40 research outputs found

    A comparison between healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers’ anxiety, depression and PTSD during the initial COVID -19 lockdown

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    Objective Several studies have found that Healthcare workers are vulnerable to mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, few studies have made comparisons of healthcare workers (HCWs) and non-HCWs. The current study aimed to compare mental health problems among HCWs with non-HCWs during the initial lockdown of COVID 19. Study design A population-based cross-sectional survey. Methods The survey was conducted by means of an open web link between April and May 2020. Data were collected by self-report. The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) was used to assess posttraumatic stress. Results A total of 4527 citizens answered the questionnaire and 32.1% were HCWs. The majority were female, under 60 years of age, and lived in urban areas. Among the HCWs, the majority were registered nurses working in hospitals. The prevalence were 12.8% vs 19.1% for anxiety, 8.5% vs 14.5% for depression and 13.6% vs 20.9% for PTSD among HCWs and non-HCWs respectively. The highest prevalence's for anxiety and PTSD among HCWs were found for those under 40 years of age and having low education level (<12 years). Conclusion Mental health problems was significantly lower among HCWs compared to non-HCWs. However, the COVID-19 poses a challenge for HCWs, especially young HCWs and those with low level of education. Providing support, appropriate education, training, and authoritative information to the different members of the HCWs could be effective ways to minimize the psychological effect.publishedVersio

    Use of alcohol and addictive drugs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway: associations with mental health and pandemic-related problems

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    Background: The outbreak of COVID-19 has had a major impact on people's daily life. This study aimed to examine use of alcohol and addictive drugs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway and examine their association with mental health problems and problems related to the pandemic. Methods: A sample of 4,527 persons responded to the survey. Use of alcohol and addictive drugs were cross-tabulated with sociodemographic variables, mental health problems, and problems related to COVID-19. Logistic regression analyses were used to examine the strength of the associations. Results: Daily use of alcohol was associated with depression and expecting financial loss in relation to the COVID-19 outbreak. Use of cannabis was associated with expecting financial loss in relation to COVID-19. Use of sedatives was associated with anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Use of painkillers was associated with insomnia and self-reported risk of complications if contracting the coronavirus. Conclusion: The occurrence of mental health problems is more important for an understanding of the use of alcohol and addictive drugs during the COVID-19 outbreak in Norway, compared to specific pandemic-related worries.publishedVersio

    Serious life events and post-traumatic stress disorder in the Norwegian population

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    Background: It has been suggested that countries with more resources and better healthcare have populations with a higher risk of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Norway is a high-income country with good public healthcare. Aims: To examine lifetime trauma exposure and the point prevalence of PTSD in the general Norwegian population. Method: A survey was administered to a national probability sample of 5500 adults (aged ≥18 years). Of 4961 eligible individuals, 1792 responded (36%). Responders and non-responders did not differ significantly in age, gender or urban versus rural residence. Trauma exposure was measured using the Life Events Checklist for the DSM-5. PTSD was measured with the PTSD Checklist for the DSM-5. We used the DSM-5 diagnostic guidelines to categorise participants as fulfilling the PTSD symptom criteria or not. Results: At least one serious lifetime event was reported by 85% of men and 86% of women. The most common event categories were transportation accident and life-threatening illness or injury. The point prevalence of PTSD was 3.8% for men and 8.5% for women. The most common events causing PTSD were sexual and physical assaults, life-threatening illness or injury, and sudden violent deaths. Risk of PTSD increased proportionally with the number of event categories experienced. Conclusions: High estimates of serious life events and correspondingly high rates of PTSD in the Norwegian population support the paradox that countries with more resources and better healthcare have higher risk of PTSD. Possible explanations are high expectations for a risk-free life and high attention to potential harmful mental health effects of serious life events.publishedVersio

    Attitudes towards suicidal behaviour in outpatient clinics among mental health professionals in Oslo

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    BACKGROUND: To investigate attitudes of professionals working in mental health care outpatient clinics in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) (for children and adolescents aged 0–18 years) and District Psychiatric Centres (DPC) (for adults aged 18–67 years). METHODS: Professionals in four outpatient units in Oslo were enrolled (n = 229: 77%). The Understanding of Suicidal Patient scale (USP) (11 = positive to 55 = negative) and Attitudes Towards Suicide questionnaire (ATTS) (1 = totally disagree to 5 = totally agree) were used to assess professionals’ attitudes. Questions explored competence, religion, experiences of and views on suicidal behaviour and its treatment. RESULTS: All the professionals indicated positive attitudes (USP 18.7) and endorsed the view that suicide was preventable (ATTS 4.3). Professionals who had received supervision or were specialists had attitudes that were more positive. Professionals in CAP were less satisfied with available treatment. Psychiatric disorders were considered the most common cause of suicidal behaviour, and psychotherapy the most appropriate form of treatment. The professionals confirmed that patients with other disorders of comparable severity are followed up more systematically. CONCLUSIONS: The professionals showed positive attitudes with minor differences between CAP and DPC

