2 research outputs found

    The body as a brand in social media : analyzing digital fitness influencers as product endorsers

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    New social actors have emerged with the social media. Among them, we highlighted the digital influencers, people who have millions of online followers, and induce them in favor or against products and brands to be consumed. Therefore, we aimed to analyze this endorsement process carried out by digital influencers in their online profiles, having as research field the fitness market that encourages people to evaluate and work tirelessly in their bodies. We used the Semiotic Image Analysis to investigate the postings of three Brazilian digital fitness influencers and identified four categories that configure the post format: body exposure, body extension, interaction between influencer and brand/product, and interaction between influencer and followers. By means of these categories, we identified that these influencers act as brand avatars, creating an intense link with these products, exposing their bodies in advertisements and extending the meanings of their good shape to endorsed goods and services.Han surgido nuevos actores sociales con Internet. Entre ellos, destacamos a los influencers digitales, personas que tienen millones de seguidores online, y los influyen a favor o en contra de productos y marcas para ser consumidos. Nos propusimos analizar este proceso de aval que realizan los influencers digitales en sus perfiles online, teniendo como campo de investigaci贸n el mercado del fitness que incita a las personas a evaluar y trabajar incansablemente en su cuerpo. Utilizamos el An谩lisis de imagen semi贸tica para investigar las publicaciones de tres influencers brasile帽os e identificamos cuatro categor铆as que configuran el formato de la publicaci贸n: exposici贸n corporal, extensi贸n corporal, interacci贸n entre influencer y marca/producto, e interacci贸n entre influencer y seguidores. Mediante estas categor铆as, identificamos que estos influencers act煤an como avatares de marca, creando un v铆nculo intenso con productos, exponiendo sus cuerpos en anuncios y extendiendo los significados de su buena forma a bienes y servicios avalados

    The body as a brand in social media : Analyzing Digital Fitness Influencers as Product Endorsers

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    New social actors have emerged with the social media. Among them, we highlighted the digital influencers, people who have millions of online followers, and induce them in favor or against products and brands to be consumed. Therefore, we aimed to analyze this endorsement process carried out by digital influencers in their online profiles, having as research field the fitness market that encourages people to evaluate and work tirelessly in their bodies. We used the Semiotic Image Analysis to investigate the postings of three Brazilian digital fitness influencers and identified four categories that configure the post format: body exposure, body extension, interaction between influencer and brand/product, and interaction between influencer and followers. By means of these categories, we identified that these influencers act as brand avatars, creating an intense link with these products, exposing their bodies in advertisements and extending the meanings of their good shape to endorsed goods and services.Han surgido nuevos actores sociales con Internet. Entre ellos, destacamos a los influencers digitales, personas que tienen millones de seguidores online, y los influyen a favor o en contra de productos y marcas para ser consumidos. Nos propusimos analizar este proceso de aval que realizan los influencers digitales en sus perfiles online, teniendo como campo de investigaci贸n el mercado del fitness que incita a las personas a evaluar y trabajar incansablemente en su cuerpo. Utilizamos el An谩lisis de imagen semi贸tica para investigar las publicaciones de tres influencers brasile帽os e identificamos cuatro categor铆as que configuran el formato de la publicaci贸n: exposici贸n corporal, extensi贸n corporal, interacci贸n entre influencer y marca/producto, e interacci贸n entre influencer y seguidores. Mediante estas categor铆as, identificamos que estos influencers act煤an como avatares de marca, creando un v铆nculo intenso con productos, exponiendo sus cuerpos en anuncios y extendiendo los significados de su buena forma a bienes y servicios avalados