57 research outputs found

    Relations of Competitive State Anxiety and Efficacy of Young Volleyball Players

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    With the aim of validating the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory on a population of young Croatian volleyball players, 286 examinees, 106 male and 180 female volleyball players (average age of 16.09Ā±1.83), filled out the CSAI-2, constructed by Martens, Vealey, Burton, Bump and Smith (1990)1. Given the fact that all scales of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory have good homogeneity, reliability and sensitivity, it can be concluded that they represent high-quality measuring instruments for measuring psychological characteristics of young volleyball players. Young male and female volleyball players generally have a moderate level of self-confidence, and their cognitive anxiety is more prominent that somatic anxiety. In order to determine the age and gender differences in somatic and cognitive anxiety and self-confidence, parametric analysis of differences was performed and coefficients of the independent samples t-test were calculated. By analysis of differences according to age, it has been established that female junior players, in relation to female youth players, express a significantly lower level of somatic and cognitive anxiety and a significantly higher level of self-confidence. As opposed to female players, male youth and junior players do not differ in any of the analysed variables. By analysis of differences according to gender, it has been established that male youth players have a significantly higher level of self-confidence in comparison to female youth players. No significant differences were found in the level of competitive anxiety and self-confidence by analysis of variance between different player roles. No significant differences were found by discriminant analysis in somatic and cognitive anxiety, and self-confidence of female volleyball players of different situational efficacy. The group of least efficient male volleyball players is characterized by a very low level of self-confidence, while the most efficient group of volleyball players is characterized by a somewhat lower level of cognitive and somatic anxiety

    Motor Structures in Female Volleyball Players Aged 14ā€“17 According to Technique Quality and Performance

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    The aim of the study was to identify motor structures in elite female volleyball players aged 14ā€“17, and to assess the effect of these motor structures on their technical and situation efficiency. For this purpose, a battery of 12 motor tests as predictor variables, and a set of six technical elements and evaluation of performance quality as criterion variables were applied in a sample of 147 female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and a sample of 50 female volleyballers aged 16ā€“17. Analysis of variance between subgroups within the groups of volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and those aged 16ā€“17 showed the results on all motor tests to improve with the increase in situation performance, which was especially pronounced in the tests assessing explosive strength and agility. The same held true for the results on all tests assessing volleyball techniques, spike and block in particular. In both samples, factor analysis of motor tests isolated two factors underlain by the generation and regulation of strength, and the mechanism of speed regulation. Canonical correlation analysis between the motor regulatory mechanisms and technical elements revealed determination of the mechanisms of strength and technical efficiency in both samples. Regression correlation analysis showed the mechanisms of strength regulation and speed to be good predictors of game performance in female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17, whereby the mechanism of strength regulation had greater effect on the game performance than the mechanism of speed regulation. Regression correlation analysis also revealed the set of 6 techniques evaluated to be a good predictor of situation efficiency in both groups of female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17. The block and spike techniques were found to be the best predictors of game performance quality in the former, and the techniques of spike and block in the latter. Based on the results obtained, a possible model of selection for supreme score achievement in female volleyball is described

    Identification af Explosive Power Factors as Predictors of Player Quality in Young Female Volleyball Players

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    With the purpose of determining the factor structure of explosive power, as well as the influence of each factor on situational efficiency, 56 young female volleyball players were tested using 14 tests for assessing nonspecific and specific explosive power. By factor analysis, 4 significant factors were isolated which explained the total of over 80% of the common variability in young female volleyball players. The first factor was defined as volleyball-specific jumping, the second factor as nonspecific jumping and sprinting, the third factor as throwing explosive power, while the fourth factor was interpreted as volleyball-specific throwing and spiking speed from the ground. Results obtained by regression analysis in the latent space of explosive power indicate that the identified factors are good predictors of player quality in young female volleyball players. The fourth factor defined as throwing and spiking speed from the ground had the largest influence on player quality, followed by volleyball-specific jumping and nonspecific jumping and sprinting, and to a much lesser extent, by throwing explosive power. The results obtained in this age group bring to the fore the ability of spiking and serving a ball of high speed, which hinders the opponents from playing those balls in serve reception and field defence. This ability, combined with a high standing vertical jump reach and spike approach vertical jump reach (which is the basis of the 1st varimax factor) enables successful performance of all volleyball elements by which points are won in complex 1 (spike) and complex 2 (serve and block). Even though the 2nd factor (nonspecific jumping and sprinting) has a slightly smaller impact on situational efficiency in young players, this ability provides preconditions i.e. preparation for successful realisation of all volleyball elements, so greater attention must be paid to perfecting it in young female volleyball players

