107 research outputs found

    Architecture and Methods for Innovative Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Nowadays wireless sensor netwoks (WSN) technology, wireless communications and digital electronics have made it realistic to produce a large scale miniaturized devices integrating sensing, processing and communication capabilities. The focus of this paper is to present an innovative mobile platform for heterogeneous sensor networks, combined with adaptive methods to optimize the communication architecture for novel potential applications in multimedia and entertainment. In fact, in the near future, some of the applications foreseen for WSNs will employ multi-platform systems with a high number of different devices, which may be completely different in nature, size, computational and energy capabilities, etc. Nowadays, in addition, data collection could be performed by UAV platforms which can be a sink for ground sensors layer, acting essentially as a mobile gateway. In order to maximize the system performances and the network lifespan, the authors propose a recently developed hybrid technique based on evolutionary algorithms. The goal of this procedure is to optimize the communication energy consumption in WSN by selecting the optimal multi-hop routing schemes, with a suitable hybridization of different routing criteria. The proposed approach can be potentially extended and applied to ongoing research projects focused on UAV-based sensing with WSN augmentation and real-time processing for immersive media experiences

    ANN sizing procedure for the day-ahead output power forecast of a PV plant

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    Since the beginning of this century, the share of renewables in Europe's total power capacity has almost doubled, becoming the largest source of its electricity production. In 2015 alone, photovoltaic (PV) energy generation rose with a rate of more than 5%; nowadays, Germany, Italy, and Spain account together for almost 70% of total European PV generation. In this context, the so-called day-ahead electricity market represents a key trading platform, where prices and exchanged hourly quantities of energy are defined 24 h in advance. Thus, PV power forecasting in an open energy market can greatly benefit from machine learning techniques. In this study, the authors propose a general procedure to set up the main parameters of hybrid artificial neural networks (ANNs) in terms of the number of neurons, layout, and multiple trials. Numerical simulations on real PV plant data are performed, to assess the effectiveness of the proposed methodology on the basis of statistical indexes, and to optimize the forecasting network performance

    Optimization Models for islanded micro-grids: A comparative analysis between linear programming and mixed integer programming

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    This paper presents a comparison of optimization methods applied to islanded micro-grids including renewable energy sources, diesel generators and battery energy storage systems. In particular, a comparative analysis between an optimization model based on linear programming and a model based on mixed integer programming has been carried out. The general formulation of these models has been presented and applied to a real case study micro-grid installed in Somalia. The case study is an islanded micro-grid supplying the city of Garowe by means of a hybrid power plant, consisting of diesel generators, photovoltaic systems and batteries. In both models the optimization is based on load demand and renewable energy production forecast. The optimized control of the battery state of charge, of the spinning reserve and diesel generators allows harvesting as much renewable power as possible or to minimize the use of fossil fuels in energy production

    Genetical Swarm Optimization of Multihop Routes in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In recent years, wireless sensor networks have been attracting considerable research attention for a wide range of applications, but they still present significant network communication challenges, involving essentially the use of large numbers of resource-constrained nodes operating unattended and exposed to potential local failures. In order to maximize the network lifespan, in this paper, genetical swarm optimization (GSO) is applied, a class of hybrid evolutionary techniques developed in order to exploit in the most effective way the uniqueness and peculiarities of two classical optimization approaches; particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic algorithms (GA). This procedure is here implemented to optimize the communication energy consumption in a wireless network by selecting the optimal multihop routing schemes, with a suitable hybridization of different routing criteria, confirming itself as a flexible and useful tool for engineering applications

    Optimization of a dual ring antenna by means of artifcial neural network

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    In literature, heuristic algorithms have been successfully applied to a number of electromagnetic problems. The associated cost functions are commonly linked to full-wave analysis, leading to complexity and high computational expense. Arti-cial Neural Network is one of the most e®ective biological inspired techniques. In this article, an e±cient surrogate model is trained to replace the full-wave analysis in optimizing the bandwidth of microstrip antenna. The numerical comparison between ANN substitution model and full-wave characterization shows signi-cant improvements in time convergence and computational cost. To verify the robustness of this approach, all these concepts are integrated into a case study represented by a rectangular ring antenna with proximity-coupled feed antenna

    Social Network Optimization for WSN Routing: Analysis on Problem Codification Techniques

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    The correct design of a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a very important task because it can highly influence its installation and operational costs. An important aspect that should be addressed with WSN is the routing definition in multi-hop networks. This problem is faced with different methods in the literature, and here it is managed with a recently developed swarm intelligence algorithm called Social Network Optimization (SNO). In this paper, the routing definition in WSN is approached with two different problem codifications and solved with SNO and Particle Swarm Optimization. The first codification allows the optimization algorithm more degrees of freedom, resulting in a slower and in many cases sub-optimal solution. The second codification reduces the degrees of freedom, speeding significantly the optimization process and blocking in some cases the convergence toward the real best network configuration

