3,052 research outputs found

    Nuclear attenuation of high energy multi-hadron systems in the string model

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    Nuclear attenuation of the multi-hadron systems in the string model is considered. The improved two-scale model with set of parameters obtained recently for the single hadron attenuation is used for calculation of the multiplicity ratios of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems electroproduced on nuclear and deuterium targets. The comparison of the features of the one-, two- and three-hadron systems is performed. The predictions of the model for multiplicity ratios of multi-hadron systems as functions of different convenient variables are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Electromagnetic wave propagation in spatially homogeneous yet smoothly time-varying dielectric media

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    We explore the propagation and transformation of electromagnetic waves through spatially homogeneous yet smoothly time-dependent media within the framework of classical electrodynamics. By modelling the smooth transition, occurring during a finite period {\tau}, as a phenomenologically realistic and sigmoidal change of the dielectric permittivity, an analytically exact solution to Maxwell's equations is derived for the electric displacement in terms of hypergeometric functions. Using this solution, we show the possibility of amplification and attenuation of waves and associate this with the decrease and increase of the time-dependent permittivity. We demonstrate, moreover, that such an energy exchange between waves and non-stationary media leads to the transformation (or conversion) of frequencies. Our results may pave the way towards controllable light-matter interaction in time-varying structures.Comment: 5 figure

    Optical transitions and nature of Stokes shift in spherical CdS quantum dots

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    We study the structure of the energy spectra along with the character of the states participating in optical transitions in colloidal CdS quantum dots (QDs) using the {\sl ab initio} accuracy charge patching method combined with the %pseudopotential based folded spectrum calculations of electronic structure of thousand-atom nanostructures. In particular, attention is paid to the nature of the large resonant Stokes shift observed in CdS quantum dots. We find that the top of the valence band state is bright, in contrast with the results of numerous {\bf k\cdotp} calculations, and determine the limits of applicability of the {\bf k\cdotp} approach. The calculated electron-hole exchange splitting suggests the spin-forbidden valence state may explain the nature of the ``dark exciton'' in CdS quantum dots.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Self-amplified Cherenkov radiation from a relativistic electron in a waveguide partially filled with a laminated material

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    The radiation from a relativistic electron uniformly moving along the axis of cylindrical waveguide filled with laminated material of finite length is investigated. Expressions for the spectral distribution of radiation passing throw the transverse section of waveguide at large distances from the laminated material are derived with no limitations on the amplitude and variation profile of the layered medium permittivity and permeability. Numerical results for layered material consisting of dielectric plates alternated with vacuum gaps are given. It is shown that at a special choice of problem parameters, Cherenkov radiation generated by the relativistic electron inside the plates is self-amplified. The visual explanation of this effect is given and a possible application is discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures,1 table, the paper is accepted for publication in the Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Structural and energetic properties of nickel clusters: 2N1502 \le N \le 150

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    The four most stable structures of NiN_N clusters with NN from 2 to 150 have been determined using a combination of the embedded-atom method in the version of Daw, Baskes and Foiles, the {\it variable metric/quasi-Newton} method, and our own {\it Aufbau/Abbau} method. A systematic study of energetics, structure, growth, and stability of also larger clusters has been carried through without more or less severe assumptions on the initial geometries in the structure optimization, on the symmetry, or on bond lengths. It is shown that cluster growth is predominantly icosahedral with islandsislands of {\it fcc}, {\it tetrahedral} and {\it decahedral} growth. For the first time in unbiased computations it is found that Ni147_{147} is the multilayer (third Mackay) icosahedron. Further, we point to an enhanced ability of {\it fcc} clusters to compete with the icosahedral and decahedral structures in the vicinity of N=79. In addition, it is shown that conversion from the {\it hcp}/anti-Mackay kind of icosahedral growth to the {\it fcc}/Mackay one occurs within a transition layer including several cluster sizes. Moreover, we present and apply different analytical tools in studying structural and energetic properties of such a large class of clusters. These include means for identifying the overall shape, the occurrence of atomic shells, the similarity of the clusters with, e.g., fragments of the {\it fcc} crystal or of a large icosahedral cluster, and a way of analysing whether the NN-atom cluster can be considered constructed from the (N1)(N-1)-atom one by adding an extra atom. In addition, we compare in detail with results from chemical-probe experiment. Maybe the most central result is that first for clusters with NN above 80 general trends can be identified.Comment: 37 pages, 11 figure

    Pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles

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    A pseudoclassical theories of Majorana, Weyl and Majorana--Weyl particles in the space--time dimensions D=2nD=2n are constructed. The canonical quantization of these theories is carried out and as a result we obtain the quantum mechanical description of neutral particle in D=2nD=2n , Weyl particle in D=2nD=2n and neutral Weyl particle in D=4n+2D=4n+2. In D=2,4(mod8)D=2,4({\rm mod}8) dimensional space--time the description of the neutral particle coincides with the field theoretical description of the Majorana particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation. In D=8k+2D=8k+2 dimensions the neutral Weyl particle coincides with the Majorana--Weyl particle in the Foldy--Wouthuysen representation.Comment: LATEX, 17 pages, no figure

    Structure of Vector Mesons in Holographic Model with Linear Confinement

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    Wave functions and form factors of vector mesons are investigated in the holographic dual model of QCD with a smooth oscillator-like wall. We introduce wave functions conjugate to solutions of the 5D equation of motion and develop a formalism based on these wave functions, which are very similar to those of a quantum-mechanical oscillator. For the lowest bound state (rho-meson), we show that, in this model, the basic elastic form factor exhibits the perfect vector meson dominance, i.e., it is given by the rho-pole contribution alone. The electric radius of the rho-meson is calculated, _C = 0.655 fm^2, which is larger than in case of the hard-wall cutoff. The squared radii of higher excited states are found to increase logarithmically rather than linearly with the radial excitation number. We calculate the coupling constant f_rho and find that the experimental value is closer to that calculated in the hard-wall model.Comment: 8 pages, RevTex4, references, comments and a figure added. Some terminoloy change

    On the theory of coherent pair production in crystals in presence of acoustic waves

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    The influence of hypersonic waves excited in a single crystal is investigated on the process of electron-positron pair creation by high-energy photons. The coherent part of the corresponding differential cross-section is derived as a function of the amplitude and wave number of the hypersound. The values of the parameters are specified for which the latter affects remarkably on the pair creation cross-section. It is shown that under certain conditions the presence of hypersonic waves can result in enhancement of the process cross-section.Comment: 10 pages, 3 EPS figure

    PQChPT with Staggered Sea and Valence Ginsparg-Wilson Quarks: Vector Meson Masses

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    We consider partially quenched, mixed chiral perturbation theory with staggered sea and Ginsparg-Wilson valence quarks in order to extract a chiral-continuum extrapolation expression for the vector meson mass up to order O(a^2), at one-loop level. Based on general principles, we accomplish the task without explicitly constructing a sophisticated, heavy vector meson chiral Lagrangian.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, REVTe

    Regge description of spin-spin asymmetry in photon diffractive dissociation

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    We explore the possibility whether the gluon helicity distribution ΔG(x)\Delta G(x) can be extracted from a comparison of experimental data on the longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry ALLA_{LL} in γp\gamma p diffractive deep inelastic scattering with calculations performed within the framework of perturbative QCD (pQCD). The data could be obtained at the future HERA collider in scattering of polarized electrons/positrons off polarized protons. In this paper we look for such kinematical regions where contributions to ALLA_{LL} from soft processes (reggeon exchanges) are suppressed to guarantee an applicability of pQCD. It is shown that for the square of the center-of-mass energy sγp103GeV2s_{\gamma p} \geq 10^3 GeV^2, the hadronic diffractive mass MX10GeV/c2M_X \leq 10 GeV/c^2, the momentum transferred to the proton ΔT0.5GeV/c\Delta_T\leq 0.5 GeV/c, and Q24(GeV/c)2Q^2\geq4 (GeV/c)^2 the longitudinal spin-spin asymmetry due to reggeon exchanges is less than 10^{-4}. This value is presumably lower than the asymmetry which can be measured with modern experimental technique. This means that the pQCD prediction can be reliably compared with data in this kinematical region.Comment: 44 pages, LaTeX, 12 figure