    Die Strukturanalyse der spielelemente im Volleyball aufgrund einiger anthropologischen Eigenschaften

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    The importance of the morphological features and motor, functional and specific cognitive abilities as regards successful performance of six elements of the volleyball game (SERVE, SERVE RECEIVING, SETTING, SPIKE, BLOCK and COURT DEFENSE) was assessed by 9 volleyball experts. Three groups were established by using hierarchical cluster analysis according to the playing distance from the net. Block and spike elements belong to group A hence this group is named ā€™playing above the netā€™; the serve receiving, setting and defense elements make group B, so it is named ā€™playing in oneā€™s half of the courtā€™; the serve makes group C. Based on the arithmetic means of the judgesā€™ rating it might be concluded that group A is characterized by a very high level of explosive power, longitudinal dimensionality of the skeleton and coordination, and in general a higher level of power and endurance than in the other groups. Group B is characterized by a very high level of accuracy and coordination. The characteristic of this group is a very high level of anticipation, speed of reaction, agility, a highly developed sense of distance and flexibility. Group C is characterized by a very high level of accuracy and a highly developed sense of distance and explosive power though not so high as in the other groups.Die Bedeutung der morphologischen Eigenschaften sowie der motorischen, funktionellen und_ spezifischen kognitiven FƤhigkeiten fĆ¼r die erfolgreiche AusfĆ¼hrung von 6 Segmenten, bzw. Spielelementen im Volleyball (Aufgabe, Aufgabenannahme, Stellen, Schmetterschlag, Block und Feldverteidigung) wurden von 9 Volleyballexperten bewertet. Mittels der hierarchischen Clusteranalyse der Spielelemente wurden drei Gruppen ermittelt, die durch den Abstand des AusfĆ¼hrungsplatzes vom Netz definiert wurden. Die Gruppe A umfasst den Block und den Schmetterschlag und wird "Spielen oberhalb des Netzes" genannt; die Gruppe B schlieƟt den Aufgabenannahme, das Stellen und das Verteidigungsspiel ein und wird "Spielen im eigenen Feld" genannt und in der Gruppe C ist Aufgabe. Aufgrund der arithmetischen Mitte der Schiedsrichtersnoten fĆ¼r die einzelnen Gruppen, kann beschlossen werden, da die Gruppe A durch ein hohes Explosivkraftsgrad, die longitudinale Skelettdimension und Koordination sowie im allgemeinen durch mehr Kraft und Aushaltung als die anderen Gruppen charakterisiert ist. Ein hohes Niveau der PrƤzision und Koordination kennzeichnet die Gruppe B, fĆ¼r die auch ein sehr hohes Antizipationsgrad sowie die Reaktionsschnelligkeit, Gewandtheit, das SpielraumgefĆ¼hl und die FlexibilitƤt spezifisch sind. Die Eigenschaften der Gruppe C sind ein sehr hohes PrƤzisionsgrad und ein hohes (obwohl nicht so hoch als in den anderen Gruppen) Grad des SpielraumgefĆ¼hls und der Explosivkraft

    Integration of Technical and Situation Efficacy into the Morphological System in Young Female Volleyball Players

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    The aim of the study was to identify morphological structures of young female volleyball players according to age, and to assess the impact of these morphological structures on technical and situation efficacy. A set of 13 morphological measures as predictor variables, a set of 6 technique elements, and assessment of performance quality as criterion variables were employed in a sample of 246 female volleyball players. The sample consisted of 32 players aged 12ā€“13, 147 players aged 14ā€“15, 50 players aged 16ā€“17, and 17 players aged 18ā€“19. Analysis of variance showed the female volleyball players of various age groups to differ significantly according to the variables assessing the longitudinal skeleton dimensionality, and body mass and volume, as well as in all tests used on volleyball technique evaluation. Factor analysis of morphological measures applied across all age groups generally yielded two morphological structures: the one determined by skeleton development, i.e. longitudinal and transverse bone growth, and another one determined by soft tissue development, i.e. muscle and adipose tissue growth. Results of regression analysis revealed the longitudinal skeleton dimensionality to significantly determine the block technique performance across all age groups, and to a lesser extent performance of the spike technique in the 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17 age groups. Regression correlation analysis also showed the developed skeleton based on the predominance of longitudinality to be a significant positive predictor of situation performance in all age groups

    Motor Structures in Female Volleyball Players Aged 14ā€“17 According to Technique Quality and Performance

