255 research outputs found

    Enhanced tidal stripping of satellites in the galactic halo from dark matter self-interactions

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    We investigate the effects of self-interacting dark matter (SIDM) on the tidal stripping and evaporation of satellite galaxies in a Milky Way-like host. We use a suite of five zoom-in, dark-matter-only simulations, two with velocity-independent SIDM cross sections, two with velocity-dependent SIDM cross sections, and one cold dark matter simulation for comparison. After carefully assigning stellar mass to satellites at infall, we find that stars are stripped at a higher rate in SIDM than in CDM. In contrast, the total bound dark matter mass loss rate is minimally affected, with subhalo evaporation having negligible effects on satellites for viable SIDM models. Centrally located stars in SIDM haloes disperse out to larger radii as cores grow. Consequently, the half-light radius of satellites increases, stars become more vulnerable to tidal stripping, and the stellar mass function is suppressed. We find that the ratio of core radius to tidal radius accurately predicts the relative strength of enhanced SIDM stellar stripping. Velocity-independent SIDM models show a modest increase in the stellar stripping effect with satellite mass, whereas velocity-dependent SIDM models show a large increase in this effect towards lower masses, making observations of ultra-faint dwarfs prime targets for distinguishing between and constraining SIDM models. Due to small cores in the largest satellites of velocity-dependent SIDM, no identifiable imprint is left on the all-sky properties of the stellar halo. While our results focus on SIDM, the main physical mechanism of enhanced tidal stripping of stars apply similarly to satellites with cores formed via other means.Comment: 19 pages, 18 figures, Accepted by MNRA

    A new genus and species of armored scale insect (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) from Australia found in the historic Koebele Collection of the California Academy of Sciences

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    A new genus and species of armored scale insect (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), Protomorgania koebelei Dooley and Evans, is described and illustrated from specimens collected by Albert Koebele on Pittosporum sp. (Pittosporaceae) in Australia around the year 1900. A key to the genera of armored scale insects similar to Protomorgania and known to occur in Australia is provided

    Selecting ultra-faint dwarf candidate progenitors in cosmological N-body simulations at high redshifts

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    The smallest satellites of the Milky Way ceased forming stars during the epoch of reionization and thus provide archaeological access to galaxy formation at z>6z>6. Numerical studies of these ultra-faint dwarf galaxies (UFDs) require expensive cosmological simulations with high mass resolution that are carried out down to z=0z=0. However, if we are able to statistically identify UFD host progenitors at high redshifts \emph{with relatively high probabilities}, we can avoid this high computational cost. To find such candidates, we analyze the merger trees of Milky Way type halos from the high-resolution Caterpillar{\it Caterpillar} suite of dark matter only simulations. Satellite UFD hosts at z=0z=0 are identified based on four different abundance matching (AM) techniques. All the halos at high redshifts are traced forward in time in order to compute the probability of surviving as satellite UFDs today. Our results show that selecting potential UFD progenitors based solely on their mass at z=12 (8) results in a 10\% (20\%) chance of obtaining a surviving UFD at z=0z=0 in three of the AM techniques we adopted. We find that the progenitors of surviving satellite UFDs have lower virial ratios (η\eta), and are preferentially located at large distances from the main MW progenitor, while they show no correlation with concentration parameter. Halos with favorable locations and virial ratios are 3\approx 3 times more likely to survive as satellite UFD candidates at z=0.z=0.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication at MNRAS after minor revision

