75 research outputs found

    Effects of polyploidy on the coordination of gene expression between organellar and nuclear genomes in Leucanthemum Mill. (Compositae, Anthemideae)

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    Whole-genome duplications (WGD) through polyploid speciation are associated with disruptions of well-tuned relationships among the three plant cell genomes. Key metabolic processes comprising multi-subunit enzyme complexes, for which partner proteins are both nuclear- and plastid-encoded, are dependent on maintenance of stoichiometric ratios among the subunits to avoid cytonuclear imbalances after WGDs. By using qPCR for gene copy and transcript number quantification, we have studied the relationship of subunit expression in the two gene pairs rbcL/rbcS (the two subunits of RuBisCO) and psbA/psbO (two members of photosystem II) in closely related members of Leucanthemum (Compositae, Anthemideae), comprising a diploid, a tetraploid, and a hexaploid species. While gene copy numbers exhibit the expected pattern of an increase in the nuclear-encoded partner gene relative to the plastid-encoded one, we find that the two partner gene systems behave differently after WGD: While in the psbA/psbO partner gene system, shifts in the gene copy balance caused by polyploidization are not accommodated for through changes in transcription intensities of the two partner genes, the rbcL/rbcS system even shows an unexpected reversed dosage effect with up-regulated transcription intensities on both the nuclear and the plastidal side. We interpret the behavior of the psbA/psbO partner gene system as being due to the stoichiometrically relaxed relationship between the two gene products caused by a fast, damage-provoked combustion of the psbA gene product (the D1 core protein of PSII). Conversely, the finely tuned expression dependencies of the rbcL/rbcS system may be the reason for the observed positive feedback runaway signal as reaction to gene copy imbalances caused by a polyploidization shock

    RNA-Polymerase I: einer spezialisierten Transkriptionsmaschine auf der Spur

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    In eukaryotes three major nuclear RNA Polymerases (Pols I, II and III) transcribe the genome. Pols II and III transcribe many different genes. Pol I has only one target from which it synthesizes the precursor for 3 of 4 ribosomal (r)RNAs accounting for up to 60 percent of total cellular RNA. Dedication of Pol I and its specific transcription factors to transcribe a single gene underlines the importance of rRNA synthesis. Research in Regensburg aims at understanding mechanism(s) of Pol I transcription

    Impact of the yeast S0/uS2-cluster ribosomal protein rpS21/eS21 on rRNA folding and the architecture of small ribosomal subunit precursors

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    RpS0/uS2, rpS2/uS5, and rpS21/eS21 form a cluster of ribosomal proteins (S0-cluster) at the head-body junction near the central pseudoknot of eukaryotic small ribosomal subunits (SSU). Previous work in yeast indicated that S0-cluster assembly is required for the stabilisation and maturation of SSU precursors at specific post-nucleolar stages. Here, we analysed the role of S0-cluster formation for rRNA folding. Structures of SSU precursors isolated from yeast S0-cluster expression mutants or control strains were analysed by cryogenic electron microscopy. The obtained resolution was sufficient to detect individual 2’-O-methyl RNA modifications using an unbiased scoring approach. The data show how S0-cluster formation enables the initial recruitment of the pre-rRNA processing factor Nob1 in yeast. Furthermore, they reveal hierarchical effects on the pre-rRNA folding pathway, including the final maturation of the central pseudoknot. Based on these structural insights we discuss how formation of the S0-cluster determines at this early cytoplasmic assembly checkpoint if SSU precursors further mature or are degraded

    Stimulation of the catalytic activity of poly(ADP-ribosyl) transferase by transcription factor Yin Yang 1

