9 research outputs found

    Les pÚlerines, la religion vécue et la Roumanie postcommuniste

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    À la fin de l’annĂ©e 1989, la Roumanie entamait son chemin vers la dĂ©mocratie. Depuis, le pays a connu de nombreux changements dont une « revitalisation religieuse ». L’attrait pour la religion en Roumanie a suscitĂ© l’intĂ©rĂȘt des chercheurs qui ont tentĂ© de rendre compte de comportements qu’ils jugeaient contraires aux thĂšses des thĂ©ories de la sĂ©cularisation et de la modernisation. Ma thĂšse part d’une critique de ces Ă©tudes qui, concentrĂ©es sur ces thĂ©ories, omettent trop souvent l’action des individus dans la vie de tous les jours. Dans la prĂ©sente recherche, j’utilise l’approche de la religion vĂ©cue pour me pencher sur des individus et leur maniĂšre de comprendre, d’exprimer, de pratiquer et d’expĂ©rimenter la religion au jour le jour. D’une maniĂšre rĂ©flexive, ma thĂšse examine la religion vĂ©cue dans la Roumanie postcommuniste Ă  partir de pĂšlerinages rĂ©alisĂ©s durant le printemps et l’automne 2012 dans des monastĂšres rĂ©putĂ©s pour leurs miracles, leurs confesseurs charismatiques ou leurs reliques. En raison de leur prĂ©sence nombreuse dans les pĂšlerinages, les femmes se sont imposĂ©es comme les artisanes de la religion vĂ©cue en Roumanie. Elles sont au centre de ma thĂšse. En observant leurs croyances et leurs pratiques — et sans omettre la religion vĂ©cue des « porteurs de la religion officielle » —, j’explore des thĂšmes qui constituent autant de facettes de la religion vĂ©cue : le sort, le charisme, la matĂ©rialitĂ© et les reliques. Ma thĂšse propose deux contributions Ă  la recherche. 1) L’étude de la pratique de la religion des pĂšlerines nous renseigne sur la maniĂšre dont la religion est comprise et pratiquĂ©e dans un contexte orthodoxe. Elle laisse Ă©galement entrevoir les consĂ©quences de cette pratique dans la Roumanie postcommuniste : en effet, la religion vĂ©cue s’avĂšre un vĂ©hicule de valeurs qui s’opposent au discours dĂ©mocratique officiel. 2) L’étude propose une contribution thĂ©orique et mĂ©thodologique Ă  l’approche de la religion vĂ©cue. Le matĂ©riau empirique sur lequel elle repose indique que la religion vĂ©cue prend racine dans l’Église pour ensuite circuler entre les femmes et les reprĂ©sentants de l’institution. Dans ce mouvement de va-et-vient, la religion vĂ©cue appartient aux pĂšlerines, mais aussi aux « porteurs de la religion officielle ».At the end of 1989, Romania embarked on a path towards democracy. From that moment on, the country has witnessed numerous changes, including a “religious revitalization.” The attraction of religion in post-communist Romania has sparked researchers’ interest; they have tried to explain what they judge contrary to theories of secularization and modernization. My thesis starts with a critique of these studies, which have too often neglected everyday actions of individuals. In the present study, I use a lived religion approach to understand the ways in which individuals understand, express, practice and experiment religion in their daily lives. In a reflexive manner, my thesis examines lived religion in post-communist Romania; it draws on fieldwork undertaken during pilgrimages in the spring and autumn of 2012 in monasteries known for their miracles, their charismatic confessors, or their relics. Because of their predominance during pilgrimages, women stand out as the main actors of lived religion in Romania. They are at the center of my thesis. Observing their beliefs and practices—without omitting the lived religion of the “carriers of official religion”—I set out to explore themes that represent as many facets of lived religion: fate, charisma, materiality, and relics. My thesis offers two research contributions to the sociology of religion. 1) The study of the pilgrim’s religious practice instructs us on the manner in which religion is understood and practiced in an Orthodox context. It also gives insight into the consequences of this practice in post-communist Romania: as it turns out, lived religion is a vehicle for values diverging from the official democratic discourse. 2) The study provides a theoretical and methodological contribution to the lived religion approach. Its empirical material indicates that lived religion stems from the Orthodox Church before circulating between women and church representatives. In this to-and-fro movement lived religion pertains to the pilgrims as well as to the “carriers of official religion.

