14 research outputs found

    Tynnfilmepitaksi ved pulset laserdeponering av SrRuO3: En vekstparameterstudie

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    Tynnfilmepitaksi ved pulset laserdeponering av SrRuO3 på TiO2-terminert (001)-orientert SrTiO3-substrat, er i dette arbeidet undersøkt over et stort spekter av deponeringssystemets vekstparametere. Veksten er overvåket ved in situ målinger med elektronstrålediffraksjon (RHEED). Det er vist at tilnærmet perfekt epitaksi er mulig i flere begrensede områder i parameterrommet, der reproduserbarhet hovedsakelig er begrenset av parameterne trykk og temperatur. Resultatene antyder at dette har sammenheng med at kravet til nøyaktig reprodusering av ablasjonsforhold vil variere avhengig av hvor, i spekteret av trykk og temperatur, veksten foregår. Arbeidet omfatter også en undersøkelse av instrumentering. Optimalisering av temperaturmålinger med pyrometer, limeprosedyre og innstilling av laserenergitetthet på target er gjort. Resultater fra denne undersøkelsen viser at deponeringstemperaturen er reproduserbar med ±13 °C og at laserenergi-tettheten på target er usikker. En rekke tiltak som kan minimere usikkerheten i laserenergitettheten er gjennomgått

    Total internal reflection and evanescent gain

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    Total internal reflection occurs for large angles of incidence, when light is incident from a high-refractive-index medium onto a low-index medium. We consider the situation where the low-index medium is active. By invoking causality in its most fundamental form, we argue that evanescent gain may or may not appear, depending on the analytic and global properties of the permittivity function. For conventional, weak gain media, we show that there is an absolute instability associated with infinite transverse dimensions. This instability can be ignored or eliminated in certain cases, for which evanescent gain prevails

    Detection of single nano-defects in photonic crystals between crossed polarizers

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    -We investigate, by simulations and experiments, the light scattering of small particles trapped in photonic crystal membranes supporting guided resonance modes. Our results show that, due to amplified Rayleigh small particle scattering, such membranes can be utilized to make a sensor that can detect single nano-particles. We have designed a biomolecule sensor that uses cross-polarized excitation and detection for increased sensitivity. Estimated using Rayleigh scattering theory and simulation results, the current fabricated sensor has a detection limit of 26 nm, corresponding to the size of a single virus. The sensor can potentially be made both cheap and compact, to facilitate use at point-of-care

    Photonic-crystal membranes for optical detection of single nano-particles, designed for biosensor application

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    -A sensor designed to detect bio-molecules is presented. The sensor exploits a planar 2D photonic crystal (PC) membrane with sub-micron thickness and through holes, to induce high optical fields that allow detection of nano-particles smaller than the diffraction limit of an optical microscope. We report on our design and fabrication of a PC membrane with a nano-particle trapped inside. We have also designed and built an imaging system where an optical microscope and a CCD camera are used to take images of the PC membrane. Results show how the trapped nano-particle appears as a bright spot in the image. In a first experimental realization of the imaging system, single particles with a radius of 75 nm can be detected

    Nanostructuring of free-standing, dielectric membranes using electron-beam lithography

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    Nanostructured dielectric membranes are used in several applications ranging from de Broglie matter-wave optical elements to photonic crystals. Precise pattern transfer and high aspect ratio structures are crucial for many applications. The authors present an improved method for direct patterning on free-standing, dielectric membranes using electron-beam (e-beam) lithography. The method is based on an advanced etchmask that both reduces charging and allows for tuning of the etch mask thickness to support high aspect ratios even for small structures. The authors etched structures as small as 50 nm radius holes in a 150 nm thick membrane and achieved aspect ratios of up to 1.3 for this structure size range. The etch mask thickness can be tuned to achieve the required aspect ratio. The etchmask is composed of a three layer stack consisting of poly(methyl methacrylate), SiO2 and an antireflective coating polymer. Scanning-electron micrographs of membranes produced with the fabrication method are presented

    Finite-size limitations on quality factor of guided resonance modes in 2D photonic crystals

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    -High-Q guided resonance modes in two-dimensional photonic crystals, enable high field intensity in small volumes that can be exploited to realize high performance sensors. We show through simulations and experiments how the Q-factor of guided resonance modes varies with the size of the photonic crystal, and that this variation is due to loss caused by scattering of in-plane propagating modes at the lattice boundary and coupling of incident light to fully guided modes that exist in the homogeneous slab outside the lattice boundary. A photonic crystal with reflecting boundaries, realized by Bragg mirrors with a band gap for in-plane propagating modes, has been designed to suppress these edge effects. The new design represents a way around the fundamental limitation on Q-factors for guided resonances in finite photonic crystals. Results are presented for both simulated and fabricated structures

    Detection of single nano-defects in photonic crystals between crossed polarizers

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    We investigate, by simulations and experiments, the light scattering of small particles trapped in photonic crystal membranes supporting guided resonance modes. Our results show that, due to amplified Rayleigh small particle scattering, such membranes can be utilized to make a sensor that can detect single nano-particles. We have designed a biomolecule sensor that uses cross-polarized excitation and detection for increased sensitivity. Estimated using Rayleigh scattering theory and simulation results, the current fabricated sensor has a detection limit of 26 nm, corresponding to the size of a single virus. The sensor can potentially be made both cheap and compact, to facilitate use at point-of-care

    Photonic-crystal membranes for optical detection of single nano-particles, designed for biosensor application

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    A sensor designed to detect bio-molecules is presented. The sensor exploits a planar 2D photonic crystal (PC) membrane with sub-micron thickness and through holes, to induce high optical fields that allow detection of nano-particles smaller than the diffraction limit of an optical microscope. We report on our design and fabrication of a PC membrane with a nano-particle trapped inside. We have also designed and built an imaging system where an optical microscope and a CCD camera are used to take images of the PC membrane. Results show how the trapped nano-particle appears as a bright spot in the image. In a first experimental realization of the imaging system, single particles with a radius of 75 nm can be detected

    Finite-size limitations on quality factor of guided resonance modes in 2D photonic crystals

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    High-Q guided resonance modes in two-dimensional photonic crystals, enable high field intensity in small volumes that can be exploited to realize high performance sensors. We show through simulations and experiments how the Q-factor of guided resonance modes varies with the size of the photonic crystal, and that this variation is due to loss caused by scattering of in-plane propagating modes at the lattice boundary and coupling of incident light to fully guided modes that exist in the homogeneous slab outside the lattice boundary. A photonic crystal with reflecting boundaries, realized by Bragg mirrors with a band gap for in-plane propagating modes, has been designed to suppress these edge effects. The new design represents a way around the fundamental limitation on Q-factors for guided resonances in finite photonic crystals. Results are presented for both simulated and fabricated structures