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    AbstractThe transcriptional regulator Yin Yang 1 (YY1) has previously been demonstrated to physically interact with poly(ADP-ribosyl) transferase (ADPRT). This nuclear enzyme catalyzes the synthesis of ADP-ribose polymers and their attachment to target proteins. It is reported here that YY1 associates preferably with the extensively auto(ADP-ribosyl)ated form of ADPRT, but not with deproteinized ADP-ribose polymers. In the presence of YY1 the catalytic rate of ADPRT is enhanced about 10-fold. This stimulation is in part due to modification of YY1, thus serving as a substrate of the reaction. In addition, automodification of ADPRT is also substantially increased. The activation by YY1 is most pronounced at low concentrations of ADPRT suggesting that the presence of YY1 may either facilitate the formation of catalytically active dimers of ADPRT or lead to the occurrence of active heterooligomers. The potential significance of these observations was verified by analyzing the activity of ADPRT in HeLa nuclear extracts. The endogenous enzyme exhibited an about 10-fold higher activity as compared to the isolated recombinant protein. It is likely that the heat-stable transcription factor YY1 contributed to the increased activity of ADPRT detected in the nuclear extracts, because heated extracts had a similar stimulatory effect on isolated ADPRT as isolated YY1 used at comparable concentrations. It is concluded that YY1 may be an important regulator of ADPRT and, therefore, could support the function of ADPRT to facilitate DNA repair

    Analysis of subunit folding contribution of three yeast large ribosomal subunit proteins required for stabilisation and processing of intermediate nuclear rRNA precursors

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    In yeast and human cells many of the ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) are required for the stabilisation and productive processing of rRNA precursors. Functional coupling of r-protein assembly with the stabilisation and maturation of subunit precursors potentially promotes the production of ribosomes with defined composition. To further decipher mechanisms of such an intrinsic quality control pathway we analysed here the contribution of three yeast large ribosomal subunit r-proteins rpL2 (uL2), rpL25 (uL23) and rpL34 (eL34) for intermediate nuclear subunit folding steps. Structure models obtained from single particle cryo-electron microscopy analyses provided evidence for specific and hierarchic effects on the stable positioning and remodelling of large ribosomal subunit domains. Based on these structural and previous biochemical data we discuss possible mechanisms of r-protein dependent hierarchic domain arrangement and the resulting impact on the stability of misassembled subunits

    Impact of two neighbouring ribosomal protein clusters on biogenesis factor binding and assembly of yeast late small ribosomal subunit precursors

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    Many of the small ribosomal subunit proteins are required for the stabilisation of late small ribosomal subunit (SSU) precursors and for final SSU rRNA processing in S. cerevisiae. Among them are ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) which form a protein cluster around rpS0 (uS2) at the "neck" of the SSU (S0-cluster) and others forming a nearby protein cluster around rpS3 (uS3) at the SSU "beak". Here we applied semi-quantitative proteomics together with complementary biochemical approaches to study how incomplete assembly of these two r-protein clusters affects binding and release of SSU maturation factors and assembly of other r-proteins in late SSU precursors in S. cerevisiae. For each of the two clusters specific impairment of the local r-protein assembly state was observed in Rio2 associated SSU precursors. Besides, cluster-specific effects on the association of biogenesis factors were detected. These suggested a role of S0-cluster formation for the efficient release of the two nuclear export factors Rrp12 and Slx9 from SSU precursors and for the correct incorporation of the late acting biogenesis factor Rio2. Based on our and on previous results we propose the existence of at least two different r-protein assembly checkpoints during late SSU maturation in S. cerevisiae. We discuss in the light of recent SSU precursor structure models how r-protein assembly states might be sensed by biogenesis factors at the S0-cluster checkpoint

    Structure of the initaton-competent RNA polymerase I and its implication for transcription

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    Eukaryotic RNA polymerase I (Pol I) is specialized in rRNA gene transcription synthesizing up to 60% of cellular RNA. High level rRNA production relies on efficient binding of initiation factors to the rRNA gene promoter and recruitment of Pol I complexes containing initiation factor Rrn3. Here, we determine the cryo-EM structure of the Pol I-Rrn3 complex at 7.5 angstrom resolution, and compare it with Rrn3-free monomeric and dimeric Pol I. We observe that Rrn3 contacts the Pol I A43/A14 stalk and subunits A190 and AC40, that association re-organizes the Rrn3 interaction interface, thereby preventing Pol I dimerization; and Rrn3-bound and monomeric Pol I differ from the dimeric enzyme in cleft opening, and localization of the A12.2 C-terminus in the active centre. Our findings thus support a dual role for Rrn3 in transcription initiation to stabilize a monomeric initiation competent Pol I and to drive pre-initiation complex formation