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    The aim of the study was to identify motor structures in elite female volleyball players aged 14ā€“17, and to assess the effect of these motor structures on their technical and situation efficiency. For this purpose, a battery of 12 motor tests as predictor variables, and a set of six technical elements and evaluation of performance quality as criterion variables were applied in a sample of 147 female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and a sample of 50 female volleyballers aged 16ā€“17. Analysis of variance between subgroups within the groups of volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and those aged 16ā€“17 showed the results on all motor tests to improve with the increase in situation performance, which was especially pronounced in the tests assessing explosive strength and agility. The same held true for the results on all tests assessing volleyball techniques, spike and block in particular. In both samples, factor analysis of motor tests isolated two factors underlain by the generation and regulation of strength, and the mechanism of speed regulation. Canonical correlation analysis between the motor regulatory mechanisms and technical elements revealed determination of the mechanisms of strength and technical efficiency in both samples. Regression correlation analysis showed the mechanisms of strength regulation and speed to be good predictors of game performance in female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17, whereby the mechanism of strength regulation had greater effect on the game performance than the mechanism of speed regulation. Regression correlation analysis also revealed the set of 6 techniques evaluated to be a good predictor of situation efficiency in both groups of female volleyballers aged 14ā€“15 and 16ā€“17. The block and spike techniques were found to be the best predictors of game performance quality in the former, and the techniques of spike and block in the latter. Based on the results obtained, a possible model of selection for supreme score achievement in female volleyball is described

    Effect of New Rules on the Correlation between Situation Parameters and Performance in Beach Volleyball

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of basic technical-tactical elements, i.e. specific motor abilities, on performance in beach volleyball, with special reference to differences between the old and new official rules. Analysis of variance for 6 variables of technical-tactical elements between the winning and defeated teams included a sample of 129 sets played according to the old official rules (1995 and 1996) and 74 sets played according to the new official rules (2003). This was followed by regression analysis between these technical-tactical elements as predictors and a variable, i.e. score difference at which the team won or lost the game, as a criterion. Results of the analysis of variance between the winning and defeated teams showed highest differences in the performance of attack-hit, followed by counterattack- hit and blocking in both game types. However, difference in the performance of serve reception, serve, and field defense between the winning and defeated teams decreased significantly with the use of new rules as compared with the old ones. Results of regression analysis indicated the sets played according to the new rules relative to old ones to increase the predominant impact of technical-tactical elements in the above-net actions, especially attack-hit and block, on the final result in beach volleyball

    Perioperative Health Care of Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Karcinom dojke je najčeŔći i vodeći karcinom u žena u razvijenim zemljama svijeta. U prosjeku jedna od osam žena kroz svoj život dobije karcinom dojke. Faktori rizika koji dovode do karcinoma dojke su vezani uz genetsku predispoziciju i suvremeni način života. Većinu karcinoma dojke pacijentice otkrivaju same ili se otkrivaju tijekom rutinskog pregleda. NajčeŔće se uočava kao tvrda, bezbolna kvrga u dojci koja uvlači kožu dojke ili bradavice. Kod karcinoma dojke, kao i kod svakog drugog oboljenja, jako je bitno na vrijeme prepoznati bolest te uočavati simptome i znakove koji se mogu pojaviti. Prilikom samopregleda, žena može uočiti neke promijene stoga je bitno da se u tom slučaju obrati liječniku koji može potvrditi dijagnozu mamografijom, ultrazvukom, magnetskom rezonancijom, punkcijom ili biopsijom. Liječenje karcinoma dojke ovisi o stadiju bolesti i tipu tumora. Plan zdravstvene njege se za svakog pacijenta izrađuje individualno, na osnovi sustavno i cjelovito utvrđenih potreba pri perioperativnoj skrbi koja uključuje prijeoperacijsku pripremu pacijenta, intraoperacijsko zbrinjavanje i poslijeoperacijsku zdravstvenu njegu pacijenta. Karcinom dojke je moguće izlječiti ako se otkrije na vrijeme. Medicinska sestra ima veliku ulogu u zdravstvenom prosvjećivanju žena na vrÅ”enje samopregleda, mamografije i liječničkih pregleda. Proces zdravstvene njege je neizostavan dio posla medicinske sestre. Znanje i iskustvo pomažu medicinskoj sestri da stvori Å”to bolji odnos s pacijentom kako bi prikupila viÅ”e kvalitetnih podataka za prepoznavanje kvalitetne sestrinske dijagnoze


