160 research outputs found

    Sex Difference in Corticosterone-Induced Insulin Resistance in Mice

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    Prolonged exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs) causes various metabolic derangements. These include obesity and insulin resistance, as inhibiting glucose utilization in adipose tissues is a major function of GCs. Although adipose tissue distribution and glucose homeostasis are sexdependently regulated, it has not been evaluated whether GCs affect glucose metabolism and adipose tissue functions in a sex-dependent manner. In this study, high-dose corticosterone (rodent GC) treatment in C57BU6J mice resulted in nonfasting hyperglycemia in male mice only, whereas both sexes displayed hyperinsulinemia with normal fasting glucose levels, indicative of insulin resistance. Metabolic testing using stable isotope-labeled glucose techniques revealed a sex-specific corticosterone-driven glucose intolerance. Corticosterone treatment increased adipose tissue mass in both sexes, which was reflected by elevated serum leptin levels. However, female mice showed more metabolically protective adaptations of adipose tissues than did male mice, demonstrated by higher serum total and high-molecular-weight adiponectin levels, more hyperplastic morphological changes, and a stronger increase in mRNA expression of adipogenic differentiation markers. Subsequently, in vitro studies in 3T3-L1 (white) and T37i (brown) adipocytes suggest that the increased leptin and adiponectin levels were mainly driven by the elevated insulin levels. In summary, this study demonstrates that GC-induced insulin resistance is more severe in male mice than in female mice, which can be partially explained by a sex-dependent adaptation of adipose tissues.</p

    Sex difference in thermal preference of adult mice does not depend on presence of the gonads

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    Background: The thermoneutral zone (TNZ) is a species-specific range of ambient temperature (T a), at which mammals can maintain a constant body temperature with the lowest metabolic rate. The TNZ for an adult mouse is between 26 and 34 °C. Interestingly, female mice prefer a higher T a than male mice although the underlying mechanism for this sex difference is unknown. Here, we tested whether gonadal hormones are dominant factors controlling temperature preference in male and female mice. Methods: We performed a temperature preference test in which 10-week-old gonadectomized and sham-operated male and female C57BL/6J mice were allowed to choose to reside at the thermoneutral cage of 29 °C or an experimental cage of 26, 29, or 32 °C. Results: All mice preferred a T a higher than 26 °C, especially in the inactive phase. Choosing between 29 and 32 °C, female mice resided more at 32 °C while male mice had no preference between the temperatures. Hence, the preferred T a for female mice was significantly higher (0.9 ± 0.2 °C) than that for male mice. However, gonadectomy did not

    Estrogens increase expression of bone morphogenetic protein 8b in brown adipose tissue of mice

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    Background: In mammals, white adipose tissue (WAT) stores fat and brown adipose tissue (BAT) dissipates fat to produce heat. Several studies showed that females have more active BAT. Members of the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) families are expressed in BAT and are involved in BAT activity. We hypothesized that differential expression of BMPs and FGFs might contribute to sex differences in BAT activity. Methods: We investigated the expression of BMPs and FGFs in BAT of male and female C57BL/6J mice upon gonadectomy, cold exposure, and exposure to sex steroids. Results: Of the FGF family, BAT Fgf1, Fgf9, Fgf18, and Fgf21 expression was induced upon cold exposure, but only Fgf1 expression was obviously different between the sexes: females had 2.5-fold lower BAT Fgf1 than males. Cold exposure induced BAT Bmp4 and Bmp8b expression, but only Bmp8b differed between the sexes: females had 35-fold higher BAT Bmp8b than males. Ovariectomy almost completely blunted BAT Bmp8b expression, while orchidectomy had no effect. Male mice and ovariectomized female mice treated with diethylstilbestrol (DES) had approximately 350-fold and approximately 36-fold higher BAT Bmp8b expression, respectively. Ninety-day and 7-day treatment of female mice with dihydrotestosterone (DHT) decreased BAT Bmp8b expression by approximately fivefold and approximately fourfold, respectively. Finally, treatment of primary murine brown adipocytes with DES did not result in changes in Bmp8b expression. Conclusions: BAT Bmp8b expression in mice is positively regulated by presence of ovaries and estrogens such as DES

    MiR-155 has a protective role in the development of non-alcoholic hepatosteatosis in mice