    Risk analysis of the future implementation of a safety management system for multiple RPAS based on first demonstration flights

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    The modern aeronautical scenario has welcomed the massive diffusion of new key elements, including the Remote Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS), initially used for military purposes only. The current decade has seen RPAS ready to become a new airspace user in a large variety of civilian applications. Although RPAS can currently only be flown into segregated airspaces, due to national and international Flight Aviation Authority (FAAs) constraints, they represent a remarkable potential growth in terms of development and economic investments for aviation. Full RPAS development will only happen when flight into non-segregated airspaces is authorized, as for manned civil and military aircraft. The preliminary requirement for disclosing the airspace to RPAS is the implementation of an ad hoc Safety Management System (SMS), as prescribed by ICAO, for every aeronautical operator. This issue arises in the context of the ongoing restructuring of airspaces management, according to SESAR-JU in Europe and NextGen in the USA (SESAR-JU has defined how RPAS research should be conducted in SESAR 2020, all in accordance with the 2015 European ATM Master Plan). This paper provides the basis to implement a risk model and general procedures/methodologies to investigate RPAS safety, according to the operational scenarios defined by EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency). The study is based on results achieved by multiple-RPAS experimental flights, performed within the RAID (RPAS-ATM Integration Demonstration) project

    Planning for PV plant performance monitoring by means of unmanned aerial systems (UAS)

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    The sustainable use of renewables will represent a key challenge in the near future, and relative energy management operations will play a crucial role in energy efficiency and savings for future generations. The operation and maintenance of energy systems are a very high valuable activity to prevent energy losses, and a correct monitoring can detect in advance equipment degradation guaranteeing good performance over time. Present research strives to find out possibility of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) use in monitoring applications for energy production sites and to investigate effects of this novel method on energy management procedures. Furthermore, investigation about novel approaches in cooperative inspection of real photovoltaic (PV) plants was carried out by light UAVs and utilize the global positioning system to find out the optimum route mapping during the solar PV modules monitoring. The purpose of this work is to propose a reliable, fast and cost effective method for PV plant planning and monitoring by means of UAS technolog

    Evolutionary techniques for sensor networks energy optimization in marine environmental monitoring

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    The sustainable management of coastal and offshore ecosystems, such as for example coral reef environments, requires the collection of accurate data across various temporal and spatial scales. Accordingly, monitoring systems are seen as central tools for ecosystem-based environmental management, helping on one hand to accurately describe the water column and substrate biophysical properties, and on the other hand to correctly steer sustainability policies by providing timely and useful information to decision-makers. A robust and intelligent sensor network that can adjust and be adapted to different and changing environmental or management demands would revolutionize our capacity to wove accurately model, predict, and manage human impacts on our coastal, marine, and other similar environments. In this paper advanced evolutionary techniques are applied to optimize the design of an innovative energy harvesting device for marine applications. The authors implement an enhanced technique in order to exploit in the most effective way the uniqueness and peculiarities of two classical optimization approaches, Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithms. Here, this hybrid procedure is applied to a power buoy designed for marine environmental monitoring applications in order to optimize the recovered energy from sea-wave, by selecting the optimal device configuration

    An Efficient Artificial Intelligence Energy Management System for Urban Building Integrating Photovoltaic and Storage

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    The emerging leading role of green energy in our society pushes the investigation of new economic and technological solutions. Green energies and smart communities increase efficiency with the use of digital solutions for the benefits of inhabitants and companies. The paper focuses on the development of a methodology for the energy management, combining photovoltaics and storage systems, considering as the main case study a multi-story building characterized by a high density of households, used to generate data which allow feasibility foresights. The physical model of the algorithm is composed by two main elements: the photovoltaics modules and the battery energy storage system. In addition, to gain information about the real-time consumption a machine learning module is included in our approach to generate predictions about the near future demand. The benefits provided by the method are evaluated with an economic analysis, which computes the return of the investment using the real consumptions of a Boarding School, located in Turin (Italy). The case study analyzed in this article showed an increase in purchased energy at the minimum price from 25% to 91% and a 55% reduction in the electricity bill compared to most solutions on the market, with no additional costs and a stabilizing effect on the grid. Finally, the economic analysis shows that the proposed method is a profitable investment, with a breakeven point of thirteen years, due to the very simple implementation and the zero additional cost requested
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