189 research outputs found

    Intraflagellar transport and cilia-dependent renal disease: the ciliary hypothesis of polycystic kidney disease

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    Epithelial cells that line mammalian kidney nephrons have solitary nonmotile primary cilium projecting from their surface into the lumens of the ducts and tubules. Mutations that block the assembly of these cilia cause cystic kidney disease. The products of human autosomal dominant and recessive polycystic kidney disease genes and products of the nephronophthisis disease genes are at least partially localized to primary cilia. This suggests that the cilium serves as an organizing center for the early steps of the signal transduction pathway that is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the kidney nephron and controlling cell proliferation and differentiation

    The role of intraflagellar transport proteins in ciliary assembly and function

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    The sensory and motility functions of cilia play critical roles in the development of vertebrates and defects in these organelles lead to a wide range of structural birth defects. The intraflagellar transport (IFT) system is required for building all types of mammalian cilia. IFT particles are composed of about 20 proteins and these proteins are highly conserved across ciliated species. IFT25 and IFT27, however, are absent from certain ciliated organisms like Caenorhabditis andDrosophila suggesting that they may have a unique role distinct from ciliogenesis. We generatedIft25 and Ift27 null mice and show that these proteins are not required for ciliary assembly but are required for proper Hedgehog signaling, which in mammals occurs within cilia. Mutant mice die at birth with multiple phenotypes indicative of Hedgehog signaling dysfunction. Cilia lacking IFT25/27 have defects in the signal-dependent transport of multiple Hedgehog components including Patched-1, Smoothened, and Gli2 and fail to activate the pathway upon stimulation. These are the first examples of null IFT mutations that perturb Hedgehog signaling independent of ciliary architecture. Thus, IFT function is not restricted to assembling cilia where signaling occurs but also plays a direct role in signal transduction events

    The DHC1b (DHC2) isoform of cytoplasmic dynein is required for flagellar assembly

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    Dyneins are microtubule-based molecular motors involved in many different types of cell movement. Most dynein heavy chains (DHCs) clearly group into cytoplasmic or axonemal isoforms. However, DHC1b has been enigmatic. To learn more about this isoform, we isolated Chlamydomonas cDNA clones encoding a portion of DHC1b, and used these clones to identify a Chlamydomonas cell line with a deletion mutation in DHC1b. The mutant grows normally and appears to have a normal Golgi apparatus, but has very short flagella. The deletion also results in a massive redistribution of raft subunits from a peri-basal body pool (Cole, D.G., D.R. Diener, A.L. Himelblau, P.L. Beech, J.C. Fuster, and J.L. Rosenbaum. 1998. J. Cell Biol. 141:993-1008) to the flagella. Rafts are particles that normally move up and down the flagella in a process known as intraflagellar transport (IFT) (Kozminski, K.G., K.A. Johnson, P. Forscher, and J.L. Rosenbaum. 1993. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90:5519-5523), which is essential for assembly and maintenance of flagella. The redistribution of raft subunits apparently occurs due to a defect in the retrograde component of IFT, suggesting that DHC1b is the motor for retrograde IFT. Consistent with this, Western blots indicate that DHC1b is present in the flagellum, predominantly in the detergent- and ATP-soluble fractions. These results indicate that DHC1b is a cytoplasmic dynein essential for flagellar assembly, probably because it is the motor for retrograde IFT

    DNAH6 and Its Interactions with PCD Genes in Heterotaxy and Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