    Systematic Literature Review of Attempted Suicide and Offspring

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    Background: Exposure to parental suicide attempt is associated with higher risks of adverse outcomes like lower educational performance, drug abuse and delinquent behavior. When a patient is hospitalized after a suicide attempt, this presents a unique opportunity to identify whether the patient has children, and thereby provide adequate follow-up for both the parent/patient and their children. The objective of this paper was to review the existing literature on follow-up measures for children subjected to parental suicide attempt. Methods: In line with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement, we conducted a systematic literature search. Results: The search resulted in a total of 1275 article titles, of which all abstracts were screened. Out of these, 72 full text papers were read, and a final four articles were included. Three of the included papers described parts of the same study from an emergency department in The Hague, where a protocol was implemented for monitoring and referring children of parents attempting suicide. The fourth article described the association between maternal attempted suicide and risk of abuse or neglect of their children. Conclusions: The lack of research in this particular area is striking. The circumstances surrounding a parent&rsquo;s suicide attempt call for appropriate familial care

    22. juli 2011 - Psykiske reaksjoner hos pasienter ved Legevakten i Oslo

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    BAKGRUNN: Etter bombeangrepet i regjeringskvartalet 22. juli 2011 fikk mange skadede behandling ved Legevakten i Oslo. MATERIALE OG METODE: Pasientene (n = 79) fikk tilsendt et spørreskjema ti måneder etter behandlingen og på nytt etter tre år. Til sammen 42 pasienter svarte ved ett eller begge tidspunkter. Posttraumatiske stressreaksjoner ble målt med PTSD-RI (University of California at Los Angeles PTSD Reaction Index). Symptomer på angst og depresjon ble målt ved hjelp av HSCL-8-skalaen (Hopkins Symptom Checklist). Fysiske plager ble kartlagt ved hjelp av 12 spørsmål. Tilfredshet med oppfølgingen ble målt med åtte spørsmål på en fempoengsskala. RESULTATER: Etter ti måneder var gjennomsnittskåren for PTSD-RI 1,4 (95 % KI 1,0–1,7), og 31 % av svarene var på klinisk nivå for posttraumatisk stressforstyrrelse. Etter tre år var gjennomsnittskåren 1,3 (95 % KI 0,9–1,7), og 25 % var på klinisk nivå for posttraumatisk stressforstyrrelse. Symptomskåren for angst og depresjon etter ti måneder var 0,9 (95 % KI 0,6–1,2) og etter tre år 0,8 (95 % KI 0,5–1,2). Hyppigste fysiske plage var hodepine. Tilfredsheten med oppfølging varierte noe, men var stort sett god. FORTOLKNING: Flere av dem som fikk behandling for skader ved Legevakten i Oslo hadde psykiske symptomer etter terrorangrepet i lang tid etterpå. Pasientene var tilfredse med oppfølgingen, som i hovedsak ble gitt i førstelinjetjenesten

    Concerns in the Norwegian population during the initial lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic

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    Although concern affects one's welfare or happiness, few studies to date have focused on peoples' concerns during the initial COVID-19 lockdown. The aim of the study was to explore concerns in the Norwegian populations according to gender and age, and identify which concerns were most prominent during the lockdown. A population-based cross-sectional online survey using snowball-sampling strategies was conducted, to which 4527 adults (≥18 years) responded. Questions related to concerns had response alternatives yes or no. In addition, they were asked which concern was most prominent. Nearly all the 4527 respondents (92%) reported that they were concerned: 60.9% were generally concerned about the pandemic, 83.9% were concerned about family and friends, 21.8% had financial concerns, and 25.3% expected financial loss. More women were concerned about family and friends than males, (85.2% vs. 76.2%, p < 0.001), whereas more men expected financial loss (30.4% vs. 24.4%y, p = 0.001). Younger adults (<50 years) had more financial concerns than older adults (25.9% vs. 10.5%, p < 0.001). Being concerned about family and friends was the most prominent concern and was associated with; lower age (OR 0.79), female gender (OR 1.59), and being next of kin (2.42). The most prominent concern for adults 70 years or older was being infected by COVID-19. In conclusion, women and younger individuals were most concerned. While adults under 70 years of age were most concerned about family and friends and adults 70 years or older were most concerned about being infected by COVID-19

