122 research outputs found

    Les organismes communautaires en santé mentale au Québec : rôle et dynamique partenariale

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    Cette étude présente un portrait global des 371 organismes communautaires en santé mentale (OCSM) subventionnés par l’État québécois durant l’année 2003-2004, et fait état de leur dynamique partenariale avec les réseaux communautaire, institutionnel et intersectoriel. Les auteurs abordent la diversité des OCSM à partir des dimensions suivantes : période de fondation de l’organisme, type et étendue du territoire couvert, type et nombre de services offerts, profil financier, regroupements et associations, tables de concertation et relations partenariales. L’étendue du territoire, l’importance du budget et la participation à une table de concertation locale et à des comités de travail apparaissent être des conditions qui favorisent la formalisation des relations organisationnelles.This study presents a global picture of the 371 government funded community-based mental health organizations (OCSM) and provides a description of the partnerships developed with community, institutional and inter-sector networks. The authors examine the diversity of the mental health community organizations based on the following characteristics: date of foundation, type and extent of territory, type and number of services offered, financial statement; participation in associations, participation in steering committees and models of partnership. The surface area of the territory, the size of the budget as well as involvement in steering committees appear to be enabling factors favouring the development of relations between organizations.Este estudio presenta una semblanza global de los 371 organismos comunitarios de salud mental (OCSM) subvencionados por el Estado quebequense durante el año 2003-2004, y pone en evidencia su dinámica de asociación con las redes comunitaria, institucional e intersectorial. Los autores abordan la diversidad de los OCSM a partir de los aspectos siguientes: período de fundación del organismo, tipo y extensión del territorio cubierto, tipo y cantidad de servicios ofrecidos, perfil financiero, reagrupamientos y asociaciones, mesas de concertación y relaciones de asociación. La extensión del territorio, la importancia del presupuesto y la participación en una mesa de concertación local y en comités de trabajo parecen condiciones que favorecen la formalización de las relaciones organizacionales.Este estudo apresenta um perfil global dos 371 organismos comunitários em saúde mental (OCSM) subvencionados pelo Estado quebequense durante o ano 2003-2004, e relata sua dinâmica de parceria com as redes comunitária, institucional e intersetorial. Os autores abordam a diversidade dos OCSM a partir das seguintes dimensões: período de fundação do organismo, tipo e abrangência do território coberto, tipo e quantidade de serviços prestados, perfil financeiro, agrupamento e associações, comitês consultivos e relações de parceria. A abrangência do território, a importância do orçamento e a participação em um comitê consultivo local e em comitês de trabalho demonstram ser condições que favorecem a formalização das relações organizacionais

    La médecine et la santé au Canada français : un bilan historiographique (1987-2000)

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    In 1987, historian Jacques Bernier estimated that despite the publication between 1976 and 1986 of a number of prominent papers, the history of medicine and health in French Canada was still in its infancy. Since then, this particular field of study has boomed. The present article examines published studies gathered according to the various themes which have been favoured from 1987 to 2002 and concern the history of medicine and health in French Canada, so as to illustrate the gains of the past sixteen years. In our conclusion, we shall discuss the advancement of the history of medicine and health in French Canada in connection with the various elements suggested by historians Ludmilla Jordonova and Thomas Brown when considering the maturity of a given field of study. We shall identify a number of factors limiting its consolidation.En 1987, l’historien Jacques Bernier signalait que l’histoire de la médecine et de la santé au Canada français, malgré la publication entre 1976 et 1986 de certains écrits importants, était encore au stade de l’enfance. Depuis, ce champ d’étude a connu un essor considérable. Cet article présente une recension des écrits publiés, regroupés selon les thèmes qui ont été privilégiés, au cours des années 1987 à 2002 sur l’histoire de la médecine et de la santé au Canada français, afin d’illustrer les acquis des seize dernières années. En conclusion, nous discuterons du stade d’avancement de l’histoire de la médecine et de la santé au Canada français en lien avec les différents éléments présentés par les historiens Ludmilla Jordonova et Thomas Brown pour juger de la maturité d’un champ d’étude, et identifierons certains facteurs qui en limitent la consolidation

    MS-TOF study of the formation of thiolato bridged rhodium oligomers

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    The complex [Cp*Rh(μ‐SPh)3RhCp*]Cl was used as a starting material to synthesize various oligomeric materials of the general formula [Cp*Rh(μ‐SPh)x(μ‐Cl)3–x{Rh(μ‐SPh)3}nRhCp*] (x = 1 to 3; n = 1 to 4), which are formally formed by insertion of nRh(SPh)3 units into one μ‐Rh–SPh bond. The insertion of Ir(SPh)3 was also observed to generate theheterotrimetallic species. All complexes were observed by using HRMS‐TOF and [Cp*Rh(μ‐SPh)3Rh(μ‐SPh)3RhCp*]Cl, [3+]Cl, was characterized by using X‐ray crystallography

    Persistence of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and porcine circovirus type 2 in bacterial biofilms

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    The aim of this pilot project was to investigate association of viruses with bacterial biofilms. Our preliminary data indicate that important viral pathogens of swine, namely, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and porcine circovirus type 2, can associate with and persist within bacterial biofilms for several days


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    Preventive measures are very important in organic agriculture to minimize pest problems. Conservation biological control is one preventive approach. It includes habitat manipulation through which the agroecosystem may be designed to encourage the activity of beneficial insects. The use of flowering strips is one way to do that. This 3-year study was performed on the Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec. Canada. It comprises data on insect abundance and composition on ten flowering plant species. Data are collected on beneficial insects such as coccinellid predators and predatory bugs. Are also included in this study observations and counts of insect pests which could also be attracted to this flowering plant species and build up in numbers close to the crop which we are aiming to protect

    Impasses éticos de las políticas sociales de activación

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    Desde hace más de veinte años, importantes transformaciones han sido efectuadas en el seno de las políticas sociales implementadas en América del Norte, Oceanía y Europa del Este. Este viraje político puede ser comprendido como un remplazo de las formas que adquiría el Estado-providencia por el modelo del Estado social activo. En un primer momento, este artículo se consagrará a la descripción de las principales características de las políticas sociales de activación. Más adelante, se analizarán los impases éticos que estas políticas presentan a partir de investigaciones sobre profesionales de la intervención social que trabajan en el marco de estas políticas y sobre la experiencia de sus destinatarios

    Profiles of Quality of Life in a Homeless Population

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    Quality of life (QOL) is a key indicator in mental health planning, program evaluation, and evaluation of patient outcomes. Yet few studies have focused on QOL in homeless populations. More specifically, research has yet to identify profiles of homeless individuals based on their QOL using cluster analysis. This study developed a typology of QOL for a sample of 455 homeless individuals recruited from 27 community and public organizations in Quebec (Canada). The typology was developed based on QOL scores, as well as sociodemographic, clinical, and service use variables. Study participants had to be at least 18 years old, with current or previous experience of homelessness. A questionnaire including socio-demographics, residential history, service utilization, and health-related variables was administered. Four clusters were identified using a two-step cluster analysis. QOL was highest in the cluster consisting of older women with low functional disability, and relatively few episodes of homelessness. The second cluster with high QOL scores included individuals living in temporary housing with relatively few mental health or substance use disorders (SUDs). The third cluster with low QOL included middle-aged women living in temporary housing, with criminal records, personality disorders, and SUDs. QOL was also lower in the fourth cluster composed of individuals with multiple homeless episodes and complex health problems as well as high overall service use. Findings reinforced the importance of disseminating specific programs adapted to the diverse profiles of homeless individuals, with a view toward increasing their QOL