    The Caterpillar Project: A Large Suite of Milky Way Sized Halos

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    We present the largest number of Milky Way sized dark matter halos simulated at very high mass (\sim10410^4 M_\odot/particle) and temporal resolution (\sim5 Myrs/snapshot) done to date, quadrupling what is currently available in the literature. This initial suite consists of the first 24 halos of the CaterpillarCaterpillar ProjectProject (www.caterpillarproject.org) whose project goal of 60 - 70 halos will be made public when complete. We resolve \sim20,000 gravitationally bound subhalos within the virial radius of each host halo. Over the ranges set by our spatial resolution our convergence is excellent and improvements were made upon current state-of-the-art halo finders to better identify substructure at such high resolutions (e.g., on average we recover \sim4 subhalos in each host halo above 108^8 M_\odot which would have otherwise not been found using conventional methods). For our relaxed halos, the inner profiles are reasonably fit by Einasto profiles (α\alpha = 0.169 ±\pm 0.023) though this depends on the relaxed nature and assembly history of a given halo. Averaging over all halos, the substructure mass fraction is fm,subs=0.121±0.041f_{m,subs} = 0.121 \pm 0.041, and mass function slope is dNN/dMM1.88±0.10M\propto M^{-1.88 \pm 0.10} though we find scatter in the normalizations for fixed halo mass due to more concentrated hosts having less subhalos at fixed subhalo mass. There are no biases stemming from Lagrangian volume selection as all Lagrangian volume types are included in our sample. Our detailed contamination study of 264 low resolution halos has resulted in obtaining very large and unprecedented, high-resolution regions around our host halos for our target resolution (sphere of radius \sim1.4±0.41.4 \pm 0.4 Mpc) allowing for accurate studies of low mass dwarf galaxies at large galactocentric radii and the very first stellar systems at high redshift (zz \geq 10).Comment: 19 pages; 14 figures; 6 tables; Received September 3, 2015; Accepted November 15, 2015; Published February 2, 201

    The Effects of Varying Cosmological Parameters on Halo Substructure

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    We investigate how different cosmological parameters, such as those delivered by the WMAP and Planck missions, affect the nature and evolution of dark matter halo substructure. We use a series of flat Λ\Lambda cold dark matter (Λ\LambdaCDM) cosmological NN-body simulations of structure formation, each with a different power spectrum but the same initial white noise field. Our fiducial simulation is based on parameters from the WMAP 7th year cosmology. We then systematically vary the spectral index, nsn_s, matter density, ΩM\Omega_M, and normalization of the power spectrum, σ8\sigma_8, for 7 unique simulations. Across these, we study variations in the subhalo mass function, mass fraction, maximum circular velocity function, spatial distribution, concentration, formation times, accretion times, and peak mass. We eliminate dependence of subhalo properties on host halo mass and average over many hosts to reduce variance. While the "same" subhalos from identical initial overdensity peaks in higher σ8,ns\sigma_8, n_s, and Ωm\Omega_m simulations accrete earlier and end up less massive and closer to the halo center at z=0z=0, the process of continuous subhalo accretion and destruction leads to a steady state distribution of these properties across all subhalos in a given host. This steady state mechanism eliminates cosmological dependence on all properties listed above except subhalo concentration and VmaxV_{max}, which remain greater for higher σ8,ns\sigma_8, n_s and Ωm\Omega_m simulations, and subhalo formation time, which remains earlier. We also find that the numerical technique for computing scale radius and the halo finder used can significantly affect the concentration-mass relationship computed for a simulation.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figures, Accepted to ApJ on March 15, 201

    Gold Electrodes Wired for Coupling with the Deeply Buried Active Site of Arthrobacter globiformis Amine Oxidase

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    Diethylaniline-terminated oligo(phenyl-ethynyl)-thiol (DEA-OPE-SH) wires on Au-bead electrodes facilitate electron tunneling to and from the deeply buried topaquinone (TPQ) cofactor in Arthrobacter globiformis amine oxidase (AGAO). Reversible cyclic voltammograms were observed when AGAO was adsorbed onto this DEA-OPE-SAu surface:  the 2e^-/2H^+ reduction potential is −140 mV versus SCE

    Understanding Dwarf Galaxies in order to Understand Dark Matter

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    Much progress has been made in recent years by the galaxy simulation community in making realistic galaxies, mostly by more accurately capturing the effects of baryons on the structural evolution of dark matter halos at high resolutions. This progress has altered theoretical expectations for galaxy evolution within a Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model, reconciling many earlier discrepancies between theory and observations. Despite this reconciliation, CDM may not be an accurate model for our Universe. Much more work must be done to understand the predictions for galaxy formation within alternative dark matter models.Comment: Refereed contribution to the Proceedings of the Simons Symposium on Illuminating Dark Matter, to be published by Springe