740 research outputs found

    Disorientation and Hypermedia Structure

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    Subjects viewed information on a web site presented in one of four types of hypermedia structures. A measure of disorientation was taken immediately after the task was completed. No significant differences in disorientation was found among the four styles

    Top 10 Issues Facing Teacher Education

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    Presidential Addres

    An Economic Analysis of Texas Shrimp Season Closures

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    Management of the Texas penaeid shrimp fishery is aimed at increasing revenue from brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, landings and decreasing the level of discards. Since 1960 Texas has closed its territorial sea for 45-60 days during peak migration of brown shrimp to the Gulf of Mexico. In 1981 the closure was extended to 200 miles to include the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. Simulation modeling is used in this paper to estimate the changes in landings, revenue, costs, and economic rent attributable to the Texas closure. Four additional analyses were conducted to estimate the effects of closing the Gulf 1- to 4-fathom zone for 45 and 60 days, with and without effort redirected to inshore waters. Distributional impacts are analyzed in terms of costs, revenues, and rents, by vessel class, shrimp species, vessel owner, and crew

    Obsidian Samples from Archaeological Sites in Northwestern Alaska: A Preliminary Report

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    Reports the Na and Mn contents and Na/Mn ratios, determined by neutron activation analyses of 103 obsidian samples from the Onion Portage and nine related archeological sites. The occurrence and stratigraphic distribution are noted of four groups of obsidian distinguished by Mn content and Na/Mn ratio. Group B, the largest, appears in a complex with an age of 4000-3900 BC and in another of 1000-1700 AD, group A in complexes dating at 2600-2200 and 1500-500 BC, group C occurs 2200-1800 BC; and group D 400-1700 AD. There are at least four obsidian sources represented whose geographic locations are unknown

    G97-1313 Designing Preventive Health Management Programs for Cattle Producers

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    The NebGuide details recommendations for a beef cattle herd immunization program. This NebGuide presents two flow sheets which detail the recommendations for a beef cattle herd immunization program: the Calf through Weaning Preventive Health Management Flow Sheet and the Heifers, Cows and Bulls Preventive Health Management Flow Sheet. While this NebGuide emphasizes the procedures conducted on cattle at each cattle handling opportunity, it is very important to note the role a high quality nutritional program plays in building a total herd health program. You are encouraged to work with a qualified beef cattle nutritionist and your veterinarian when developing your herd health program

    Arteriovenous Blood Metabolomics: A Readout of Intra-Tissue Metabostasis.

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    The human circulatory system consists of arterial blood that delivers nutrients to tissues, and venous blood that removes the metabolic by-products. Although it is well established that arterial blood generally has higher concentrations of glucose and oxygen relative to venous blood, a comprehensive biochemical characterization of arteriovenous differences has not yet been reported. Here we apply cutting-edge, mass spectrometry-based metabolomic technologies to provide a global characterization of metabolites that vary in concentration between the arterial and venous blood of human patients. Global profiling of paired arterial and venous plasma from 20 healthy individuals, followed up by targeted analysis made it possible to measure subtle (<2 fold), yet highly statistically significant and physiologically important differences in water soluble human plasma metabolome. While we detected changes in lactic acid, alanine, glutamine, and glutamate as expected from skeletal muscle activity, a number of unanticipated metabolites were also determined to be significantly altered including Krebs cycle intermediates, amino acids that have not been previously implicated in transport, and a few oxidized fatty acids. This study provides the most comprehensive assessment of metabolic changes in the blood during circulation to date and suggests that such profiling approach may offer new insights into organ homeostasis and organ specific pathology

    Longitudinal Pathogenesis Study of Young Red Deer (Cervus elaphus) after Experimental Challenge with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP)

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    Paratuberculosis progresses more quickly in young red deer than in sheep or cattle. This study describes the clinical, immunological and pathological changes over a 50-week period in fourteen 4-month-old red deer that received heavy oral challenge with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). At 4 and 12 weeks post challenge they were anaesthetized and a section of jejunal lymph node was surgically removed for culture, histopathology, and genetic studies. All 14 deer became infected, none were clinically affected, and they had varying degrees of subclinical disease when killed at week 50. Week 4 biopsies showed no paratuberculosis lesions, but MAP was cultured from all animals. At weeks 12 and 50 histopathological lesions ranged from mild to severe with corresponding low-to-high antibody titres, which peaked at 12–24 weeks. IFN-γ responses peaked at 8–15 weeks and were higher in mildly affected animals than in those with severe lesions