4,444 research outputs found

    Spectroscopic characterization of X-ray emitting young stars associated with the Sh 2-296 nebula

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    We studied a sample of stars associated with the Sh 2-296 nebula, part of the reflection nebulae complex in the region of Canis Major (CMa R1). Our sample corresponds to optical counterparts of X-ray sources detected from observations with the XMM-Newton satellite, which revealed dozens of possible low-mass young stars not yet known in this region. A sample of 58 young star candidates were selected based on optical spectral features, mainly H{\alpha} and lithium lines, observed with multi-objects spectroscopy performed by the Gemini South telescope. Among the candidates, we find 41 confirmed T Tauri and 15 very likely young stars. Based on the H{\alpha} emission, the T Tauri stars were distinguished between classical (17%) and weak-lined (83%), but no significant difference was found in the age and mass distribution of these two classes. The characterization of the sample was complemented by near- and mid-infrared data, providing an estimate of ages and masses from the comparison with pre-main-sequence evolutionary models. While half of the young stars have an age of 1-2 Myrs or less, only a small fraction (~25%) shows evidence of IR excess revealing the presence of circumstellar discs. This low fraction is quite rare compared to most young star-forming regions, suggesting that some external factor has accelerated the disc dissipation

    Limits of Gaudin algebras, quantization of bending flows, Jucys--Murphy elements and Gelfand--Tsetlin bases

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    Gaudin algebras form a family of maximal commutative subalgebras in the tensor product of nn copies of the universal enveloping algebra U(\g) of a semisimple Lie algebra \g. This family is parameterized by collections of pairwise distinct complex numbers z1,...,znz_1,...,z_n. We obtain some new commutative subalgebras in U(\g)^{\otimes n} as limit cases of Gaudin subalgebras. These commutative subalgebras turn to be related to the hamiltonians of bending flows and to the Gelfand--Tsetlin bases. We use this to prove the simplicity of spectrum in the Gaudin model for some new cases.Comment: 11 pages, references adde

    New insights into potocki-shaffer syndrome: Report of two novel cases and literature review

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    Potocki-Shaffer syndrome (PSS) is a rare non-recurrent contiguous gene deletion syndrome involving chromosome 11p11.2. Current literature implies a minimal region with haploinsufficiency of three genes, ALX4 (parietal foramina), EXT2 (multiple exostoses), and PHF21A (craniofacial anomalies, and intellectual disability). The rest of the PSS phenotype is still not associated with a specific gene. We report a systematic review of the literature and included two novel cases. Because deletions are highly variable in size, we defined three groups of patients considering the PSS-genes involved. We found 23 full PSS cases (ALX4, EXT2, and PHF21A), 14 cases with EXT2-ALX4, and three with PHF21A only. Among the latter, we describe a novel male child showing developmental delay, café-au-lait spots, liner postnatal overgrowth and West-like epileptic encephalopathy. We suggest PSS cases may have epileptic spasms early in life, and PHF21A is likely to be the causative gene. Given their subtle presentation these may be overlooked and if left untreated could lead to a severe type or deterioration in the developmental plateau. If our hypothesis is correct, a timely therapy may ameliorate PSS phenotype and improve patients’ outcomes. Our analysis also shows PHF21A is a candidate for the overgrowth phenotype

    Myositis and acute kidney injury in bacterial atypical pneumonia: Systematic literature review.

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    Abstract Background Bacterial community-acquired atypical pneumonia is sometimes complicated by a myositis or by a renal parenchymal disease. Available reviews do not mention the concurrent occurrence of both myositis and acute kidney injury. Methods In order to characterize the link between bacterial community-acquired atypical pneumonia and both myositis and a renal parenchymal disease, we reviewed the literature (United States National Library of Medicine and Excerpta Medica databases). Results We identified 42 previously healthy subjects (35 males and 7 females aged from 2 to 76, median 42 years) with a bacterial atypical pneumonia associated both with myositis (muscle pain and creatine kinase ≄5 times the upper limit of normal) and acute kidney injury (increase in creatinine to ≄1.5 times baseline or increase by ≄27 ÎŒmol/L above the upper limit of normal). Thirty-six cases were caused by Legionella species (N = 27) and by Mycoplasma pneumoniae (N = 9). Further germs accounted for the remaining 6 cases. The vast majority of cases (N = 36) presented a diffuse myalgia. Only a minority of cases (N = 3) were affected by a calf myositis. The diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis-associated kidney injury was retained in 37 and that of acute interstitial nephritis in the remaining 5 cases. Conclusion Bacterial atypical pneumonia may occasionally induce myositis and secondary kidney damage

