1,645 research outputs found

    The Competitive Crash in Large-Scale Commercial Computing

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    We examine the factors underlying buyer demand for large Information Technology solutions in order to understand the competitive crash in large scale commercial computing. We examine individual buyer data from two periods. The first is in the mid 1980's, late in the period of a mature and stable large-systems market. The other period is in the early 1990's, very early in the diffusion of a new, competitive technology, client/server, when many buyers chose to wait for the new technology to mature. We clarify the implications of different theories of the competitive crash and then test them. The most popular theories are far wrong, while the correct view emphasizes the 'internal' adjustment costs to organizations making IT investments. Understanding buyer behavior not only illuminates the competitive crash, but also the factors underlying the slow realization of the social gains to Information Technology in large complex applications more generally.

    Identification of blue high proper motion objects in the Tycho-2 and 2MASS catalogues using Virtual Observatory tools

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    With available Virtual Observatory tools, we looked for new bright blue high proper motion objects in the entire sky: white dwarfs, hot subdwarfs, runaway OB stars, and early-type stars in nearby young moving groups. We performed an all-sky cross-match between the optical Tycho-2 and near-infrared 2MASS catalogues with Aladin, and selected objects with proper motions >50mas/yr and colours Vt-Ks<-0.5mag with TOPCAT. We also collected multi-wavelength photometry, constructed the spectral energy distributions and estimated effective temperatures from fits to atmospheric models with VOSA for the most interesting targets. We assembled a sample of 32 bright blue high proper motion objects, including ten sdO/B subdwarfs, nine DA white dwarfs, five young early-type stars (two of which are runaway stars), two blue horizontal branch stars, one star with poor information, and five objects reported for the first time in this work. These last five objects have magnitudes Bt~11.0-11.6mag, effective temperatures ~24,000-30,000K, and are located in the region of known white dwarfs and hot subdwarfs in a reduced proper motion-colour diagram. We confirmed the hot subdwarf nature of one of the new objects, Albus 5, with public far-ultraviolet spectroscopic data obtained with FUSE.Comment: Published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Vitamins A & D Inhibit the Growth of Mycobacteria in Radiometric Culture

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    The role of vitamins in the combat of disease is usually conceptualized as acting by modulating the immune response of an infected, eukaryotic host. We hypothesized that some vitamins may directly influence the growth of prokaryotes, particularly mycobacteria. complex).Vitamins A and D cause dose-dependent inhibition of all three mycobacterial species studied. Vitamin A is consistently more inhibitory than vitamin D. The vitamin A precursor, ÎČ-carotene, is not inhibitory, whereas three vitamin A metabolites cause inhibition. Vitamin K has no effect. Vitamin E causes negligible inhibition in a single strain.We show that vitamin A, its metabolites Retinyl acetate, Retinoic acid and 13-cis Retinoic acid and vitamin D directly inhibit mycobacterial growth in culture. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that complementing the immune response of multicellular organisms, vitamins A and D may have heretofore unproven, unrecognized, independent and probable synergistic, direct antimycobacterial inhibitory activity

    The proper motion and energy distribution of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125

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    ESO 4m class telescope and VLT deep imaging of the isolated neutron star RX J0720.4-3125 reveals a proper motion of mu = 97 +/-12 mas/yr and a blue U-B color index. We show that a neutron star atmosphere model modified to account for a limited amount of hydrogen on the star's surface can well represent both the optical and X-ray data without invoking any additional components. The large proper motion almost completely excludes the possibility that accretion from interstellar medium is the powering mechanism of the X-ray emission. It also implies that the proposed spin down is entirely due to magnetic dipole losses. RX J0720.4-3125 is thus a very likely middle aged cooling neutron star. Its overall properties are quite similar to some of the long period radio pulsars recently discovered, giving further support to the idea that RX J0720.4-3125 may be a pulsar whose narrow radio beam does not cross the Earth.Comment: Submitted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, 8 pages 5 figure

    An analysis of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula

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    This paper presents an analysis of a series of spectra in the Red Rectangle nebula. Only the reddest part of the spectra can safely be attributed to light from the nebula, and indicates Rayleigh scattering by the gas, in conformity with the large angles of scattering involved and the proximity of the star. In the blue, light from HD44179, refracted or scattered in the atmosphere, dominates the spectra. This paper questions the reliability of ground-based observations of extended objects in the blue.Comment: 25 figure

    CCD-based observations of PG 0856+121 and a theoretical analysis of its oscillation modes

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    BVRI CCD-based and near-IR (J) imaging, together with unfiltered photometry of the hot subdwarf B star PG 0856+121 are reported. Two close, faint, red, point-like sources are resolved. They account for the previously reported IR excess observed in this hot subdwarf. In addition, the new unfiltered differential photometry of PG 0856+121 confirms its previously reported pulsational nature. A comparison with the oscillation modes of stellar models suggests the possible presence of g modes.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Seven pages, four figures include

    Understanding light quanta: First quantization of the free electromagnetic field

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    The quantization of the electromagnetic field in vacuum is presented without reference to lagrangean quantum field theory. The equal time commutators of the fields are calculated from basic principles. A physical discussion of the commutators suggest that the electromagnetic fields are macroscopic emergent properties of more fundamental physical system: the photons

    Effective area calibration of the reflection grating spectrometers of XMM-Newton. II. X-ray spectroscopy of DA white dwarfs

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    White dwarf spectra have been widely used as a calibration source for X-ray and EUV instruments. The in-flight effective area calibration of the reflection grating spectrometers (RGS) of XMM-Newton depend upon the availability of reliable calibration sources. We investigate how well these white dwarf spectra can be used as standard candles at the lowest X-ray energies in order to gauge the absolute effective area scale of X-ray instruments. We calculate a grid of model atmospheres for Sirius B and HZ 43A, and adjust the parameters using several constraints until the ratio of the spectra of both stars agrees with the ratio as observed by the low energy transmission grating spectrometer (LETGS) of Chandra. This ratio is independent of any errors in the effective area of the LETGS. We find that we can constrain the absolute X-ray spectrum of both stars with better than 5 % accuracy. The best-fit model for both stars is close to a pure hydrogen atmosphere, and we put tight limits to the amount of helium or the thickness of a hydrogen layer in both stars. Our upper limit to the helium abundance in Sirius B is 4 times below the previous detection based on EUVE data. We also find that our results are sensitive to the adopted cut-off in the Lyman pseudo-continuum opacity in Sirius B. We get best agreement with a long wavelength cut-off. White dwarf model atmospheres can be used to derive the effective area of X-ray spectrometers in the lowest energy band. An accuracy of 3-4 % in the absolute effective area can be achieved.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics, main journa