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    Sažetak : Cilj ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi odnos JE Between različitih načina koriÅ”tenja mobitela i RAČUNALA I kinezioloÅ”ki aktivnost, Kao i nekih psiholoÅ”kih karakteristika adolescenata. Subjekti istraživanja Bili Su 305 učenika zavrÅ”nih razreda osnovnih Å”kola u Trogir, KaÅ”tela i Solina. Varijable kinezioloÅ”ke aktivnosti, pasivno bavljenje Sportom, percipirane sportske kompetentnosti i samopoÅ”tovanje Su mjeri. Nova ljestvica mobilne koriÅ”tenju telefona bio sagrađen. Znanstveni analiza koriÅ”tena JE ZA određivanje tri types mobitela i koriÅ”tenja RAČUNALA, pod nazivom niske, Srednje i visoke aktivnosti mobilnih telefona i RAČUNALA korisnicima. MuÅ”ki i ženski Učenici znatno razlikuju po stupnju mobitela i koriÅ”tenja RAČUNALA s različitim svrhe, Ali ONI SE NE razlikuju po učestalosti pripadnosti određenoj vrsti mobilnih telefona i RAČUNALA korisnicima. Vrsta niske aktivnosti mobilnih telefona i RAČUNALA korisnicima imali znatno veći stupanj percipirane osobne zdravstvene snowman i opće samopoÅ”tovanje OD druge dvije types . Vrsta Velike aktivnosti mobilnih telefona i RAČUNALA korisnicima imali Su značajno VISI stupanj pasivne Sportski preokupacija, muÅ”ki Učenici Su neÅ”to vrlo izgovara percipira sportsku kompetenciju i kinezioloÅ”ki angažman. Ključne rijeci: aktivnost, smatra Sportski kompetentnost, samopouzdanje, mobilni telefon i koriÅ”tenje RAČUNALA, Učenici Sažetak: . Cilj ovog istraživanja JE utvrditi relacije tipova korisnika mobilnih telefona i računara s fizičkom aktivnoŔću i nekim psiholoÅ”kim karakteristikama adolescenata . Učesnici Su Bili 305 učenika zavrÅ”nih razreda osnovnih Å”kola gradova Trogira, KaÅ”tela i Solina Merene Su varijable fizičkog aktiviteta, pasivne zaokupljenosti Sportom, percipirane Sportskim kompetencije i samopoimanja. Konstruisana JE Nova Skala ZA koriŔćenje mobilnih telefona. Taksonomskom analizom određena Su TRI TIPA korisnika mobilnih telefona i računara. Učenice Sam Učenici se značajno razlikuju po stepenu koriŔćenja mobilnih telefona i računara u različite svrhe, Ali SE NE razlikuju po frekvenciji pripadnosti pojedinom Tipu korisnika. tipovi nisko aktivnih korisnika imaju značajno VISI stepen percipirane SnjeÅ”ko o svom zdravlju i općeg samopoimanja OD ostalih tipova. savjet Visoko aktivnih korisnika IMA značajno VISI stepen pasivne zaokupljenosti Sportom OD ostalih, Kod učenika Taj savjet IMA JOS neÅ”to ViÅ”e izraženu percipiranu sportsku kompetenciju Ja fizičku aktivnost. Ključne Reci : aktivitet, percipirana sportska kompetencija, samopoimanje, koriŔćenje mobilnih telefona i računara, Učenici Ā 


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    Udomaćene sorte maslina (Olea europaea L.) Istarska bjelica i Rosulja zbog dobrih gospodarskih karakteristika sve se viÅ”e Å”ire kroz podizanje mladih maslinika na otoku Krku. DosadaÅ”nja iskustva u ukorjenjivanju reznica ovih sorata s ciljem proizvodnje sadnica govore o velikom nedostatku klasičnog postupka zbog veoma niskog postotka ukorijenjenih reznica. Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti kvalitetu ukorjenjivanja reznica sorti Istarska bjelica i Rosulja (uzorkovanih u masliniku blizu mjesta Å ilo na otoku Krku) tretiranih koncentracijama IBAā€“e od: 2.000, 3.000, 4.000 i 5.000 p.p.m. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju najveći postotak ukorijenjenih reznica kod obiju sorti kod koncentracije od 5.000 p.p.m., a najmanji kod kontrolne varijante. Sorta Istarska bjelica imala je kod kontrolne varijante i koncentracije od 5.000 p.p.m. niži postotak ukorijenjenih reznica u odnosu na sortu Rosulju.Local olive varieties Istarska bjelica and Rosulja because of good economic characteristics are increasingly spreading through the raising of young olive groves on the island of Krk. Previous experience show very poor rooting cuttings of these varieties to the production of olive plants. The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of rooting cuttings of varieties Istarska bjelica i Rosulja with different concentrations of IBA. The results show the highest percentage of rooted cuttings of both cultivars at concentrations of 5.000 p.p.m. and the lowest in the control variants. Cultivar Istarska bjelica had a lower percentage of rooted cuttings in the control variants and in the concentration of 5.000 p.p.m
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