186 research outputs found

    Strategic Marketing Decisions of Industrial Business Organizations

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    The research problem of the present concept study is the strategic decisions made when formulating and implementing the marketing strategies of industrial business organizations. The main objective is to reveal the potential of strategic marketing decisions as a modern management tool in marketing strategizing by outlining the position this type of decisions holds in strategic marketing in the industrial sector, characterizing their specifics and typology, showing possible approaches and procedures for making such decisions, making recommendations for their successful implementation as a process and overcoming possible problems.Проблемою дослідження цієї статті є стратегічні рішення, прийняті при формулюванні та реалізації маркетингових стратегій організацій промислового бізнесу. Основна мета полягає в тому, щоб розкрити потенціал стратегічних маркетингових рішень як сучасного інструменту управління маркетинговою стратегією, позначивши позицію, яку цей тип рішень займає в стратегічному маркетингу в промисловому секторі, характеризуючи їх специфіку і типологію, показуючи можливі підходи і процедури для прийняття таких рішень, винесення рекомендацій щодо їх успішного впровадження як процесу і подолання можливих проблем.Проблемой исследования настоящей статьи являются стратегические решения, принимаемые при формулировании и реализации маркетинговых стратегий организаций промышленного бизнеса. Основная цель состоит в том, чтобы раскрыть потенциал стратегических маркетинговых решений как современного инструмента управления маркетинговой стратегией, обозначив позицию, которую этот тип решений занимает в стратегическом маркетинге в промышленном секторе, характеризуя их специфику и типологию, показывая возможные подходы и процедуры для принятия таких решений, вынесения рекомендаций по их успешному внедрению в качестве процесса и преодолению возможных проблем

    Comparative assessment of prognosis of the stop stimulus and trapezoidal rotation programs

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    For prognosis of the diagnostic possibilities of the stop stimulus and trapezoidal rotation programs with respect to the nystagmus response, 24 healthy young persons with normal auditory and vestibular analysers were studied experimentally. The trapezoidal program more accurately reflects the function and tone balance of the vestibular system than the stop stimulus program and causes the subject no unpleasant sensations during the study. Some optimum couples, acceleration and armchair rotation rate, necessary for effective deviation of the cupuloendolymphatic system were determined. The maximum angular velocity of the slow nystagmus component was more informative than nystagmus duration. The trapezoidal program is recommended for otoneurological practice and the maximum angular velocity of the slow nystagmus component as the basic index

    Balanced approach for optimizing marketing networks in tourism

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    The article links the theory of marketing networks developed in tourism with the established Balanced Scorecard approach, offering a new balanced approach for their optimization. To this end, the formulations of the marketing network theory and their specificity in the tourism sector are briefly clarified and the Marketing Balanced Scorecard in Tourism concept is introduced as an optimization tool of the operational management of these networks.Теорія маркетингових мереж, розроблених у сфері туризму, пов'язана з підходом збалансованої системи показників, що пропонують новий метод їх оптимізації. З цією метою здійснено спробу коротко пояснити положення теорії маркетингових мереж, їх специфіку в секторі туризму. Для цього пропонується ввести поняття маркетингу збалансованої системи показників у сфері туризму як інструменту оперативного управління та оптимізації цих мереж.Теория маркетинговых сетей, разработанных в сфере туризма, увязана с подходом сбалансированной системы показателей, предлагающим новый метод их оптимизации. С этой целью предпринята попытка кратко объяснить положения теории маркетинговых сетей, их специфику в секторе туризма. Для этого предлагается ввести понятие маркетинга сбалансированной системы показателей в сфере туризма как инструмента оперативного управления и оптимизации этих сетей

    Manual for Promoting Agri-environment Measures in Natura 2000 sites in Bulgaria

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    χ (2) -Lens Mode-Locking of a High Average Power Nd:YVO 4 Laser