    L'image du régime Ceausescu dans la presse française : étude de cas dans trois quotidiens : Le Monde, Le Figaro et L'Humanité (1965-1989)

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Considerations Regarding the Research for the Conservation of Heritage Textiles in Romania

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    Textiles are valuable elements that make up Romania’s cultural heritage, being unique through the production techniques, materials used and their significance for the Romanian population. Heritage textiles represent bridges between past and present, kept in collections from different types of buildings. Many of them are preserved and exposed in heritage buildings that are open for public viewing and do not benefit from internal microclimate monitoring systems. These things can have serious repercussions on the integrity and conservation status of these fragile materials. The chapter proposes to analyze the approaches used in different studies to evaluate the risks to which the historical textile collections from Romania are exposed, depending on the place and the way in which they are kept. All these approaches aim to determine the degree of conservation of the materials and their implications on the health of the people with whom they come into contact. Based on the methodology applied in the studies already published, examined in the first part of the chapter, in the second part, a case study was performed on a different sample of historical textiles from Romania. This comes to complete the sphere of knowledge in the field

    Influence of Intermittent Heating during Maceration on the Antioxidant Capacity of Some Grape Seeds and Skins

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    Ethanolic extracts from seeds and skins of three red grape varieties, namely, 'Cabernet Sauvignon', 'Merlot' and 'Burgund' from a Romanian winery, were prepared by maceration using different temperature conditions. The stable free radicals DPPH (2, 2-diphenyl- 1-picrylhydrazyl) and Tempol (4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-N-oxyl) were used in order to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the extracts. The variation in time of free radical concentration was followed by double integration of the EPR spectra of the samples obtained after maceration under different conditions (room temperature and intermittent heating). Results showed that the antioxidant capacity depends on the nature of analysed samples (either being seeds or skins) and grape variety. The results also show that the intermittent heating during maceration leads to a decrease of the antioxidant capacity of samples

    Fertilizers with humic substances: development and characterization of new products

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    Fertilizers with humic substances can be used on different types of soil, as well as in technologies for improving degraded or contaminated soils and they proved effective on a wide range of cultures. Due to the variety of sources from which they can be obtained, there are many types of fertilizers containing natural biostimulating substances. This paper presents the development of a rage of complex NPK liquid fertilizers with humic substances, meso and micronutrients. The extraction processes, the humic substances separation, and the organo-mineral fertilizers technology were conducted regarding the physicochemical properties of the humic and fulvic acids in the alkaline/acidic reaction media, as well as their stability in the NPK, meso and micronutrients matrix. Two of the experimental fertilizers are physicochemically characterized and their agrochemical efficiency is shown by the results obtained in the National Fertilizers Testing Network. In the case of soil incorporation of the experimental fertilizers, the average yield increases, as compared to the unfertilized control, were ranging from 37.8% for sunflower crop to 42.3% for sugar beet cro

    Design and implementation of support and planning for 360Âș recording. Recording techniques (video and audio) and problem solving: application to the recording of institutional and popular science videos. Part III

