8,098 research outputs found

    Field quantization for chaotic resonators with overlapping modes

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    Feshbach's projector technique is employed to quantize the electromagnetic field in optical resonators with an arbitray number of escape channels. We find spectrally overlapping resonator modes coupled due to the damping and noise inflicted by the external radiation field. For wave chaotic resonators the mode dynamics is determined by a non--Hermitean random matrix. Upon including an amplifying medium, our dynamics of open-resonator modes may serve as a starting point for a quantum theory of random lasing.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Wikis in scholarly publishing

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    Scientific research is a process concerned with the creation, collective accumulation, contextualization, updating and maintenance of knowledge. Wikis provide an environment that allows to collectively accumulate, contextualize, update and maintain knowledge in a coherent and transparent fashion. Here, we examine the potential of wikis as platforms for scholarly publishing. In the hope to stimulate further discussion, the article itself was drafted on "Species-ID":http://species-id.net/w/index.php?title=Wikis_in_scholarly_publishing&oldid=3815 - a wiki that hosts a prototype for wiki-based scholarly publishing - where it can be updated, expanded or otherwise improved

    The Isolated Orbital Floor Fracture from a Transconjunctival or Subciliary Perspective-A Standardized Anthropometric Evaluation

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    Background: The influence of orbital fractures and their repair on the rate of deformities of the lower eyelid is an ongoing source of discussion in the literature. Most of the present studies include isolated blow-out as well as combined orbital fractures. Material and Methods: We present a retrospective evaluation of a series of 100 patients after isolated blow-out fracture repair using reference anthropometric data on standardized photographs. Analysis included eye fissure width and height, lid sulcus height, upper lid height, upper and lower iris coverage, position of cornea to palpebra inferior, canthal tilt, scleral show, ectropion and entropion. It was clearly distinguished between operated and contralateral eyelid, whether a transconjunctival or a subciliary approach was performed and amount of fracture. Our main interests were changes of the aforementioned parameters with regards to eyelid deformities. Results: Surgery per se did not significantly influence eyelid deformities. However, the surgical approach selected significantly affected eye fissure index, lower iris coverage and rate of scleral show, indicating retraction of the lower eyelid. Conclusions: The standardized measurements described here are accurate and objective to evaluate postoperative results. The subciliary approach included the highest risk of lower lid retraction as compared to transconjunctival approaches

    Quality of Postoperative Pain Management after Midfacial Fracture Repair—An Outcome-oriented Study

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    Objectives There is a lack of literature regarding the procedure-specific quality of acute postoperative pain management after midfacial fracture repair. The purpose of the presented prospective clinical study was to evaluate postoperative pain management after surgical repair of midfacial fractures. Materials and methods Eighty-five adults were evaluated on the first postoperative day following midfacial repair using the questionnaire of the Quality Improvement in Postoperative Pain Management (QUIPS) project. The main outcome measures were patients’ characteristics and clinical- and patient-reported outcome parameters. Results Overall, pain on the first postoperative day was moderate. A significant correlation between process and outcome parameters could be shown. Duration of surgery above the calculated median was significantly associated with higher maximum pain intensity (p = 0.017). Patients requiring opioids in the recovery room presented significantly higher pain on activity (p = 0.029) and maximum pain (p = 0.035). Sleeping impairment (p = 0.001) and mood disturbance (p = 0.008) were significantly more prevalent in patients undergoing repair of a centrolateral midfacial fracture. Conclusions QUIPS is a simple and qualified tool to evaluate the procedure specific quality of acute postoperative pain management. Pain on the first postoperative day following midfacial fracture repair seems overall to be moderate. Nearly a third of the patients showed inadequate postoperative pain management. To prevent inadequate postoperative pain management, it is necessary to establish a continued procedure-specific outcome measurement

    The classical dynamics of two-electron atoms near the triple collision

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    The classical dynamics of two electrons in the Coulomb potential of an attractive nucleus is chaotic in large parts of the high-dimensional phase space. Quantum spectra of two-electron atoms, however, exhibit structures which clearly hint at the existence of approximate symmetries in this system. In a recent paper,(Phys. Rev. Lett. 93, 054302 (2004)), we presented a study of the dynamics near the triple collision as a first step towards uncovering the hidden regularity in the classical dynamics of two electron atoms. The non-regularisable triple collision singularity is a main source of chaos in three body Coulomb problems. Here, we will give a more detailed account of our findings based on a study of the global structure of the stable and unstable manifolds of the triple collision.Comment: 21 pages, 17 figure

    The modular S-matrix as order parameter for topological phase transitions

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    We study topological phase transitions in discrete gauge theories in two spatial dimensions induced by the formation of a Bose condensate. We analyse a general class of euclidean lattice actions for these theories which contain one coupling constant for each conjugacy class of the gauge group. To probe the phase structure we use a complete set of open and closed anyonic string operators. The open strings allow one to determine the particle content of the condensate, whereas the closed strings enable us to determine the matrix elements of the modular SS-matrix, also in the broken phase. From the measured broken SS-matrix we may read off the sectors that split or get identified in the broken phase, as well as the sectors that are confined. In this sense the modular SS-matrix can be employed as a matrix valued non-local order parameter from which the low-energy effective theories that occur in different regions of parameter space can be fully determined. To verify our predictions we studied a non-abelian anyon model based on the quaternion group H=D2ˉH=\bar{D_2} of order eight by Monte Carlo simulation. We probe part of the phase diagram for the pure gauge theory and find a variety of phases with magnetic condensates leading to various forms of (partial) confinement in complete agreement with the algebraic breaking analysis. Also the order of various transitions is established.Comment: 37 page

    The Role of Regulated mRNA Stability in Establishing Bicoid Morphogen Gradient in Drosophila Embryonic Development

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    The Bicoid morphogen is amongst the earliest triggers of differential spatial pattern of gene expression and subsequent cell fate determination in the embryonic development of Drosophila. This maternally deposited morphogen is thought to diffuse in the embryo, establishing a concentration gradient which is sensed by downstream genes. In most model based analyses of this process, the translation of the bicoid mRNA is thought to take place at a fixed rate from the anterior pole of the embryo and a supply of the resulting protein at a constant rate is assumed. Is this process of morphogen generation a passive one as assumed in the modelling literature so far, or would available data support an alternate hypothesis that the stability of the mRNA is regulated by active processes? We introduce a model in which the stability of the maternal mRNA is regulated by being held constant for a length of time, followed by rapid degradation. With this more realistic model of the source, we have analysed three computational models of spatial morphogen propagation along the anterior-posterior axis: (a) passive diffusion modelled as a deterministic differential equation, (b) diffusion enhanced by a cytoplasmic flow term; and (c) diffusion modelled by stochastic simulation of the corresponding chemical reactions. Parameter estimation on these models by matching to publicly available data on spatio-temporal Bicoid profiles suggests strong support for regulated stability over either a constant supply rate or one where the maternal mRNA is permitted to degrade in a passive manner

    Regular and Irregular States in Generic Systems

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    In this work we present the results of a numerical and semiclassical analysis of high lying states in a Hamiltonian system, whose classical mechanics is of a generic, mixed type, where the energy surface is split into regions of regular and chaotic motion. As predicted by the principle of uniform semiclassical condensation (PUSC), when the effective \hbar tends to 0, each state can be classified as regular or irregular. We were able to semiclassically reproduce individual regular states by the EBK torus quantization, for which we devise a new approach, while for the irregular ones we found the semiclassical prediction of their autocorrelation function, in a good agreement with numerics. We also looked at the low lying states to better understand the onset of semiclassical behaviour.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures (as .GIF files), high quality figures available upon reques