218 research outputs found

    Meditation-induced near-death experiences: a 3-year longitudinal study

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    Near-death experiences (NDEs) are life transformational events that are increasingly being subjected to empirical research. However, to date, no study has investigated the phenomenon of a meditation-induced near-death experience (MI-NDE) that is referred to in ancient Buddhist texts. Given that some advanced Buddhist meditators can induce NDEs at a pre-planned point in time, the MI-NDE may make NDEs more empirically accessible and thus advance understanding into the psychology of death-related processes. The present study recruited 12 advanced Buddhist meditators and compared the MI-NDE against two other meditation practices (i.e. that acted as control conditions) in the same participant group. Changes in the content and profundity of the MI-NDE were assessed longitudinally over a 3-year period. Findings demonstrated that compared to the control conditions, the MI-NDE prompted significantly greater pre-post increases in NDE profundity, mystical experiences and non-attachment. Furthermore, participants demonstrated significant increases in NDE profundity across the 3-year study period. Findings from an embedded qualitative analysis (using grounded theory) demonstrated that participants (i) were consciously aware of experiencing NDEs, (ii) retained volitional control over the content and duration of NDEs and (iii) elicited a rich array of non-worldly encounters and spiritual experiences. In addition to providing corroborating evidence in terms of the content of a “regular” (i.e. non-meditation-induced) NDE, novel NDE features identified in the present study indicate that there exist unexplored and/or poorly understood dimensions to NDEs. Furthermore, the study indicates that it would be feasible - including ethically feasible - for future research to recruit advanced meditators in order to assess real-time changes in neurological activity during NDEs

    Developing Product Label Information to Support Evidence-Informed Use of Vaccines in Pregnancy

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    Background: Product labelling information describing the use of vaccines in pregnancy continues to contain cautionary language even after clinical and epidemiological evidence of safety becomes available. This language raises safety concerns among healthcare providers who may hesitate to recommend vaccines during pregnancy. Purpose: To develop clear evidence-based language about vaccine safety and effectiveness in pregnancy for inclusion in vaccine product labels. Methods: We conducted a three-stage consensus-methods project with stakeholders, including: healthcare providers, vaccine regulators, industry representatives, and experts in public health, communication, law, ethics, and social sciences. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, we held a nominal group technique (NGT) meeting, followed by a Delphi survey, and then a consensus workshop with a subset of Delphi participants. We developed a methodological tool to analyse data for consensus. Principal results: Stakeholders (N = 14) at the NGT meeting drafted product label statements for evaluation in the Delphi survey. Survey participants (N = 41) provided feedback on statements for five hypothetical vaccines. Workshop participants (N = 27) initiated discussions that demonstrated a lack of awareness that the regulatory purpose of product labels is to provide a scientific summary of product-specific preclinical and clinical trial data. Each stage of this project built on earlier stages until we achieved strong consensus on the language, structure, and types of data that stakeholders wanted to include in inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine product labels in Canada. Conclusions: The revised statements for IIV and Tdap aligned with workshop participants’ goals that the product label be evidence-based, with a consistent structure and language that is easily understood by healthcare providers. Emergent methods uncovered stakeholder concerns about the regulatory purpose, content, and evidence used in product labels. Involving healthcare providers in the development and regular updating of product information could prevent interpretations of that information that contribute to vaccine hesitancy

    Bandgap-universal passivation enables stable perovskite solar cells with low photovoltage loss

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    The efficiency and longevity of metal-halide perovskite solar cells are typically dictated by nonradiative defect-mediated charge recombination. In this work, we demonstrate a vapor-based amino-silane passivation that reduces photovoltage deficits to around 100 millivolts (>90% of the thermodynamic limit) in perovskite solar cells of bandgaps between 1.6 and 1.8 electron volts, which is crucial for tandem applications. A primary-, secondary-, or tertiary-amino–silane alone negatively or barely affected perovskite crystallinity and charge transport, but amino-silanes that incorporate primary and secondary amines yield up to a 60-fold increase in photoluminescence quantum yield and preserve long-range conduction. Amino-silane–treated devices retained 95% power conversion efficiency for more than 1500 hours under full-spectrum sunlight at 85°C and open-circuit conditions in ambient air with a relative humidity of 50 to 60%

