415 research outputs found

    Sources of negative tunneling magneto-resistance in multilevel quantum dots with ferromagnetic contacts

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    We analyze distinct sources of spin-dependent energy level shifts and their impact on the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) of interacting quantum dots coupled to collinearly polarized ferromagnetic leads. Level shifts due to virtual charge fluctuations can be quantitatively evaluated within a diagrammatic representation of our transport theory. The theory is valid for multilevel quantum dot systems and we exemplarily apply it to carbon nanotube quantum dots, where we show that the presence of many levels can qualitatively influence the TMR effect.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, supplemental materia

    Slave-boson Keldysh field theory for the Kondo effect in quantum dots

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    We present a {\it nonequilibrium nonperturbative} field theory for the Kondo effect in strongly interacting quantum dots at finite temperatures. Unifying the slave-boson representation with the Keldysh field integral an effective Keldysh action is derived and explored in the vicinity of the zero slave-bosonic field configuration. The theory properly reflects the essential features of the Kondo physics and at the same time significantly simplifies a field-theoretic treatment of the phenomenon, avoiding complicated saddle point analysis or 1/N expansions, used so far. Importantly, our theory admits a {\it closed analytical} solution which explains the mechanism of the Kondo effect in terms of an interplay between the real and imaginary parts of the slave-bosonic self-energy. It thus provides a convenient nonperturbative building block, playing the role of a "free propagator", for more advanced theories. We finally demonstrate that already this simplest possible field theory is able to correctly reproduce experimental data on the Kondo peak observed in the differential conductance, correctly predicts the Kondo temperature and, within its applicability range, has the same universal temperature dependence of the conductance as the one obtained in numerical renormalization group calculations.Comment: published versio

    Phase diffusion as a model for coherent suppression of tunneling in the presence of noise

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    We study the stabilization of coherent suppression of tunneling in a driven double-well system subject to random periodic δ\delta-function ``kicks''. We model dissipation due to this stochastic process as a phase diffusion process for an effective two-level system and derive a corresponding set of Bloch equations with phase damping terms that agree with the periodically kicked system at discrete times. We demonstrate that the ability of noise to localize the system on either side of the double-well potenital arises from overdamping of the phase of oscillation and not from any cooperative effect between the noise and the driving field. The model is investigated with a square wave drive, which has qualitatively similar features to the widely studied cosinusoidal drive, but has the additional advantage of allowing one to derive exact analytic expressions.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spectrum and Franck-Condon factors of interacting suspended single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    A low energy theory of suspended carbon nanotube quantum dots in weak tunnelling coupling with metallic leads is presented. The focus is put on the dependence of the spectrum and the Franck-Condon factors on the geometry of the junction including several vibronic modes. The relative size and the relative position of the dot and its associated vibrons strongly influence the electromechanical properties of the system. A detailed analysis of the complete parameters space reveals different regimes: in the short vibron regime the tunnelling of an electron into the nanotube generates a plasmon-vibron excitation while in the long vibron regime polaron excitations dominate the scenario. The small, position dependent Franck-Condon couplings of the small vibron regime convert into uniform, large couplings in the long vibron regime. Selection rules for the excitations of the different plasmon-vibron modes via electronic tunnelling events are also derived.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, new version according to the published on

    Decoherence and Relaxation of a Quantum Bit in the Presence of Rabi Oscillations

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    Dissipative dynamics of a quantum bit driven by a strong resonant field and interacting with a heat bath is investigated. We derive generalized Bloch equations and find modifications of the qubit's damping rates caused by Rabi oscillations. Nonequilibrium decoherence of a phase qubit inductively coupled to a LC-circuit is considered as an illustration of the general results. It is argued that recent experimental results give a clear evidence of effective suppression of decoherence in a strongly driven flux qubit.Comment: 14 pages; misprints correcte