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    Proyecto de InnovaciĂłn Docente que se ha traducido en empleabiliad de alguno de los alumnos participantesLa grabaciĂłn 360Âș estĂĄ introduciendo variaciones sustanciales en la forma de narrar y producir contenidos audiovisuales. La posibilidad de sumergir al espectador en un entorno totalmente inmersivo en el que cada punto de vista de atenciĂłn es seleccionado por el propio espectador, implica un cambio de paradigma en el papel que ejerce el director o realizador como creador y narrador de los acontecimientos. Pero, en todo lo relacionado con la producciĂłn audiovisual, el dominio de la tecnologĂ­a es fundamental para llegar a la excelencia. Resulta fundamental profundizar e investigar en todas las posibilidades tĂ©cnicas antes de aplicarlo al mundo profesional. Llevamos trabajando desde el curso 2018-2019 en diseñar un protocolo que permita planificar creaciones de grabaciĂłn 360Âș tanto en lo relacionado con el vĂ­deo como con el audio. En el curso anterior, establecimos un protocolo y empezamos a colaborar con el proyecto nÂș 262 Innova-Docencia, “liderado por la profesora Dña. Teresa GarcĂ­a Nieto, en el proyecto ‘CientĂ­fic@s en prĂĄcticas’ mediante un convenio con el CSIC. El objetivo es crear producciones audiovisuales en 360Âș que divulguen la labor desarrollada en el organismo, integrando a los alumnos del Grado de ComunicaciĂłn Audiovisual, con el objetivo de que aprendan esta tĂ©cnica de grabaciĂłn e implementen nuevas fĂłrmulas narrativas asociadas a la misma. El proyecto ‘CientĂ­fic@s en prĂĄcticas’ consiste en tratar de captar cientĂ­ficos entre alumnos preuniversitarios, por lo que creemos que la producciĂłn audiovisual puede servir de estĂ­mulo para que estos alumnos de la ESO puedan comprender la naturaleza de los objetivos del proyecto en el que participan. El proyecto resulta innovador por dos motivos principales: a) el alumnado aprende directamente sobre un proyecto real la aplicaciĂłn de nuevas tecnologĂ­as de producciĂłn audiovisual y b) aprenden a elaborar protocolos mediante el aprendizaje de metodologĂ­as de investigaciĂłn derivadas de aplicaciones y estudios sobre el proceso. AdemĂĄs, dada la novedad de esta tecnologĂ­a 360Âș, ninguna asignatura del Grado de ComunicaciĂłn Audiovisual aborda esta materia entre sus contenidos.360Âș filming is introducing substantial variations in the way audiovisual content is narrated and produced. The possibility of immersing the viewer in a totally immersive environment in which each point of view is selected by the viewer, implies a paradigm shift in the role of the director or producer as the creator and narrator of events. But, in everything related to audiovisual production, the mastery of technology is fundamental in order to achieve excellence. It is essential to delve into and investigate all the technical possibilities before applying it to the professional world. Since the 2018-2019 academic year, we have been working on designing a protocol that allows us to plan 360Âș recording creations both in terms of video and audio. In the previous academic year, we established a protocol and began to collaborate with project no. 262 Innova-Docencia, "led by the teacher Ms. Teresa GarcĂ­a Nieto, in the project 'CientĂ­fic@s en prĂĄcticas' through an agreement with the CSIC. The aim is to create 360Âș audiovisual productions that disseminate the work carried out in the organisation, integrating the students of the Audiovisual Communication Degree, with the objective that they learn this recording technique and implement new narrative formulas associated with it. The 'Scientists in practice' project consists of trying to recruit scientists among pre-university students, so we believe that audiovisual production can serve as a stimulus for these ESO students to understand the nature of the objectives of the project in which they are participating. The project is innovative for two main reasons: a) the students learn directly on a real project the application of new audiovisual production technologies and b) they learn to develop protocols by learning research methodologies derived from applications and studies on the process. Moreover, given the novelty of this 360Âș technology, no other subject in the Audiovisual Communication Degree includes this subject among its contents.Depto. de Ciencias de la ComunicaciĂłn AplicadaFac. de Bellas ArtesFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciĂłnFALSEsubmitte

    Journal of Law and Administrative Sciences No. 3/2015

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