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    Abstract: We report over 20 W, 6 ps, 170 MHz, passive mode-locking of a Nd:YVO 4 laser using χ Among laser materials, neodymium-doped vanadate Nd:YVO 4 has been the most extensively studied and widely used in diode-pumped high average power continuous-wave (CW) and mode-locked lasers for the past two decades. Nd:YVO 4 has large emission cross-section and polarized emission attributed to its natural birefringence as well as capacity for being pumped efficiently by laser diodes. The major drawback which limits the output power of Nd:YVO 4 lasers is the poorer thermo-mechanical properties of the crystal in comparison with that of Nd:YAG. Typically, multi-Watt operation of picosecond Nd:YVO 4 lasers has been demonstrated mainly using a modelocking technique based on semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs) In this work we report χ (2) -lens mode-locking of a Nd:YVO 4 laser using a LBO SHG crystal. The laser generates 6 ps transform-limited pulses at 170 MHz with output power of 20.1 W. To our knowledge, it is the maximum output power achieved by a χ (2) -lens mode-locked laser. The design of the mode-locked laser is based on a 810 mm long linear cavity

    Spectrum of conditionally pathogenic microflora isolated from the prostate secret in chronic bacterial prostatitis patients

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    The article represents a description for microbiocenosis of isolated prostate secret. The initial samples were taken on the territory of the Irkutsk region from men diagnosed with chronic bacterial prostatitis in the acute stage. 90 % of samples of isolated prostate secret were tested by cultural method revealed 4l representatives of opportunistic pathogenic microflora. Gram-positive microorganisms were found in most samples (86.7 %). Staphylococcus genus representatives formed the majority in isolated samples of conditionally pathogenic microflora (66.7 %). As for gram-negative representatives (which role in chronic bacterial prostatitis is proven by multiple research), E. coli and K. pneumoniae were isolated. In the half of samples, we revealed bacterial associations consisting mostly of two kinds of microorganisms. Staphylococcus epidermidis was isolated in 70 % of such associations


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    Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGID) are one of the most common problems in children of the first year of life. The aim of the study was to assess the pathogenic potential of Klebsiella spp. strains, isolated from the colon in children of the first year of life with FGID. Material for the study included 61 coprological samples. The biological material was divided into comparison groups, depending on the type of Klebsiella excreted at a concentration of 105–108 CFU/g: 1st – with vegetation in the colon K. pneumoniae (n = 30); 2nd – with vegetation K. oxytoca (n = 31). Bacteriological study composition of the intestinal contents was carried out according to the Industry standard “Protocol of management of patients. Intestinal dysbiosis” (2003). Identification was carried out according to generally accepted schemes using commercial test systems for biochemical identification of bacteria. Statistical data processing was performed using licensed applications “MS Office Excel 2003 for Windows 7”. The data on the quantitative and qualitative changes in the composition microbiota in the comparison groups were obtained. The results of detection genetic determinants of pathogenicity in the samples of Klebsiella of two species show that among the strains of Klebsiella spp., vegetating in the intestines of children as a component of an allochthonous microbiota, a sufficiently high and virulent potential can be concentrated. Detection of pathogenicity genes in bacteria of the genus Klebsiella will expand and deepen the problem of finding the structures of adaptation of strains of bacteria that cause FGID in children of the first year of life

    Comparison of microecological intestinal indices in children with different value of body mass index

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    The body mass index (BMI) is one of the key and at the same time simple and significant indicators of the state of the human body. Both large and small quantities of BMI is associated with high morbidity. The aim of the study was to analyze microecological disorders of intestinal biocenosis in children of different ages using the value of BMI as the criterion of comparison. We researched scatological material from 158 children and adolescents aged from 5 to 17 years (77 boys and 81 girls). The material was divided into three comparison groups depending on the BMI value: group 1 - body mass deficit (n = 34); group 2 - patients having body mass excess (n = 37); group 3 - with normal body mass (n = 87). It has been shown that more than 80 % of children with different BMI value were recorded to have dysbiotic disturbances of the intestinal microbiota of degrees 1 and 2. However, in the group of children with normal body mass, frequency of detection of intestinal dysbiosis was significantly lower; in the group of children with underweight dysbiotic disorders were found significantly more often than in overweight and obese children (p < 0.05). In children with body mass deficit we observed not only increasing concentration of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, but also an increased occurrence of representative of Enterobacteriаceaе. family. 58.8 % of cases had two- and three-component associations of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria, which is an indication the expressed violations of the intestine microbiocenosis formation. The data obtained show that,you can use BMI, an important criterion reflecting the severity of the disease, in the assessment of intestinal microflora in combination with other studies