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    Hepatic steatosis is a global epidemic that is thought to contribute to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes. MicroRNAs (miRs) are regulators that can functionally integrate a range of metabolic and inflammatory pathways in liver. We aimed to investigate the functional role of miR-155 in hepatic steatosis. Male C57BL/6 wild-type (WT) and miR-155−/− mice were fed either normal chow or high fat diet (HFD) for 6 months then lipid levels, metabolic and inflammatory parameters were assessed in livers and serum of the mice. Mice lacking endogenous miR-155 that were fed HFD for 6 months developed increased hepatic steatosis compared to WT controls. This was associated with increased liver weight and serum VLDL/LDL cholesterol and alanine transaminase (ALT) levels, as well as increased hepatic expression of genes involved in glucose regulation (Pck1, Cebpa), fatty acid uptake (Cd36) and lipid metabolism (Fasn, Fabp4, Lpl, Abcd2, Pla2g7). Using miRNA target prediction algorithms and the microarray transcriptomic profile of miR-155−/− livers, we identified and validated that Nr1h3 (LXRα) as a direct miR-155 target gene that is potentially responsible for the liver phenotype of miR-155−/− mice. Together these data indicate that miR-155 plays a pivotal role regulating lipid metabolism in liver and that its deregulation may lead to hepatic steatosis in patients with diabetes

    Genome-wide coexpression of steroid receptors in the mouse brain: Identifying signaling pathways and functionally coordinated regions

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    Steroid receptors are pleiotropic transcription factors that coordinate adaptation to different physiological states. An important target organ is the brain, but even though their effects are well studied in specific regions, brain-wide steroid receptor targets and mediators remain largely unknown due to the complexity of the brain. Here, we tested the idea that novel aspects of steroid action can be identified through spatial correlation of steroid receptors with genome-wide mRNA expression across different regions in the mouse brain. First, we observed significant coexpression of six nuclear receptors (NRs) [androgen receptor (Ar), estrogen receptor alpha (Esr1), estrogen receptor beta (Esr2), glucocorticoid receptor (Gr), mineralocorticoid receptor (Mr), and progesterone recep

    Sex difference in cold perception and shivering onset upon gradual cold exposure

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    To maintain a thermal balance when experiencing cold, humans reduce heat loss and enhance heat production. A potent and rapid mechanism for heat generation is shivering. Research has shown that women prefer a warmer environment and feel less comfortable than men in the same thermal condition. Using the Blanketrol® III, a temperature management device commonly used to study brown adipose tissue activity, we tested whether the experimental temperature (_TE_) at which men and women start to shiver differs. Twenty male and 23 female volunteers underwent a cooling protocol, starting at 24 °C and gradually decreasing by 1–2 °C every 5 min until an electromyogram detected the shivering or the temperature reached 9 °C. Women started shivering at a higher _TE_ than men (11.3 ± 1.8 °C for women _vs_ 9.6 ± 1.8 °C for men, _P_ = 0.003). In addition, women felt cool, scored by a visual analogue scale, at a higher _TE_ than men (18.3 ± 3.0 °C for women _vs_ 14.6 ± 2.6 °C for men, _P_ < 0.001). This study demonstrate

    Long-term effects of high-fat or high-carbohydrate diets on glucose tolerance in mice with heterozygous carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a deficiency

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    Background: Abnormal fatty acid metabolism is an important feature in the mechanisms of insulin resistance and β-cell dysfunction. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase-1a (CPT-1a, liver isoform) has a pivotal role in the regulation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. We investigated the role of CPT-1a in the development of impaired glucose tolerance using a mouse model for CPT-1a deficiency when challenged by either a high-carbohydrate (HCD) or a high-fat diet (HFD) for a total duration of up to 46 weeks

    Hepatic steatosis does not cause insulin resistance in people with familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia

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    Item does not contain fulltextAIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Hepatic steatosis is strongly associated with hepatic and whole-body insulin resistance. It has proved difficult to determine whether hepatic steatosis itself is a direct cause of insulin resistance. In patients with familial hypobetalipoproteinaemia (FHBL), hepatic steatosis is a direct consequence of impaired hepatic VLDL excretion, independently of metabolic derangements. Thus, patients with FHBL provide a unique opportunity to investigate the relation between increased liver fat and insulin sensitivity. METHODS: We included seven male participants with FHBL and seven healthy matched controls. Intrahepatic triacylglycerol content and intramyocellular lipid content were measured using localised proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy ((1)H-MRS). A two-step hyperinsulinaemic-euglycaemic clamp, using stable isotopes, was assessed to determine hepatic and peripheral insulin sensitivity. RESULTS: (1)H-MRS showed moderate to severe hepatic steatosis in patients with FHBL. Basal endogenous glucose production (EGP) and glucose levels did not differ between the two groups, whereas insulin levels tended to be higher in patients compared with controls. Insulin-mediated suppression of EGP during lower dose insulin infusion and insulin-mediated peripheral glucose uptake during higher dose insulin infusion were comparable between FHBL participants and controls. Baseline fatty acids and lipolysis (glycerol turnover) at baseline and during the clamp did not differ between groups. CONCLUSIONS/INTERPRETATION: In spite of moderate to severe hepatic steatosis, people with FHBL do not display a reduction in hepatic or peripheral insulin sensitivity compared with healthy matched controls. These results indicate that hepatic steatosis per se is not a causal factor leading to insulin resistance. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN35161775