    Optimists’ and pessimists’ self-reported mental and global health during the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic represents a global health crisis. How well people cope with this situation depends on many factors, including one’s personality, such as dispositional optimism. The aim of the study was to investi-gate: 1) optimists’ and pessimists’ concerns during lockdown, and mental and global health; 2) whether pessi-mists without known risk factors more often than optimists report being at risk for COVID-19. Participants and procedure: A snowball sampling strategy was used; 4,527 people, 18 years or older, participated in a survey on a variety of mental health conditions and COVID-19 worries. In addition, they completed the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R). Optimism was defined by LOT-R f ≥ 17. Results: Fewer optimists than pessimists reported that they were worried about COVID-19, respectively 51.2% vs. 66.8%, p < .001. Among those reporting none of the known somatic risk factors, more pessimists than optimists (14.3% vs. 9.1%, p < .001) considered themselves at risk of a fatal outcome from COVID-19. Significantly fewer optimists reported that they had anxiety (5.1%), depression (3.4%), suicidal ideation (0.7%) and insomnia (19.3%) during the COVID-19 outbreak than pessimists (24.7% anxiety, 18.4% depression, 5.4% suicidal idea-tion, 39.8% insomnia, all p < .001). Optimists reported better global health than pessimists (87.2 vs. 84.6, p < .001). Conclusions: Optimists were generally less worried about the COVID-19 pandemic than pessimists and reported better men-tal and global health during lockdown. Pessimists more often than optimists reported being at risk for COVID-19 without reporting known risk factors

    Post-traumatic stress disorder and associated factors during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway

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    The COVID-19 outbreak and the sudden lockdown of society in March 2020 had a large impact on people’s daily life and gave rise to concerns for the mental health in the general population. The aim of the study was to examine post-traumatic stress reactions related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the prevalence of symptom-defined post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and factors associated with post-traumatic stress in the Norwegian population during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. A survey was administered via social media channels, to which a sample of 4527 adults (≥18 years) responded. Symptom-defined PTSD was measured with the PTSD Checklist for the DSM-5. The items were specifically linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. We used the DSM-5 diagnostic guidelines to categorize participants as fulfilling the PTSD symptom criteria or not. Associations with PTSD were examined with single and multiple logistic regression analyses. The prevalence of symptom-defined PTSD was 12.5% for men and 19.5% for women. PTSD was associated with lower age, female gender, lack of social support, and a range of pandemic-related variables such as economic concerns, expecting economic loss, having been in quarantine or isolation, being at high risk for complications from COVID-19 infection, and having concern for family and close friends. In conclusion, post-traumatic stress reactions appear to be common in the Norwegian population in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak. Concerns about finances, health, and family and friends seem to matter

    A comparison between healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers’ anxiety, depression and PTSD during the initial COVID -19 lockdown

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    Abstract Objective Several studies have found that Healthcare workers are vulnerable to mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, few studies have made comparisons of healthcare workers (HCWs) and non-HCWs. The current study aimed to compare mental health problems among HCWs with non-HCWs during the initial lockdown of COVID 19. Study design A population-based cross-sectional survey. Methods The survey was conducted by means of an open web link between April and May 2020. Data were collected by self-report. The PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 (PCL-5) was used to assess posttraumatic stress. Results A total of 4527 citizens answered the questionnaire and 32.1% were HCWs. The majority were female, under 60 years of age, and lived in urban areas. Among the HCWs, the majority were registered nurses working in hospitals. The prevalence were 12.8% vs 19.1% for anxiety, 8.5% vs 14.5% for depression and 13.6% vs 20.9% for PTSD among HCWs and non-HCWs respectively. The highest prevalence's for anxiety and PTSD among HCWs were found for those under 40 years of age and having low education level (<12 years). Conclusion Mental health problems was significantly lower among HCWs compared to non-HCWs. However, the COVID-19 poses a challenge for HCWs, especially young HCWs and those with low level of education. Providing support, appropriate education, training, and authoritative information to the different members of the HCWs could be effective ways to minimize the psychological effect