990 research outputs found

    Do neutrino oscillations allow an extra phenomenological parameter?

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    The quantity ξ\xi introduced recently in the phenomenological description of neutrino oscillations is in fact not a free parameter, but a fixed number.Comment: 2 pages, LaTeX 2e style articl

    The casuality and/or energy-momentum conservation constraints on QCD amplitudes in small x regime

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    The causality and/or the energy-momentum constraints on the amplitudes of high energy processes are generalized to QCD. The constraints imply that the energetic parton may experience at most one inelastic collision only and that the number of the constituents in the light cone wave function of the projectile is increasing with the collision energy and the atomic number.Comment: 24 pages,8 figures. The paper is streamlined, some references are changed and misprints are eliminate

    On the behaviour of single scale hard small xx processes in QCD near the black disc limit

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    We argue that at sufficiently small Bjorken xx where pQCD amplitude rapidly increases with energy and violates probability conservation the shadowing effects in the single-scale small xx hard QCD processes can be described by an effective quantum field theory of interacting quasiparticles. The quasiparticles are the perturbative QCD ladders. We find, within the WKB approximation, that the smallness of the QCD coupling constant ensures the hierarchy among many-quasiparticle interactions evaluated within physical vacuum and in particular, the dominance in the Lagrangian of the triple quasiparticle interaction. It is explained that the effective field theory considered near the perturbative QCD vacuum contains a tachyon relevant for the divergency of the perturbative QCD series at sufficiently small xx. We solve the equations of motion of the effective field theory within the WKB approximation and find the physical vacuum and the transitions between the false (perturbative) and physical vacua. Classical solutions which dominate transitions between the false and physical vacua are kinks that cannot be decomposed into perturbative series over the powers of αs\alpha_s. These kinks lead to color inflation and the Bose-Einstein condensation of quasiparticles. The account of the quantum fluctuations around the WKB solution reveals the appearance of the "massless" particles-- "phonons". It is explained that "phonons" are relevant for the black disc behaviour of small xx processes, leading to a Froissart rise of the cross-section. The condensation of the ladders produces a color network occupying a "macroscopic" longitudinal volume. We discuss briefly the possible detection of new QCD effects.Comment: 24 pages, 1 Figure. References added, and several misprints eliminate

    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation at high energies

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    Production of electroweak bosons in e+e- annihilation into quarks and into leptons at energies much greater than 100 Gev is considered. We account for double-logarithmic contributions to all orders in electroweak couplings. It is assumed that the bosons are emitted in the multi-Regge kinematics. The explicit expressions for the scattering amplitudes of the process are obtained. It is shown that the cross sections of the photon and Z production have the identical energy dependence and asymptotically their ratio depends only on the Weinberg angle whereas the energy dependence of the cross section of the W production is suppressed by factor s^{-0.4} compared to them.Comment: Revtex4, 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    A gamma-ray testing technique for spacecraft

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    The simulated cosmic radiation effect on a spacecraft structure is evaluated by gamma ray testing in relation to structural thickness. A drawing of the test set-up is provided and measurement errors are discussed

    Enhanced Pomeron diagrams: re-summation of unitarity cuts

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    Unitarity cuts of enhanced Pomeron diagrams are analyzed in the framework of the Reggeon Field Theory. Assuming the validity of the Abramovskii-Gribov-Kancheli cutting rules, we derive a complete set of cut non-loop enhanced graphs and observe important cancellations between certain sub-classes of the latter. We demonstrate also how the present method can be generalized to take into consideration Pomeron loop contributions

    Breakdown of PCAC in diffractive neutrino interactions

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    We test the hypothesis of partially conserved axial current (PCAC) in high energy diffractive neutrino production of pions. Since the pion pole contribution to the Adler relation (AR) is forbidden by conservation of the lepton current, the heavier states, like the a_1 pole, \rho-\pi-cut, etc., control the lifetime of the hadronic fluctuations of the neutrino. We evaluate the deviation from the AR in diffractive neutrino-production of pions on proton and nuclear targets. At high energies, when all the relevant time scales considerably exceed the size of the target, the AR explicitly breaks down on an absorptive target, such as a heavy nucleus. In this regime, close to the black disc limit, the off-diagonal diffractive amplitudes vanish, while the diagonal one, \pi->\pi, which enters the AR, maximizes and saturates the unitarity bound. At lower energies, in the regime of short lifetime of heavy hadronic fluctuations the AR is restored, i.e. it is not altered by the nuclear effects.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Monte Carlo treatment of hadronic interactions in enhanced Pomeron scheme: I. QGSJET-II model

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    The construction of a Monte Carlo generator for high energy hadronic and nuclear collisions is discussed in detail. Interactions are treated in the framework of the Reggeon Field Theory, taking into consideration enhanced Pomeron diagrams which are resummed to all orders in the triple-Pomeron coupling. Soft and "semihard" contributions to the underlying parton dynamics are accounted for within the "semihard Pomeron" approach. The structure of cut enhanced diagrams is analyzed; they are regrouped into a number of subclasses characterized by positively defined contributions which define partial weights for various "macro-configurations" of hadronic final states. An iterative procedure for a Monte Carlo generation of the structure of final states is described. The model results for hadronic cross sections and for particle production are compared to experimental data

    Total and diffractive cross sections in enhanced Pomeron scheme

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    For the first time, a systematic analysis of the high energy behavior of total and diffractive proton-proton cross sections is performed within the Reggeon Field Theory framework, based on the resummation of all significant contributions of enhanced Pomeron diagrams to all orders with respect to the triple-Pomeron coupling. The importance of different classes of enhanced graphs is investigated and it is demonstrated that absorptive corrections due to "net"-like enhanced diagrams and due to Pomeron "loops" are both significant and none of those classes can be neglected at high energies. A comparison with other approaches based on partial resummations of enhanced diagrams is performed. In particular, important differences are found concerning the predicted high energy behavior of total and single high mass diffraction proton-proton cross sections, with our values of σpptot\sigma_{pp}^{{\rm tot}} at s=14\sqrt{s}=14 TeV being some 25÷4025\div40% higher and with the energy rise of σHMSD\sigma_{{\rm HM}}^{{\rm SD}} saturating well below the LHC energy. The main causes for those differences are analyzed and explained

    Electroweak 2 -> 2 amplitudes for electron-positron annihilation at TeV energies

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    The non-radiative scattering amplitudes for electron-positron annihilation into quark and lepton pairs in the TeV energy range are calculated in the double-logarithmic approximation. The expressions for the amplitudes are obtained using infrared evolution equations with different cut-offs for virtual photons and for W and Z bosons, and compared with previous results obtained with an universal cut-off.Comment: Revtex4, 17 pages, 7 figures. Some minor changes made, more refs adde