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    Heterotaxy, a birth defect involving left-right patterning defects, and primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), a sinopulmonary disease with dyskinetic/immotile cilia in the airway are seemingly disparate diseases. However, they have an overlapping genetic etiology involving mutations in cilia genes, a reflection of the common requirement for motile cilia in left-right patterning and airway clearance. While PCD is a monogenic recessive disorder, heterotaxy has a more complex, largely non-monogenic etiology. In this study, we show mutations in the novel dynein gene DNAH6 can cause heterotaxy and ciliary dysfunction similar to PCD. We provide the first evidence that trans-heterozygous interactions between DNAH6 and other PCD genes potentially can cause heterotaxy. DNAH6 was initially identified as a candidate heterotaxy/PCD gene by filtering exome-sequencing data from 25 heterotaxy patients stratified by whether they have airway motile cilia defects. dnah6 morpholino knockdown in zebrafish disrupted motile cilia in Kupffer\u27s vesicle required for left-right patterning and caused heterotaxy with abnormal cardiac/gut looping. Similarly DNAH6 shRNA knockdown disrupted motile cilia in human and mouse respiratory epithelia. Notably a heterotaxy patient harboring heterozygous DNAH6 mutation was identified to also carry a rare heterozygous PCD-causing DNAI1 mutation, suggesting a DNAH6/DNAI1 trans-heterozygous interaction. Furthermore, sequencing of 149 additional heterotaxy patients showed 5 of 6 patients with heterozygous DNAH6 mutations also had heterozygous mutations in DNAH5 or other PCD genes. We functionally assayed for DNAH6/DNAH5 and DNAH6/DNAI1 trans-heterozygous interactions using subthreshold double-morpholino knockdown in zebrafish and showed this caused heterotaxy. Similarly, subthreshold siRNA knockdown of Dnah6 in heterozygous Dnah5 or Dnai1 mutant mouse respiratory epithelia disrupted motile cilia function. Together, these findings support an oligogenic disease model with broad relevance for further interrogating the genetic etiology of human ciliopathies

    Intraflagellar transport is essential for mammalian spermiogenesis but is absent in mature sperm

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    Drosophila sperm are unusual in that they do not require the intraflagellar transport (IFT) system for assembly of their flagella. In the mouse, the IFT proteins are very abundant in testis, but we here show that mature sperm are completely devoid of them, making the importance of IFT to mammalian sperm development unclear. To address this question, we characterized spermiogenesis and fertility in the Ift88(Tg737Rpw) mouse. This mouse has a hypomorphic mutation in the gene encoding the IFT88 subunit of the IFT particle. This mutation is highly disruptive to ciliary assembly in other organs. Ift88(-/-) mice are completely sterile. They produce approximately 350-fold fewer sperm than wild-type mice, and the remaining sperm completely lack or have very short flagella. The short flagella rarely have axonemes but assemble ectopic microtubules and outer dense fibers and accumulate improperly assembled fibrous sheath proteins. Thus IFT is essential for the formation but not the maintenance of mammalian sperm flagella

    Proteomic analysis of a eukaryotic cilium

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    Cilia and flagella are widespread cell organelles that have been highly conserved throughout evolution and play important roles in motility, sensory perception, and the life cycles of eukaryotes ranging from protists to humans. Despite the ubiquity and importance of these organelles, their composition is not well known. Here we use mass spectrometry to identify proteins in purified flagella from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. 360 proteins were identified with high confidence, and 292 more with moderate confidence. 97 out of 101 previously known flagellar proteins were found, indicating that this is a very complete dataset. The flagellar proteome is rich in motor and signal transduction components, and contains numerous proteins with homologues associated with diseases such as cystic kidney disease, male sterility, and hydrocephalus in humans and model vertebrates. The flagellum also contains many proteins that are conserved in humans but have not been previously characterized in any organism. The results indicate that flagella are far more complex than previously estimated

    A novel ICK mutation causes ciliary disruption and lethal endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Endocrine-cerebro-osteodysplasia (ECO) syndrome [MIM:612651] caused by a recessive mutation (p.R272Q) in Intestinal cell kinase (ICK) shows significant clinical overlap with ciliary disorders. Similarities are strongest between ECO syndrome, the Majewski and Mohr-Majewski short-rib thoracic dysplasia (SRTD) with polydactyly syndromes, and hydrolethalus syndrome. In this study, we present a novel homozygous ICK mutation in a fetus with ECO syndrome and compare the effect of this mutation with the previously reported ICK variant on ciliogenesis and cilium morphology. RESULTS: Through homozygosity mapping and whole-exome sequencing, we identified a second variant (c.358G \u3e T; p.G120C) in ICK in a Turkish fetus presenting with ECO syndrome. In vitro studies of wild-type and mutant mRFP-ICK (p.G120C and p.R272Q) revealed that, in contrast to the wild-type protein that localizes along the ciliary axoneme and/or is present in the ciliary base, mutant proteins rather enrich in the ciliary tip. In addition, immunocytochemistry revealed a decreased number of cilia in ICK p.R272Q-affected cells. CONCLUSIONS: Through identification of a novel ICK mutation, we confirm that disruption of ICK causes ECO syndrome, which clinically overlaps with the spectrum of ciliopathies. Expression of ICK-mutated proteins result in an abnormal ciliary localization compared to wild-type protein. Primary fibroblasts derived from an individual with ECO syndrome display ciliogenesis defects. In aggregate, our findings are consistent with recent reports that show that ICK regulates ciliary biology in vitro and in mice, confirming that ECO syndrome is a severe ciliopathy