    Studies on the Coordination of Ribosomal Protein Assembly Events Involved in Prosessing and Stabiliz

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    Cellular production of ribosomes involves the formation of highly defined interactions between ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) and ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs). Moreover in eukaryotic cells, efficient ribosome maturation requires the transient association of a large number of ribosome biogenesis factors (RBFs) with newly forming ribosomal subunits. Here, we investigated how r-protein assembly events in the large ribosomal subunit (LSU) rRNA domain II are coordinated with each other and with the association of RBFs in early LSU precursors of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Specific effects on the pre-ribosomal association of RBFs could be observed in yeast mutants blocked in LSU rRNA domain II assembly. Moreover, formation of a cluster of r-proteins was identified as a downstream event in LSU rRNA domain II assembly. We analyzed in more detail the functional relevance of eukaryote specific bridges established by this r-protein cluster between LSU rRNA domain II and VI and discuss how they can support the stabilization and efficient processing of yeast early LSU precursor RNAs

    The C-terminal region of Net1 is an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription with conserved features from yeast to human

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    RNA polymerase I (Pol I) synthesizes ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in all eukaryotes, accounting for the major part of transcriptional activity in proliferating cells. Although basal Pol I transcription factors have been characterized in diverse organisms, the molecular basis of the robust rRNA production in vivo remains largely unknown. In S. cerevisiae, the multifunctional Net1 protein was reported to stimulate Pol I transcription. We found that the Pol I-stimulating function can be attributed to the very C-terminal region (CTR) of Net1. The CTR was required for normal cell growth and Pol I recruitment to rRNA genes in vivo and sufficient to promote Pol I transcription in vitro. Similarity with the acidic tail region of mammalian Pol I transcription factor UBF, which could partly functionally substitute for the CTR, suggests conserved roles for CTR-like domains in Pol I transcription from yeast to human. Author summary The production of ribosomes, cellular factories of protein synthesis, is an essential process driving proliferation and cell growth. Ribosome biogenesis is controlled at the level of synthesis of its components, ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA. In eukaryotes, RNA polymerase I is dedicated to transcribe the ribosomal RNA. RNA polymerase I has been identified as a potential target for cell proliferation inhibition. Here we describe the C-terminal region of Net1 as an activator of RNA polymerase I transcription in baker's yeast. In the absence of this activator RNA polymerase I transcription is downregulated and cell proliferation is strongly impaired. Strikingly, this activator might be conserved in human cells, which points to a general mechanism. Our discovery will help to gain a better understanding of the molecular basis of ribosomal RNA synthesis and may have implications in developing strategies to control cellular growth

    Occlusion of Regulatory Sequences by Promoter Nucleosomes In Vivo

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    Nucleosomes are believed to inhibit DNA binding by transcription factors. Theoretical attempts to understand the significance of nucleosomes in gene expression and regulation are based upon this assumption. However, nucleosomal inhibition of transcription factor binding to DNA is not complete. Rather, access to nucleosomal DNA depends on a number of factors, including the stereochemistry of transcription factor-DNA interaction, the in vivo kinetics of thermal fluctuations in nucleosome structure, and the intracellular concentration of the transcription factor. In vitro binding studies must therefore be complemented with in vivo measurements. The inducible PHO5 promoter of yeast has played a prominent role in this discussion. It bears two binding sites for the transcriptional activator Pho4, which at the repressed promoter are positioned within a nucleosome and in the linker region between two nucleosomes, respectively. Earlier studies suggested that the nucleosomal binding site is inaccessible to Pho4 binding in the absence of chromatin remodeling. However, this notion has been challenged by several recent reports. We therefore have reanalyzed transcription factor binding to the PHO5 promoter in vivo, using ‘chromatin endogenous cleavage’ (ChEC). Our results unambiguously demonstrate that nucleosomes effectively interfere with the binding of Pho4 and other critical transcription factors to regulatory sequences of the PHO5 promoter. Our data furthermore suggest that Pho4 recruits the TATA box binding protein to the PHO5 promoter
