9,439 research outputs found

    Judaism and Christianity: From Contempt to Pluralism and Partnership

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    First Annual Lecture in Jewish-Christian Engagement. Presented by the Carl and Dorothy Bennett Center for Judaic Studies of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Center for Catholic Studies, Fairfield University. [Followed by] Rabbi Irving Greenberg, President of Jewish Life Network/Steinhardt Foundation; Author of For the Sake of Heaven and Earth: The New Encounter Between Judaism and Christianity.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/bennettcenter-posters/1253/thumbnail.jp

    Canonical Partition Functions for Parastatistical Systems of any order

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    A general formula for the canonical partition function for a system obeying any statistics based on the permutation group is derived. The formula expresses the canonical partition function in terms of sums of Schur functions. The only hitherto known result due to Suranyi [ Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 65}, 2329 (1990)] for parasystems of order two is shown to arise as a special case of our general formula. Our results also yield all the relevant information about the structure of the Fock spaces for parasystems.Comment: 9 pages, No figures, Revte

    Entanglement and statistics in Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry

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    Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry allows one to detect the presence of entanglement in two-photon input states. The same result holds for two-particles input states which obey to Fermionic statistics. In the latter case however anti-bouncing introduces qualitative differences in the interferometer response. This effect is analyzed in a Gedankenexperiment where the particles entering the interferometer are assumed to belong to a one-parameter family of quons which continuously interpolate between the Bosonic and Fermionic statistics.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; minor editorial changes and new references adde

    Lorentz-Invariant "Elements of Reality" and the Question of Joint Measurability of Commuting Observables

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    It is shown that the joint measurements of some physical variables corresponding to commuting operators performed on pre- and post-selected quantum systems invariably disturb each other. The significance of this result for recent proofs of the impossibility of realistic Lorentz invariant interpretation of quantum theory (without assumption of locality) is discussed.Comment: 15 page

    High-order optical nonlinearity at low light levels

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    We observe a nonlinear optical process in a gas of cold atoms that simultaneously displays the largest reported fifth-order nonlinear susceptibility \chi^(5) = 1.9x10^{-12} (m/V)^4 and high transparency. The nonlinearity results from the simultaneous cooling and crystallization of the gas, and gives rise to efficient Bragg scattering in the form of six-wave-mixing at low-light-levels. For large atom-photon coupling strengths, the back-action of the scattered fields influences the light-matter dynamics. This system may have important applications in many-body physics, quantum information processing, and multidimensional soliton formation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Locating regions in a sequence under density constraints

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    Several biological problems require the identification of regions in a sequence where some feature occurs within a target density range: examples including the location of GC-rich regions, identification of CpG islands, and sequence matching. Mathematically, this corresponds to searching a string of 0s and 1s for a substring whose relative proportion of 1s lies between given lower and upper bounds. We consider the algorithmic problem of locating the longest such substring, as well as other related problems (such as finding the shortest substring or a maximal set of disjoint substrings). For locating the longest such substring, we develop an algorithm that runs in O(n) time, improving upon the previous best-known O(n log n) result. For the related problems we develop O(n log log n) algorithms, again improving upon the best-known O(n log n) results. Practical testing verifies that our new algorithms enjoy significantly smaller time and memory footprints, and can process sequences that are orders of magnitude longer as a result.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures; v2: minor revisions, additional explanations; to appear in SIAM Journal on Computin

    Non-Pauli Effects from Noncommutative Spacetimes

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    Noncommutative spacetimes lead to nonlocal quantum field theories (qft's) where spin-statistics theorems cannot be proved. For this reason, and also backed by detailed arguments, it has been suggested that they get corrected on such spacetimes leading to small violations of the Pauli principle. In a recent paper \cite{Pauli}, Pauli-forbidden transitions from spacetime noncommutativity were calculated and confronted with experiments. Here we give details of the computation missing from this paper. The latter was based on a spacetime Bχn⃗\mathcal{B}_{\chi\vec{n}} different from the Moyal plane. We argue that it quantizes time in units of χ\chi. Energy is then conserved only mod 2πχ\frac{2\pi}{\chi}. Issues related to superselection rules raised by non-Pauli effects are also discussed in a preliminary manner.Comment: 15 Pages, 1 Table, Full details and further developments of arXiv:1003.2250. This version is close to the one accepted by JHE

    All-Optical Switching with Transverse Optical Patterns

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    We demonstrate an all-optical switch that operates at ultra-low-light levels and exhibits several features necessary for use in optical switching networks. An input switching beam, wavelength λ\lambda, with an energy density of 10−210^{-2} photons per optical cross section [σ=λ2/(2π)\sigma=\lambda^2/(2\pi)] changes the orientation of a two-spot pattern generated via parametric instability in warm rubidium vapor. The instability is induced with less than 1 mW of total pump power and generates several μ\muWs of output light. The switch is cascadable: the device output is capable of driving multiple inputs, and exhibits transistor-like signal-level restoration with both saturated and intermediate response regimes. Additionally, the system requires an input power proportional to the inverse of the response time, which suggests thermal dissipation does not necessarily limit the practicality of optical logic devices
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