    Which laboratory technique is used for the blood sodium analysis in clinical research? A systematic review

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    Abstract Background Circulating sodium is analyzed by flame spectrometry and indirect or direct potentiometry. The differences between estimates returned by the three techniques are often relevant. It is unknown whether peer-reviewed international publications focusing on this parameter provide information about the technique. Objectives of the study were to ascertain if information about the employed technique is provided. Content A search in the National Library of Medicine for articles whose title contains "hyponatr[a]emia" was performed. We restricted the search to clinical reports including 10 or more humans published in the 2013–2015 and 2017–2019 periods. Authors of papers not reporting the technique were contacted to obtain this information. The study design and journal quartile ranking of each article were also evaluated. Summary For the final analysis, we included 361 articles (2013–2015, n=169; 2017–2019, n=192). Information about the laboratory technique was given in 61(17%) articles. Thanks to our inquiry, we collected this information for 116(32%) further reports. Indirect potentiometry was the most frequently used technique, followed by direct potentiometry. Spectrometry was used in a small minority of studies. Study design, journal ranking and study period did not modulate the mentioned frequency. Outlook Most articles focusing on hyponatremia do not provide information on the laboratory technique. This parameter is nowadays analyzed by indirect or, less frequently, direct potentiometry. The figures are similar for high and low impact factor journals and for the 2013–2015 and the 2017–2019 periods. Many authors, reviewers and editors likely assume that the results of this parameter are not influenced by the technique

    Assortativity Decreases the Robustness of Interdependent Networks

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    It was recently recognized that interdependencies among different networks can play a crucial role in triggering cascading failures and hence system-wide disasters. A recent model shows how pairs of interdependent networks can exhibit an abrupt percolation transition as failures accumulate. We report on the effects of topology on failure propagation for a model system consisting of two interdependent networks. We find that the internal node correlations in each of the two interdependent networks significantly changes the critical density of failures that triggers the total disruption of the two-network system. Specifically, we find that the assortativity (i.e. the likelihood of nodes with similar degree to be connected) within a single network decreases the robustness of the entire system. The results of this study on the influence of assortativity may provide insights into ways of improving the robustness of network architecture, and thus enhances the level of protection of critical infrastructures

    Velocity Field Statistics in Star-Forming Regions. I. Centroid Velocity Observations

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    The probability density functions (pdfs) of molecular line centroid velocity fluctuations and fluctuation differences at different spatial lags are estimated for several nearby molecular clouds with active internal star formation. The data consist of over 75,000 13^{13}CO line profiles divided among twelve spatially and/or kinematically distinct regions. Although three regions (all in Mon R2) appear nearly Gaussian, the others show strong evidence for non-Gaussian, often nearly exponential, centroid velocity pdfs, possibly with power law contributions in the far tails. Evidence for nearly exponential centroid pdfs in the neutral HI component of the ISM is also presented, based on older optical and radio observations. These results are in contrast to pdfs found in isotropic incompressible turbulence experiments and simulations. Furthermore, no evidence is found for the scaling of difference pdf kurtosis with Reynolds number which is seen in incompressible turbulence, and the spatial distribution of high-amplitude velocity differences shows little indication of the filamentary appearance predicted by decay simulations dominated by vortical interactions. The variation with lag of the difference pdf moments is presented as a constraint on future simulations.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, with 15 Figures included separately as gif image files. Refereed/revised version accepted to the Astrophysical Journal. A complete (but much larger) postscript version is available from http://ktaadn.gsfc.nasa.gov/~miesc
