment atoms in a Rb87 Bose-Einstein condensate are exposed to two phase-locked Raman laser beams which couple pairs of colliding atoms to a molecular ground state. By controlling the power and relative detuning of the two laser beams, we can change the atomic scattering length considerably. The dependence of scattering length on these parameters is studied experimentally and modelled theoretically.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PR

    Simple fluid with broken time reversal invariance

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    We characterize a system of hard spheres with a simple collision rule that breaks time reversal symmetry, but conserves energy. The collisions lead to an a-chiral, isotropic, and homogeneous stationary state, whose properties are determined in simulations and compared to an approximate theory originally developed for elastic hard spheres. In the nonequilibrium fluid state, velocities are correlated, a phenomenon known from other nonequilibrium stationary states. The correlations are long-ranged decaying like 1/rd1/r^d in dd dimensions. Such correlations are expected on general grounds far from equilibrium and had previously been observed in driven or non-stationary systems.Comment: 14 pages, 17 Figure

    A Reference Architecture for Mobile Knowledge Management

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    Although mobile knowledge management (mKM) is being perceived as an emerging R&D field, its concepts and approaches are not well-settled, as opposed to the general field of Knowledge Management (KM). In this work, we try to establish a definition for mKM. Taking into account building blocks of KM in enterprises and the abstract use cases of mKM systems we introduce an reference architecture for mKM systems as a basis for verifying and comparing concepts and system architectures. Finally we address the potential of mKM to be suitable as a prototype model for mobile, situation-aware information processing in the field of Ambient Intelligence Environments

    Ramping fermions in optical lattices across a Feshbach resonance

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    We study the properties of ultracold Fermi gases in a three-dimensional optical lattice when crossing a Feshbach resonance. By using a zero-temperature formalism, we show that three-body processes are enhanced in a lattice system in comparison to the continuum case. This poses one possible explanation for the short molecule lifetimes found when decreasing the magnetic field across a Feshbach resonance. Effects of finite temperatures on the molecule formation rates are also discussed by computing the fraction of double-occupied sites. Our results show that current experiments are performed at temperatures considerably higher than expected: lower temperatures are required for fermionic systems to be used to simulate quantum Hamiltonians. In addition, by relating the double occupancy of the lattice to the temperature, we provide a means for thermometry in fermionic lattice systems, previously not accessible experimentally. The effects of ramping a filled lowest band across a Feshbach resonance when increasing the magnetic field are also discussed: fermions are lifted into higher bands due to entanglement of Bloch states, in good agreement with recent experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure
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