32 research outputs found

    Évaluation médico-économique de la prise en charge initiale des patients atteints de sclérose en plaques

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    L'objectif de cette étude multicentrique est de décrire les examens réalisés en pratique courante pour le diagnostic de sclérose en plaques, d'établir une relation entre les coûts et la qualité de vie des patients dont la SEP évolue depuis moins de 3 ans et de comparer les deux modes d'exercices français (libéral vs hospitalier). Les pratiques observées pour le diagnostic sont conformes aux standards internationaux. Le score de qualité de vie SEP-59 est à peine supérieur à la moyenne et les dimensions les plus dégradées sont "énergie", "sommeil" et "santé générale". Les coûts pour le patient et l'Assurance Maladie sont calculés selon la méthode bottom-up. Les coûts formel et informel sont compris entre 50 et 39 349 EUR/malade/an, avec un coût médian de 19 878 EUR. Ills apparaissent faiblement corrélés avec le score d'incapacité (EDSS) et avec le score SEP-59. Si les patients suivis en libéral ont un meilleur rapport coût/utilisé que les patients suivis en milieu hospitalier, c'est notamment parce qu'ils sont moins handicapé. Décideurs de santé et médecins peuvent ainsi établir des stratégies et faire des choix en fonction des critères de coût et d'utilitéLYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Tant de capital, temps de travail ?

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    La revue Socio-économie du travail accueille les débats théoriques et empiriques et fait dialoguer les disciplines du travail, de l’emploi et des relations professionnelles

    Tant de capital, temps de travail ? Conflits, compromis et transactions autour du temps d’emploi: Introduction

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    International audienceOver the past twenty years, the temporalities of employment have been profoundly disrupted and become more diversified. This is largely as a result of the proliferation of laws in this area, which has led to renewed and increasingly polarized clashes between capital and labor. The introduction to this special report revisits how labor relations are (re)configured by struggles, transactions, or temporal adjustments in the workplace.Les temporalités de l’emploi ont été profondément bouleversées et diversifiées ces 20 dernières années sous l’effet notamment de la multiplication des lois dans ce domaine. Elles renouvellent et polarisent de plus en plus les conflits capital-travail. L’introduction à ce dossier revient sur la manière dont les relations salariales sont (re)configurées par les luttes, transactions ou ajustements temporels sur le lieu de travail

    Mortality following stroke during and after acute care according to neighbourhood deprivation: a disease registry study

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    International audienceBackground: Neighbourhood deprivation has been shown to be inversely associated with mortality 1 month after stroke. Whether this disadvantage begins while patients are still receiving acute care is unclear. We aimed to study mortality after stroke specifically in the period while patients are under acute care and the ensuing period when they are discharged to home or other care settings. Methods: Our sample includes 1760 incident strokes (mean age 75, 48% men, 86% ischaemic) identified between 1998 and 2010 by the population-based stroke registry of Dijon (France). We used Cox regression to study all-cause mortality up to 90 days after stroke occurrence. Results: Overall, 284 (16.1%) patients died during the 90 days following stroke. Prior to stroke, risk factors prevalence (eg, high blood pressure and diabetes) and acute care management did not vary across deprivation levels. There was no association between deprivation and mortality while patients were in acute care (HR comparing the highest to the lowest tertiles of deprivation: 1.01, 95% CI 0.71 to 1.43). After discharge, however, age and gender adjusted mortality gradually increased with deprivation (HR 2.08, 95% CI 1.07 to 4.02). This association was not modified when stroke type and severity were accounted for. Conclusions: The gradient of higher poststroke mortality with increasing neighbourhood deprivation was noticeable only after acute hospital discharge. Quality of postacute care and social support are potential determinants of these variations

    Finding Adapted Quinones for Harvesting Electrons from Photosynthetic Algae Suspensions

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    International audienceAmong all the chemical and biotechnological strategies implemented to extract energy from oxygenic photosynthesis, several concern the use of intact photosynthetic organisms (algae, cyanobacteria…). This means rerouting (fully or partially) the electron flow from the photosynthetic chain to an outer collecting electrode thus generating a photocurrent. While diverting photosynthetic electrons from living biological systems is an encouraging approach, this strategy is limited by the need to use an electron shuttle. Redox mediators that are able to interact with an embedded photosynthetic chain are rather scarce. In this respect, exogenous quinones are the most frequently used. Unfortunately, some of them also act as poisoning agents within relatively long timeframes. It thus raises the question of the best quinone. In this work, we use a previously reported electrochemical device to analyze the performance of different quinones. Photocurrents (maximum photocurrent, stability) were measured from suspensions of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae/quinones by chronoamperometry and compared to parameters like quinone redox potentials or cytotoxic concentration. From these results, several quinones were synthesized and analyzed in order to find the best compromise between bioelectricity production and toxicity