382 research outputs found

    Development and preliminary testing of the psychosocial adjustment to hereditary diseases scale

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    Background: The presence of Lynch syndrome (LS) can bring a lifetime of uncertainty to an entire family as members adjust to living with a high lifetime cancer risk. The research base on how individuals and families adjust to genetic-linked diseases following predictive genetic testing has increased our understanding of short-term impacts but gaps continue to exist in knowledge of important factors that facilitate or impede long-term adjustment. The failure of existing scales to detect psychosocial adjustment challenges in this population has led researchers to question the adequate sensitivity of these instruments. Furthermore, we have limited insight into the role of the family in promoting adjustment. Methods: The purpose of this study was to develop and initially validate the Psychosocial Adjustment to Hereditary Diseases (PAHD) scale. This scale consists of two subscales, the Burden of Knowing (BK) and Family Connectedness (FC). Items for the two subscales were generated from a qualitative data base and tested in a sample of 243 participants from families with LS. Results: The Multitrait/Multi-Item Analysis Program-Revised (MAP-R) was used to evaluate the psychometric properties of the PAHD. The findings support the convergent and discriminant validity of the subscales. Construct validity was confirmed by factor analysis and Cronbach’s alpha supported a strong internal consistency for BK (0.83) and FC (0.84). Conclusion: Preliminary testing suggests that the PAHD is a psychometrically sound scale capable of assessing psychosocial adjustment. We conclude that the PAHD may be a valuable monitoring tool to identify individuals and families who may require therapeutic interventions

    Using Pressure- and Temperature-Sensitive Paint for Global Surface Pressure and Temperature Measurements on the Aft-Body of a Capsule Reentry Vehicle

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    Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) and Temperature Sensitive Paint (TSP) were used to visualize and quantify the surface interactions of reaction control system (RCS) jets on the aft body of capsule reentry vehicle shapes. The first model tested was an Apollo-like configuration and was used to focus primarily on the effects of the forward facing roll and yaw jets. The second model tested was an early Orion Crew Module configuration blowing only out of its forward-most yaw jet, which was expected to have the most intense aerodynamic heating augmentation on the model surface. This paper will present the results from the experiments, which show that with proper system design, both PSP and TSP are effective tools for studying these types of interaction in hypersonic testing environments

    Clinical identification of feeding and swallowing disorders in 0-6 month old infants with Down syndrome

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    Feeding and swallowing disorders have been described in children with a variety of neurodevelopmental disabilities, including Down syndrome (DS). Abnormal feeding and swallowing can be associated with serious sequelae such as failure to thrive and respiratory complications, including aspiration pneumonia. Incidence of dysphagia in young infants with DS has not previously been reported. To assess the identification and incidence of feeding and swallowing problems in young infants with DS, a retrospective chart review of 174 infants, ages 0-6 months was conducted at a single specialty clinic. Fifty-seven percent (100/174) of infants had clinical concerns for feeding and swallowing disorders that warranted referral for Videofluroscopic Swallow Study (VFSS); 96/174 (55%) had some degree of oral and/or pharyngeal phase dysphagia and 69/174 (39%) had dysphagia severe enough to warrant recommendation for alteration of breast milk/formula consistency or nonoral feeds. Infants with certain comorbidities had significant risk for significant dysphagia, including those with functional airway/respiratory abnormalities (OR = 7.2). Infants with desaturation with feeds were at dramatically increased risk (OR = 15.8). All young infants with DS should be screened clinically for feeding and swallowing concerns. If concerns are identified, consideration should be given to further evaluation with VFSS for identification of dysphagia and additional feeding modifications

    Applying Pressure Sensitive Paint Technology to Rotor Blades

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    This report will present details of a Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) system for measuring global surface pressures on rotorcrtaft blades in simulated forward flight at the 14- by 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel at the NASA Langley Research Center. The basics of the PSP method will be discussed and the modifications that were needed to extend this technology for use on rotor blades. Results from a series of tests will also be presented as well as several areas of improvement that have been identified and are currently being developed for future testing

    Regular smoking of male ancestors in adolescence and fat mass in young adult grandchildren and great-grandchildren

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    Background: Previous studies using the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) have shown that if men commenced smoking prior to the onset of puberty their sons, their granddaughters and great-granddaughters were more likely to have excess fat (but not lean) mass during childhood, adolescence and early adulthood. In this study we assess associations between ancestral smoking during adolescence (ages 11–16 years) with fat and lean mass of subsequent generations at two ages. Methods: We analysed data on exposures of grandparents and great-grandparents collected by ALSPAC. The outcomes were the fat masses of their grandchildren and great-grandchildren measured at ages 17 and 24. Measures of lean mass were used as controls. Adjustment was made for 8–10 demographic factors using multiple regression. Results: We found associations between adolescent smoking of the paternal grandfathers and the adjusted fat mass of their grandchildren, but no associations with the grandchildren’s lean mass. Grandchildren at age 17 had an average excess fat mass of +1.65 [95% CI +0.04, +3.26] Kg, and at age 24 an average excess of +1.55 [95% CI -0.27, +3.38] Kg. Adolescent smoking by the maternal grandfather showed similar, but weaker, associations: at 17 an average excess fat mass of +1.02 Kg [95% CI -0.20, +2.25] Kg, and at 24 an average excess of +1.28 [95% CI -0.11, +2.66] Kg. There were no pronounced differences between the sexes of the children. For the great-grandparents there were few convincing results, although numbers were small. Conclusions: We have shown associations between grandfathers’ smoking in adolescence and increased fat (but not lean) mass in their children. Confirmation of these associations is required, either in a further data set or by demonstrating the presence of supportive biomarkers

