8 research outputs found

    Bolesti probavnog sustava u 80 skladatelja

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    Based on study of pathographies we noticed eighty cases of digestive diseases among composers. The most important composers are presented in the form of short pathographies, and the others were briefly mentioned in the following list. Mentioned diseases influenced the creativity of composers and their life expectancy.Proučavajući patografije skladatelja zabilježili smo osamdeset slučajeva bolesti probavnog sustava. Najznačajniji skladatelji prikazani su u obliku kratkih patografija, a ostali su navedeni u priloženoj listi na kraju rada. Navedene bolesti utjecale su na kreativnost autora i njihov životni vijek

    The heart in Fabry’s disease

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    Introduction: Fabry disease is rare X-linked, recessive lysosomal storage disorder expressed as deficiency in enzyme α-galactosidase A that leads to progressive accumulation of globotriaosylceramide and related glycosphingolipids in various tissues. In cardiac tissues, progressive globotriaosylceramide accumulation leads to irreversible cardiac damage.1,2 Males are primarily affected by Fabry disease, but female heterozygotes may also have symptoms.3 Case report: Our patient is 47-years-old who has been suffering from chronic kidney disease since he was 23 years old. Only twelve years later he developed end-stage renal disease and has been undergoing regular haemodialysis in Dialysis Centre Prijedor (Bosnia and Herzegovina). He started his journey towards kidney transplantation in 2014 in University Hospital Centre Rijeka, which was performed in May 2018. In 2014, during pretransplantation workup, echocardiography was performed revealing concentric cardiac hypertrophy without left ventricle outflow tract obstruction (Figure 1 and Figure 2) associated with contractility and diastolic filling impairment. Following suspicion on Fabry disease, diagnosis was made by measuring α-galactosidase enzyme activity in leukocytes and molecular genetic testing of GLA gene mutation. Enzyme replacement therapy was started with intravenous infusion of recombinant α-galactosidase A (agalsidase beta). Conclusion: Renal disease and echocardiographic features of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy combined with electrocardiographic and clinical criteria should be considered as “red flags” for Fabry disease

    Measurement of service beneficiaries

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    Budući da je jedna od glavnih karakteristika usluga neopipljivost, kupci ne mogu znati unaprijed kako će izgledati ishod. Bitno je stoga mjeriti zadovoljstvo uslugama, kako bi se stvorila nekakva referenca koja bi mogla uslugu učiniti opipljivom. Ovim se radom nastoji ukazati da je zadovoljstvo korištenjem usluga, usko povezano s vrijednošću i kvalitetom same usluge. Kupci imaju svoja očekivanja i što je izvedba bliža njihovim očekivanjima, oni su zadovoljniji. Zadovoljan korisnik najbolji je oglas za druge korisnike.Since one of the main characteristics of the service is intangibility, the customers do not know in advance what the outcome will be like. Therefore, it is essential to measure service satisfaction in order to create a reference that could make the service tangible. In this paper, the aim is to show that satisfaction with service usage is closely related to the value and quality of the service itself. The customers have their own expectations and the closer the performance is to their expectations, the more satisfied they are. A satisfied user is the best advertisement to other users