    Distribution of dirofilariasis in Omsk region

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    Background. Recently, in the Russian Federation, there has been a tendency to an increase in the number of registered cases of dirofilariasis among residents living in a temperate climate zone, including in Western Siberia. The species Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis are of clinical importance for humans. Dirofilariae are characterized by migration into the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes, organs of vision, internal organs. In the Omsk region, there is an increase in cases of dirofilariasis, including among children.The aim. To assess endemicity of the territory of the Omsk region in relation to pathogens of dirofilariasis.Materials and methods. The maps of the epidemiological survey of persons infected with dirofilariae for the period 2013–2020 were analyzed, parasitological and molecular biological methods examined 1155 blood samples of dogs, 2488 samples female blood-sucking mosquitoes, 26 samples of dirofilaria helminths removed from residents of the Omsk region.Results. In 18 people, the infection was regarded as local, since the infected persons had not left the Omsk region for the previous three years. Local infections are reported annually. Infection of the final owners – dogs – with dirofilaria ranges from 0.6 to 4.8 % in different years. On average, the extensiveness of the invasion was 3.0 ± 0.6 %; and the intensity of microfilaremia was 1277.68 ± 395.87 specimens/ml of blood. On the territory of Omsk and the Omsk region, 11 species of mosquitoes belonging to the genus Aedes, Ochlerotatus, Culex, Anopheles, Coquillettidia were identified. The estimated individual infection of mosquitoes of different species ranged from 0.6 % (O. flavescens) to 9.8 % (An. messeae). The total infection of vectors was 3.4 %. All positive samples were found to contain DNA of D. repens.Conclusion. The territory of the Omsk region is endemic for pathogens of dirofilariasis, in particular, D. repens. Further studies are needed to study the prevalence and species diversity of pathogens of dirofilariasis in Western Siberia, to identify the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view, species of vectors

    Microorganisms associated with bacterial vaginosis: diversity and clinical and diagnostic significance

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    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common infectious non-inflammatory disease in women of reproductive age. The key feature of BV is that in the  absence of a specific pathogen, the disease develops against the background of vaginal biotope dysbiosis. According to the opinion of some authors, initially, the main role of BV in the pathogenesis was assigned to the species G. vaginalis. However, using of molecular methods made it possible to significantly expand the range of microorganisms found in women with BV, and to identify Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae, Mobiluncus spp., Prevotella spp. as the primary causative agents of BV. A number of studies have confirmed the sexual transmission of BV pathogens, with a new sexual partner being significant risk factors for episodic BV, and sexual contact with the same partner without using barrier methods of contraception for recurrent BV. At the same time, BV-associated bacterias  rarely exist as planktonic forms of one species, more often, they thrive in complex polymicrobial communities surrounded by an extracellular matrix, the so-called biofilms. In patients with BV, biofilms are detected in 90% of cases. G. vaginalis and Prevotella bivia are widespread in women with BV and, being the primary colonizers, create a bacterial biofilm, to which secondary colonizers can subsequently join, including A. vaginae, Sneathia spp. and potentially other BVABs. The resistance of bacterias in the biofilm to antimicrobial drugs is 1000 times higher than of planktonic forms, which can lead to chronicity of the infectious process and torpid course of the disease.The aim of this review was analyzing of modern studies on the prevalence, characteristics of opportunistic microorganisms associated with BV, to present their clinical and diagnostic significance and role in the pathogenesis of  diseases