    Human transgenerational observations of regular smoking before puberty on fat mass in grandchildren and great-grandchildren

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    Previously, using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) we showed that sons of fathers who had started smoking regularly before puberty (< 13 years) had increased fat mass during childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. We now show that if the paternal grandfather had started smoking pre-puberty, compared with later in childhood (13–16 years), his granddaughters, but not grandsons, had evidence of excess fat mass at two ages: mean difference + 3.54 kg; (P with 1-tailed test) = 0.043 at 17 years, and + 5.49 kg; (P(1) = 0.016) at age 24. When fathers of maternal grandfathers had started smoking pre-puberty, their great-granddaughters, but not great-grandsons, had excess body fat: + 5.35 kg (P(1) = 0.050) at 17, and + 6.10 kg (P(1) = 0.053) at 24 years. Similar associations were not found with lean mass, in a sensitivity analysis. To determine whether these results were due to the later generations starting to smoke pre-puberty, further analyses omitted those in subsequent generations who had smoked regularly from < 13 years. The results were similar. If these associations are confirmed in another dataset or using biomarkers, this will be one of the first human demonstrations of transgenerational effects of an environmental exposure across four generations

    A new spin-anisotropic harmonic honeycomb iridate

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    The physics of Mott insulators underlies diverse phenomena ranging from high temperature superconductivity to exotic magnetism. Although both the electron spin and the structure of the local orbitals play a key role in this physics, in most systems these are connected only indirectly --- via the Pauli exclusion principle and the Coulomb interaction. Iridium-based oxides (iridates) open a further dimension to this problem by introducing strong spin-orbit interactions, such that the Mott physics has a strong orbital character. In the layered honeycomb iridates this is thought to generate highly spin-anisotropic interactions, coupling the spin orientation to a given spatial direction of exchange and leading to strongly frustrated magnetism. The potential for new physics emerging from such interactions has driven much scientific excitement, most recently in the search for a new quantum spin liquid, first discussed by Kitaev \cite{kitaev_anyons_2006}. Here we report a new iridate structure that has the same local connectivity as the layered honeycomb, but in a three-dimensional framework. The temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility exhibits a striking reordering of the magnetic anisotropy, giving evidence for highly spin-anisotropic exchange interactions. Furthermore, the basic structural units of this material suggest the possibility of a new family of structures, the `harmonic honeycomb' iridates. This compound thus provides a unique and exciting glimpse into the physics of a new class of strongly spin-orbit coupled Mott insulators.Comment: 12 pages including bibliography, 5 figure

    Endoscopic papillectomy: risk factors for incomplete resection and recurrence during long-term follow-up

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    Background Endoscopic papillectomy is increasingly used as an alternative to surgery for ampullary adenomas and other noninvasive ampullary lesions. Objective To measure short-term safety and efficacy of endoscopic papillectomy, define patient and lesion characteristics associated with incomplete endoscopic resection, and measure adenoma recurrence rates during long-term follow-up. Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting Tertiary-care academic medical center. Patients All patients who underwent endoscopic papillectomy for ampullary lesions between July 1995 and June 2012. Intervention Endoscopic papillectomy. Main Outcome Measurements Patient and lesion characteristics associated with incomplete endoscopic resection and ampullary adenoma-free survival analysis. Results We identified 182 patients who underwent endoscopic papillectomy, 134 (73.6%) having complete resection. Short-term adverse events occurred in 34 (18.7%). Risk factors for incomplete resection were jaundice at presentation (odds ratio [OR] 0.21, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.07–0.69; P = .009), occult adenocarcinoma (OR 0.06, 95% CI, 0.01–0.36; P = .002), and intraductal involvement (OR 0.29, 95% CI, 0.11–0.75; P = .011). The en bloc resection technique was strongly associated with a higher rate of complete resection (OR 4.05, 95% CI, 1.71–9.59; P = .001). Among patients with ampullary adenoma who had complete resection (n = 107), 16 patients (15%) developed recurrence up to 65 months after resection. Limitations Retrospective analysis. Conclusion Jaundice at presentation, occult adenocarcinoma in the resected specimen, and intraductal involvement are associated with a lower rate of complete resection, whereas en bloc papillectomy increases the odds of complete endoscopic resection. Despite complete resection, recurrence was observed up to 5 years after papillectomy, confirming the need for long-term surveillance

    Deployment of a Pressure Sensitive Paint System for Measuring Global Surface Pressures on Rotorcraft Blades in Simulated Forward Flight

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    This paper will present details of a Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) system for measuring global surface pressures on the tips of rotorcraft blades in simulated forward flight at the 14- x 22-Foot Subsonic Tunnel at the NASA Langley Research Center. The system was designed to use a pulsed laser as an excitation source and PSP data was collected using the lifetime-based approach. With the higher intensity of the laser, this allowed PSP images to be acquired during a single laser pulse, resulting in the collection of crisp images that can be used to determine blade pressure at a specific instant in time. This is extremely important in rotorcraft applications as the blades experience dramatically different flow fields depending on their position in the rotor disk. Testing of the system was performed using the U.S. Army General Rotor Model System equipped with four identical blades. Two of the blades were instrumented with pressure transducers to allow for comparison of the results obtained from the PSP. Preliminary results show that the PSP agrees both qualitatively and quantitatively with both the expected results as well as with the pressure taps. Several areas of improvement have been indentified and are currently being developed