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    Boje, dizajn i pakiranje vrlo su važni u marketingu. Prilikom kreiranja proizvoda važno je voditi računa o psihološkom utjecaju boja na potrošača. Užurbani način života dovodi do činjenice da svaki proizvod ima manje od pola sekunde da ga potrošač zamijeti. Samim time boje, pakiranje i dizajn proizvoda postaju komunikacijsko sredstvo. Boje ostavljaju velik dojam na potrošače pa oni s vremenom određenu nijansu boje povezuju isključivo s određenim proizvodom. Često se dogodi da se potrošač ne sjeća imena određenog proizvoda, ali se sjeća boje, dizajna ili pakiranja. Dizajneri moraju dizajnirati proizvod tako da isti osim vizualnih elemenata sadržava i informativne elemente – što je često izazovno. Dizajn također ima važnu ulogu u svijesti potrošača, stoga često zna biti presudan za pridobivanje lojalnog potrošača. Pakiranje, osim estetskih elemenata, mora zadovoljavati i razne funkcije proizvoda. Važnost boja, dizajna i pakiranja dokazivat će se na primjeru rakije „Jedna“.Colours, design, and packaging are of great importance in marketing. It is important to keep in mind the psychological impact of colours on the consumer when creating a product. The hectic lifestyle leads to the fact that there is less than half a second for the consumer to notice each product. Thus, colours, packaging, and product design become a means of communication. Colours leave a great impression on consumers, so over time, they associate a certain shade of colour exclusively with a certain product. It is common that the consumer forgets a name of a particular product, but remembers the colour, design, or packaging. Designers must design a product so that in addition to visual elements, it also contains informative elements, which is often challenging. The design also has an important role in consumer awareness, and it is often crucial to gaining a loyal customer. Packaging, besides aesthetic elements, must also satisfy various product functions. The importance of colours, design, and packaging will be proven by the example of brandy „Jedna“


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    Boje, dizajn i pakiranje vrlo su važni u marketingu. Prilikom kreiranja proizvoda važno je voditi računa o psihološkom utjecaju boja na potrošača. Užurbani način života dovodi do činjenice da svaki proizvod ima manje od pola sekunde da ga potrošač zamijeti. Samim time boje, pakiranje i dizajn proizvoda postaju komunikacijsko sredstvo. Boje ostavljaju velik dojam na potrošače pa oni s vremenom određenu nijansu boje povezuju isključivo s određenim proizvodom. Često se dogodi da se potrošač ne sjeća imena određenog proizvoda, ali se sjeća boje, dizajna ili pakiranja. Dizajneri moraju dizajnirati proizvod tako da isti osim vizualnih elemenata sadržava i informativne elemente – što je često izazovno. Dizajn također ima važnu ulogu u svijesti potrošača, stoga često zna biti presudan za pridobivanje lojalnog potrošača. Pakiranje, osim estetskih elemenata, mora zadovoljavati i razne funkcije proizvoda. Važnost boja, dizajna i pakiranja dokazivat će se na primjeru rakije „Jedna“.Colours, design, and packaging are of great importance in marketing. It is important to keep in mind the psychological impact of colours on the consumer when creating a product. The hectic lifestyle leads to the fact that there is less than half a second for the consumer to notice each product. Thus, colours, packaging, and product design become a means of communication. Colours leave a great impression on consumers, so over time, they associate a certain shade of colour exclusively with a certain product. It is common that the consumer forgets a name of a particular product, but remembers the colour, design, or packaging. Designers must design a product so that in addition to visual elements, it also contains informative elements, which is often challenging. The design also has an important role in consumer awareness, and it is often crucial to gaining a loyal customer. Packaging, besides aesthetic elements, must also satisfy various product functions. The importance of colours, design, and packaging will be proven by the example of brandy „Jedna“

    Measurement of service beneficiaries

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    Budući da je jedna od glavnih karakteristika usluga neopipljivost, kupci ne mogu znati unaprijed kako će izgledati ishod. Bitno je stoga mjeriti zadovoljstvo uslugama, kako bi se stvorila nekakva referenca koja bi mogla uslugu učiniti opipljivom. Ovim se radom nastoji ukazati da je zadovoljstvo korištenjem usluga, usko povezano s vrijednošću i kvalitetom same usluge. Kupci imaju svoja očekivanja i što je izvedba bliža njihovim očekivanjima, oni su zadovoljniji. Zadovoljan korisnik najbolji je oglas za druge korisnike.Since one of the main characteristics of the service is intangibility, the customers do not know in advance what the outcome will be like. Therefore, it is essential to measure service satisfaction in order to create a reference that could make the service tangible. In this paper, the aim is to show that satisfaction with service usage is closely related to the value and quality of the service itself. The customers have their own expectations and the closer the performance is to their expectations, the more satisfied they are. A satisfied user is the best advertisement to other users