    Effects of Low-Dose Drinking Water Arsenic on Mouse Fetal and Postnatal Growth and Development

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 7 (2012): e38249, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0038249.Arsenic (As) exposure is a significant worldwide environmental health concern. Chronic exposure via contaminated drinking water has been associated with an increased incidence of a number of diseases, including reproductive and developmental effects. The goal of this study was to identify adverse outcomes in a mouse model of early life exposure to low-dose drinking water As (10 ppb, current U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level). C57B6/J pups were exposed to 10 ppb As, via the dam in her drinking water, either in utero and/or during the postnatal period. Birth outcomes, the growth of the F1 offspring, and health of the dams were assessed by a variety of measurements. Birth outcomes including litter weight, number of pups, and gestational length were unaffected. However, exposure during the in utero and postnatal period resulted in significant growth deficits in the offspring after birth, which was principally a result of decreased nutrients in the dam's breast milk. Cross-fostering of the pups reversed the growth deficit. Arsenic exposed dams displayed altered liver and breast milk triglyceride levels and serum profiles during pregnancy and lactation. The growth deficits in the F1 offspring resolved following separation from the dam and cessation of exposure in male mice, but did not resolve in female mice up to six weeks of age. Exposure to As at the current U.S. drinking water standard during critical windows of development induces a number of adverse health outcomes for both the dam and offspring. Such effects may contribute to the increased disease risks observed in human populations.This work was supported by National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at the National Institutes of Health grants 1F32 ES019070 (CDK-H) and P42 ES007373 (BPJ, JWH, RIE and CDK-H, Dartmouth Superfund Research Program Project Grant, Project 2 and Pilot Project)

    A mouse model of sitosterolemia: absence of Abcg8/sterolin-2 results in failure to secrete biliary cholesterol

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations in either of two genes comprising the STSL locus, ATP-binding cassette (ABC)-transporters ABCG5 (encoding sterolin-1) and ABCG8 (encoding sterolin-2), result in sitosterolemia, a rare autosomal recessive disorder of sterol trafficking characterized by increased plasma plant sterol levels. Based upon the genetics of sitosterolemia, ABCG5/sterolin-1 and ABCG8/sterolin-2 are hypothesized to function as obligate heterodimers. No phenotypic difference has yet been described in humans with complete defects in either ABCG5 or ABCG8. These proteins, based upon the defects in humans, are responsible for regulating dietary sterol entry and biliary sterol secretion. METHODS: In order to mimic the human disease, we created, by a targeted disruption, a mouse model of sitosterolemia resulting in Abcg8/sterolin-2 deficiency alone. Homozygous knockout mice are viable and exhibit sitosterolemia. RESULTS: Mice deficient in Abcg8 have significantly increased plasma and tissue plant sterol levels (sitosterol and campesterol) consistent with sitosterolemia. Interestingly, Abcg5/sterolin-1 was expressed in both liver and intestine in Abcg8/sterolin-2 deficient mice and continued to show an apical expression. Remarkably, Abcg8 deficient mice had an impaired ability to secrete cholesterol into bile, but still maintained the ability to secrete sitosterol. We also report an intermediate phenotype in the heterozygous Abcg8+/- mice that are not sitosterolemic, but have a decreased level of biliary sterol secretion relative to wild-type mice. CONCLUSION: These data indicate that Abcg8/sterolin-2 is necessary for biliary sterol secretion and that loss of Abcg8/sterolin-2 has a more profound effect upon biliary cholesterol secretion than sitosterol. Since biliary sitosterol secretion is preserved, although not elevated in the sitosterolemic mice, this observation suggests that mechanisms other than by Abcg8/sterolin-2 may be responsible for its secretion into bile