    Emergence of qualia from brain activity or from an interaction of proto-consciousness with the brain: which one is the weirder? Available evidence and a research agenda

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    This contribution to the science of consciousness aims at comparing how two different theories can explain the emergence of different qualia experiences, meta-awareness, meta-cognition, the placebo effect, out-of-body experiences, cognitive therapy and meditation-induced brain changes, etc. The first theory postulates that qualia experiences derive from specific neural patterns, the second one, that qualia experiences derive from the interaction of a proto-consciousness with the brain\u2019s neural activity. From this comparison it will be possible to judge which one seems to better explain the different qualia experiences and to offer a more promising research agenda

    Biology Open

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    Early phase diabetes is often accompanied by pain sensitization. In Drosophila, the insulin receptor (InR) regulates the persistence of injury-induced thermal nociceptive sensitization. Whether Drosophila InR also regulates the persistence of mechanical nociceptive sensitization remains unclear. Mice with a sensory neuron deletion of the insulin receptor (Insr) show normal nociceptive baselines; however, it is uncertain whether deletion of Insr in nociceptive sensory neurons leads to persistent nociceptive hypersensitivity. In this study, we used fly and mouse nociceptive sensitization models to address these questions. In flies, InR mutants and larvae with sensory neuron-specific expression of RNAi transgenes targeting InR exhibited persistent mechanical hypersensitivity. Mice with a specific deletion of the Insr gene in Nav1.8+ nociceptive sensory neurons showed nociceptive thermal and mechanical baselines similar to controls. In an inflammatory paradigm, however, these mutant mice showed persistent mechanical (but not thermal) hypersensitivity, particularly in female mice. Mice with the Nav1.8+ sensory neuron-specific deletion of Insr did not show metabolic abnormalities typical of a defect in systemic insulin signaling. Our results show that some aspects of the regulation of nociceptive hypersensitivity by the insulin receptor are shared between flies and mice and that this regulation is likely independent of metabolic effects

    Metagenomes of Rectal Swabs in Larger, Advanced Stage Cervical Cancers Have Enhanced Mucus Degrading Functionalities and Distinct Taxonomic Structure

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    BACKGROUND: Gut microbiome community composition differs between cervical cancer (CC) patients and healthy controls, and increased gut diversity is associated with improved outcomes after treatment. We proposed that functions of specific microbial species adjoining the mucus layer may directly impact the biology of CC. METHOD: Metagenomes of rectal swabs in 41 CC patients were examined by whole-genome shotgun sequencing to link taxonomic structures, molecular functions, and metabolic pathway to patient\u27s clinical characteristics. RESULTS: Significant association of molecular functions encoded by the metagenomes was found with initial tumor size and stage. Profiling of the molecular function abundances and their distributions identified 2 microbial communities co-existing in each metagenome but having distinct metabolism and taxonomic structures. Community A (Clostridia and Proteobacteria predominant) was characterized by high activity of pathways involved in stress response, mucus glycan degradation and utilization of degradation byproducts. This community was prevalent in patients with larger, advanced stage tumors. Conversely, community B (Bacteroidia predominant) was characterized by fast growth, active oxidative phosphorylation, and production of vitamins. This community was prevalent in patients with smaller, early-stage tumors. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, enrichment of mucus degrading microbial communities in rectal metagenomes of CC patients was associated with larger, more advanced stage tumors

    “In the Beginning, It Was Little Whispers...Now, We’re Almost a Roar”: Conceptualizing a Model for Community and Self in LGBTQ+ Health Information Practices

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    Although LGBTQ+ populations experience significant health challenges, little research exists that investigates their health from an informational perspective. Our study addresses this gap by exploring the health information practices of LGBTQ+ communities in South Carolina, focusing on how sociocultural context shapes these practices. Thirty semi-structured interviews with South Carolina LGBTQ+ community leaders analyzed using open qualitative coding informed the development of a conceptual framework describing their information practices. Findings show that participants engaged in two broad types of practices – protective and defensive – as responses to risks and barriers experienced, which are in turn produced by social and structural factors. Findings advance information practices and marginalization approaches and offer ways for medical professionals to improve service to LGBTQ+ populations