    Transport properties of double-walled carbon nanotube quantum dots

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    The transport properties of quantum dot (QD) systems based on double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) are investigated. The interplay between microscopic structure and strong Coulomb interaction is treated within a bosonization framework. The linear and nonlinear G-V-V_g characteristics of the QD system is calculated by starting from the Liouville equation for the reduced density matrix. Depending on the intershell couplings, an 8-electron periodicity of the Coulomb blockade peak spacing in the case of commensurate DWCNT QDs and a 4-electron periodicity in the incommensurate case are predicted. The contribution of excited states of DWCNTs to the nonlinear transport is investigated as well.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Correlated sequential tunneling through a double barrier for interacting one-dimensional electrons

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    The problem of resonant tunneling through a quantum dot weakly coupled to spinless Tomonaga-Luttinger liquids has been studied. We compute the linear conductance due to sequential tunneling processes upon employing a master equation approach. Besides the previously used lowest-order golden rule rates describing uncorrelated sequential tunneling (UST) processes, we systematically include higher-order correlated sequential tunneling (CST) diagrams within the standard Weisskopf-Wigner approximation. We provide estimates for the parameter regions where CST effects can be important. Focusing mainly on the temperature dependence of the peak conductance, we discuss the relation of these findings to previous theoretical and experimental results.Comment: replaced with the published versio

    Spin channel Keldysh field theory for weakly interacting quantum dots

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    We develop a low-energy nonequilibrium field theory for weakly interacting quantum dots. The theory is based on the Keldysh field integral in the spin channel of the quantum dot described by the single impurity Anderson Hamiltonian. The effective Keldysh action is a functional of the Hubbard-Stratonovich magnetization field decoupling the quantum dot spin channel. We expand this action up to the second order with respect to the magnetization field, which allows to describe nonequilibrium interacting quantum dots at low temperatures and weak electron-electron interactions,up to the contacts-dot coupling energy. Besides its simplicity, an additional advantage of the theory is that it correctly describes the unitary limit giving the correct result for the conductance maximum. Thus our theory establishes an alternative simple method relevant for investigation of weakly interacting nonequilibrium nanodevices.Comment: published versio

    Iterative algorithm versus analytic solutions of the parametrically driven dissipative quantum harmonic oscillator

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    We consider the Brownian motion of a quantum mechanical particle in a one-dimensional parabolic potential with periodically modulated curvature under the influence of a thermal heat bath. Analytic expressions for the time-dependent position and momentum variances are compared with results of an iterative algorithm, the so-called quasiadiabatic propagator path integral algorithm (QUAPI). We obtain good agreement over an extended range of parameters for this spatially continuous quantum system. These findings indicate the reliability of the algorithm also in cases for which analytic results may not be available a priori.Comment: 15 pages including 11 figures, one reference added, minor typos correcte

    Landscape, Environmental Sustainability, and Climate Instability—The EDUSCAPE Project: University Research for Innovation in School Education

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    This article presents the main contents, methods, and results of the European project EDUSCAPE (Erasmus+) developed by a team of international researchers from four countries, just over a year and a half after its launch with a focus on SAAD/UNICAM contributions. Into the scientific-disciplinary frame of environmental education and climate adaptation, EDUSCAPE aims to integrate the polysemic, transversal, and multidisciplinary concept of landscape and its decline, as a promoter of new forms of knowledge in response to emerging dynamics, within the educational offer of school programs (6-15 years). This paper presents the general structure of the project, the methodology experimented (PBL educational approach), and the qualitative and quantitative intermediate results obtained so far (literature review, curriculum analysis, and needs analysis). To integrate landscape into school curricula and renew them, EDUSCAPE is preparing Didactic Units (DUs) as the final result of the project to provide theoretical foundations and practical solutions supporting teaching which will be tested in the schools of the partnership network. In general, this paper explores the possibility to disseminate the pedagogical and social role of the landscape through a new way of teaching based on a deeper exploration of the theme that can stimulate critical thinking in current and future generations regarding the global/local challenges of the 21st century