    Deletion of IFT20 in the mouse kidney causes misorientation of the mitotic spindle and cystic kidney disease

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    Primary cilia project from the surface of most vertebrate cells and are thought to be sensory organelles. Defects in primary cilia lead to cystic kidney disease, although the ciliary mechanisms that promote and maintain normal renal function remain incompletely understood. In this work, we generated a floxed allele of the ciliary assembly gene Ift20. Deleting this gene specifically in kidney collecting duct cells prevents cilia formation and promotes rapid postnatal cystic expansion of the kidney. Dividing collecting duct cells in early stages of cyst formation fail to properly orient their mitotic spindles along the tubule, whereas nondividing cells improperly position their centrosomes. At later stages, cells lacking cilia have increased canonical Wnt signaling and increased rates of proliferation. Thus, IFT20 functions to couple extracellular events to cell proliferation and differentiation

    Role of Intraflagellar Transport Protein IFT20 in the Formation and Function of Motile Cilia in Mammals

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    Cilia are microtubular structures present on most mammalian cells, which can be categorized into motile cilia and primary cilia (non-motile cilia). The axoneme of both cilia types possess intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery, composed of unique protein complexes that travel in opposite directions along the microtubules. Although the role of IFT in primary cilia formation has been well studied, little is known about its role in mammalian motile cilia assembly. IFT20 is a component of IFT-B complex. We generated conditional Ift20 knockout mice by crossing floxed Ift20 mice with the Foxj1-Cre transgenic mouse line to specifically delete Ift20 from motile cilia. No difference was found in mice of all genotypes within one week after birth. However, most homozygous mutant mice presented smaller in size one week after birth, but all mice returned to normal size about 4 weeks after birth. No gross hydrocephalus was found in all the mutant mice. Analysis of a 6-week-old homozygous mutant male revealed no sperm in the cauda epididymis. Testis weight and testis/body weight was normal. However, several spermatogenesis defects were present in the testis seminiferous tubules. Given that motile cilia are also present in the epithelial cells in the brain ventricle, tracheal, efferent ductules and oviduct epithelial cells, cilia in these cells will be further examined in the homozygous mutant mice. Immunofluorescence staining using specific antibodies will be conducted; Cilia length and beat frequency (CBF) will be analyzed. TEM and SEM will be conducted to examine cilia ultrastructure. Fertility of males and females will be tested. We propose that IFT20 plays a role in motile cilia assembly and function

    Intraflagellar transport 27 is essential for hedgehog signaling but dispensable for ciliogenesis during hair follicle morphogenesis

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    Hair follicle morphogenesis requires precisely controlled reciprocal communications, including hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Activation of the Hh signaling pathway relies on the primary cilium. Disrupting ciliogenesis results in hair follicle morphogenesis defects due to attenuated Hh signaling; however, the loss of cilia makes it impossible to determine whether hair follicle phenotypes in these cilia mutants are caused by the loss of cilia, disruption of Hh signaling, or a combination of these events. In this study, we characterized the function of Ift27, which encodes a subunit of intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex B. Hair follicle morphogenesis of Ift27-null mice was severely impaired, reminiscent of phenotypes observed in cilia and Hh mutants. Furthermore, the Hh signaling pathway was attenuated in Ift27 mutants, which was in association with abnormal ciliary trafficking of SMO and GLI2, and impaired processing of Gli transcription factors; however, formation of the ciliary axoneme was unaffected. The ciliary localization of IFT25 (HSPB11), the binding partner of IFT27, was disrupted in Ift27 mutant cells, and Ift25-null mice displayed hair follicle phenotypes similar to those of Ift27 mutants. These data suggest that Ift27 and Ift25 operate in a genetically and functionally dependent manner during hair follicle morphogenesis. This study suggests that the molecular trafficking machineries underlying ciliogenesis and Hh signaling can be segregated, thereby providing important insights into new avenues of inhibiting Hh signaling, which might be adopted in the development of targeted therapies for Hh-dependent cancers, such as basal cell carcinoma
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